The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, February 19, 1898, Image 4

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Uoyal makes the food pare. wheiteomt end delicious. | pm EpygS' POWDER Absolutely Pure novel Hmm, KMptn eo., new vc*k. Human* Society Concert." A great deal of Interest i* being taken in making the concert for tbe benefit of tbe Humane Society a anc cess. Tbe beat local taieDt will assist Mrs. Porter, and those who have had tbe pleasure of bearing Mr, Lowry, of Macon, will be glad to know that be will also tak?ll|*,in the entertain ment. -■ Tickle your taste with peanut brit tle. The Brown Drug company lias 'ust reoelved anew lot. Special Inducements-^ We are offering you this week in WATCHES! V. We carry every thing in Jewelry and do anything in Repairing and En graving. - o- O-o Kennon Mott The Jeweler. 215 Newcastle St. f Brunswick, Xxanuner of watches for Hon them runway. rime reuvivetl daily at il o’clock from Washington. For Over Fifty Tetri. An Oli> and Wki.l-Tkikd Kkmkdy, Mrs. Winslow'* Soothing Hyrup has been used for over fifty years by mil lions of mothers for their children while teething, with perfect stfceess. It soothes the child, softeos the gums, allays all pain, oures wind colio, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Is pleasant to the taste. Sold by drug gists in every part of the world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure and ask for Mrs. Winslow’s Soothing Syrup, and take no other kind. A fresh lot of Tenney’s cocoanut crisp and peanut brittle just received by the Brown Drug oompany. * I Bargains^ BY THE O-ur entire line of Burt & Packard's 55.00 Calf & Cordovan Shoes at $3.85 Cash* See our window display. Room needed for Spring Stock, which has already arrived. CEAUBTCEY DEPEW COMING. Tbs Famous New Yorker Will Arrive st Jskyl By Special Car Today. , Chauucey M. Depew, president of ffce Central railroad, and Ibta if tie best of Americans, PlPf arrive here tms morning, on a Special oar and wiff ‘proceed at once |oJcky), to spef|M(|iifal day* This will be Mr. Depew’s srcoid visit to Jekyl. Last winter, be came with a parly including J. Plerpont Morgan, Henry K. Howlaod, and others, He will be accompanied this time by several personal friends. SIOO Reward, SIOO. Tbs raaders of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all it# stages, and tbat is caiirrh, Hall’s Catarrh Cure la tbe only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being 1 constitutional disease, requires a con stitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting di rectly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of tbe system, thereby destroy ing thajLomidaUon of the disease, and ilßpjl||JjPMstit>ition and doing its work. Tbe pro pnfiVs have so much faith in its cur alßypowers, that, they offer One Hon iWy Dollars for any case that it fails tWure. Send for list of testimonials. Address. P, J . Chunky & Cos., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 76c. Hall’s Family Fills are tbe best. Sunday Servioaa at First Methodist. Service* at First Metbodut church on Sabbath at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m ; preaching by the pastor. Subject of mcroirig sermon, “The Care and Cul ture of the Soul.” Subject of evening sermon, “An Unlimited Invitation.” League service at 10 a. in. Siftiday school at 3p. m. Boys’ prayer meet fog at 6:30 p. in. Wednesday evening lecture at 7 :30. All cordially invited to these services. Scarlett & Phillips, agents for Dr. B. Atkinson's pure acuppernong wine. A Serenade. The Afarine band assembled in the vacant lot next to Wallace's last night, and serenaded Mr. and Mrs. George W. Harper. It was a gracious com pliment anil highly appreciated. Joe Wallace met the demands of the oc casion by gayly illuminating his place] A Healthy Man Until the drip Broke Down Hie Health Hood's Sarsaparilla Gave Him Appetite and Sleep. “Up to tbe time when I had the grip I was a strong, heaUhy- man. After that I had no appetite and' was not able to rest well at night. I decided to try Hood's Sarsaparilla and purchased a sup ply. It has done me a vast amount of good. I have a good appetite and can sleep well.” Joseph M. Wabdlaw, Borne, Georgia. “I have found Hood’s Sarsaparilla in valuable for purifying the blood and loss of appetite. It cures all eruptions and makes me feel better in every way.” J. A. Clio hi., Brunswick, Georgia. Wonderful cures of Scrofula, Salt Bhemu, Ulcers, Sores, Dyspepsia, aud other diseases, prove the