The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, January 14, 1900, Image 2

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Easy To Take Easy To Operate Because purely vetreuble- yrt thor ough, prompt, healthful, satisfactory - Hood's Pills The Brunswick Times. Ij ~ - KVKBY JIOBNIMG EXCEPT MONDAY. ~n „ V| In Oglethorpe Block, 311 KStraot owes j iciTki'HUNK so at. TO SUBBC IBBRS: Subscriber* *t* reqoeei >o to notify the office n tea they fall to get any Ine of Tho Times. A tteation u> this mailer ml he appreciated by theyiahera TbeMorning Times will ba Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. $6.00; per week 15 cents. Correspondence on liee anbjecte solicited. Beal nama of writer aboold ac company aame- Ittbacripfions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address al commtnicatious to Th Timet. Advertising ratea will 1 flaunted on a lilioattoa. __ Orders to discontinue eubsoriptiona and ad vartissments most bo In writing. ) Lesseot DEMING A MULLINS „ * > Publishers CW. DEMING, • - - Editor ROLAND A-MULLlNS.Buslneii Manager SUNDAY THOUGHTS. P (i i *1 ‘ L Sir John Lubbock. t The di*ine gift of the is for t u* to ute wieely. It in, in fact, our a most preoioue treasure. “The soul is c a much better thing than all the oth- * ere that you possets. Can you then 1 show me tn wbat way you have taken care of it? For it tsnotlikely that you who are to wise a man, as to inconsid erately and carelessly allow the moat valuable thing that you poieess to be neglected and to perisb.” Moreover, even if evil, cannot be al together avoided. It is no doubt true that not only whether the life we lead be good and useful, or evil andu*levs but also whetbsr it be happyjy|jl| hapi y, is very much in ourow|HS®| er, and depends greatly .“Time Slone foolish •frdm sorrow, wise;” and no one ever yet we made utterly miserable excepting by himself. We are. ibaSu* * masters, at any rate, al |pi ""Hreator* of ourselves. With gdHfif' jpb, it is not souiuob great sor- or death, but rather the B “daily dying*,” which olosed sunshine of life. Many of ourlroublee are insignificant In tliora •eltai, and might easily be avoided. Dow happy home might generally be made but for foolish quarrel*, or a “misunderstanding,” aa they are well named. It ia our own fault if we are querulous or ill-humored; nor need we, though t hit ia less eaey, allow our-. selves to be made unhappy by the quer utouaoeaa or ill-humor of other*. Much of what we suffer, we have brought on oureelvea; if not by actual fault, at leaet by ignorance or thought leaaneaa. Too often we think only of , the happineae of the moment, and sac rifice that of the life. Troubles eom- parativeiy seldbm come to üb, If we do not go to tbem. Many of ua fritter our life away, l.tßruyere says that “moat spend much of their lives in mak- BV the rest miserable,” Our own an- Bt Joe* us more barm than the thing Bh makes us angry ; and we sutler HVh more from the anger and vexa- U'.ar which we allow acts to rouse in than we do from the acts tbem- Arait wbiob we are angry. How people a * : heurselves to jßSßMfcracted and disturbed by family Hfcrrele and disputes; \ st, In nine Bwi out of teD, one ought not to suf ®Vfrotu being found fault with. If • 'Bcpodemnatlon ie juat, it af ■ „ Velootned at a warning; if ia is unde fsorved, why should we allow it to dis tress us? B Your attention is called to the spe lls I value of ladles kid gloves st 75e Hkpsir ft the Bee Hive, PRKBBY TBRIAN CHCEOH. laterentiag Server* To-day by Pastor. The pastor, R-v. 'W. F. Hollings worth. wi<l occupy the pulpit at the Presbyterian church to-day, at both moroing and evening services. At the morning service be will prsacb the last of his series of sermons on “This LordVPrayer.’’ At the evening service, the text will be, “Clod requir etb that which is just.l The offering to day will be for the Aieemby’s Cause of Horae Missions.” A full attendance of the membership and friends Is ear nestly solicited. Giod music, free pews, polite ushers. