The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, March 30, 1897, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times. Brunswick Publishing Company niblisliers: OFFICE—In Oglethorpe Block, F Street. lELEPHONB NO 31. The Brunswick Times has the largest anc most select circulation of any newspaper pub lished in Geoigia South ot Savannah. The Brunswick Times will be delivered by mail or by carrier at $5 per year or 10 cents per month, payable strictly in advance. It is for sale on trains leaving Brunswick and at all new3 stands. Correspondence on live and clean subjects it solicited. Address all communications to The Morning Times, BvunswicK, Cla, Official Organ of the (Jour ty of Glynn. “WE I'ISINT THE NEWS.” CITY OFFICIAL ORGAN. The following’ resolution was passed unanimously at Thursday night’r meeting of council: “Be it, and it is hereby resolved, by the mayor and a 1 der men of the City ol Brunswick, in council as st mbled, that, irom on and after the first Wednesday in April, 1697, The Bruns wick Times, a newspaper having a general circula tion in said city, be and the Bame is hereby declared and made, until further ac tion to the contrary,the of ficial organ of the mayor and council of the city oi Brunswick.” Thk transfer of Naval <tommander Wise to the Texas indicates that it requires a Wise man to keep that well-known craft afloat. Thk Waycross Journal pointedly and justly remarks: “Brunswick has not had a congressman before in flftj years. Her Will has been good, though, all this time.” It didn’t take the ThotfiasvilH Times-Enterprise long to reach tliie conclusion : “The wiregrass, the cit adel of democracy, should show a united front in the next state cam paign. There is one man upon whom it could unite for governor, Fleming G. dußignon.” ECONOMY BEGINS At HOME. The Advertiser, in its last issue, ad justs its old grievance in anew way, and describes the proposed reductioi in the advertising costs of the mar shal's sales as “no charity,” but “purely business.” It is certainly “business,” but the “purity” of the proposition is less ap parent. Our contemporary is now running a page of these advertise inents, worth at the prevailing legal rate about S!7O. The reduction of tilt rate from $3 to $1 per sale would bring the Advertiser’s emoluments from this source down to about $57; and we suggest that, instead of wait ing until April 1 lor tiie inauguration of its era of municipal economy, our evening contemporary proceed to take the bull boldly by the horns and givi itself a dose of the medicine it recom mends for others. Should the Advertiser fail in ibis in stance —as it lias upon so many other occasions—to practice what it preach es and to reduce its bill against the city in accordance with its own suggestion, the public will be forced to the con clusion that its course in this matter is inspired less by public spirit than by private malice; and that had it not lost the city’s printing, it would bave been less solicitous as to the size of the city’s bill for legal advertising. ROOM FOR EXPLANATION- The Macon Telegraph is trying to persuade itself that those who see the agricultural conditions of the country as they are, and not as they ought to be, are sounding the free silver slogan under pretences more or less false. This is interesting but erroneous. It is not so much a question of free sil ver as of financial reform; and if our contemporary imagines that the spirit of unrest is to be disposed of by an ex pose of what it considers ttie free sii ver fallacy it is most egregiously mis taken. Just so long as the country is per mitted to laboralong under a financial system, designed originally as a tem porary expedient, just so long will the masses of our people be ready in their desperation to embrace any measure, hoivever futi'e, that may promise re lief. This deplorable condition of af fairs has long been recognized by competent observers; and in the For um for February, the Hon. Charles N. Fowler, member of congress from New Jersey, and a member of the bouse committee on banking and currency, outlines the situation in the following emphatic terms: “Many sections of our