The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, March 20, 1897, Image 2

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Te Brunswick Times- Brunswick Publishing Company Publishers: OFFICE—In Oglethorpe Block, F Street IKLEPHONE NO 31. The Brunswick Times has the largest and most select circulation of any newspaper pub lished In Georgia South of Savannah. The Brunswick Times will be delivered by mail or by carrier at $5 per year or 60 cents per month, payable strictly in advance. It is for sale on trains leaving Brunswick and at all news stands. Correspondence on live and clean subjects is solicited. Address all communications to The Morning Times, Brunswick, Ua, “WE FEINT THE NEWS.” CITY OFFICIAL ORGAN. The following resolution was passed unanimously at Thursday night's meeting of council: “Be it, and it is hereby resolved, by the mayor and aldermen of the City of Brunswick, in council as sembled, that, from on and after the first Wednesday in April, 1897, The Bruns wick Times, a newspaper having a general circula tion in said city, be and the same is hereby declared and made, until further ac tion to the contrary, the of ficial organ of the city of Brunswick.” Tiik times are said to be improving. Hame with Tub Brunswick Timms. If the Dingley bill may be taken as a criterion, MoKinley’s wave of pros perity has struck the country below the belt—the cotton belt. Wall street endorses the president’s message, and the rest of the country remembers that when the parasite prospers the body po.litio suffers. Mu. Bkantley has introduced a bill for the construction of a public build ing in this city. We certainly need the building, but it is much to be feared that we shall need considerable patience before we get it. Tub mortgage indebtedness of Kan sas has been reduced in much the same way as the population of the world was reduced when the whale swal lowed Jonah whole. The money-lend ers have taken the property and the borrowers have taken French leave. Last Thursday’s issue of the North Georgia Citizen dazzles the world with the following paragraph . At 1 :30 o’clock this morning the Ou tlaid line steamship Aurania had not been heard from. She was due here last Saturday. Dalton is a great town and we are glad to learn that its water ways are open to sea-going steamers, and trust that its whiskey and water ways are equally up-to-date. It is now annonced that the trusts are to fight the Calvin anti-trust law of this state. The announcement is superfluous. What the trusts can not swallow, they mean to smash, and, as it has been said on good authority that in Georgia “a mao of means can com mit almost any kind of a serious crime and find a legal loop hole,” we may expect that these gilt-edged offenders will find a gap in the feuce big enough for them and their monumental impu dence. Tiik Evening Constitution plaintive ly inquires, “Is there no way of check ing the epidemic of defalcations?” There are several. Stop giving the rising generation the sort of education that by enlarging the mental hori zon multiplies men’s desires, with no corresponding increase in the power of gratify ing those desires. And set up in some conspicuous place some other standard of superiority than that supplied by those successful sharpers whose misdeeds have not yet secured legal recognition as crimes. ——ss——■—————— AN EXPORT BOUNTY. It is already evident that the Ding ley bill is not to become a law without bitter opposition, and among the ineas- ures proposed for the benefit of those upon whom the burden of protection must fall, is an export bounty upon wheat and cotton. As agricultural products cut but a small figure in our list of imports, it should be obvious that such a bounty is the logical offset to a tariff de signed to protect our manufacturers from foreign competition. In no other way can our farmers se cure even theoretical protection, but the practical effect of such a bounty remains to be seen. It is, however, not at all likely that any such measure of relief will be granted the farmers. The role sus tained by the native producer has long been that of the poor relation ; his place has been at the foot of the legislative table, and such scraps and leavings of legislation as have been disdained by the associated manufac turers of our beloved country have been thought good enough for the men who have made cotton and wheat that other men might make money. Nothing Is so conducive to the sort of prosperity that our farmers are likely to enjoy as selling their crops in au open market and buying their supplies in a protected one, and the present administration can only be expected to give anew twißt to the Gordian knot. Did you ever stop to think what in digestion really means? It means simply that your stomach is tired. It our legs are tired, we ride. The horse and the steam engine do the work. Why not give your stomach a ride; that is; let