The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, March 24, 1897, Image 2

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The Brunswick limes. yrry ■■■ , mr. , t.. n. Brunswick Publishing Company Publishers: OFFICE—In Oglethorpe Block, F Street. IELKPHONE NO 31. Tub Brunswick Times has the largest and most select circulation of any newspaper pub lished in Georgia South of Savannah. Tub Bbitnswick Times will lie delivered by mail or by carrier at $5 per year or £.O vents per month, payable strictly In advance. It is for sale on trains leaving Brunswick and at all news stands. Correspondence on live and clean subjects is solicited. Address all communications to Tub Morning Times, Brunswick, Ga, Official Organ of the County of Glynn. “WE PRINT THE NEWS.” CITY OFFICIAL ORGAN. The following resolution was passed nnanimously at Thursday night’s meeting of council: “Be it, and it is liereby resolYed, by the mayor and aldermen of tbe City of Brunswick, in council as sembled, that, from on and after the first Wednesday in April, 1897, The Bruns wick Times, a newspaper having a general circula tion in said city, be and the same is hereby declared and made, until further ac tion to the contrary, the of ficial organ of the mayor and council of the city of Brunswick.” Our little evening contemporary de votes a column of its valuable space to an explanation of its attitude on the question of municipal patronage. By far the nost interesting thing the Advertiser has yet had to say of itsplf is to be found in the artless statement ttiat the price of the papor is $ 1 a year but that the editor is not included in the sale. The force of this proviso, however, is somewhat weakened by the significant fact that it has taken that functionary nearly four years to arrive at a realizing sense of his value as a merchantable commodity. THE CITY SCHOOLS. The Times publishes today in an other column a communication from a citizen of Brunswick which merits the earnest and undivided attention of all who have at heart the welfare of the community. A proposition to close the churches of Brunswick for want ot funds would find the community ready to meet the emergency. The proposition to close the public schools should be met with a remonstrance equally practical and equally effective. It is unnecessary at this moment to enter into the causes that have con tributed to the present deplorable con dition of affairs in this direction. It should be enough that they exist, It should be unnecessary to dwell upon the fact that the hoard of educa tion, through no fault of its own, is in arrears with the teachers, and that private enterprise must now be re lied upon to accomplish what the au thorities cannot perform. THE ANTI TRUST LAW Should the Calvin anti-trust law be declared unconstitutional, there are in this state certain papers wnose de mocracy is purely theoretical, which may confidently be relied on to pro claim the final adjustment of a con troversy which is not yet fairly opened. In that event, they will inevitably point with pride to the sagacity of those who framed our organic law, and deprecate any amendment of the constitution in the desired direction. But, whatever they may do. they will never draw the attention of their readers to the fact that those who for mulated the fundamental law of the state could provide only against the dangers that had at that time arisen ; and that if we would follow in their footseps we can do so, not by wearing a legal robe long since out grown, but by cutting our coat ac cording to our cloth, and doing for our own posterity what our an cestors did for theirs. i Every era has its own dangers, and the only man of tbe day worthy of the name are those who meet those dan gers in the same unterrified demo cratic spirit that animated the fathers of the republic. SOMEWHAT INCONSISTENT. The Atlanta Journal informs its readers that “the farmers of Georgia are sick and tired of being advertised as paupers.” This is strong language for a weak case. We have never seen any such advertisement. But we have seen a tendency on the part of certain news papers to give our farmers advice bet ter adapted to paupers than to men of means, and in the same breath angrily protest against the only inference that can logically be drawn from their preaching. 