country * * * are suffering greatly for the want of sufficient money to conduct their business properly. * * * indeed, that great ibjustioe is being done the people in ait the newer sections — where there is yet great undeveloped wealth—b.y not providing for them a currency system that shall insure ap proximately the same rate of interest everywhere upon the same conditions and upon identical and iqual security, no one who has thoroughly investi gated the matter can doubt. That al most every producer in the south, west and northwest is compelled to sell the products of his toil without reference to his own judgment as to the advisability of the time, every one familiar with the conditions existing in those sections fully realize. Herein lies the cause of the unrest and tur moil over the money qu-stinn. Nor will there be any end of tiatism, sil verlim or make-srmethiog-out-of nothirgi-m until it is justly and right fully settled from an economic point of view. This quotation is significant, and we commend it to the distinguished con sideration of the Telegraph and its chosen prophet, President J. Pope Brown, of the State Agricultural so oiety. They have recently found much to admire in the condition of our farmers, and we trust they will find it conveni ent to explain how any producer who “is compelled to sell the products of hia toil without reference to his own judgment as to the advisability of the time,” can ever hold his own with the adroit and unscrupulous gentlemen who put on the screws at the other end of the machine. People Turned Aw y. The comparatively small interior ol the Presbyterian church was crowded to its utmost capacity Sunday night, the occasion being a song service pre viously announced. As many a- 200 people were turned away,being unable to get inside the doors. The choir of 25 voices, assisted by a brass quartet, rendered the music, and Rev R. C Gilmore delivered three short and in teresting talks. We have the greatest variety of la dies’ and misses’ new style shoes to -iiow you that can be found in Bruns wick. Palmer’s Popular Shoe Store. Used a Knife. Joe Gregley, of Sterling, w'as given a preliminary hearing by Justice Hitch yesterday. Gtegley inserted a long knife into another negro at Sterl ing. He was bound over to superior court. Nervous People find just the help they so much need, in Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It fur nishes the desired strength by puri fying, vitalizing and enriching the blood, and thus builds up the nerves, tones the 6tomach and regulates the whole system. Head this; “I W’ant to praise Hood’s Sarsaparilla. My health run down, and I had the grip. After that, my heart and nervous system were badly affected, so that I could not do my own work. Our physician gave me some help, but did not cure. I decided to try Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Soon I could do all my owu housework. I have taken Cured nood’s Pills with Hood’s Sarsaparilla, and they have done me much good. I will not be without them. I have taken 13 bottlesof Hood’s Sarsaparilla,and through the blessing of God, it has cured me. I worked as hard as ever the past sum mer, and I am thankful to say I am well. Hood’s Pills when taken with Hood’s Sarsapar’Ua help very much.” Mrs. M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn. This and many jther cures prove that Hood’s Sarsaparilla f s the One True Stood Purifier. All druggists. sl. Prepared only by C. I. lfood& Cos., Lowell, Mass. u r,.,, act easily, promptly and tlOOd S rillS effectively, scents. THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, GA., MARCH 30, 1896. IT CAN’T BE DONE- No Olio Can Remain Well. No Chronic Illsease Can Be Cnrea Cm ess the Stomach is First Made Strong and Vigorous. This is plain because every organ in the body depends on the stomach for its nourishment. Nerve, bone, sinew, blood are made from the food which the stomach converts to our use. How useless to treat disease w'ith this, that and the other remedy and neglect the most important of all, the stomach. • The earliest symptoms of in digest ion are sour risings, bad taste in the mouth) gas in the stomach