something else do its work. Foods can be digested outside of the body. All plants contain diges tive principles which will do this. The Shaker Digestive Cordial contains di gestive principle and is a preparation designed to rest the stomach. The Shakers themselves have such un bounded confidence in it that they have placed 10 cent sample bottles on the market, and it is said that even so small a quantity proves beneficial in a vast majority of cases. All druggists keep it. Laxoi, is the best medicine for chil dren. Doctors recommend it in place of Castor Oil. MAKING POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all formsof adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Company,JNew York. Nervous Fcoplc find just the help they so much need, in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones tho stomach and regulates the whole system. Read this: “I want to praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had tho grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my own housework. I have taken Cured Hood’s Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and they have done .me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken IS bottles of Hood's Sarsaparilla, and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood’s Pills when taken with Hood’s Sarsaparilla help very much.” Mrs. M. M. MussaNGKR, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Hood’s Sarsaparilla fs the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists, ft. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. 0 ~ act easily, promptly and tlOOu S i J UIS effectively. aenU. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of tho skin is inva riably obtained by those who use Pozzoni’s Complexion Powder. THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, UA., MARCH 20, 1897. NOW WITHOUT A RIVAL! No Remedy to Compare With Paine’s Celery Compound. Read the Really Wonderful Expe rience of Rev. Dr. Bailey and His Good Wife, and the Indorse ments of Other Eminent Divines Here is a letter from the pastor of the most influential church in South Baltimor , that every truth-seeker should re and carefully. Every i isbeartened sick person and every man or woman who has lost faith in t e remedies he or she has tried beci use none of them has done any gooi —every one who is sick ought to )e cheered up and filled with new hope and determination by the letter written by Rev. William T. Bailey, pastor of the Curtis Bay Church,the most influential church in South Baltimore. On March 31, 1896, the Baltimore Sun, under display headlines, pub lished the following news of Rev. Mr. Bailey’s allliction : “Rev. William T. Bailey, pastor of the Curtis Bay Church, was paralyzed in the tongue while preaching Sunday night, and lost the power of speech. The ‘congregation was at once dis missed, and Dr. was called. He said Mr. Bailey was suffering from a severe attack of nervous prostration caused by hard study and overwork, and that he must have rest and quiet.” The whole city was shocked. The papers soon began to record an im provement. On April 13, 1896, the following open letter was addressed to the pro prietors of Paine’s celery compound: South Baltimore, Md., April 13, 1896. Messrs. Wells, Richardson & Cos. Gentlemen :—1 was taken very ill while preaching Easter Sunday night. ■ Yly doctor could not help me, so I dis charged him and began to use Paine’s celery compound with crushing ef fect. 1 will not hesitate to say that it is the best medicine in the world. I am, fraternally, William T. Pailey. Later in the year the proprietors of this wonderful remedy received still another letter from Dr. Bailey, as fol lows : Gentlemen I propose to do what I can to let people know of your Paine's celery compound, the medicine that has done me so much good. I shall in my ov,n way, in speaking of my ra <icl and great improvement from the pul pit, give as is just'y due, tribute to Paine’s celery compound. I married, six years ago, Miss Lillie B. Dtinna vant, a lady well known in social life, the niece of Capt. Robert F. Lewis, U. 8. navy. During the whole six years she has been an invalid, suffering from hysteria, laughing, crying and scream ing, so that she could be heard for squares. 