The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, May 26, 1897, Image 3

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Many Think! When it was paid to tlie woman:“ln sorrow shalt thou bring forth chil dren,” that a perpetual curse was pronounced, hut the thrill of joy felt by every Mother when she clasps to her heart her babe proves the con trary. True, dangers lurk in the pathway of the Expectant Mother and should be avoided. “Mother’s Friend” So prepares the system for the change taking place that the final hour is robbed of all danger and pain. Its use insures safety to the life of both Mother and child, and makes birth easy and recovery more rapid. Sent by Mnil, on receipt of price, SI.OO PER BOTTLE. lsook, lo IbX' ectuut Mothers,” mailed f-ee, con* tinning valuable iniorination and voluntary testi* zuoniuis. Th© Bra <lll old Regulator i’Q., Atlanta, (la. eOLD by ALL ORUGGIBTB. Heaith k Wealth. KFME ISO BRAIN TREATMENT THE ORIGINAL. ALL OTHERS IMITATIONS, la sold under positive Written Guarantee. by authorized agents only, to euro Weak Memory, Uizziiiosß, Wakefulness, Fits, Hysteria, Quick ness, Night fjoaeoß, Kvi l Dreams, Lack of Conti, dence. Nervousness, Lassitude, all Drains, Youth ful Errors, or Excessive Use of Tobabco,Opium, or Liquor, which leads to Misery, Consumption, Insanity and Death. At store or by mail, $1 a box; six for $5; with written guarantee to cure or refund money. Sample pack age, containing five days* treatment, with fuli instructions, 25 cents. One sample only sold to Bach person. At storo or by mail. L?be! Special £ x * ra Strength. Itnpotancy, Loss ffl Power, Lost Manhood, YJ* y? lkefrL Sterility or Barrenness,), pt a box; six for $5, with )%f written g1larante oiiPAoc. to cure in‘.JO days. At store# \ e&F-OREor by mail. APTER W. J. HTTTTR, The Tlruggist, Newcas tle and Gloucester streets, Brunswick, (la Moderate prices. Telephone 27. Prescriptions a specialty. y r ve FOR EITHER SEX bt W'-wo! and This remedy being in rrgTTTrrv r~r? joined directly to tii<' Mpfk ■■ W"- gflk seat of tliowe diseases K “ fj tag of tne Gentto-llrinury At Organs, requires nc lj| yy gaa clistnge of diet. Cure xSE—>■■—4— guaranteed in 1 to a— days. Small plain pack by mail, SI.OO 4# 4? £4 JlisSold only by VV. J. Butts, the druggist, corner Nevvcrstle and Gloucester streets Itrun-wick, G* Modertte prices. Tel ephone 27. Prescriptions a specially. s|| iUR SE'O^ Knj_fe P. P. P., Llppman’3 Great Remedy, Saves a f.fa.i From Becoming a Cripple. Mr. Asa Ammons, a well-known citizen of Jacksonville, Florida, was afflicted by a terrible ulcer. Medical skill seemed unavailing in stopping the ravages of the terrible disease. The leg was swollen and intensely painful, as tiie ulcer had eaten its way down to the very bone. All medicines and treatments having failed to effect a cure, the doctors said the leg must come off. Just when it seemed that Mr. Ammons would become a disabled and a crippled man, he tried P. P. P., Lippman's Great Remedy, and the re sult was wonderful. P. P. P. SAVES HIS LEG. “ Jacksonville, Fla., July 1, 1805. Two years ago I had the worst ulcer on my leg I ever saw. It had eaten down to the bone, and my