The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, December 22, 1897, Image 2

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fhe Brunswick Times- EVERY MORNING BUT MONDAY. Brunswick Publishing Company, Pub lishers and Managers. OFFICE } SUBSCRIPTION RATES. Delivered by Mail or Carrier. One copy, one year f5 00 One copy, six month* 2 GO One copy, three moutlia 1 2G One copy, .-'no month 50 One copy, Ore week 1G Sunday Edition, 8 page*, per year 1 00 Ten per cent, discount on all subscriptions when paid in advance. Correspondence on live and clean subjects is solicited. Address all communications to T l l i. Uohsiko Timrs, Brunswick, Ua, m Official Organ of the City of Bruns wick and County of Glynn, TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers arc requested to notify the office w hen they fail to get any issuo or The Times. Attention to tbis matter will be appreciated by the management. Advertising rates will be furnished on .ap plication. Orders to discontinue subscriptions and ad vertisements must be in writing. OUR NAVAL MILITIA IN WAR. The whole nation la interested, say* the Tiniei-Union and Citizen, in our need of ships, but it is evident that even a more pressing need is that of men to man thorn. Florida is particu larly interested in the latter phase of the question, and ns are doing our best to supply the demand. But in case of war what would be required of our naval militia? The assistant sec retary of the navy, William McAdoo, says: “I have often been asked since com ing to this office, what could be done with the naval militia in case of war, and have said in reply that really there were so many fields of usefulness for the naval militia in case of war, that the dilliculty would not be to itud work for them, but to select among many that where they could serve their conntry best. It should always be re membered that in case of war the present personnel of the navy, both of lloerg and men, would be totally inad equate in numbers to meet the emer gency. Indeed, the present regular establishment would not be much more than a nucleus, around whioh would have to be brought a force commensu rate with tha needs of the oooasion. It is useless to dismiss tbs question whether the present naval militia, as now organized, would become diffused in the regular service, or whether it would be better to keep its organiza tion, if possible, intact, and tlis men under their own officers. All this could very readily be settled when the oooasion arose. It is quite possible that a good percentage of the naval militia would voluntarily enter the regular naval service, and would pre fer that to remaining with their owu organizations, but, however small or large this percentage, it does not in any wise detract from the usefulness of the organization and its possibili ties.” SAVANNAH'S DANGER. It is very amusing to note that the Savannah people have suddenly dis covered the disadvantages of having a negro collector of customs . The Sa vannahians thought some years ago that it would be quite the proper thing for Brunswick to have a colored col lector, and endorsed Deveaux highly. Now that it appears that Peveaux will get the same position in that city, the Savannah people are attacked with the horrors. The News thinks that the appoint ment of a negro would be “exceed ingly distasteful,” and think* that it would “have anything but a benefloial effect upon the interest* of the city.” What The News says is undoubtedly true, but why wasn’t the same posi tion taken by the people of Savannah when Brunswick was threatened? It is regarded as pretty certain that the president will give the Savannah job to Deveaux. The colored colonel standi close to men who stand close to McKinley, and it is generally con ceded that Johnson is to be content with the postotfioe, while