1 have bad a great deal of trouble and expense. Eighteen doc- THE WHOLE STOCK Of Jewelry, Watches, Diamonds and Silverware Goes Cheap. Mr. A. Rothschild, having purchased the full stock of E. J. Allen, on New castle street, has moved the stock to 314 Bay street, where he lias the “low priced” jewelry stock of the city. Every description of jewelry, clocks, watches, rings, diamonds and silver ware will be sold positively below manufacturer’s cost. This is one of the most remarkable opportunities ever offered to tbeßruns wick public. Don’t forget the number, 314 Bay street. tors have, first and last, attended her, and one bottle of Paine’s oelery com pound has done her more goou than all of the other medicine. Bhe and I are together using Paine’s celery com pound, and I wili with pleasure let you know the result. Fraternally, William T. Bailey. Baltimore, May 18, 1896, Wells, Richardsou & Cos., Genlemen :—lt is impossible for me to express the emotions of my heart on the great good Mrs. Bailey and I have derived from the use of Paine’s celery compound. I am anew man. We have taken together eight bottles, and 1 wish to continue its use. The peo ple of my church are very kind to the poor, and I have given to some ot the poor money with which to purchase the medicine. You may use my name if you wish and I will with pleasure answer all communications sent me. 1 believe the remedy the best in the world. Yours very truly. William T. Bailey, Pastor Curtis Bay Baptist Church. •A few weeks ago there was pub lished a testimonial of the great virtue of Paine’s celery compound from Rev. Charles L. Thompson, D. D., LL. D„ the eminent Presbyterian preacher of New York City. Rev, Dr. Meek, ed itor of the Central Methodist, recently wrote an open letter, telling that Paine’s celery compound had worked a remarkable cure in his case. And last month the great temperance evangelist, Francis Murphy, told the public bow Paine’s celery compound bad been a blessing in his family. These are a few among thousands. Every one knows conscientious, charitable persons who are too busy, more often too procrastinating, to save their health from going to pieces, and find it easier to help others than them selves. Such persons till up the army of broken down men and sickly wo men. ‘ Every one in this spring time needs to purify the blood and regulate the nerves. Cure nervousness, neuralgia and rheumatism this spring. You can now put your health on a sound basis by means of Paine’s celery com pound. Charity should now begin at home Attend to your own health and that of your famiiy. Paine’s celery compound is within the reach of every family where there is a member afflicted by any stomach liver or kidney troub'e. It cures per manently and rapidly. It must be distinguished from all other remedies. ******——— mm The People Are Convinced When they read the testimonials of cures by Hood’s Sarsaparilla. They are written by honest men and wo men, and are plain, straightforward statements of facts. The people have confidence in Hood’s Sarsaparilla be cause they know it actually and per manently cures,even when other med icines fail. Hood's Pills are the only pills to take with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Easy and yet eflicient. You Are Invited Io call at Polhill’s and inspect those beautiful Crescent bicycles at $45. This is the $75 Crescent. Any weight, any size. Other grades corres pondingly cheap. The Wise Grocer says: Oh yes; there are baking powders that I could buy for 25c less on the case than good luck, but I always in tend to give my customers the best there is on the market regardless of profit.” Hie ‘‘Penny-wise oid Pound Foolish” Gfdcei^ “Here’s something just as good as the GOOD luck.” ~H e bought the something else for a little les than GOOD LITOK. , e hls substitute and so where thev can get GOOD IATi K. tor the nnwrW in * eß arß# Other manufacturers have reduced the price of their i r i C^a Pu 8, T *? e y have also reduced the size of their cans. Their 5 cent alO npnt onn nfnnml 1 can GOOD LIT. K- their 10 cent can 2 oza less than can of GOOD LUCK. Honest methods and merit will prevail. Millions < ncUm&Uantfuna < QuUU f iuy d recommend G 001) LUCK BAKING POWDEU— For sale by leading wholesale and retail grocers everywhere. ’W- W. IPARK, State Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ft Soil G 0... -m—Macon, Ga. American Queen... Victoria. Our Leading Brands. WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. R. V. Douglass, Aglc... Atlas Engines , Portable and stationary boilers, shafting, pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick delivery. Get our prices. Come and see us. Lombard Iron-works and Supply Cos, CAST EVKRY DAY. A . „ CAPACITY 300 HANDS. ilUgUSta, UK,„ SJEjES .KJBJEtS FOR Fine Monumental Work Hard-Wood Mantels, Grates, Tiling, and Iron Fencing, w—SEE US. BRUNSWICK MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. KKED E. LaMANCE, Propriet = “ = THE : —’™~~" Bay Iron Works! Repairing Work of all Kinds, C&r MACHINERY. Sr Water Tanks, Motors. All kinds of Electrical Machinery. Steamboat and Marine Work a Soeeialtv No charge for Estimating|on Jibs. Expert orkmen! Satisfaction ginranteed! 629 BAY STREET. Stock Wanted. W. R. Townsend & Cos., 300 MONK STREET. For Sale . • . CELERY! CELERY, 10 CENTS A STAXK. Delivered promptly to any part of the city M. w. chupichill; TELEPHONE N0.45A, PEUCANVILW. SCHOONER DC. A NEW BAR. Rye Whisky, *l.rO Per Gallon. No Charge for Jug* or Bottles, . . Kentucky and tares Whisky House, S' Marks - - Manager. Cor. Monk ami Bay Sts.