whole leg below my knee, and my foot was swollen and inflamed. The bone was swollen and painful, and discharged a most offensive matter. My physicians said I had necrosis of the bone, and my leg would have to come off. At this stage I commenced to take P. P. P. and to bathe my leg with hot Castile soap suds. It began to improve at once and healed rapidly, and is to-day a sound and useful leg. “1 think P. P. P., Lippman’s Great Remedy, is all a man coukl ask for as a blood purifier, as I have known it to cure so meterrible cases of blood poi soning in a remarkably short time. “AKA AMMONS.” TERRIBLE BLOOD POISON. The body covered with sores—two bottles of P. P. P. made a positive and permanent cure. This is only one of many thousand similar cases. Catarrh yields at once to P. P. P. That smothered feeling at night, that heavy feeling in the day can and should be removed ; P. P. P. will do it if you only give it a chance. indigestion and constipation goliand in hand. Headaches and total loss of appetite are the results. Regulate yourself and tone up your stomach with P. P. P. Sold by all druggist* LIPPMAN BROS., Apothecaries, Sole Prop'rs, Lippman's Block, Savannah, (ia SHIPPING REPORT. OORRldTltri DAII.Y BV CAPT. OTTO JO HANK HBOS WITH K. H. MASON & CO. PORT OF BRUNSWICK., May 25. iM. AUHIVED. SAII.EU. IN PI llt - ! KTKAMKHIHS. Colorado, Am 88, 2322, Risk, New York Mallory—Fernand iua Ramon de Larrinag v. Sp 68, 1081; Kche verria, New York, A F. Churchill Br. ss. Capenor 1,051, Leisk, Kingston, A F. Churchill. BAKES. Arlele Ba‘.ina, Nor bk,701, Chriatoifersen, Hull, Downifigcompany. Wakefield, 8w bk, 795, Ma'tinsson, Table Bay, Downing company Sereia, Port bk, 897, Oheira, Rio Janeiro, Moynelo & Cos. N'eptun, Nor bk, 1180, Backers, Gotten burg via Tybee, Downing company. Athena, Br bk, 063, Dill, Rio Janeiro — Satilia. Consuelo, Sp bk, 413, Gelpi, Havana, Torras. Harriet S. Jackson, Am bk, 472, Dodge, New York, Yellow Pine company—Colon. Conductor, Br bk, 1603, Lombard, Rio Janeiro, Hilton-Dodge—Rio Janeiro. Joseph Haydn, Nor bk. 794, Jorandsen, Aigoa bay, Hilton-Dodge—Rio Janeiro. fuya, Sp bk,232, Roig, Havana, Torras. Ben Lowers, Br bk, 079, James, Santos, Downing company. Progreso, Sp bk, 740, Menendez, Havana, Padrosa. Figaro, Nor ok, Nielsen, Montevideo, Torras—Rio Janeiro. BRIGS. Wan Bun, 9 m bg, 448, Avis, Zaza, MCUOONKKB. Aetna, Am schr. 333,. Chapman, New York, Y'ellow Pine company—New York. James B. Jordan, Am schr, 063, Hem pel, Boston, Baxter & Cos. .lames G. Beecher, Am schr. 790, Dunn. Pfiiladelpliia, Baxter & Ce. Jesse 0. Woodhull, Ain schr, 573. Town send, New York, Broadhead—New York. Dora Matthews, Am schr, 440, Brown, New York, Hirscii & Co—New fork. Waltham. Am schr, 440, Barter, Boston, Hilton-Dodge—Boston. Jacob Reed, Am schr, Bunker, Belfast, Hilton-Dodge. John P. Penrose, Am schr, 433, Smith, Cardenas, Gregertsen & Cos, Mary F. God fret. Am stlir, 424, Wicks, Philadelphia, Kmanuel Cos. Frank W. Howe, Am schr,4,B3, Williams, Boston, Souther Pine companp—Boston. Aimeda Willey, Am schr, 483, Dodge New York, Hilton Dodge—New Nork. Arthur McArdle, Am schr, 768, Magee, New Y'ork, Y'ellow Pine company. Am. schr. Tlios. W. Hyde, 448 Carver, Providence,Hilton- Dodge Lumber ' o. George Taulano, Jr. Am schr,442, Jones, Havana, LloretdeMar, Sp schr, 348, Dominick St. Jago, F. D. M Sti-oclian. Etta A. Stimpson Am schr, 299, Hagan, St Thomas —New. Y’ork, R. McFarland, Am schr. 545, Montgom ery, New London, McCullough. Addie M. Anderson. Atn schr, BS7, Tay lor, Portland. Baxter A Co.