The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, January 16, 1900, Image 4

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THE BEE HIVE’S | jBPECIAL SALE OF REMNANTS: We have just finish- a.™ For every]purchase made at I I n|| 11 r —the Bee Hive that is not en Wd taking StOCK and have tirely satisfactory, we will Wr < ** emchange same or cheerfully refund i W big lot of —I oot= **- enos, Evhich we will place on sale, beginning Monday morning, at a big redact nr. ■the remnants comprise jLfflack Dress Goods, Colored Dress Roods, Silks, Table Linen, Toweling, I Ribbons, Laces, Percales, Outing, Dra ft pery goods, White Goods, Embroide f ry, Etc. ♦ -■ — A special bargain for this sale will be— \OO WOMEN’S DRESSING SACQUES AT 39 c EACH Made of nice quality fleeced lined flannellette. > the bee: hive, One Price Cash Dry Goods Store. ... PHIL 8. FARMER, Proprietor. 213 NEWCASTLE STREET. BLANK BOOkS Full and complete stock L for 1900. g:andard Diary’s I— rife**’ f.,_!wfPr ■if On Host e: "wroicic, .. COMMENCING MONDAY, JANUARY 15, —The South’* Greatoat Fevoritca Iffi nOTUI-Tilin COMMIT, Tli6 tat equipped popular price company In •statouee. 7th annual seasonofunabated suocoaa Popular Prices, 10,20 and 30 Its, The curtain never falla-aomotlilng go- Ing on all the time. TUESDAY NIGHT That Hllarionaly Funny Farce, “Why Jones Left Home.” Stirring Climates, Startling Situallona SPECIALTIES—B INCLUDING ■IohnKEIFFERand DIAMOND tira.e A America’* Greateat Comedy, Duo anil ■ Parody singers. Babrile ECKERT end li£CK T.udvng ■ InatrumcntalitU—Singers. I. .. AND OTHERS.. . ■eat now on Sale at Butts’. JIOTI & LEWIS WHOLESALE GROCERS ■p**> tbbSQCP End Grain. Agents lot IjMctirated Cuban Htix, Ff tab ugh Lee Powell Cobb, Regalia del Principe jphg&ra. White Satin and Orangv' Bloa ■eom Flour—Unequaled, \ fcorner F and Bay Sts. I Skip Net ice, ' Neither the muter, ownen or conaigntra of Uw Swedish bark Nana will be reeponaible r any debt* contracted by the crew of aaid p't. Pub I aeon. Master. THESE REMNANTS' Will be offered at about half original prices. Dress goods lengths will be suitable for an entire dress, separate skirt, waist or child’s dress. Odds and ends in Flannel waists, Underskirts. “ Wbet Happened to Jonea,” wbicb oomei tn the Grand Monday night next, is the title of George H. Broad burei’a successful faroe. It had a run of four month* at the B jou theatre, New York, to enormous business, and U now running at the Strand theater where it hat proved a* suooettfu! a* in the I nited States. The oast includes such clever artists as John Allison, H. G. Hockey, W. H. Montgomery, Louis JOHN ALLISON Aa Jones. Reinhart, Joseph McKever, Gharlea Charters, Charles Greene, Florence Marion, Lillian Yonng, Olive McCon nell, Ethel Hertelett, Marie Haynes and Maud AUison. Tbs etory is aa follow*; Ebeneeter Goodly, a ataid promisor of anatomy,who it expecting a visit from bis brother, the Bishop of Ballarat, i* persuaded to attend a THe\BRUNSWICK TIMfcS TIEBDAY • MORNING JANUARY I<* 1900 boxing oontest by hi* prospective soh in-law. Then the fun begin*. While there the police raid the piece, but Goodly *nd bi* young friend escape, arriving home lo greatly perturbed oonditiCD. They have been pureued, not by the polioe a* they supposed,but by Jooe*, a drummer for byinn book* and pitying cards, who wm alo at the light, and who ha* laid himself open to the leriou* charge of assault ing no officer, Jones, to escape, fob *' ”* and Richard into their home an.. , •* a* tha