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Ifirtgnd depravity go band This juetjae true or the Inside of the body as the outside. Constipation clogs the body and clouds the mind. Constipation means that corruption is breeding m the body, poisoning the blood with foul ema nations, befogging the brain with its taint ed exhalations. Constipation is the begin ning of more disease than, perhaps, any other single disorder. The consequences of oonstipation are legion, Headache pain in thj aide,shortness of breath,undue fullness after eating, coldness of the ex tremities, nervousness, indecision, lassi tude, dizziness, sallowness, flatulence and a number of other ailments are directly caused oy constipation. Cure constipation and you cure its consequences. The quick est cure of this evil Is obtained by the use of Dr, Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. They are small In size but wonderful In result. They cure permanently. They contain no inju. rtoui Ingredients. The use 6i them does not beget the “pin habit.” Aek your druggist for them. Send 21 one-cent stamps, the expense of mailing only, and receive Dr. Piece’s Common Sense Medi cal Adviser, in paper cover. This work contains 1008 page* and .700 Illustra tion*. For 81 stamp* it can be had in sub j stantial doth binding. Address Dr. R. V, li Y. r wmm Oeunty. I Manf. if 1 expected race fw County TreaeureFfonwVther teMfi. I beg to inform Uietn that I shall be a candidate for re-sleotioo, and would appreciate the support of all ottiteoa who tbiok that my conduct of tha of fice entitles me to their suffrage. Tours truly, H.S i.KK. 1 "- . J. • mJ A young man came into our store ye r to day suffering from a severe attack of 1 cramp colic,” writes C. K. Hen, miller and : general merchant. Dickey’s Mountain, Pa. "He had tried varioue.home reme dies w Ithout relief. As 1 had tried Cham berlain'* Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy f gave him'a doee which soon brought him out alright. 1 never saw a felfowso rejoiced." Bold by I. N. Brjshop, , druggist. Just received a fresh shipment of German Dill pickles—Harper’s. Phone 168. Plant System's New Sohedule. Effective at 12:01 a . in., Jan. 14. Plant System will operate follow ing schedule in and out of Bruns wick r Train 87 leaves Brunswiok at 7:80 a. m i SO leaves Brunswick Bp. m.; 90 arrive*, at Brunswick 10:15 *. m.; 88 arrive* at Brunswick 11:30 p. m. i want to let the people who suffer from rheumatlsn and sciatica know that Cham berlain's Pain Balm relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor had failed. It is the beet medicine l hare ever known oI.~J. A. Dodgen, Alpharet ta, Ua, Thousands have bean cured of rheumatism by thlaremedy.l One applica tion removes the pain. For sale by 1. N. Bishop, druggist. |g s Try our Otrdi Yellow Yams, you will have no other. We are having a big run on them-Harper’s. Phone 148.] JHt BKUNWILA TIMES SUNDAY MORNING JANUARY 14 1900 WHY HE CURES. Th* Gi**t4Mt Sociali*t of tho Time Given Every Cue Hi Personal Attention. nwto*v hfront doctor* have a certain numtar " uuwr _ of dock remedies which they use in Hathaway's *u cases which seem at all aimilar. Xd <* * Pr. Hathaway's method meinoa • Every case with him is most carefully position oftlie diseased con djtion determined. Thus every case is treated wpar t ■ ately andm*>dicin<rHure id ■ Ba— ■ tninlstored which ar Won filially prepared under mg’ J •/ 151 Hathaway** personal ‘•4 y 1 supervision f'-reachcase. y . Notwoioopieareaected byaparMcnlar diseasein the ' ?* me m,nMr * consequent l v no two people ehooki be treated in the same way even for same complaint Dr. IleUmßHjr ma special let in the boat sense of the word-he treat* special dle ofhisown—a system studied out years ago while in r„-_ v college and hospital practice and 1m ...” vn >v odand enlarged upon constantly SpMlally during the twenty years since— **-**•**/ twenty yean* of the most extensive Treateou practice enjoyed by an specialist in this country. Dr. Hathaway’s {treat and uniform euc* ceea is due to this Individual system of treatment Fvnlualve In *s*B® of hundreds of requests ■rA-Wwt yearly from doc torn In ail parts #f the Treatment world, anicinir tow the privilege of uslnrl>r.HHthaway*sinethodof treatrnent.he beJteree It wiser to allow none beetdft bluwelf the knowiedKe of hla remedies, as be is too well aware of the mis chief which may be done by the unskillful use of any —. . - system, never mi nd how perfect. Blood and Skin Dr. Hathaway’s treatment for Otaeaaaa. Wood diseases in whatever shore viwwwwwm euros all forms of ulcers, sores, blotches, pimples, etc., and not only restores the skin and ttfcalp to their natural condition, but so purifies the blood that the disease Is