The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, March 13, 1897, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times- Brunswick Publishing Company Publishers: OFFICE—In Oglethorpe Block, F Street. lELEPHONE NO 31. The Brunswick Times has the largest and most select circulation of any newspaper pub lished In Georgia south of Savannah. - —.—— The Brunswick Times will he delivered hy mail or hy carrier at ssper year or to cents jier month, payable strictly In advance, it is for sale on trains leaving Brunswick and at all news stands. Correspondence on live and clean subjects is solicited. Address all communications to Thf. Mokning Times, Brunswick, Ga, "WE I‘KINT THE NEWS.” Hanna’s daughter is engaged. So is Hanna—engaged in running the senate. • And now the small-pox has broken out in Japan. Anything to keep Buck at home. A North Dakota legislator pro poses to license barbers. It would be more to the point to gag them. The latest stateman to arrise above tbs Kansas horizon is named Twaddle. He has a large family connection in the arid belt. Florida wants a state auditor to keep tab on state and county oUicials. But who is to regulate the regulator arid tab the tabby ? Those who doubt that Weyler is of a dictatorial disposition should re member those astonishing war bulle tins lie is always dictating. The Augusta Chronicle declares that "the true situation in Japan has at last come to light.” We had not supposed that the mere mention of Bobs Buck's name as minister to Japan would have so illuminating an etfeot on the local intelligence. An exchange, in pinning its tag to Congressman Brantley’s coat tails as they disappeared around the corner to Washington, hopes that he may reach the highest j“pinacle” ot statesman ship. We don’t believe Mr. Brantley ever played pinochle in all his life. Wk regret to see that some of our contemporaries who know neither the man nor his reputation, are unduly exercised over Bishop Mallalieu’s recent reference to the con federate flag as “a rag.” Nobody in Boston will be at all surprised to see the blatant bishop engaged in his fa vorite occupation of chewing the rag. lie is a small man with large lungs. Thk Washington Star ascribes Sco vel’s release to the advent of MoKin leyism in the White House. The time has been far too short for any such crop to mature, and it is much more probable that ScovePs liberation may be traced to the protest entered under the previous administration. In any case, if, as alleged, he entered Cuba under false pretences aud or. a forged passport, the episode is one from which credit can hardly be de rived for anybody. RAILROADS AND OTHER ROADS. If men are known by the company they keep, communities may be known by the roads they keep. Sometimes they keep none—they keep themselves. This has often been the case in the southern states. For that matter, the entire country is as notorious for its bad roads as for its good schools. With the exception of a few favored locali ties, mostly in the neighborhood of the larger cities, the average American road has been an apology for a high way that nothing but the national good nature has led the publio to ac cept. Georgia, uever far from the front, has always held her own in this di rection. Our county roads are gener ally in & condition that imposes upon our farmers and merchants a tax which is none the less onerous for be ing indirect. The status of the man who produced two blades of grass on the spot hither to sacred to one blade, was long ago fixed. It is now time to do something MAKES THE WEAK STRONG. The Foremost Athletic Trainer in America Recommends Paine's Celery Compound, John Graham Is the foremost man in American athletics. It was he who managed the success ful team trom this country that attrac ted world-wide attention in the recent Olympic games at Athens. Formely trainer for Columbia col lege, then for I’riuceton and finally for Harvard university, Mr. Graham had much to do with raising the stand ard of collegia'e sports. A small army of gentlemen have been guided by him since he left Harvard and took his present position, superintendent of the famous gymnasium el the Boston athletic association. Three of his proteges, White, Brew er and McCarthy, have just won the New England championship at the mile, quarter-mile and five-mile run. He has trained Weeks, of Brown uni versity, one of the best sprinters in the country. Many anot her student of what makes men and women strong has used and has recommended Paine’s celery com pound as the best known remedy for those who are weak and dispirited, the overworked and enfeebled persons who are most concerned in the general awakening of interest in outdoor exer cises and indoor attention to the prop er rules of health. It was the ablest professor of medi cine and surgery in any college, that giant amoung men. Prof. Edward E. for the man who will make it possible to haul two hundredweight where one was hauled before. The subject is one that will hear discussion, but it will not bear neg lect. We have had enough of that. The local road tax is nothing; it is the indirect burden imposed upou our people by the condition of our high ways that is dangerous; and we ad vise our farmers to let up on the rail roads and their impositions, and turn their attention to their own roads and their obvious and glaring defects. Coal Oil Johnnie Soap at the Down ing Company. Insist on your grocer furnishing you with Ferguson’s breakfast bacon aud hams. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Oelebrafed for its great leavening strength and healtbfulness. Assures the food against alum and all forms of adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Company, New York. The TIMES: BRUNSWICK, GA, MARCH 13, 1896. Phelps, M. D., LL. D., of Dartmouth college, who after years of patient in vestigation and study, assisted by all that was best in the progress of medi cal science at home and abroad, tirst discovered tbe wonderful formula of Paine’s celery compound. There was no doubt of tbe interest that would be awakened at once ny the announcement of any discovery by Prof. Phelps. The formula from the first was furnished to the best physi ciains, and forthwith this remarkable Paine’s celery compound was person ally used aud prolessionally prescribed by them. The result of the closest in vestigation might have been expected. It soon required a considerable indus try to produce the remedy, and rapidly but steadily, without ceasing, tbe de mand for Paine's celery compound has increased, until today there