prfae of bia mg fftßhyj? oapade of the professor. He h*r:.Ut* assurance ar and ready wit of a iii-am ‘ V: rner, and before the other character* know what to do be baa donor i?" The garb of the visiting bishop and meets the police io this disguise. He also meeta the family, and it beanies nec esary td keep up tbe deception, cot withstandi ng the arrival of the real bishop. The oompiioations that an sue may scarcely be fmagioed, for Me. Broadhurst has the faculty of leading his audience to expect one amuaing altuatiou and then surprises them with something even more amus ing. B. B. B. FOR BAD BLOOD. On# Trial Pottle St to The Time Reader*. il hlpr tf it ms bleed aid thin diseat* eruptiogo, pimples, oerofuls, eating sore*,ul °*rs, canrer, cc.sema. *ktn scabs, eruptions and •ores on children, rt-eumati*m, entarrh, Itch ing, bumnra, etc. For those troubles a positive clc cut *ls found in F, B. n. (Botanic Blood Bairn), the meet wonderful blood puri fier of the ago. It has boon thoroughly tested for past thirty years and has alwaya curt>d even (he most deep-seated, rerslatent cases, af ter doctors and patent medicinee had all fail ed. B. B. B. cure* by driving out of tha blood the polaons and humors which cause all these troubles, and a curelathua made that Is per- manent. Contagious blood poison, producing eruptions, swollen glands, ulcerated throat and mouth, etc., cured by B. B. 8., the on! remedy that can actually cure thia trouble. At druggist*, |l per Urge bottle; six large bot tle (full treatment) every Times reader may teat B. B. B. a trial bottle sent free and prepaid on request. Medical.advice Blood Balm Cos. Atlanta. Ga. Th* Opera House Photographed. Photographer Winston yesterday took a picture of the Grand Opera House, and will have views of this handsome building ready for sight at an early date. AT THE GRAND. The Woodward- Warren Plays to a Peek ed H >u*e. Last night the standing-room-oniy sign -was displtyed at the opera bouse for the first time this season. It was the initial performance of a week’s engagement of the Wood ward- Warren Cos. The play produced was entitled “B-yond the City,” a netlodrama in 4 acts. Beseie Warren, oast as Emma Myr tle, pleased tbs audience, although her role did not oall for any undue exertions, Una Clsyton, as Chick, rough but true, was quite amuting, and her por trayal as a naive rural girt was welt receiven. Guy Woodward, as Larry, the Irish servant, was the bright aide of tne play, and by bis clever drolleries and jokes kept ihe house’in good humor. Francis Mioey, as Nelson .Oak, made a handsome, unsoropulos villain, an and carried out'bla part well. Wm. Van Etten in the dual rolea of Morgan, a hunchback, and James Worth, backwoodsman, did will. The balance of the cast did good work. The features of tbe entertainment wese tbe apeoialties introduced be tween each act; Keiffer and Diamond in 'their song and dance aot were met enthusi astic applause. H. Guy songs were very amusing aud met with deafening applause. • Una Clayton in hsr torn with bar little dog Roxie made Ait. The musioal selections of Heck and Eokert with viollooello, violin and mandolin proved a grand ooncert in itself and delighted Us hearers. Asa whole tbe company is a very strong one, and Guy W’oodward’s of fer to forfeit f6O to a jury which will ssy that bis troupe is not as good as giamy which ha* been here before is /pfVkelj to oocor. Toimo. tineas county. ft Frank J.jpffeney *k oath that be Is senior | pit, tier at (fie firm .11'. J. Cheney Jt Cos., doing bwdnaa* In the cit. if Toledo, county and stale C rrsald, and tha aid firm will pay the sum o K I UNfillK D OIUKS tor each and every case of eatanh that canntt b cured by Hall’s Cntan b Cure. FRANK J. CHUNKY. Sworn to and subscribed before me this uth day of December, A. W. QLRA3ON, „ Notary Hubiic. Sold by all druggists, Ilall’a Family Pills are the bit. “ Greeting Th#ir Many Frienjs. Mesare. Sapp and Townsend, two of Glynn’s successful planters, were in the oity yesterday greeting their many friends. it bas bean demonstrated repeatedly in every state in the Union and in many for eign countrie* that Chamberlain * Cough Remedy ie a certain preventative and cure for oroup. It bae become the universal remedy for that disease. M. V. Finer, of Liberty, W. Va., only repeats what has been said around the globe when he writes: “I have used Chamberlaio’e Cough Reme dy in my family for several yeare Bnd al ways with perfect success. We believe it is not only the best cough remedy, but that it is a sure cure for croup. It saved the lives of our children a cumber of tunes. ” This remedy is for sale by I. N. Bishop, druggist. * # Ur. H. H. Harvey Improving. The friends of Mr. H. H. Harvey, the popular city treasurer, will be pleased to learn that be was able to be out yesterday after a few days’ ill ness. F. B.'Thirkield, health inspector of Chi cago, saya, “Kodol Dyspepsia Cure cannot be recommended too highly. It cured me of severe dyspepsia.” It digests what you eat and cures indigestion, heartburn and all forme of dyspepsia. W. J. Butte. NEW HOUSES. Uaay being Bui t in and Around Brunswick On almost every street the sound of hammer and saw is heard, as many carpenters sre busily atworkonibe pretty new boueei that are being built io Brunswick. There is a greater de mand for houses now, residences and store-, than there ha been for many year*, end landowner*, realizing tbe fact, ere takir.g many measures to wards improving their property, by ereotirg thereon comfortable houses for reut or sale. Among tbs pretty new buildings noticed, are two pretty homes of Mr. Young, on George street, the two of Mr*. Harrison, on Glouces tsr street, one on tbe lot of Mr*. G. T. Bailey, oo Gloucester street, a band some one on tbe corner of George tod Albany street, a number of pretty ones oat E etreet boulevard, aodmauy o’bers in different parts of town. Ev erywhere, bouses that tre already built arrbeieg remodeled and freshly painted, a'dmg greatly to the appear ance of tbe oity generally. Cure Fre*. It Is deep-seated, otwtlnate cases ot Rheuma tism that B. B. B. (Botanic Blood U&lm; cures. It matters not what other treatment*. doctors, sprays, liniments, medicated air, blood pander, have failed to do, B. B. B. always promptly reaches tha real cauas and roots ant and drives from the bones, Joints, mucona membrane, and entire system tha specific poison In the blood that causes rheumatism and catarrh- B. B. B. •s the only remedy strong enough to do this So there can never lie a return of the symptoms. Don’t give np hope bat ask your druggist for B. B. B.