great curative, blood purifying aud enriching powers of HOOd’S S parHla The best —in fact the One True lltw Purifier. Insist ujKm Hood’s; take no substitute. HonH’c Pill* cure Bver ,u : csa y to 1 lu u r, tia take, easy to operate, itfc. THt iAlritb: bUUNsVicK, GA,-, SaTUR )AY MORKISG, FEBRUARY 19 mB. Men’s and Boys’ Clothing. A bold stroke for big bnbineai. Prices quoted here tell but half the atory. To appreciate'the great values fn lira sale you must see them. Be on hand early and get the cream of selection. Men's Suits Former prices, $7.00 to $8.50, now $4.75. Men's Suits Former prices, $lO.OO to $12.50, uow $6.95. Men’s Suits Former prices, $13.00 to $15.00, now $9.75. SHIPPING REPORT. .yv/AVS/vi/V ■* POUT OK BRUNSWICK, Feb. 18. I*B. OOKREOTSD DAILY ST CAST. OTTO JOH AKB ESOS WITH S. H. MASON * 00. Shipmasters and others wishing charts end other publications of tbe United State* coast and geodetic survey can obtain same by ’application to C. W. DEMING or GAFT. OTIT) JOHANNKBEN ARRIVED CHASED. St. Jerome, Hr as, 1 845,Caveratte.Shields, Churchill. W. K, Huntley, Br sohr, 187, Howard, Hanohe/.. Mabel, Nor bk. 701, Lunde, St. Paul do boamla, Janeiro. Co'orasio, Am as, 2232, Kiak, Naw York Mallory—New York. Bonny DoonrAm bk. 648, Burges*. Port Natal, Brodhead—New York. F. il. Pendleton, Am sohr, 388. Burgess. New York, Hilton-Dodge—New Y’ork. Willie I* Newtpn, Am schr, 386, Coombs. New Y’ork, HUtoPDodge. Charles K. Buckley, Am schr, 482, Town send, New York. Southern Pine company. Samuel K. Hubbard, Am schr, 333, Me haffey, New York, Torras—New York. IN PORT. STEAMSHIPS. Veiled*, Br ss, 1818, Hoaken, Rio Janeiro, A. K. Churchill. Netherby Hall, Br ss, 2135, Fieri e,3hields. Johnston line. Reindeer, Br **, 1522, Osbon. Liverpool, Johnston Line. Madroline,Bpss, 2024, l.auarava, Nue vitas, A. F. Churchill. Worslcy Hall, Br ss, 2288, Leuthwaite. Hull, Johnston Line. SHIPS. SASSS. Emerald, Nor bk, 745, Pedersen, Algoa jbny, Hunter, Benn A Co.—Mittely. Jose Kargos, 8p bk, 7(0, Ferres, Barce lona, Moynelo A Cos. Birgitte, Nor bk, 566, Gregertsen, Barba dos. Hunter, Benn A Cos. Hermod, Nor bk, 510, Kredericksen, Mar anham, Downing Cos. Pioneer, Nor bk, 893, Sarboc, Ito.terdam, Downing Cos. Sigrid, Nor bk, 540, Hauna. Rotterdam Tonras. Bengucla, Nor bk, 062, Andreasen, Algoa Bay. Downing Cos. Bruce Hawkins, Am bk, 510, Gurney, Boston, Hilton Hodge, Boston. Baius. Irene, Am brg, 407, Yates, Sierra I,eor e. scßooxime. Fearless, Brschr. 7ii, Kemp, Nassau, F. D. Aiken. Anna Pendleton, Am suhr, 522, Thomas, New York, Hilton Dodge, New York. FlorenceAhaia • vm sell r, 827, Picker ing, New York, lliw,?Ai. l),>dge Julia Elisabeth, Nassau, Aiken—Nassau. M. A. Willey, Am eciir, 372, Cook, Ber muda. I’euohscot, Am setir, Mr. Dodge, New York, Hiiton-Dodge, New York. Annie 1,. Henderson, Am schr, 407, Hen derson, New York, Hirsch A Co.—N\ Y. aCOAPITULATIOM. Steamships. 0; Ships, 0: Barks, !); Brigs, 1; Schooners, 8. Total. 24. IS M'KINLKY COMING ? Reported That the President and Mr. Blits Will Visit Jekyl. It was reported yesterday in tbe city from a very authentic souroe, that President Willum McKinley would arrite if the city next Friday fc* a few dsya’ visit to Jekyl island. ' The report says that tbe president will be accompanied by Cornelius N. Bliss, ar ex member of bie cabinet. It seems that tbe president bas been ay overrun of late with official cares that he desires to take a brief rest; that Mr. Blfsa suggested a run down to Jekyl sea charming holiday jaunt, and that the president finally con sented to take the trip. A reporter, as soon as the rumor was learned, called up Superintendent Grob, of Ihe Jekyl Island club, on the telephone. The superintendent was asked if any prominent guests wer# expeoted at Jekyl within the next week. Mr. Orob replied that Chaun oey Depew would be here iu tbe morning, lie was then asked if tbe president was not expected next Fri day. Mr. Grub said that if tbe presi dent was coming be received no no* tice of it. The information, however, comes from a guest now at Jeky), and is con sidered authoritative. KAISER’S. Soys’ School Suits Former prices, $2.00 to #2.50, now $1.47. Boys’ School Suits Former prices, 13.00 to 14.00, now 12.35. ■aar.urn, ?r ", . 