The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, March 11, 1897, Image 2

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,ie Brunswick Times- Brnnswick Publishing Company I*ul>lisliers: OFFICE—In Oglethorpe Block, F Street. lELEFHONE NO 31. The Brunswick Times has the largest and most select circulation of any newspaper pub lished In Georgia south of Savannah. The Brunswick Times will be delivered by mail or by carrier at $5 per year or 50 cents per month, payable strictly in advance. It is for sale on trains leaving Brunswick and at all news stands. Correspondence on live and clean subjects is solicited. Address all communications to The Morning Times, Brunswick, Go, “WE PRINT THE NEWS.” Spain is fitting out six more war ships. They should all be provided with powerful escape valves in case of an engagement with a stray Cuban cruiser. The Massachusetts legislature pro poses to put up a statue to the memory of General Butler, Like some of the late lamented Benjamin’s political moves, it is to be a put-up job. McKinley advises the noble army of office seekers to go home and wait. That is all very well for aspirants who live in the neighborhood, but the walk from Washington to Georgia is alto gether too long for such unseemly lev ity. An inspired citizen of Jacksonville favors the enactment of an easy-go ing, broad-guage divorce law on the wild and woolly western plan. He is convinced that such an innovation would increase the volume of Florida travel and prove a boon to the hotel and transportation men. Business is evidently business in Florida. Col. C. E. Merrill, formerly editor of the Jacksonville Standard, and one of the brainiest men who ever pressed the editorial button, has a long letter scoring Cleveland and his administra tion, in the Jacksonville Metropolis. It isan able presentment of the case 4# against the ex president as it is seen by many good democrats, aud is es pecially strong in its denunciation of the peculiar manner in which Mr, Cleveland manipulated the civil ser vice boomerang. THE NEW SOUTH- The Evening; Constitution is of the I opinion that “thousands of gentle manly citizens in the south,” who “haye quietly given aid and comfort to the republicans in the last cam paign” should now “prepare their cre dentials and apply for federal ollices under the new administration.” Our illustrious contemporary is em inently correct. The woods are full of brigadiers who have lost their way In the mazes of democracy, and whose eyes are now fixed with the eagerness of despair upon the eun of lily white republicanism as it rises over the coun ter at which Bosb Buck illustrates lus claim to the proud title of the great Georgia pie provider. That some of these gentlemen are to be recognized by the administration is clear. That seme mu9t be left to wither by the wayside is clearer. The process of disintegration has begun—the solidity of the south is no longer painfully apparent: and before many months have passed more than one stalwart specimen of the old guard will have surrendered and donned a livery ornamented with Mc- Kinley buttons. THE FLORIDA SENATORSHIP. Tub Times ventures to predict that the appointment of Colonel Hender son as ad interim senator from Florida will result in his election as YVilk Call’s successor next month. Gov ernor Bloxham is said to have ap pointed Mr. Henderson upon the ground that it would have been un fair to have selected one of Call’s ac tive opponents for the temporary honor. This seems a distinction mi nus the difference. An unavowed candidate is as bad as an active one any day, and, if John Hendprson has not for some time had an eye on Call’s seat, all signs fail. Governor Bloxham’s course can hardly commend itself to the friends of Col. W. D. Chipley, of l’ensacola, who has been Senator Call’s most prominent opponent, but who must now make way for Mr. Henderson. The Pensacola News—which is gener ally regarded as Colonel Chipley’s personal organ—takes the ground that, having been appointed because he Gad not entered the senatorial race, Mr. Henderson is in honor bound not to become a candidate bef