his opponent gets the collectorship. So far as the protests of the papers and the people are concerned the individual who pre sides at Washington has already shown that he has no regird for sucti things, and that, the mote distasteful may be the anticipated appointment, tbs more certain is the pres'dent to make it—that is, if the interested com- munity is a democratic one. But Thb Times can say this much to the people of Savannab. If it Is their ill-fortune to have any negro for col lector of custom*, they couldn’t And a better one than Dsveaux, if they looked all over the Afro-American race. THAT SAME OLD QUESTION'. Anain, again, and yet again, The Times must ask that question : What has beoome of the Oglethorpe Bi -Cen tennial site committee? Isn’t the political turmoil well enough settled to admit of a little at tention to a matter of vitally more importance than all the politics in' Glynn county? ! Assured of a progressive adminin tration of city affairs, why should we not now turn our attentions to some thing on the line of material develop ment—a thing that will help build the town and improve the condition of it* people? Let that committee get together and do aomethlng—no matter what it is. A sudden lapse of interest like this is fatal to any public enterprise. Let us be ready, on January 1, to start the active work of getting up the attrac tion. Thb Rome Tribune, always ready to meet the demand* of the occasion, is out with a large and attractive Christ mas issue. A popular feature is a page of leading Romans, with pictures of oaoh of them, aud sentiments ex pressed for them especially by the Tribune. Gordon, formerly one of the Georgia newspaper boys, is now si sistant manager of the Daily Globe, Monterey, Mexico, and writes fluent editorials in Spanish. China is the apple in the eye of the great powers just now. Germany, Russia, England and Japan are a 1 waiting for a chance to scoop in the whole oountry. The New York Journal offers a prize of SI,OOO for the most correct prophecy of the great events of 1898. Two thousand copies of the Christ mas edition of The Times have been distributed through the oity . auuu. ■■ijjmiii A cracker trust has been formed, but the Georgia “Cracker” remains free and independent. Editors Stein and Brann should form a society for mutual protection. A man may dress as well ns his own good judgment and the assistance of an artistie tailor may elect. He may take his “tubs” but if his’ digestive organs are out of order, he will have an unwholesome appearance. His complexion and the white of his eyes will have a yellowish cast. His tongue' wili be coated, appetite poor, his teeth rusty, his breath abominable. He Is one big, unmistakable sign of con sumption. The quickest, surest, easiest way to cure this trouble is to take Dr. Pieroe’s Pleasant Pallets. They are made of refined, concentrated vegetable extracts. Nothing in the least harmful enters inio their compo sition. They hunt down all impurities, and “make them move on.” They are the product of many years’ study and praotiee. Dr. Pierce cannot afford to put forth a worthless article. Address with 21 cents in one-cent stamps, to cover cost of mailing only, World’s Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N.Y., and get a free copy of tbe“Medloal Adviser.” Don’t fail to ask for your tickets in our grand free drawing. Every SI.OO purchase entitles you toone. Kennon Mott, the jeweler. For Over Fifty Years. An Oi.d and Well-Tried Remedy, Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for Diarrhea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the*world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure aud ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. All the celebrated makes of fine im ported and domestic cigars can be found at tsidor