—New Y ork. recapitulation. Steamships, 3: Ships, 0: Barks, 13; iirigr, 1; Schooners, 18. Total, 33. - Ship Notices. Neither llie owner, consignee nor muster of tlio Brii isli bark Conductor is responsible for any debts contracted bv the crew. CAi TAIN LOMBARD, Master. Neither the owner, consignee or master of the Brills.', bartentinc Athena is re.-ponsible for any eebts contr cied by the crew. CAPTAIN DILL, Master. Neithertile owner, consignee nor master of the Norwg. l-ark Adele Si.hina is responsible for any debts contracted bv the crew. CAPTAIN CIIRIsTOFFKRSEN, Master, Neither the owner, consignee nor master of the liivi dish barii Wakefield is resuonsihle for anv debis contracted bv the crew. •OAP I’AIN M Alt iIN SDN,Master. Notice. The undersigned will leave today for the quarantine station at Kapelo to re ntal n about live weeks. All parties hav ing business with ns can communicate wil h us I liete. J. tl. Brown & Cos. SOUTHERN RATWAY. > C W' SCHEDULE IX KFI ECT MAY 3, 1597. V .1 . , No. Nn. Vo. No. " V JL* 23 Lv. Brunswick.. 5 45a ~b 3fla Tinp Ar. Everett 6 ilia 10 30a iliiOp 9 10s Lv Jus up It lon 10 Ur “ Sarreney '2 09p llfiOy “ Hanishiir t 1 03p 12 59* “ Lumber C.ty ! 1 35j> ..12 19* “ Helena 2 lOp 1 fits “ M.issler 2 2lp 1 ?is “ Eastman . i . t- 4a “ B upire „l 310 p ~ “ 228a “ Cochran 8 S4O, " M aeon 933a 4 loir flop 4 25i “ Ehivllla 9-Mn 5 54p BUBp 5 33a “ M' Donough. 8 Up! $ 44p 813s Ar. Atlanta 1110 7 45p S 4Sp 7 20s Lv. Atlanta lip 10 00p 10 00p T 50s Ar. Chattanooga 0)p 49Ua 430a lttlj Ar. Louisville t OJA 8 lftp 8 lgj> geOa Ar. Cincinnati, Q. 32 0 710a 7 80p ? 30j* 7 40s Lv. Atlanta 11 svp 1200 m Ar. Washington 9 Ftp) 6 42a " Na.w York f 23a'1243p s ° athb " ii "‘ i - y, ; j* 'l4. hr. Nnv York 1800 T >n TO 43p Ilia* Ar. Atlanta 8 55? J l!)* Lv. Cincinnati, Q. A C 7 3,Jr S a T HO? *• Lbuisvilid. 7 3vy 7 45a 7 i,lx 7 IDf Lv. Chat a 30:t 10 ())p iO 3 i’st Ar. 4tlant.a 11 40a s<) a 5 00a 3 05f Lvr. Atlanta 4 ItV* n 25al 8 loa 3 80| “ M Dnfiouvh 5 0 loa b 16a 9 35* '* Fiuvilla 5 51;| 7 Oja 951a10 Jif Ar. Macon 7 o 0:; and I.Yh 10 50u 11 l(k Lv. Cochran jlO 14a ..... 12 4a “ Empire ;10 27a . . 12 67a •' Eus Mil an . ... JO 59a 1 25* M M;siler 11 2in .... 1 5.J* “ Haienst— 11 45a 2 00* “ L.tmburOit/ 12 45p 2 47* M H;t/lehursc 1 o.h> . * 80 5* M ftuireiicy '* 1 153 p’* 3 57a Ar. .ie.s’iT) 4 *3 4lp 4 4'3* Lv. Everett f, 55a' 330 p O-jp 5 30* Ar. Brunswick. 7 45a! 4 30p Sj)op Oxu* Nos. 13 an i U—“ Pullman fl'eaping car* ba* tween Atlanta aud Brimawick. Pulim.n drawing room a>**pi hi oar* between Jack* hod Pin., aul ifitiihvilie, Tuna., vi* ChattanoopA. Ne)4. o .. l 10—Pullman drawing room sleep cars hat ween Atlanta and Louisville. No*. 