11 ■. mmmmmmmmmmmmrnmmmmmmmmtmmmm ——i Boys’ School Suits Former prices, ■54.50 to $5.00, now $3.25. CHILDREN' are important cuitomer* in our eatimation. When the; are sant to ua on a trading errand we alwaya bat they are not diacriminating buyjra.and we . take tpeoial paina to ree that they get what both you and they want. Then we alwaa try to be prompt in waiting on them— there is always a little worry about them at home when they are tent upon an errand and stay too long, often through no fault of thelr’s. We guarantee you just as good service when you send your child or servant as if ’twer in person. • ..fay & Bailey- FANCY GROCERS, 312 Newcastle St. RAILROAD RATES. Tha Plant Systsm'i Special Rates te Tar ions Occasions. For the Mardi Gras, Mobile, Ala., Feb. 22, the Plant System will sell round trip tickets from Brunswick to Mobile and return at rate of $15.40, limited to continuous passage in both directions. Tickets on sale Feb 18 to 21 inclusive, with final limit to March 6, IS9S For Mardi Gras, Birmingham, Ala., Feb. 22, the Plant System will sell round trip tickets from Brunswick to Birmingham at rate of $11.1*5; to be •old Feb. 19,20 and 21, with final limit to March 1. Tickets limited to con tinuous passage in both directions. For Mardi Gras, New Orleans, l.a , Feb. 22, tbe Plant System will sell tickets from Brunswick to New Or leans, at rate of $19.65; tickets to he •old Feb. 18 to 21 inclusive, with final limit to March 5. Tickets to be limit ed to continuous passage in both directions. A Bnsinsss Change Peter Devaris hns bought ont tbe fruit and confeotionery business of Eli Zisslmato, on Newcastle street, and will continue tbe business at the present stand. Zisslmato will return at once to bis old home in Greece. The Modern Way Commends itself to the well-informed, to do pleasantly and effectually wbat wae formerly done in tbe crudest manner and disagreeably as well. To cleanse tbe syetem and break upcolds headaches and fevers without un pleasant after effects, use the delight ful liquid laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs. Made by California Fig Syrup Cos. For Mardi Gras. Now Orloans, February 22. The Southern Railway offers a rate of |l9 65 for the round trip. Leave Brunswick 9:10 p, m. and arrive in New Orleans at 8:30 p. m. next day. Connecting at Atlanta with solid ves tibuled train for New Orleans. Tickets on sale to 21st of February. Good to return March 15. S. Watkins, BUYER OF \ Wiois ie uufWax, furs, ip, Old file, 224 Bay Street. fi:bs. 4M DItY FLINT HIDES ’!> I -Sc per lb MINKS, AS THEY El’S GREEN SALT HIDES T4-*cptrlb K.VCCOOKS, SKp:J f jUf*' W HITE Wool Iscpcrtb CAT Jp k ?, MgA TALLOW... i toac per lb OBEY FOX .jH The Williams Tyfe> ‘ New Moilela Nos, l aid 3 for lif V,,. .ni.t(OrA—C. You can do more work with greater ease, rapidity and accuracy si,an would be possible on any other typewriter. Best for expert or nov ice. Catalogue on application. Typewriter supplies. Edison Mimeographs Second-hand typewriters ami exchange. Edwin A. Hardin Company, Sole Dealers for tlhe South, Atlanta, Ga. AGENTSWANTEDISINOG- 11/111 B Pilil I ...I la BRUNSWICK • CTFIED TERRITORY. WILL £J, flUff, LOOffl Agt, UKOttlit , California Restaurant. V~r CHUB HALL, Manager. ' BEST IN BRUNSWIC ■T-ORDERS TAKEN FOR O- K. LAUNDRY. J tJKANT nr. GRATES . That Burn CoaW in the Open Fire Place The Club House or Port able Basket Grate will do it. See us also for . Wood Mantels § Tiling * MONUMENTAL WORK, IRON FENCINO ETC. Brunswick Marble and Granite Verb. REKD K. I.kMANCK, Proprietor. BRING THEM ALONG—- Those unfranied pictures and let us make them new. Blank Books, Stationery and Gen eral office supplies. , . FLEMING & WAFF - - Newcastle St. Coney & Parker, -DEALERS IN COAL AND WOOD, Kosendale and Portland Cements, C< mm on and Facing BPlc.k, Rock I.lme, Plaster, Hair, Shingles and Laths, Sewer Pipe, Chimney Flue Pipe and Fittings. Fire Fire Clay. Telephone 18 323 BAY STBJSJCX i. J i C. DOWNING, President. K. P. WALTfc'Jtj^. Vice Pres id Tph e N at ' ona l B an k °f B runsw >ck CASH CAPITAL $l5O 000- Deals Liberally With Its Pa'mns and Friends BURGLAR PROOF SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT. The Rosy Freshness And n velvety softness of the shin is inva> riably obtained bv those who use Poxxoni's Complexion Powder. NOTICE. Tax ft fas for jhe year 1807 have liecu placed in uiy hands for collection. Parties interested will save costa by celling and settling same by March 1. After that date levies will t* made and pronertv advertised for sale. W. H. BERK IE, Sheriff. All Ovsr tbs World.' All parties desiring to take trips to any part of tbe world should call on Capt, O. Jobacnesson, who is tbe Brunswick agent of all tbe fastest and best steamships afloat. He can make you rates to and from any foreign point.