ire the dem ocratic caucus. This may be good logic, but we confess our inability to see the point, nor do we believe that Mr. Henderson’s friends will be more successful. In any case, the fight is bound to be an interesting one; and if John Hen derson shall put forth his vast energy and resources in the struggle, success can hardly fail to crown His effoits. An Anniversary. Last Tuesday was remembered by old oitizens as the thirty-fifth anni versary of the evacuation of Bruns wick owing to the civil war. Mr. and airs. J. C. Moore were among the last few citizens who left the town and some interesting incidents are re called in connection with the occur rence. Ferguson hams, shoulders and break fast bacon at 'f he Downing Company. A Point to Remember. Is you wish to purify your blood you should take a medicine that cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medicine for the blood ever produced. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases and it is tiie medicine to take if your blood is impure. Hood’s Pills are the best after-din ner pills; assist digestion, cure head ache. 25 cents. Nabob Flour makes the best and whitest bread. To Fitzgerald. For the Grand Army Republic En campment, Fitzgerald, Ga., March 11- 16th, 1807, the Plant System will sell round-trip tickets from Brunswick to Fitzgerald, Ga., at rate of $5.95, limited for continuous passage in both direc tions. Tickets to be sold March 11 12 and 13, limited to return March 16, 1897. The ladies know that Liberty Bell Baking Powder makes tine bread. To Albany. For Georgia Chautauqua, Albany, Ga., March 21, 29, 1897, the Plant Sys tem will sell round tickets from Brunswick to Albany and return at, rate of $6 84. Tickets to be sold March 20 to 28, 1897, inclusive with final limit three days from date of sale. Coal Oil Johnuie Soap at the Down ing Company. A Rare Opportunity In diamonds,watches,jewelry, clocks and silverware. At auction, regardless of cost, The entire stock of E. J. Allen, Commences Tuesday and continu ing until the entire slock is disposed of. Auctions Tuesdays and Saturdays. A. Rothschild, 314 Bay street. Insist on your grocer furnishing you with Ferguson's breakfast bacon and hams. Nervous People find just tlie help they’ so much need, in Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength, by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole system. Head this: “I want to praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had the grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my own housework. 1 have taken Cured Hood’s Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and they have done me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken 13 boftlesof Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and through the blessing of God, It has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood’s Pills when taken with Hood’s Sarsapar'lla help very much.” Mrs. M. M. Mess&noer, Freehold, Penn. This and many :ther cures prove that Hood’s Sarsaparilla fs the One True 31ood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only byC. X. Hood & Cos., T,owell, Mass. • i ~ r,.,, act easily, promptly and HOOd S Pills effectively. 26euU. _ THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, GA., MARCH 11, 1896. #ol &AK|HG POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the foed against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Company, New York. GENUINE SIN PHOSPHITE VsJmpeß Bb^ IJPHATE PURE jfln unfailing SP ec 'f\ fof <')H If'dhvy d/yeayey, dy orderly of the \er Sony and l trouble^ Oi l PHorplwt* I. •'•■a • HUM* ♦ art and dal kotllia. ■ a *ry •r.piw. •itk Tf.a. Marl prince Oicrron Ka. n cmk l aaalao Will. .bn. was. cunulmaj iha *ura Ola Pho.phaU Cos CINCINNATI O USA Invaluable for Kidney Trouble, Nervous D’sorders, Indigestion. ULLMAN&OO.S?