1 and s—Puilinan sleepiny car* br,w<ißn At ur.ta and (InAttanooga. This car ia placed in Union Pits-ranger station, Allan.a, for tU* rece’tfiou of passes rs at ®:00 p. m. ConMeotion at Union Depot v Atlauta, f®|* all poiiita tiorth. east and went. W K. g:ikn. J. M CULP, Gvn'l Surmrintearfent, Traffic Waihirittoii. D 0. Wasliinctou, D. O. W. A. TIJrtK. S. M HAitDVViOK, Gft’i'l Paw*. Vgt. A.*j*i. (van'l Pass. Waabtiiiiton, D. 0. Atlanta. <ia. THE TIMES: BRUNSWICK, UA., WEDNESDAY MORNING. MAY 26, 1897. TO NASHVILLE. The Plant System Announces Its Rates to the Great Exposition. For the Tennessee Centennial am) I nlernalional Imposition, Nashville, Penn., May 1 to Oclober 30, 1897, the Plant System will sell roUnd-trip tickets from Brunswick to Nashville. Penn., at the following rates on dales named below: s23.os—Tickets to b* sold April 14 and 24 and daily on and after April 28, until aud including October 15; final limit November 7, 1897. sl7.3s—Tickets to be sold daily on and alter April 29, until and including October 15, 1597; final limit twenty days in addition to date of sale. $12.60-Tickets to be sold on Tues days and Thursdays of each week, be ginning April 29, and until and in cluding October 26, 1897: final limit ten days in addition to date of sale. sll 35—Applies to military compan ies and uniformed brass hands accom panying them, moving in bodies of twenty-five or more on solid ticketqto be sold daily, beginning April 29. and until and including October 26, 1897; final limit ten days in addition to date of sale. Saute rate will apply lo bona fide students and their teachers in parties of twenty-five cr more on so id tickets, upon application of principals of colleges, schools and universities; to be sold May 15‘to June 30, 1897, in clusive, and September 15 to Ootober 25, 1897, inclusive; final limit ten days in addition to date of sale. TO ST. SIMON. The Schedule Now in Force on tho Steamboat Line. The following schedule will be in force on the St. Simon line until fur ther notice: • / \0 j'T; 0 Going—Leave Brunswick, 10 a. m.; 2 p. rn.; arrive St. Simon, 11 a. m,, 3 p. m. Returning—Leave St. Simon 11 :3G a. in., 5 p. m ; arrive Brunswick 12:30 noon, b p. in. • ,J— ... v - To the Centennial. 'i'be Southern railway will sell ex curMoii tickets at $12.60 Brunswick to Nashville, Tenn., and return for the Tennessee Centennial, M ay-Nuvember. Kate of $12.60 limited to ten days front date of sale, and other tickets on sale wit>i any limitation desired. Elegant Southern railway trains will be oper ated in special service between Bruns wick and Nashville. Travel via Spuih ern railway. ilOI" To Nashville. 'ilie Southern railway announces a rate of $11.35 from Brunswick to Nashville, Tenn., aud return fori ac count ot seventh annual reunion United Gonlt derate veterans. Irre proachable service. Schedules un equaied. See that your tickets read by way of Southern railway. Mr. Edward S. Fagg, Hie competent steward of the Oglethorpe, is the right man in the right p'ace. Mr. Fagg was formerly steward at the Ponce de Leon Hotel at St. Augustine, Kenil worth Inn, Asheville, N. €.; Galt house, Ky., and late of the Trent on t and Beach hotel, Galveston, Tex. Truth in a Nutshell. Impure blood is the natural result of close confinement in the bouse, schoolroom or shop. Blood