permanently and com pletely driven from the system and ail tills without administering poisonous or dangerous drugs. a . .His treatment of Vurlcocele VaHoooole and and stricture Is a method excite Stricture. al / el <? hl own jnd in 90 per cent of all cases results In a perfect and permanent cure. No operation is required and no pain or Inconvenience are experienced by the atlent. Tho expeuse of this treatment is much less in that of any operation, or hospital or institute treatment, and is both safe and sure, restoring the organs to a condition of perfect, normal health. Kidney S?S3? S&fiZ OlteiMi. ffitt&'SßHS everyone who aondii him ble name andaddram. The demand for I>r. t!.it)mway'a new Now Book I>ook "Marilloeee, Vigor, Health" ha. FREE. Sit'S!!?! the flrrt edition of . 100,000 but for a limited time a cony of this book wIU be sent free to anyone who aends bit non.nlt.4l n “™ e jnd adrireiw to Dr. Hathaway, consultation I)r. Uattiaway make, no charge FREE. !" r consultation and advice at either his office or by mall. J. NEWTON HATHAWAV M. D. Dr. Hathaway St Cos., • 0 Hryan Street, Navannah, Oa. MKNTION THIS I'AI Elt WHEN Wltn iMd. COL. DART AFTER THEM. As Fbh Warden He Is Pulling the Poaeb ers. Gul. Jaoob G Dart, fish warden for tbia distriot, bae pulled two poachers who were robbing these waters of oysters and other salt water product for the benefit of a Florida fish con cern. There are others be is laying for and will land in jail .at an eariy date. The waters around this section have been preyed upon extensively for the past few years, and a stop is now going ttocuoo Jb euuap.-ur far ions practice,, j uio—< A sso-qsia) , V—tlJOtl .Springe., . " ►.* phis . , New Discovery TSlolinsiimptlon bSKT'ijD pletely cured her of a haokiug cough that for many years had made life a burden, AU other remedies and doctors oould give her no help, but she says of this royalhure —“lt soon removed the pain In my ohsst and 1 can now sleep soundly, something 1 can scarcely remember doing before. I feel litre sounding its praises throughout theTirilWse.” So will every one who tries Dr. King's New Discovery for any trouble of the throat, chest or lungs. Price Boc and SI.OO. Trial bottle free at all drug tores; every bottle guaranteed. Attention, Torpedo Division! All members of Torpedo division naval militia are requeateil to meet at the armory at 7:30 sharp, Tuesday evening, Jan. 16, aa business of im portance will be transacted. By order of Jsa. 8, Wright, Lieut. Comdg. C. Aj/*Tayi.ob, I.iaut. and Executive Officer, A Frightful Blunder Will often efiuse a horriblo burn,scald,out or bruit*, lluoklen's Arnica Salve, the best In the world, will kill the pain and promptly heal It. Cures old sores, lever sores, ulcers, boil*, felon*, coma, all skin eruptious. Beet cure on earth. Only 28c a box. Cure guaranteed. Sold by al druggists. Lewis Dennis, Salem, Ind., says, "Kodol Dyspepsia Cure did me more goad than anything I ever took." It digests what you eat and cannot help'but cute dyspep sia and stomach troubles, W. J. Butts. flood morning. JHave you seen George Harper's nice,neat, oleao, up to-date store, full of floe groceries? Beet hurry. We are taking etook. Watt for our great speoial sale of ? at the Bee Hive. See the new line of fur collarettes at the Bae Hive, TO REV. HENRY E. LUCAS. Keepeclftilly dedicated to my father. Rev. Henry E. Lucia, of Brunswick. Gih, by hi, lov ing daughter. E. C. Bacon, of Auatin.Tex. Like the grand eld oak, for many years * You’ve breasted the aunahlae and atonn; father Time has klaard thy noble brow, And bent with year, ia thy form. Your heart, like the stately old oak tree, la as aolld.aa Arm,And aa true; The arrows of sin aud wickedness Can make no impreaaton on you. A splendid tree, from a tiny seed Planted by the Creator's hand, Strong in His strength and blesaetl with Hie smiles, for years you have flourished and stood. While aU thy k ( odred have vanigted,gone, Their places shall know them no more,} AU alone in your strength and grandeur You stand on a desolate shore. A nd many aa aching, bleeding heart Has fonnd solace near thee old tree. While tae voice of the Great Creator Is still whispering to them through thee. When the bend of the Great Architect • Shall lay thee down in the dust He will build of thy solid timber A house not to crumble or rust. Like the Good Samaritan. One night a week ago my ton awoke with a paroxism of coughing. After fruit less efforts to relieve him 1 applied to a neighbor, who offered me a bottle of Che ney’e Expectorant, One dose reduced the coughing and another, given an hour later produced restful sleep. Sk Mrs. Lizzie Lamont, Raymond, Tenn, Will receive on next Msilory sletm era shipment of floe candles, okgice late bonbons, eto.