Mayer’s. THE TIMES: ffRUNSWICK, GA,, WEDNESDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 22, 1897. Hood’s Restore full, regular action ■ ■ ■ of the bowels, do not '. rr j. | B t-ite or inflame, but leave 111 all the delicate digestive or- ™ gsnism 111 perfect co ndition. Try them. 25 cents, prepared only by (’,. j. Hood & Cos., Lowell, Mass. SHIPPING REPORT. e 'VA/AAf/V'AAAA/OViA/>/V/vveoW\A^WW'AAAAAA PORT OF BRUNSWICK, Dec. 21, 1897 COEBSCTAO DAILY BY CAPT. OTTO JOHANHKSOH WITH S. H. MASON * CO. ARRIVED F. C. Pendleton, Am schr, 388, Burges New York, Emanuel—Elizebethprrt, Francis C. Yarnell, Am schr, 471, Bowen, Portland. Hiiton-Dodge—Philadelphia. Colorado, Am sa, 2322, Risk, New York, Mallory Line—New York. Amalia, 8p bk, 419, Roca, Cadiz, Padrosa. City of Nassau, Br schr, 78, Kelly, Nassau, F. D, Aikea—Nassau. CLEARED. Kelyingrove, Br ss, 1714, Ryder, Wil mington, Churchill. SAILED. Dr. Mezger, Nor bk, 623, Horn, Havre Downing company. Lucy H. Russell, Am schr, 1082, Bishop Key We3t, Baxter & Co.—Norfolk. IN POET. STEAMSHIPS. Wennington Hall, Br ss, 1913, Hostler, Tjilatap via New York, Churchill. Werneth Hall, Br ss, 2668, Williams, Liv erpool, Wm Johnston & Cos. SHIPS. Palamos, Sp shp, 1201, Mas, Santos, Southern Pine company. BABES. Xenia, Am bk, 1059, Greene, Santos, Brodhead. Felicina Ferrari, It bk, 323, Repetto, Marseille, Downing Cos. Bruce Hawkins, Am bk, 546, Gurney, Sierra Leone, Hilton-Dodge—Boston, ' Borinquen, Sp bk, 840, Noguerolos, Ha vana, Moynelo & Cos. Irene, Bp bk, 548, Koca, Carthaglua, Padrosa. Gler, Nor bk, 746, Amundsen, Liverpool, Downing company. Progreso, Sp bk, 740, Menendez, Cartha gena, Padrosa. Clara, It bk, 567, Scarpa, Marseilles, Hunter, Benn & Cos. Latawa, Russ, bk, 528, Osolin, Maranham, B. Padrosa. BRIGS. Robert Dillon, Am bg, 431, Wyatt, New York, Hirscli & Cos. Darpa, Br bg. 344, Bradley, St. Servan, SCHOONERS. James G. Beecher, Am schr, 729, Dunn, Savannah. Baxter & Cos. Julia Elizabeth, Br schr, 80, Sweeting, Nassau, F. D. Aiken, Nassau. Erie, Am schr, 219, Brown, Eanta Cruz. Gladys. Am schr, 646, Colson, St. Piene, Hirsch & Cos. Peerless, Br schr, Kemp, Nassau, F. D. Aiken —Nassau. Annie L. Aenderson, Am schr, 407, Ar royo, Torras—New Xork. Chas. K. Bulkley, Am schr, Townsend, New York, Southern Pine company—-New York. 0. C. Wehrun, Am schr, 376, Cavalier, New York, Hirsch & Co —New York. Wm. H. Swann, Am schr, 729, Davidson, Cienfuegos, N. Gregertsen. Nelson Bartlett, Am schr, 609, Willey, Providence, Hilton-Dodge—New York. BEC APITCLATION. Steamships. 3; Ships, 1: Barks, 11; Brigs, 2; Schooners, 14. Total, 31. Johnson’s Chill and Fever Tonic Cures Fever In One Day. A box of fine cigars is a very suit able Christmas gift. Buy them from Isidor Mayer. PUPILS IN A PLAY. The Christmas Entertainment of the Excel sior Society Will Bea Good One. The Christmas entertainment of the Excelsior Literary society, of Glynn high school, will occur Thursday, December 23, beginning at 7:30 p. m. Tbe entertainment will be given at the Mansfield street school building. An admission fee of 25 cents for adults, 10 cents for children under 12 years of age, and 10 cents for all public school children. The following is the program : FIRST PART. Instrumental Solo—“ Directory March,” Clifford Gordon. Recitation—“ Vulture of the Alps,” Rita McKinnon. Vocal Solo—“ Serenade,” Gregh Janie Symons. Recitation—“ Tho Russian Xmas,” Banks Ida Borchardt. Violin Bolo—“Scena de Ballet,” Mies \Vinter, Miss Rosalie Borchardt, ac companist. Recitation— 4 Half Way Pomis,” J ydie Jeffers. SECOND PART. Kakce Comedy— “ Champion of Her Sex.” Mrs. Duplex, a widow with money and a mansion Miss Ida Borchardt Mrs. Deborah Hartshorn, her mother, Miss Elizabeth Lorentzson Florence Duplex, her daughter, Miss Frances Wrench Caroline Duplex, her step-daughter. Miss