is purified by Hood’s Sarsa parilla, and all the disagreeable re sults of impure blood .disappear with the use of this medicine. If you wish to feel well, keep your blood pure with Hood’s Sarsaparilla. Hood’s Pills are the best family ca thartic and liver medicine. Gentle, reliable, sure. Families can board at the Ogle thorpe this summer cbf aper than they can keep house. See Manager Aiken for rates. The Oglethorpe hotel is noted for being one of the Coolest spots on the South Atlantic coast in (tie summer months. A most delightful place to spend a pleasant summer. ■■■-■■ - ■— ■ Rob Roy flour is foie. Try it. I j j The Rosy Freshness And a velvety softness of the skin is inva riably obtained by those who use PozzonPs Complexion Powder. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. >_ •_ STATE OF (jEoROIA., i County < f Ci yvn. f Notice is hereby von to the public that an election will he held throughout said county ut the various election precincts established by law. in said county, on the sixth (Gth) day of July, I*o7, to determine the question m hetlicr or nnt’forty (40) bonds of said county of the par value of one thousand ($1,000) dollars each, ag gregating a total of forty thousand ($lo,o00) d>l lars, shall be issued by the authorities of said county for the purpose, of erecting and furnish ing a suitable court house building in said county for the use of the superior, city aud other courts of said county and for the use of the officials of said county. Said bonds to bear date September llrst, (Ist) 1897, to liear five (6) per cent interest per annum from date of issue: thirteen hundred and thirty-three dollars and thirty-three cents ($1,338.33) of the principal to be paid oil’ annually, one thousand (S!,<XK)) dol lars interest lo be paid semi-annually, making a total of two thousand ($2,000) dollars interest to be paid annually,aud the total amountftf said bonds, to wit., $40,000, to be Dually paid oil* and discharged within, thirty i3o)years from the dale of issue, said bonds to la* thirty 30) year bonds.' At said election* the ballots cast by the voters shall bear the words “For court house'bonds’’ or “Against court house bonds.” JAMES S. WRIGIJT, Chairman. If. rf. Yin?vf:r, Commissioners of Roads and Revenues of Glynn County, Ga. CURED AT 73 YEARS. Dr. miles* New Hcit Victorious. No other medb ino can show such a record. Here is a veritable patriarch, 73 years of ace, wit h strong prejud ice to overcome, wbo had Heart, DUeaar I.i yean, tfe took tho New Heart Cure and is now sound and well. jyfirYlljl - Famcei. O. Stone. Gmsfi Lake, Mieh., Dee. 28,1894. •PATPMStf if 1- ’ with heart disease 15 years or more. Most ot tbe timo I was so bad it w*# not afe for me to po out alone, as dizzy spells would cause falling. 