—Harper’s. 168. * L. T. Travts, agent Boutbem R. R., Hell na, Gg., writes, "I can't say too much In praise oi One Minute Cough Cough Cure. In my case it worked like charm." The only harmless remedy that gives immediate re sults. Cdres coughs, colds, croup, bron fchitis, aud ail throat and long troubles, ly.j, Butt!, Metis*. > Ilavisg purchased the ip ter ait of /ermerly known aa MoArtbur & Ho man, We, the undersigned, with to thank our friend* fur paat patronage given u*’, and beg to solioit a continu ance of same. On and after Jao. 16, 1900, Mr. E. T. Homan will be ssaooia ted with ua under tbs firm name of Lang, Wood A Cos. We promise faith ful and prompt aervioe. Respectfully, To the deaf—A riob lady cured of her deafness and noise* in the bead by Dr. Nicholson’*. Artificial Ear Drum, gave SIO,OOO to bi* institute, so that deaf people unable to procure tbe ear drum may have them free, Addrese, No. 1360. The Institute 780 Eight Ave., New York. N. Y. e-wl-y We are taking atook. Wait fjr our great speoial eels of ? at tbe Bee Hive. r— — 1 The modern and most effective cur* fqt conetipation and all Uvar trouble*—tbe fa mous little pills known a* DtWitt s Little Early Risers. W. J. But's. OrUeis for charts showing new depths on Brunswick's bar wiU be taken now and filled Immediately charts are Issued, C. W. Doming Agent U.B. Coast and GeodetioSurvey. ’Phone Advertising in Tbe Times pays. NEW WHEELS FOR RENT And a few second hand Wheels for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, Repairing, and Sundries. B J Olewine 505 Gloucester St. Copper Colored Splotches. There is only one cure for Contagious Blood Poison —the disease which has completely baffled the doctors. They are totally unable to cure it, and direct their efforts toward bottling the poison up in tho blood and concealing it from view. S. 8. 8. cures the disease posi tively,and permanently by forcing out every trace of the taint. I was afflicted with a terrible blood disease, which was in spots at first, hut afterwards spread aU over my body. These soon broke out in to A Jfc -ea, aud it is easy to E. IP -.Tine the suffering 1 jg *r"v2l m ,ured. Before 1 be- CT ▼* JPJ lame convinced that the Ej. ml ductorsooulddonogood, I had spent a hundred 15--* W, dollars, which was really - yft--- A ->• thrown away. I then KAYf' / ajf; tried rsrloßi patent jgK Vx / fK- medicines, but they did T not reach the disease. NtsVlft- '5 9/§ When 1 bad finished lily w aV%/lyP' first bottl* of 8. 8. 8. 1 \wV / v was greatly improved and was delighted with the result. The large red splotches on my ehest began to grow paler and smaller, and before long disappeared entirely. I regained my lost weight, became stronger, and my ap petite greatly improved. I was soon entirely well, and my akin as clear as a piece of glass. H. L. Mvzas, 100 Mulberry Bt., Newark, N. J. Don’t destroy all possible chance of a cure by taking the doctor’s treatment of mercury and potash. These minerals cause the hsir to fall out, and will wreck the entire system. S.S.S. r S,Blood is purely vegetable, and is the only blood remedy guaranteed to contain no potash, mercury, or other mineral. Books on the disease and its treat ment mailed tree by Swift Specific Com pany, Atlanta, Georgia. IN POLITICAL CIRCLES. ' ' Various Notes el latsrsst ‘o tbs Yetsrs srd Candidates of Glynn. Cba>. • A. Clark, the well known barber, ie an appPoint for tbe Bruns wick postifllceat tbe expiration of Poatiuaater Symons’ term. Charlie is Me ot tbe most popular colored men In this city, and bas a number of white friends wbo will endorse bis petition. This le tbe first time a colored bas applied for tbe local postoffidh. Capt. Ben Fabm, the well known and popular kteamboat mao, it a can didate fyr county treasurer, and will be opposed by Mr. Sum Lee, tbe pres ent incumbent, and Hon. Tom Lamb, the well known Glynn county politi- CJin, Tbis promise, to be aSiutTVbe warmest coolest ol all in tbe comicg election, as all three of tbe candidate! are etrong