Mane Wimberly R hod a Pend run. 1 friends of 1 Miss Leola Calvin 1 ollie Nay, ) Florence,} Miss Lydie Jeffers Katie O’Neil, the cook Miss Mamie Rosa Maggie Ponovau, the housemaid, Miss Nclla Webster tine mixed candy for Christmas trade at 10 cents per pound. All kinds of nuts, raisins, fljjs, prunes, etc., at lowest prices. A. C. Jeffers, 208 Monk •treet. Metropolitan Orchestra WILL ACCEPT ENGAGEMENTS IN THE CITY. For Rates, Etc., address Wm. Deal, Leader, Oglethorpe Hotel. DJITEMTQ U. S. AND FOREIGN rM ICM I O PROCURED. Eugene W. Johnson Solicitor and Attorney in Patent Canses. 11729 New York Ave., Washington, D. C. Office established 1868. Charges moderate Correspondence requested. SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Behdal In Effect December 5, 1897. v ... , No. No. .Vo. V*. Northbound. „ { Lv. Brunswick 5 l'7oa 5 -iOp ¥BOS Ar. Everett 6 30a 10 SCo 0 80p 9Ep Lr. Jeaup 11 22a iOOoo “ Surrcncy 1201’, ... v “ Lumber City 1 "" * Helena 20*i> i2O& “ Missler 2 Pin • Eastman 2 40j> .. 13 Efi. ** Empire 8 07p Lv- Kawkinsville. 2 40p ...... “ CoehranTT...... . No. 9 N T k77 Arf “ Macon TUBS 4 4£p TlOp g 35? ■ fiovilla 9 38a 5Kp 8 05p “ McDonough 10 68a #4op 3 43j> Ar. Atlanta 1110a 7 46p S4Sp 445^ Lv. Atlanta 280r> 6 00a 5 00a 6 08s Ar. Chattanooga 7 flop 9£o 9 80.i 930. Ar. Louisville 7 27a 7 80r 7 30p 7 30p Ar. Cincinnati. Q. &C 7 36a 72p 7 29p Titip Lv. Atlanta.. . 777 415 p Ta Birmingham.... 1000 p.... 7 11 43a 11 Memphis. 7 40a 9900 “ Kansas City.,, 710a ... 6 86p Lv. Atlanta 1200 m li oOp Ar. Washington 0 42n 9 40t ** New York 12 48p 6 2lis 7:7 Southbound. Sn ‘ N ”„ Sa N 10 16. 8 14 Lv. Hew York 4 30p DT6a 77 “ Washington 10 48p 1115a . 7.. Ar. Atlanta ~. 8 s{p 510 Lv. Kansas 0ity. ...... Tasp .... iTTifin. “ Birmingham 5 55a . . 415-, Ar. Atlanta ÜBoa 10 BOp Lv. Cincinnati, Q. & t)| 8 OOp 8 3(>a 8 30a *8 30a “ Louisville 7 45p 7 45a 7 46a 7 45,1 Lv. Chattanooga 800 10OOp 10OOp ~650t> Ar. Atlanta 1 lOp 5 oia 5 00al0 40p Lv. Atlanta 4 20p 6 20a 810a 10Mp McDonough- 5 20p 015a 910a ” “ Fiovilla 5 58p 6 59a 9 53a‘ er. Macon 7 OOp 8 10a 10 50a l'os a v. Cochran 10 05a .... 3 a,, Ar. Ha’.vk.iniviile lo 50a .... 777* T ‘ Empire id pa Bastman 1050a S C6A “ Busier ’117a.. “ Helena. 11 Wa 885a “ LumoerCiy )235n ... " Hazlehurst 12 55d • cy.:::::::::>~ Ar Jup 2 36p 24 ' 5 46a Lv. Everett 565a' 3 OOp J ¥>p 6 80a Ar. Brunswick. 7 7 tea 480 p 8 OOp 7 25a Noa7 13 and !4—“iIiNGINNATT aNDFTo'S IDA LIMITED." Solid VoslibmA Train ol- PuHman pra cdng-Room Sleeping Cars and through Vest tuled Coaches between Cincin nati, 0., and Jacksonville, Fia., via Chatta- Rooga, Atlanta and Sverett. -.Huljl™-abated Sleeping Cars between Kansas City, Ao., and Jackfrmville. Fla., via Birmingham, Atlanta and Evarett Pullman Vestlbuled Drawing-Room Sleep ing Cara between Atlanta and Brunswick This car, southbound, will be placed in Union Station, Atlanta, at 13:00 p. m., for the r cep of passengers. Passengers may remain In * C) AS i ,£ >, r£ ud car v* Union Station, Atlanta, mntll 7:00 a. m. .*5 Sleeping Cars be tween A te ind Chattanooge. Northbound ear is plsced in Union Passenger Station, At lant*. ready for oooupancy of passengers at 8:C0 p. m. Pa-sengers may remain in south bound Mr In L mon Station until 7:00 a. m. No. 9 and 10—Chair Car between Atlanta and Macon. Connection at Union Depot, Atlanta, for all points north, east and west. W. H. GREEN, J. M. CULP, Gen'l Superintendent, Trnmc Msnager, _ Washig|ton. D. and Washington, D. C, V A. TURK, S. H. HARDWIC’k, Geo 1 Pass. Agt. Asst. Gen’l Pass. Agk Washington, D. a Atlanta, Ga. CUMBERLAND ROUTE v SUMMER SCHEDULE. ralitjgjfkf Effective July 5. BRUNSWICK - CUMBERLAND - FERNANDI NA LINE. Daily Except Sunday, Going— Leave Brunswick 7:30 a m Arrive Cumberland Island 30:00 a m Arrive Fernandina 12:00 a m Returning— Leave