1 had severe palpitation, shortness of breath a'nd sudden pains that rendered me helpless. All physicians did for me was to advise keeping quiet. In August last I commenced taking Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure, and before I had finished the first bottle I found the medicine was a God-send. i have now.osedloux bottles in ail and am feeling entirely well. lam 73 y jars of age and have held a grudge agairfst patent medicidbs all my hfie, bat J will not allow this to prevent glving-my testiraotiy bp the great cure your valuable rerSeayTitrar wrought in me. Ido this to show my appreciation of Dr. Jliies 1 New Heart Care 1 . SAMUEL O. STOKE. Dr. Miles Heart Cure is sold on a positive cuß rlrat. the firstbottle wfli benefit. Alldfugfeistssell itatdsfc ttbottltW fors3,or it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of price by the Dr. Miles Medical Cos., Elkhart, Ind, Dr. Miles’ Heart Cure R f^°^ e , s th J ’ GENUINE EHI PHOSPHATE tyfi/uMPER nfSJIfM i £.'-=3. PtIWATE AesoUJTELY PijtjE jrin unfa/iqg 'OS.?// ry C’JPdjej, rf'S'c.-rferj of the \en/ou§ 2nd. %!orrjdct\ trouble^ ,nrt *O4, P fU. *Olll-,. Kt'--c<l I* A.*< with TsJ< NWh ttini* iiMs: r.liGrt I. *•*.’ -O" lh.'-0,4. <jlo MwttU t C'Nt INNATI O USA Invaluable for Kidney Trouble, Nervous sot ti I’ItOrRIETOKS y. That tired feeling whicn eventual 1. comes to a high liver is dissipated by Gii Phosphate. GIN PHOSPHATE diSels the most obstinate ease of Kid n y troubles. A pleasant ana invigorating tome. Ai unfailing specific for kidney trouble! nervous disorders and indigestion. Fc sale by J. J. Lott, R. V. Douglas, Haas Liquor Cos Sig Lenison. l>. G. Johnson, Wm. jLiiderson, Tob 1 iwinan, M.H: ach & Cos., Jr IS: f bisbpard, A tbrrt Wen*. Repairing of firearms and bicycler done with neatnessam and dispatch. All Work Guaranteed. Cor. Monk and Grant StH. 6-11 P. O. KESFLEF "3C. “Arnheiter-^ Hotel St. Simon,., ST. SIMON ISLAND, GA. Season of 1897, May 15 to Sept. Ist. Steamers leave Brunswick for Hotel four times each day, connecting with all trains. JACK H. CLANCEY, Mgr. Cumberland Route, (Brunswick and Florida Steamboat Cos.) BETWEEN Brunswick, Ga- and Fernandina, Fla. Via Jekyl and Cumberland Islands. Connecting with F, C. and P. Fv,. R. for JACKSONVILLEand St. AUGUSTINE Fla. t New Steamer “Oov. ®afford.” SCHEDULE EFFECTIVE JAN. 18, 1897. SOUTHBOPND. NORTHBOUND. Tv 8:00 a.m. Lv St. Augestine 9-50 a.m aT- tern *ii id in a' ,“ :00 Lv Jiicksonvillr UlOOa.m Ar St. 4:40 | Ar lirunswick r>;3o p.m Connections : Fernandina with F. r. & I*. R. R. f or all points south; Jacksonville with lines diverging; Brunswick with Southern Railway Com puny, 1 Jaut vSystem and Mallory Line for all points north, past and west. For farther information, apply to W M, TUPPER & CO., Managers, •Tune 21-96—iy Brunswick, Georgia MALLORY STEAMSHIP LINE. AfSk New M, Plililpl oid Boston. Seiling From Brunswick, Ga,. PASSENGER SERVIGE. r?* PROPOSED SAILINGS ! Leave New York. Leave lirunswick COLOKADO -Friday, May 7,3.00 p. m Friday,Vay fV.YfiJ? E t. 1 " a -v, Jay 14. ;i,(KI p. in Friday, May 21,9.00 a. in. u i 1 " -May 21,8.00 p.ui Friday, May 28,8.00 p. tin IiIOGKA.NDL 1 rid ay, May 28,3.00 j). in Fridpy, June 4, 7.30 a. in. For general information, steamers, trains, r.Vos, etc., apply to any railroad agent, or to CIIAS. DAVIES, Agent, 82u w.Bay St, Jacksonville, i la. ii i, ii,v,m,,T. . , A. P. MURPIIY’, Agent, Fernandina. Fla 11. H. ItAYMOND, General Southern Agent, Brunswick, Ga. C. 11. MALLOKY & CO., General Agents, Pier 20, i£. River, and 803 Broadway, N. 5 . \S V>\y\ \}V QHW \w PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER HE PA RT id ENT. No - 9 ' No - " 3 - Time Table ! ' ,O M - NO W - f Mixed j Miwd NO. 17, i Mixed Mixed Daily. F.fleetive Sunday May | Daily. Daily, Daily. | 10, 1897,12 01 am 7 00am 515 pm... 1 lv lirunswick ar Tsoain.... lOdOpm . . .0 un 45 pm... ar Wajernss lv fioOam... HlOnui.... It 00am... A>pm lv Wayerosa ar 550 am... SUOpm.... 