—Botanic Blood Balm or SBs. Large Joules sl, six bottles (fall treatment) IS. B. B. Wan Inmeat remedy that makes real cures of all blood diseases after everything else fail* We have aleolute confidence in Botanic Blood ill am; hence, so yon may test It, we wIU send a trial bottle free on request. Personal medical and yice free. Addreae BLOOD ItALMCO- Atlanta. On, o"p’. Tobe Uoodbrsad a Candidate The Times is informed that Cap’. Tobe Goodbrad, tbe cld veteran, it a candidate for tbe office of tax receiver at tbe coming October election. . H. Ajplescn, justice cf tbe peace Clarksburg, N. J:~ wyi7’ ,r seWibPs Little Early Risers are tbe best pills iised for constipation. We use no other*.” Quick ly cure all liver and bowel troubles. W. J. Butts. DINNER BILL. Th© housi wifc always finds it ijjfHfcard to think of some thing lor the next meal; but remember* if you will always ring me up and call for me in person, I will assist you with pleasure. Partial list for today: Campbell Soup, any flavor, i>er can. 10c Chinese Cabbage per head ioc Rutabaga* per bunch ioc Torn!pa per bnnch 050 Garni Yellow Yams per pk acc These are the potatoes we have such a run on. Heinz's Bated Beans per can... 10 & 20c Becker’s Flake Tapioca per pkg 10c German Dill Pickles just received fresh. Very rei>ectfully, HARPER'S. ■in ftsmtami NEWS AND OPINIONS OF National Imporanoe The Sun ALONE Contains Both. Daily, by mail W , year Daily and Bunday. by mail $g a year. The Snnday Sun Is the greatest Sunday news paper in the world. Fries S Cents a Copy, Sr Bail 12 a Tear. Address THE SUN, New York. [ 'Housework is haid worh without Gold Dust l Washing Dish Cloths Kitchen cloths must of course be washed dsily , otherwise they htrbor grease and odors and become unhealthy. They should he made of knit* erocbet-cotton, •* a square of suitable size. 3Tfeet> you wash theia. If you will add a labie* -.jxxnful erf Gold Du6c irsfr Powder to the hof crater it w;!l cm the ... ease and cleaa them in baK the time; dry them out 1* the *un shsnc zad air. i tk firm* unr fc* ’ kfat ••GOM.iir wr. KOVtiCWOWT' B*aS tim s *jo *)u it t*t THE *. It. rA.tS/.MK CCMPANY t Chicago. St. '.ojla, M fork, Boslt*. ♦ Florida Central & * Peninsular Railfoad. Time Table Effcctive.NOr., *0,1899. £v Brunswick 7... 480 a 236 p IS non! NORTH A EAST S4 M Ar Jacksonville - 0 10 a 140p74p L? Jacksonville llti i 4 ICp Lv Brunswick 8 10 a 8 lop. | Ar Brunswick 8 50 p... IOOOp Ar Savannah. II *! p 11 Hp Lv Brunswick lO a 830 p .. . Ar tairfax 2 20p 164a i ArSavannah.. 12 27 p,1160p ... A r Denmark 304 p 2it a 1 LvSvannah. 6 08a 8 07 p Ar Augusta 9 46p (Hi | Ar Brunswick * s| 8 50pi Ar Colombia 48Sp itti buLiHEusDiv. . . :::::::::::: lSlim fr Baldwin' i,le 1 tej s H **”“•’ * vm.".7:::i 18S •l < Waldo li Bs'iHud ArLynchbura I4oa*4Bp 1 Ar Gainesville”l 7;..i1*01p ... P Ar lie 486 a 648 p g£ cSdSTEew .. 8 Sip Ar Washington f St a 8 60 p Ac gHMrSnrfnia 123 m AT ffeltilror* # llsll Up acflilta P W '”i 1 tool i *Ar Philadelphia 11 26 a *6B a Arleeabnrg Slop 480 a! Ar Boston... 9 QOp OB pj...... ArTavares 388 p. 620 a WEST lilV. AB. O. ii ArOriando - SOop SlOa 1 —■— *- Ar Winter Park 5 27p Lv Brunswick 4 80 a I tip Ar Owensboro 846 p 4 13 >Lv Jacksonville 820 a 7 44u Ar Plant City 444 p 6 28a Ar Lake City UMs • Sip, Ar Tamps. 6 3up 6 80 a Ar Live Oak 12 Itplo B*p ! Ar Montlcello 3 20 p 4 48a Ar Tallahassee, 3 Up 8 80a \r Quincy 4 ns-ia.. Ar Rlvcr.Junction 6 26 nillJl i Ar Pensacola 11 00 p 8 XH 'Ar Mobile 8 Wa __ !Ar New oileans. . j,... .. ISO aj1..... Arrivals at Jacksonville fioin (be north and east, No. 36 st 9:1" a. m, No. 83 at 7:4S mb. From the west. No. 1 7:26 p. in. From the south,No. 14,7:55 a, m.. No. 10,3:68 p. m. No. a “Dixie rlyer”B:l7 a. ■>. Noe. 86 and no cariy Pullman Buffet sleeper* be'wecn Jacksonvlle and Columbia, connecting with sleepers betwten Columbia and New York and between Columbia and Cincinnati via