'Those who persist in prescribing for our farmers such drastic remedies as “live harder, work harder and buy less” need not be surprised to find the public forced to the conclusion that either tbe pauper prescription is jus tilled by the disease or that an error in diagnosis has been made. If these authorities have made a mistake, and our fanners are not really in a condition to call for en forced economy, why do they not pre scribe a more palatable tonic? And, on the other band, if tbe conditions are such as to justify their favorite prescription for all the farmer’s woes, why do they find the acceptance of their conclusions so objectionable? A Summer Crui-e. The American steamship Ohio will sail from New York June 26, 1597, for a summer cruise, touching at Iceland, North Cape, Norway, Sweden and Russia. Opportunity will be allowed for extensive side-trips, including a visit to the great exposition at Stock holm. Capt. O. Jahanneson is local agent for the line, and will be pleased to furnish rates and other information to applicants. Our stock of tan shoes for men and ladies is the largest and most complete of any ever shown in Brunswick. Pai ne er’s. Notice. A meeting of the stockholder! of the St. Simon Transit company is hereby called for Wednesday, March 24, at 10:30 a. m., at the olliee of W. M. Tupper & Cos. A full attendance is desired. 11. 11. Raymond, W. F. Parker, President. Secretary. Brace un. Throw off that tired feeling. There is life and health and strength in tlm crimson tint of John son’s tonic . The only recognized spe cific for la grippe. Cures and pre vents grip. Completes unfinished cures. Try it. tf Notice. All parties who have filed petitions for tax arbitration are requested to notify their arbitrators to meet the un dersigned as early as possible, as March 31 is the last day allowed for that purpose. James M. Calx an, City Arbitrator. Nervous People find just the help they .so much need, in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the stomach and regulates the whole system, Head this: “I want to praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and 1 had the grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my own housework. I have taken Cured nood’s Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and they have done me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken 13 bottlesof Hood’s Sarsaparilla,and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to sny I am well. Hood’s Pills when taken with Hood’s Sarsaparilla help very much.” Mrs. M. M. Mess&nger, Freehold, Penn. This and many other cures prove that Hood’s Sarsaparilla Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. u ~ ..... act easily, promptly and nOOU S "1115 effectively. 26 eeuts. THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, GA., MARCH 24, 1897. NEILL, OMRKaNSAS. Another U, S. Congressman Indorses Paine’s Celery Compound. Within the past year, among the thousands of hearty testimonials to the wonderful curative powers of Paine’s celery compound that have been received by Wells, Richardson & Company—among the thousands of grateful letters received from every state and town in the country, there have come no less than six hearty in dorsements from members of the na tional bouse of representatives. All wene willing that their expe rience should be published, believing rightly that they might thus do good to others. In these columns have already been published the letters received from Congressmen Meredith, Bell, Grout and Powers. Now comes a letter from Congress man Robert Neill, of Arkansas, as fol lows : “My home is at Batesville, Ark. During the last spring and summer my eldest daughter, then 17 years of age, was in very poor health, suffering from general debility, nervous pros tration and frequent slight fevers. She had the best medical attention, but apparently with little benefit. In the latter part of September last, while still feeble, she began the use of Paine’s celery compound, and im proved in health continuously. In three months she had fully recovered, A fresh conflict is impending between the German government and the corn dealers. The latter, since the close of the Corn Exchange, have been holding private meetings in their own offices every day for the purpose of transacting business. The imperial commissioner of the Stock Exchange has now decided that these meetings, although taking place in private offices, really constitute regular “bourses” and as such are ille gal and prohibited. On the other hand, the corn dealers declare that they do not propose to permit the government to ruin them by forcing them out of business. A considerable quantity of forged Bank of England notes being now in circulation, the lawyers of that institu tion have issued a warning, which ap plies to forged bank notes of every kind. According to this, a bogus bank note may always be distinguished from the genuine by its inferiority in size. The original steel plates used by the banks are drawn to allow for the shrinking of the transfer paper containing the note imprint, and as the counterfeiter must necessarily engrave his plate just the size of the genuine note from which he copies, a still further shrinkage ensues in the case of the bogus notes printed from the forger’s plates. According to advices received in Lon don, the Chinese government is at pres ent a prey to palace intrigue, of which it is difficult to predict the outcome. The young emperor’s party is for the moment in the ascendant, while that of the dowager empress, to which Li Hung Chang belongs, is out in tl-e '■old. The leading personage at the present time in China is the young emperor’s ex tutor, who is the mortal enemy of Li Hung Chang, and who by some means or another seems to have succeeded in persuading his former pupil that it is Li Hung Cliaug who is really responsi ble for the recent war with Japan. The effects of the war are being bitterly felt just now by the Chinese government. Until that conflict took place the cus toms department, presided over by Sir Robert Hart, and which is about the only honest government administration in China, furnished the major portion of the revenue of the empire. The cus toms receipts are, however, no longer furthcoming for that purpose, having been mortgaged to Russia as security for the loan raised at St. Petersburg to pay off the Japanese war indemnity.