1 00pm... 1 Sit pm ar TUtou lv :t loam. 5Upm.... 1 Oepm.. 12 10 am lv Tifuon ar 2 55am.... 5 05pm.... 2in pm... 155 am... ar Albany lv j 12 55am.... 3-40 pi n.... 12 30 pm... 12 30 am ar Savannah lv 300 am 4 cupm ar cnarleston lv 1 00pm... 1115 pm... ar Jacksonville lv 7(0imi.... BOOpui 815 pm... 10 80 am ar BtAugustine lv 7 OOant -••; ar Tampa !v 7 50um !. 2 Ilf am .12 55 am.. ar Thomasvillo lv 155 am 3 35pnt... VIA T 1 FTC N & G. S. <fc F. 7 00am,.; 5 15pm 1v.... Brunswick .... ar 7 main ...ilOSOmr. iOO pnt.. fll 59pm or ... Tifton .... lv f 2 55am.... i5 15 itn. i 43. pm 4 05am . ar.... Macon .... lv 11 25pm....i1l 50am.... i3. pi 11..: 7 46am ar... Atlanta .... lv 7 00pm....! 8 20am.... 12 3. am. l ot'iun ar chattanoga .. . hi 2 55pm....: 4 (sam.. 8 45am..| 7 00pm .ar Nashville V 900 am :1120pm. 040 pin. ; 7 JBam ar.... St. Louis .... It: 9 25pin.... | 8 10am...’ VIA WAYCROSS A MONTGOMERY. 700 am..,1 5 15pin 1v... I'rui wfek ar : 7 sfam ... 10’iOpr'.... 945 am... 7 45pin ar..'. Wajerts- —iv i 0 00am ... i 8 lupir 9 20pm. 8 loam at .. Mbntgoineiy ; 7 45pm ...: 8 50ain... 11 22 a 111.. 1205 am ar iyi i 4 lOpm ...i 548 am.... 0 45am 7 00pm ar . ....Nashville lv! j 9 05pm ... ill 2. am...'. 0 40pm... 7 20am.. ar ......St. Louis hi ~..i 9 25pm ...: 8 40am..3 12 35pm ... 2 30pm,.. ar ... .Louisville lv; I 2 55am ...1 6 45M4.,.. 4 12pm ~ 7 Ofpm.. ar ....Ciiici.iiiaii lv ii i 2 (mam..!.! BETWEEN BRUNSWICK, MACON A AILANTA-VIA TIFTON AN • MACON. 7 00a m.. 5 15|>m iiv— Brunswick ar 1 7 :oani . 10 80pm 430 pm.. 4 05am iar.... Macon ...It 26pm ... It Sunn 7 3a pin.. 1 45a in, jar Atlanta h | 7 topm . . s aonnt .. S-- liegtilar stop. J l —Stop on signal. Direct connection made at Waverosa wltli tliroucli I’ullman Sleeting Car* for Montgomery,Nashville,Savannah, Charleston, nail all points North; aboTempa and Ft Augos 'ine. Keeling chairea s between Wayeross ami Montgomery via Tlioinasville. B. DUNJIAM, GKO. VV. COA'IKS, B. W. WRENN, General Snpt. Division Pass. Agent. Pass. Traffic Manavc- FANCY CANDIES... IS’ to 7 1 ) cents a pound. Crvsta’ized Fruits. Taffy,. Candies made every day; all flavors. Full line Cigars and Tobac co. Fresh Fruits and confection ery. Eli Zissimato I''iH The only reliable Eotiott positively preventing Flies, Gnats and Insects of every description from annoying Horses and Cattle. Soothing and Healing if applied to sores. Applied to cows it secure* gains in Flesh and Milk. Guaranteed Pure, Harmless and Effective. Gallon Can. $1.50; % Gallon $1 00; Quarts, 50c. Beware of imitat* ions. Sold by Druggists, Saddlery, Agricultural Implement, Flour and Feed and Seed Houses, of * The Crescent Mfg. Cos., Philadelphia, Pa. M. MAYER Ao-ent. C. A. CLABK. BARBER SHOP, 205 1-2 NEWCASTLE. Everything new and service first class. We respectfully solicit your patronage.