and bowels, palpi tation, all-gone feeling, faintness, headaches, constipation; later comes loss of flesh, consumption, liver and heart troubles, kidney diseases, ner vous prostration, all ot winch are the indirect result of poor uutrition. Any person suffering from indiges tion should make it a practice to take alter each meal one of Stuart’s Dys pepsia Tablets, allowing it to dissolve in the mouth and thus mingle, with the saliva and enter the stomach in the most natural way. These Tablets are highly recommended by Dr. Jenni son because they are composed of the natural digestive acids and fruit essen ces which assist the stomach in digest ing all wholesome food before it lias time to ferment and sour. Stuart's Tablets are sold by druggists, full sized packages at 50 cents. They are also excellent for in valids and children. A hook of stom ach diseases and thousands of testi monials of genuine cures sent free by addressing Stuart Cos., Marshall, Mich. Lock the Door Before the horse is stolen. Purify, enrich and vitalize your blood and build up your physical system before disease attscks you arid serious sick ness comes. Hood’s Sarsaparilla will make you Strong and vigorous and will expel from your blood all impuri ties and germs of disease, 'i’akp Hood’s Sarsaparilla now. Hood’s Pills are Ihe favorite family cathartic. Easy to take, gentle and mild. 25c. Our stork of tan shoes for men and ladies is the largest and most complete of any ever shown in Brunswick. Pal mer’s. Coal Oil Johnn'e Soap at the Down ing Company. ifiii FULA Erysipelas Two 3$ That Cause Their V. to Be Shunned by neir Fellow-Man. Springfield, Mo. Gentlemen: I commenced taking P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, last Fall, for Erysipelas. My face was com pletely covered with the disease; I took t short course of P. P. P., and it soon disappeared. This Spring I became much debilitated and again took an other course, and I am now in good condition. I consider P. P. P. one of the best blood preparations on the market, and for those who need a gen eral tonic to build up the system and improve the appetite I consider that it has no equal. Will say, anyone who cares to try P. P. P. will not be disap pointed in its results, and I, therefore, cheerfully recommend it. ARTHUR WOOD, Springfield, Mo. Erysipelas and Scrofula cured by P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, surely and without fail. String field, Mo. Gentlemen: Last June I had a scrofulous sore which broke out on my ankle. It grew rapidly, and soon ex tended from my ankle to my knee. I got one bottle of your P. P. I’., Lipp man’s Great Remedy, and was agree ably surprised at the result. The entire sore healed at once. I think 1 have taken almost every medicine recom mended for scrofula and catarrh, and your P. P. P. is the best I have ever tried. It cannot be recommended too highly for blood poison, etc. Yours very truly, W. P. HUNTER. P. P. P. cures all blood and skin dis ease. both in men and women. Rheumatism, which makes man’s life a hell upon earth, can be relieved at once by P. P. P., Lippman’s Great* Rem edy. It makes a PERMANENT cure. P. P. P. is the great and only remedy for advanced cases of catarrh. Stop- Eagc of the nostrils and difficulty in reathing when lying down, P. P. P. relieves at once. P. P. P. cures blood poisoning in all its various stages, old ulcers, sores and kidney complaints. Sold by all druggists. UPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop r, Lippman’s Block, Savannah, da. Seven Montis With Fever. Wonderful Recovery of llcultli* Mr. Baird’s rapid and marvelous recovery from a mere skeleton to his no mui weight. 