men and each bae a good follow log of friends. Tbe politician* and tfiloe-seekere are lining up in Qlynn. and tbe next few week* will tee about all the can didates placed and in good running shape. the Grave A startling Incident,of which Mr. John Oliver, of Philadelphia, was the subject, 1 narrated by him as follows: “I was in a most dreadful condition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated pain continually in my baok and sides, no appetite—gradually growing weaker day by day. Three physicians had given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying Electric Bitters, and to my great joy and surprise, the first bottle made a decided improvement; I continued the'r use for three weeks and am now a well man. 1 know they saved my life, and robbed the grave of anothe victim.” No ore ehcnl fail to try them. Only 50c, guaranteed, at all drug stores. An entertainment to be given by the ladies of the Presbyterian church shortly, will be one of the pleasant events of the season . Social Bruns wick will take part in it, and already its success is asaured. Bnoklen’s Amies Salve. :.The best salva in the world for outs, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, rever sores, tetter, ohapped hands,chilblains oorns and all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures plies, no no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction or money refunded. Prioe 26 ent. For sale by all druggists. Size doesn't indicate quality. Beware of counterfeit and worthless talve offered for DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve. DeWitt's is the only original. An infallible cure for iles and all skin diseases. W. J. Butts. jmk Is Bottles. Hub, Jugs Or Barrels, 1/ Wines and Uquors, OK.'' Ofsnj desired brand, and n tip top eon- We carry such goods as will meet with m ■’ [ AJ the approval of diecriminating buyers All ot body <knd ricl;, fl * vor e been mellowed undi r.,he most fsvarabls R. V. DOUGLAS, 206 BAT STREET. Something Worth Inspectiei as well ss'trlgl, is oor cles'n n.i Vi.a grade cost. Any one thatXyf* OW| • ./. Wm del'd” coil a fair trial willow, that it is the most economical, bent burning itr and -sti.fertury com for buueetioid " “ “ '.4 iS put puses that esu be procured any- f where, 4d s fsir marglu of prost is SSI wA It We Ei,o k eu a lull stick of selected /M \ ll llil <1 1 ?i* k ' , p ' n ” *' d I.'ghtwo'-d. Br’cks. * Tlestrr, Hair, s*e>nw„ , Housework is had work without Gold Dustf! Washing Dish Cloths Kitchen cloth* mu* of course be vinhed d*llf, otherwise they Iwrbor grease and odors and become unhealthy. They ahould be made of k:t crochet cotros. In a square of suitable slit. When you wash them. If you will add a table spoonful of Gold Dust Washing Powder to the hot wxtar It wtll cut the crease sod dean them ia lull the time; dry them out in the sun shine and air. Jus i’-jYn it t&kwn fr .• oor f*>* booklet ‘HUUtKN liI'LKS fUR Hot ££TYUttl " KU fw -a ■* t . iMBBto ™* W - K COMPANY, St. towis, Hem tori i. Bee tom. INSURANCE PROTECT lOX'TH AT PROTECTS Largest Sill oi toi conn in titan tut If 8 bine Mi or THE UNITED STATES, Liberal Contracts, Equitable Kates N. D. P.USBEL, Dist. Agt. Office at Brunswick Grocery Cos. Brunswick, Ga. Ricliond Mm | KXTF.SDB TO YCfl ts£ comimTs cr teestHt And wou’d like for you to have one of their new 1900 folders, elegantly embossed in gold and one of the handsomest ever issued from'any school. Call at Cullegejiffice after January 1, or address P. O. Box 86. SPECIAL NOTICE!” We are Sole Distributors of fid Distiller do. * Burfielsville Mm TRY THE f. I. FULTON PfJf 10 Years Old. |ThaY l LOTT & LEWIS WHOLESALE GROCERS Oi*ra. Tobacco .nd Grain. Asset* la/ Celebrated Cuban Btix, Leg. Howell Cohu, Regalia dal Cigars. White Batin and Orange Blot oom Flour—Unequaled. 228 and 230 - Bay St. f J. M. BURNETT, —SUCCESSOR TO D: J. Dili ni 6. 1 M 2 sl. Grain, Hay, Flour,’ Feed, Grits, Meal, etc. *l7, *l9 and *2l. Newcastle. ili ITK FITTM WITH HAWKE’S FAMOUS GLASSES r||?*sAT JOERGSR’3 PHARMACT Ji Bote!, Brunswick Fill 11.... Always on Hand. * A Full Line of Fancy Cantos £LI ZISSIMATO, I 3021 Newcastle St. K For Sal*. A good opportunity to purcbaae a. 4 jfcfroom. tliture* and (took. Good 10-40 40 ■Rity and fair prolit*. Will **]| for kasb or on eay term*. Owinglo mf [i e health I will diacontioue buior%* after 1899. Gilbert Williams*, Aft, m