^ SOLE PROPKIIiXORS That tired feeling which eventually comes to a high liver is dissipated by Gin Phosphate. GIN PHOSPHATE d*s els the most obstinate case of Ki.d --n y troubles. A pleasant and invigorating tonic. An unfailing specific for kidney troubles, nervous disorders and indigestion. For sale by J. J. Lott, R. V. Douglas, Haas Liquor Go. a Sig Levison. D. G. Johnson, Wm. Anderson, Tob Newman, M. Hirsch & Cos., J. E. Sheppard, Albert Wtns. Sheet Music Sheet Music Sheet Music Half Price * Half Price Half Price 30c pieces for lf>c 40c pieces lor 20c 50c pieces for 2Ce ( Postage, ‘2 cents extra.) All music—any music, new or old. Any pieces not on hand will he spe3ially or dered. Send your orders ami they will be lilled if the music can he found in the V United States. All Music Half Price Ludden & Bates, SAVANNAH, GA. A. J. McVEIGH, Agent, Brunswick, Georgia. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inva riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’s Complexion Powder. My Neighbors Told Me About Hood’s Sarsaparilla an.d ad vised me to try it. This is the kind of advertising which gives Hood’s Sarsaparilla the largest sales in the world. Friend tells friend, that Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures; that it gives strength, health, vitality and vigor, and whole neighborhoods use it as a family medicine. Hood’s Pills act easily and promptly on the liver and bowels. Cure sick headache. SHIPPING REPORT. CORRECTED DAILY BY CAPT. OTTO JOHANN EBON WITH E. H. MAHON & CO. ,A/WNAAA/NA /VAA/VN. VXA>VWWWWNAAA/\y- V-* /VVAAyV POKT OF BRUNSWICK, March 10, ISV7 ARRIVED. SAILED. John H. Platt, Am schr, 1114, Ives, New York, Baxter & Cos. Jacob Reed, Am schr, 103, Bunkley,New York, Hilton-Dodge and J. H. McCulloggh —Portland. IN PORT. STEAMSHIPS. Grande, Am as, 2048, Staples, New York, Mallory—New York. ' Werneth Hall, Br ss, 2068, Crowley, Liv erpool, Brunswick Terminal company. St. Regulus, Br ss, 1999, Fartay, Liver pool, tiiunswick Terminal company. bcaw Fell, Br ss, 1440, Atkin-on, Mad eira, Brunswick Terminal company. BARES. Julio, Port, bk, 441,458, Domingo, Brava, Torras. India, Nor bk, 890, Lydensen, Buenos Ayres. Suomi, Rus bk, 369, Jansson,•Southamp ton, Downing company. Hydra, Dan bk, 742, Christensen, Havre, Downing company. Zehlima, It bk, 447, Marini, Santos via Barbadoes, Downing. Gwendoline, 8p bk, 346. Pineiro, Santos, Padrosa. Heidi, Sw bk, 415, Hoglund, Marseilles, Clajk Bros. * Jotun, Nor tk, Rio via Barbadoes, Down ing & Cos Cabecces, Sp bk, Rozendi, Havana, Pad rosa. Carlos F. Roses, Sp bk, Bertram, Ha vana, R Torras. SHIPS. BRIGS. Luz, Sp bk, 441, Jordan, Santa Cruz, Pa drosa. Sensat, Sp. brg, Cien’uegos, Torras, Sigundet, Sp. bg, 159, Juan, Havana, Tor ras. SCHOONERS. Jennie F. Willey. Am schr, 330, Bulger, Savannah, Hilton-Dodge—New York. Mary Gibbs, Am bg, Coombs, Savannah, Southern Pine Company—Oporto. James E. Woodtiouse, Am schr, 311, Christiansen, Berlice. Aetna, Am schr, Chipman, New York, Hiitok-Dodge. Le?i Hart, Am schr, 387, Dodge, New York. Eugene Hall,. Am schr, 275, Sawyer, Sa vannah, Torras —Santa Cruz. Fred Gower, Am schr, 778, Sargeant, Mayaguez, Hilton-Dodge—Boston, Josie C. Woodhull, Am schr, 513, Town send, New Yoik, Yellow Pine Company— New York. Alice J. Crabtree, Am schr, 360, Crabtree, St. Croix. Alice McDonald, Am schr, 622, Brown, LaGuayra, Southern Pine Company. RECAPITULATION. Steamships, 4; Ships, 0: Barks, 10; Brigs, 3; Schooners 10. Total, 27. Ship Notices. Neither tbe owner, consignee nor master of Italian bark Zehlima, is responsible for any debts contracted by tbe crew. Captain Marini, Master. Neither the-owner, consignee nor master of Norwegian hark India, is responsible for any debts contracted by tbe crew. Captain Lydersen, Master. Carstair’s Monogram Whisky, the best in Brunswick, at the Arcade. v\y\ \y? \w f '■ ■ - • --a IteMAtlSu County Judge The Honorable J. F. Greer, one of the best known and most highly respected county Judges of the State of Florida, writes of his horrible sufferings from Inflammatory Rheumatism: Office of J. F. Greer, County Judge, I Green Cove Springs, Clay Cos., Fla. f Gentlemen : Twenty-three years ago I was attacked with inflammatory rheumatism. I was attended by the most eminent physician in the land. I visited the great Saratoga Springs, N. Y., the noted Hot Springs of Ar kansas, and many other watering