270 pounds, was surely the fullest lest of the grandest strength-giving and building-up medicine ever produced, namely: Dr. Miles’ Restorative Nervine. J. H. Baird. “Gentlemen—l wish to express to you my gratitude for the great good that Dr. Mile k* Nervine has done for me, I was taken sick with typhoid fever and I laid in bed for seven months. A tier getting over the fever 1 was thin, nervous and tired, and did not regain my lost, .strength. I tried several proprietary medicines, and finally, after having been reduced in weight to iU' pounds, I began trying your Nervine, and at once began to improve. Was finally entirety cured, and today 1 can say I never felt bet ter in all my life, and weigh 270 pounds. This is my'normal weight, as I measure 5 teetSVz inches in height.” South Bend, Ind. J. H. BAIRD. Dr, Miles' Nervine is sold on a positive guarantee that the first, botlle will benefit. All druggists sell it at $1,6 bottles for $5, or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of mnep by the Dr. Miles Medical Co. r JiuKkart, law Dr. Miles’ Nervine GENUINE GIN PHOSPHATE /S PUT UP U//Z T //V ' (TP** V yJoWPTi : GI K i PHOSPHATE 4350i.tffELY PUR& uf/Wvjr %'HC'fo :ofdH f(’Cmy c':s rJjqj, h yon/erj o/the \'crSo-t$ faster/ ona trouble^. G'a Pno.rhte It rs ol> In tnusis a“'rsy" "'!*> Mil'll' Trade Mark allh Mhlti u. (oru'mns llic -orO Omi e.Kiiphjp u CINCINNATI O - USA Invaluable for Kidney Trouble, Nervous E' sorders, ludigestion. ULLiMP $0 pis&mwm scut PROPRIETORS - That tired feeling which eventually come 9 to a high liver is dissipated by Gin Phosphate. GIN PHOSPHATE d‘S els the most obstinate case of Kid u y troubles. > pleasant ana invigorating tonic. An unfailing specific for kidney troubles, nervous disorders and indigestion. For =ale by J. J. Lott, R. V. Douglas, Haas Liquor Cos Big Levison. P. G. Johnson, Win. Anderson, fob Newman, M. Hirsch & Cos., I. E. Sheppard, \ i hart Wen?-. ©AIL BORDEN ikm Brand CONDENSED MaLK. All Mothers should have “!?ANT HEAL7H-Sent FREE. NSW YORK CONDENSED MILK CO.N.Y. A Summer Crube. The American steamship Ohio will sail from New Y"orK June 26, 1897, for a summer cruise, touching at Iceland, North Cape, Norway, Sweden and Russia. Opportunity will be allowed for extensive side-trips, including a visit to the great exposition at Stock holm. Capt. O. Jabannesou is local agent for ihe line, and will be pleased to furnish rates and other information to applicants. Not ice. All parties who have tiled petitions for lax arbitration are requested to notify Iheir arb trators to meet the un dersigned as early as possible, as March 31 is the last day allowed for that purpose. Jamks M. Calnan, t'iiy Arbitrator. Brace up. Throw off that tired feeling. There is life and health and strength in th“ crimson tint of John son’s tonic. The only recognized spe cific for la grippe. Cures and pre vents grip. Completes unfinished cures. Try it. tf Insist on your grocpr furnishing you with Ferguson’s breakfast bacon and hams. ■Hlirjla Walk into anv first class up-fo-date grocery store, and right on the first section Lt&jfh 1! lifta of the Selves you’ll see bright red cans O n The cans is the imprint ot a horse shoe % Above and a> ross the bottom of the shoe (§lf Ssm are the words, Good Luck Baking Povtder. .jH Millions of intelligent house keepers use and recommend MFGCa it. •JyCHMOND, 4 .w. w. ipark, State Agent, Atlanta, Ga. \s vvn a? am \w wwimm Atlas Engines Portable and stationary boilers, .shafting, pulleys, belting, pipeiny, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick deliveiv. Get our prices Come and see us. Lombard lion-works and Supply Cc, CAS I'KVHSY I)AY, , J . CAPACITY 300 HANDS. .AUgHSta, Gr, THE Bay Iron Works! Repairing Work or all Kinds. “ar MACHINERY. Sr* Water Tanks, Motors All kinds of Electric; 1 Machinery. t Steamboat and Marine Work a £ne trial tv No charge tor Estimating r on Jmjs. Expert orkmen! Sa "siacno s gui iranteed! 629 BAY STREET. Stock Wanted. W. R. Townsend ’& Cos., 300 MONK STREET. For Sale . . . CELERY! CELERY, 10 CENTS A STALK. Delivered promptly to any part of tiie city M. W. CHURCHILL, TELEPHONE N0.43A, PELIPANVIIXE. lie Soil G 0... .*>—Macosi. Ga. American Queen... Victoria. Our Leading Brands, WE SELL TO DEM FKS ONLY. R. V. Douglass, Agt.. THE CHANCE OF YOUR LIFE! A few slightly damaged Man tels at one-half price. COME QUICK. IRON FENCING. MONUMENTAL WORK. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works. HEED E. I.aMANCE, Proprietor. SCHOONER 3G. A NEW BAR. liy Wlilftky, Sl.cO lor Gallon. No Charge for Jugs or Holt left. , . Ksntucky and Tcnnesrea Whisky House. S- Marks - - Manager. Cor. Monk and Bay Sts.