is no other remedy that in comparison begins to bold half the public attention that it bolds. In untold number of cases where every other remedy has been tried and failed, Paine’s celery compound lias at tained the 'wisbed-for result, making the weak strong, purifying the blood, rebuildingtlie wornout nervous tissue, curiag crooic sickness, proving a never-ailing and permanent relief for rheumatism,neuralgia,kidney diseases and disorders of the liver, all due to the impairment of the person’s ner vous system, the consequent impover ishment of the blood and the breaking A Curiors Coincidence. Tbe current number of tbe Plant System Budget, in addition to other interesting matter, contains a poem entitled a “Summer Sea,” signed A. M. C. Carson. . The chief interest of the poem lies in the fact that its six stan zas are identical with six verses of the thirteen contributed to Thursday’s Jacksonville Times-Union by Heze kiah Butterworth, editor of tbe Youth’s Companion, under the caption of “Tampa.” Butterworth and Carson are evidently two authors who should know each other better. A Point to Remember, Is you wish to purify your blood you should take a medicine that cures blood diseases. The record of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla proves that this is the best medicine for the blood ever produced. Hood’s Sarsaparilla cures the most stubborn cases,and it is the medicine to take if your blood is impure. Hood’s Pills are the bast after-din ner pills; assist digestion, cure head ache. 215 cents. To Albany. For Georgia Chautauqua, Albany, Ga., March 21, 29, ISO", the Plant Sys tem will sell round tickets from Brunswick to Albany and return at rate of S4. Tickets to be sold March 20 to 28. 1807. inclusive with final limit three days from date of sale. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inva riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’s Complexion Powder. down in consequence of some particu lar organ. When Mr. Graham, writing Jan. 18, 1897, said : "I have used Paine’scelery compound to my benefit, and I have no doubt I bat any person undergoing great physical and mental strain would find it of great service. For students especially it ought to be of great value.” —When so prominent a student of bodily health, who has no equal, unless, perhaps, one mentions Dr. Sar gent of Harvard, with whose methods Mr Graham became well acquainted at Harvard—when Mr. Graham says bluntly that after bis experience he believes others would find Paine’e cel ery compound of great service, what man or woman out of perfeot health can afford to neglect his well consid ered and expert advice! There is no doubt Paine’s celery compound cleans the blood of eczema, salt rheum and such humors, not only in the spring, that is so favorable a time, but at any time during the year, so thoroughly that nothing further is ever heard of them. Paine’s celery compound has been tested, tried, scrutinized and heartily approved by so many impartial physi cians ana men and women whose word in any matter would not be questioned for a moment, that one must be stub born-minded indeed who prefers to mope around half sick instead of veri fying these positive, straightforward statements. Experience proves the merit of Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It cures all forms of blood diseases, tones the stomach builds up the nerves. The ladies know that Liberty Bell Baking Powder makes fine bread. Nervous People find just the help they so much need, in Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole sygtem. Read this: “I want to praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had the grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my own housework. I have taken Cured Hood’s Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and they have done me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken 13 bottles of Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood’s Pills when taken with Hood’s Sarsaparilla help very much.” Mbs. M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn. This aud many ither cures prove that Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is flic One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only by C. I. Hood&Co., Lowell, Mass. DSIIf. acteasi *y. promptly aud Hood S Fills effectively. 26 cuu. _ The Wise Grocer says: “Oh, yes; there are baking powders that I could buy for 25c less on the case than GOOD LUCK, but I always in tend to give my customers the best there is on the market regardless of profit.” me “Penny-wise onti Pound Foolish’' M\ **** ■ “Here’s something just as good as the good luck.” It is not true. He bought the something else for a little les“ than GOOD LUCK. His customers decline his substitute and go where thevean gel GOOD LIK'K. For the sike of 25 cents he loses dollars. Other manufacturers have reduced the price of their powder to merchants. They have also reduced the size of their cans. Their 5 cent can holds 1 oz less than a 5 cent can of GOOD LU”K‘ their 10 cent can 2 ozs less than alO cent can of GOOD LUCK. Honest methods and merit will prevail. Millinne of intelligent housekeepers use and recommend GOOD LUCK BAKING POWDEIi IlHlllUllo It combines Quality and Quantity. For sale by leading wholesale and retail grocers everywhere. W. W. IPARK, State Agent, Atlanta, Ga. M Bins d0...- *—Macon, Ga. American Queen... Victoria. Our Leading Brands. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. R. V. Dou glass, Agt... Atlas Engines __ Portable and stationary boilers, shafting, pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick deliveiy. Get our prices. Come and see us. Lombard lion-works and Supply Cos, CAST KVEItV DAT, * . CAPACITY 300 HANDS. AllgUSta, Ga. SEE HERE—^ FOR Fine Monumental Work Hard-Wood Mantels, Grates, Tiling, and Iron Fencing, -—SEE US. BRUNSWICK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. t REED E. LaMANCE, Proprfet THE Bay Iron Works! Repairing Work of all Kinds. Sr MACHINERY. Water Tanks, Motors. All kinds of Electrical Machinery. Steamboat and Marine Work a Snecialtv No charge for Estimatingfon Jibs. Expert orkmen! Satisfaction guaranteed! 629 BAY STREET. Stock Wanted. K W. R. Townsend & Cos., 300 MONK STREET. For Sale • . . CELERY! CELERY, 10 CENTS A STALK. Delivered promptly to any part of the city M. W. CHURCHILL, TELEPHONE N0.45A. PELICAN VILLE, IgHgOSI* s[i ANEW BAR. Ityc Whisky, SI.CO Per Gallon. No Charge for Jugs or Bottles. . , Kentucky and Tennessee Whisky House. S* Marks - - Manager. Cor. Monk and Bay Sts.