Fernandina 1:30 pm Leave Cumberland Island 3:30 p m Arriv. Brunswick 5:30 pm W. M. TUPFER & Cos., Managers. Brunswick. Ga., July 28, 1897. H. H. RAYMOND, General Passenger Agent. BOOK free. NO TEE ( r~\ until m£k CURED. JPftdi Dr. Grady’s wonderful i > Yj Irish Invigorator, the fj (Jin greatest remedy for Lost +'£r - Manhood, overcomes pre- Old DK. tiKADY matureness, and stops a 1 Success for 50 years unnatural drains and 250,000 cure'd. losses. All organsenlarged BETTER THAN GOLD. BOOK and BOX of MEDICINE FREE. AH letters confidential and goods sent with full instructions free from observation. Ad dress CRY ST AI, M ED. CO, Low ell, Mass. THE NEW STABLE. J. M. Brown & Cos. Offer Inducements to the Public Trade. Messrs. J. M. Brown & Cos., who have begun a livery business in the building formerly by Putnam’s stables, wish to call attention of the public to the fact that they have a first-class lot of stock, and excellent facilities for giving the best service. Mr. J. M. Brown, the manager, has bad long experience in this particular line of business, and knows its every detail. lie will pay particular atten tion to the drayage and transfer ser vice, and promises promptness and efficiency in filling tbe orders of this sort. Give them a trial. MALLORY STEAMSHIP LINE. New York, Moll and go§i Sailing From Brunswick, Da.. Direct to New York. PASSENGER SERVICE. PROPOSED HOURS OF SAILING FROM BRUNSWICK FOR PORT ROYAL AND NEW YORK October 27 COLORADO 7:00 a.m. November 3 RIO GRANDE 2:00 p. in. November 12 COLORADO 7:00 a.m. November 10 RIO GRANDE 12:30 p. m. November 26 COLORADO 6:30 a.m. For genei-al Information, steamers, trains, rates, etc., apply to any railroad agent, or to CHAS. DAVIES, Agent, 220 W. Bay St., Jacksonville, Fla. T 1 A. P. MURPHY’, Agent. Fevnandinn. Fls H. H. RAYMOND, General Southern Agent. Brunswick. On C. H. MALLORY & CO., General Agents, i’ler 2C. K. River, and 303 Broadway, N. Y. Coney & Parker, —DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, Hosendale and Portland Cement3, Ct jamon and Facing Brick, Rock Lime, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths, Sewer Pipe, Chimney Flue Pipe and Fittings, lire BrtoVt and Fire Clay. Telephone 18, '23 RAY STBEKT GRATES That Burn Coal in the Open Fire Place The Club House or Port able Basket Grate will do it. See us also for Wood Mantels t Tiling MONUMENTAL WORK, IRON FENCING. ETC. Brunswick Marble and Granite Works, ItEED E. LaIUAKCE, Proprietor* J.M, Madden, A. H. Lane, W. B. Cook, W.NrssBAUM resident. Vice-Presiuent. Cashier. Asst. Cashier. MERCHANTS & TRADERS BANK OF BRUNSWICK. CAPITAL, 9100,000. -<s>- SURPLUS, Sill,OOO. DIRECTORS: iss&xr* i&sa* . Accounts ol All Solvent Institntions Are Solicited. A Savings Department Is Maintained in This Bank and Accounts of Women and Minors Are Solicited. C. DOWNING, President. E D. WALTER, Cashier. E. H. MASON, Vice Fresidenl T he N of 3 r unswick CASH CAPITAL $l5O 000- Deals Liberally With Its Patrons and Friends BURGLAR PROOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. Founder*, Macliinists, Poilermakers and Blacksmiths. Saw Mills, Locomotives, Boilers, Engiues, Printing Presses, Dynamos, Mo tors, and all kinds of Electrical Machinery neatly and promptly repaired. We will respond to calls on Marine Work At All Times—Night or Da”, We will furnish all kinds of supplies and materials for the trade at lowest prices. All our work will be done by first-class mechanics. Satisfaction Guaranteed. 629 Bay St. E®f&S&SKS** 4 EidßW£y Brunswick, Ga. Atlas Engines Portable and stationary boilers, shafting, pulleys, belting, pipeing, injectors and fittings, sawdust and coal-burning grates. Twenty carloads for quick delivery. Get our prices. Come and see us. Lombard Ii on-works and Supply Cos., CAST EVERY DAT. P _ CAPACITY 300 HANDS. iVU.TISta, U a*