places, always consulting with the local physicians for directions, and finally came to Florida, ten years ago. About two years ago I h*ad a severe attack of rheumatism, was confined to my room for twelve weeks, and during that time was induced to try P. P. P„ Lippman’s Great Remedy, knowing that each ingredient was good for impurities of the blood. After use ln.Bt\vo small bottles I was relieved. At four different times since I have had slight attacks a >’d each time I have taken two small bottles ot P. P. p., and have been relieved, and I con sider P. P. p. the best medicine of its kind. Respectfully, J. F. GREER. James M. Newton, of Aberdeen, Ohio, Bays he bought a bottle of P. P. P. at Ilot Springs, Arkansas, and it did him more good than three months’ treat ment at Hot Springs. Rheumatism, as well as sciatica and gout, is cured by a course of P. P. P. t Lippman’s Great Remedy. P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, is a friend indeed to weak women. It is a positive and speedy cure for general weakness and nervousness. All skin diseases are cured by it; any thing from pimples to the worst cases of eczema’s succumbing to the wonder ful healing powers of P. P. P. Dyspepsia and indigestion in their worst form are cured by it. Asa tonic to restore the appetite and to regain lost vigor, it is simply marvelous. P. P. P. is the best spring medicine in the world. It removes that heavy, out-of-sorts feeling and restores you to a condition of perfect physical health. For Indigestion, Sick and Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, Nervousness, Heart Failure, Fever, Chills, Debility and Kidney Diseases, take P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, the most wonderful medicine in the world Sold by all druggists. LIPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop’rs, Lippman's Block, Savannah, Ga. The Wise Grocer says: "Oh, yes; there are baking powders that I could buy for 25c less on the case than GOOD luck, but 1 always in tend to give my customers the best there is on the market regardless of profit.” me “Penny-wise M Pound foil” Gratify “Here’s something just as good as the good luck.” It i6 not true. He bought the something else for a little les’ than GOOD LUCK. His customers decline his substitute and f s o where thev can get GOOD LIT* K. the ske of 25 cents he loses dollars. Other manufacturers have reduced the price of their powder io merchants. They have also reduced the s : ze of their cans. Their 5 cent can holds 1 oz less th*n a 5 c'nt can of GOOD LIT K* their 10 cent can 2 ozs les9 than alO cent can of GOOD LUCK. Honest methods and merit will prevail. Millinnc ? f intelligent, housekeepers use and recommend GOOD LUCK BAKING IVIIIIIUIIO It combines Quality ana Quantity. For sale by leading wholesale and retail grocers everywhere. W. W. IPARK, State Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ft toil a... Ga. American Queen... Victoria. Our Leading Brands. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. R. V. Dou glass, Agt... Atlas Engines _ Portable and stationary boilers, shafting’, pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick delivery. Get our prices Come and see us. Lombard lion-works and Supply Cos, CAST EVERT HAY. . r\ CAPACITY 300 HANDS. ii.Ugll.Sta, GO.. SEE HERE " FOR, Fine Monumental Work Hard-Wood Mantels, Grates, • Tiling, and Iron Fencing, ~—SEE US. BRUNSWICK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. KEIiD E. LaMANCE, Propriet THE Bay Iron Works! Repairing Work of all Kinds. Sr MACHINERY. Water Tanks, Motors. All kinds of Electrical Machinery. Steamboat and Marine‘Work aSnecialtv No charge for Estimatingfon Jibs. Expert orkmen! Satisfaction guaranteed! 629 BAY STREET. Stock Wanted. X'odpricispa^ W. R. Townsend & Cos., 300 MONK STREET. For Sale • . . CELERY! CELERY,* 10 CENTS A STALK. Delivered promptly to any part of the city M. W. CHURCHILL, TELEPHONE NO. 45A, PELICAN VILLE. |CHOONER 5Ci A NEW BAR. Rye Whisky, SI.CO Per Gallon. No Charge for Jugs or Bottles. . . Mucky ad Tennessee Whisky House. S' Marks - - Manager. Cor. Monk and Bay Sts.