— New York Tribune. The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inva riably obtained by those who use Pozzoxi’s Complexion Powder. and is now in perfect health. I am bound to think the remedy is an ex cellent one, and do not, hesitate to rec ommend it to the suffering ” To postpone at such a vital time as this regulating the nerves and purify ing the blood is a serious mistake. Men and women distressed by nervou* troubles or the effects of impure blood cannot afford now to lose a day before taking advantage of Paine’s celery compound. In order to avoid disappointment accept nothing but Paine’s celery com pound. A clerk who tries to sell something else than what people h‘k for is evidently not disinterested. He has an eye to profit more than to Ihe good of customers. There can be no substitute for Paine’s celery compound. This has beeu shown time and time again in cases where persons, too easily led, have carried home some thing besides Paine’s celery compound and have failed to getthe decided ben efit they had hoped for. The strongest indorsement ever re ceived for this great spring remedy— and no remedy ever compared with Paine’s celery compound in the char acter and the number of witnesses to its efficiency—the strongest endorse ment it ever received did not overesti mate or exaggerate in the least its un rivalled power of making people well. fIOYAI r h m POWDER Absolutely Pure. Celebrated for its great leavening strength and healthfulness. Assures the food against alum and all formsof adulteration common to the cheap brands. Royal Baking Powder Company, New York. THE WHOLE STOCK Of J. welry, Watches, Diamonds and Silverware Goes Cheap. Mr. A. Rothschild, having purchased the full stock of E. J. Allen, on New castle street, has moved the stock to 314 Bay street, where he has the “low priced” jewelry stock of the city. Every description of jewelry, docks, watches, rings, diamonds and silver ware will be sold positively below manufacturer’s cost. This is one of the most remarkable opportunities ever offered to the Bruns wick public. Don’t forget the number, 314 Bay street. La grippe may have left you weak and run down. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic is more than its name im plies. It is a great tonic. It gives appetite, renews health and restores vitality, tf We have the greatest variety of la dies' and misses’ new style shoes to show you that can be found in Bruns wick. Palmer’s Popular Shoe Store. When the weather is warm, seek those things that are cool. Butts soda fount can supply you. Walk into anv tirst class up-to-dute grocery store, and right on the tirst section ]L Mf&ft s^e * ves y° u ’ n see bright red cans. On the cans is the imprint of a horse shoe. A bove and across the bottom of the shoe \pi{ ®p® are the words, Good Luck Baking Powder. MP Millions of intelligent house- || gFi/ljjpjl keepers use and recommend MFGC" | it. v 'Vj W. W. IPARK, A State Agent, Atlanta, Ga. ft* Brewing G 0... Ga. American Queen... Victoria..— Our Leading Brands. •-U-w WE SELL TO DEALERS ONLY. R, V. Douglass, Agt... Atlas Engines Portable and stationary boilers, shafting - , pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads-for quick delivery. Get our prices Come and see us. Lombard lion-works and Supply Ca, CAST I’VKRY DAY. . CAPACITY 300 HANDS. AUgUSta, Gill THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE! A few slightly damaged Man tels at one-half price. COME QUICK. IRON FENCING. MONUMENTAL WORK. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works, K KED E. LaMANCK, Proprietor. THE Bay Iron Works! Repairing Work ot all Kinds. o“ar MACHINERY. Water Tanks, Motors. All kinds of Electrical Machinery. Steamboat and Marine Work aSoeeialtv No charge for Estimatingfon Jibs, Expert orkmen! Satisfaction guaranteed! 629 BAY STREET. Stock Wanted • and good prices paid by W. R. Townsend & Cos., 300 MONK STREET. For Sale . . . CELERY! CELERY, 10 CENTS A STALK. Delivered promptly to any part of the city M. W. CHURCHILL, TELEPHONE NO. 43A. PELIOANVIIXE. SCHOONER Cn BEER tarn uui A NEW BAR. Ilye Whisky, 91.c0 Per Gallon. No Charge for Jugs or Bottle*. . , Kentucky and Tsnnesree Whisky House, S- Marks - - Manager. Cor. Monk and Bay Sts.