Asheville. Nos. 88 and 34 carry Pullman Buffet Sleeper, between Tampa and Columbia. All annals between, Columbia and New York nerved on dining ta> with trains N0.36 and 36. Nos. Uand 14 carry Pullman Buffet sleeping cars between Jacksonville and Tampa. .steamers for Key west and Havana—No. 38 makes connection at Port Tampa with itetasa leaving Mondays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Noa. 1 and 2, Bleeper between New Orleansand Jacksonville. • Full Information given by agents of the Southern By. and F. C, A N99HH MHH D.t.MAXffELL A, U. MacDONELL, L. A. SHII’MAN Sec. V.P. ft Gen. Mgr. Gen. Paw. Agt. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. *°- w " 0 -- Time Table No M raa*eager Ptaaaager (_). 3*2, PasiMingwr Passenger Kffective Sunday,' \ D*Ut. Daily Daily- Daily. Dec. S,U:ei an ' 9 30am.... 10 00 pm... ar Waycres# lv uaoam 84Spm... 10 10 pm... 11 00 pm... lv Waycroes ar 60Uam... J 40pm... 1* 80pm... 3 06ptn... ar Tifton iv 1 18am.... 6 30pm . * 10pm... 3 Mam... ar Albany Iv llispin.... 346 pm... ' .1* 10pm... I 16*m... ar Bavannah Iv 3.16 am o (Opm SBopm. .. 1 ar rhomaavilla lv Vouam t aopm'.lii '] !!! V. A W A YbKUbb dt iuATIiOiUKY . V 1 7CO mm...l TOOg-v — It Brunswick 7T ~30 am .".lo's6 pm. .. 'i •* mn ..II 69 am... ar B rmingham; h 46,m.. 84>am o JOpm .. | 710 pm... ar Na-nvilie K uooam... j*i*S IS Mpm ...i *3O am... ar Louisville. It 366 am. • Rpm .... 4 06pm... 706 am... ar Cincinnati I* 11 OO pm 5 46pm -M pm 6 6-pm ar (hieago Iv 1145 am... BBopm. ...1...;.; Direct connection made at Waveroa* with ihronga Pullman Sleeping Car* foi Savanaak l m,n “ North; also f„ Montgomery, Blnningha n, Nuhvllle, Bt. Louis! Reeling cuairea a between Wayeroea and Mnntgoroorv viaTbomaaville. Between Port Tampa, Key West and Hanna. Lv Port Tampa II 00 pm Mon. Thura. Sat. | Ar Port Tampa ] 30 pm Tuea and 4i,n Ai hey West 3 01 pm Tues bTi. Sat | Lv Key West. 9 80 pin Mon and bat I.v hey W eat 9 00 pm. Tues Frl Sunday I AT Key We. T 30 pm Mon. and *at Ar 6 Wed. Bat Mon .... ILv Havana 1* 00 pm Monday and Sat. Tbe 1 lant Steamships-New Orient” and ’'Maacotte” are operated on this line. B. DUNHAM, ■<,. W.OOATBR. B.W WRtmv General Bupt- Division Pas*. Agent. p an . Truffle Mar Savannah, Ga. Brunswick, gx. Bvn“f(ia. SF.'fPhG REPCFI. Pert ol Bran r k, Jan. 15 1800 AKRIVSO S3. C ilorado, Risk, New York. Bark, J. P Babel. CIJtARRD. (AILED. Having a Great Ban on Chamber’am’. Cough Remedy. Manager Martin, of the Pierson Drug Store informs, us that he is having a great run on Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy. He sells five bottles of that medicine to one ol any other kind, and it gives great satisfae tion. In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlain's Couch Remedy to stop the cough, heal up the sore throat and lungs and give relief within a very short time. The sales are growing, and all who try it are pleased with its prompt ac tion.—South Chicago Daily Calumet Fo sale by I. N . Bishop, Diuggist. Orders for charts showing new depths on Brunswick’s bar will be taken now and Ailed immediately charts are issued, C.W. Peming Agent U.S. Coast and Geodetic Surrey. ’Phone M Ilf ONE NIGHT. Hi ill 18 BROADHUJRST’S Screaming Farce IN THREE ACTS Mid Hi jok BY GKO. H. BBOADHURST, Author of “Why Smith Left j Wrong Mr. Wright,' “The Last Chapter,"“ThJ ‘Speculator,” Etc., Etc. ” The Succass of Two Continints, OXF. YEAR—Strand Theatre, London. FOUR MONTHS—New York City. Ttslts Coapanios Playiig Witi tans Sujcbss Tbroagiont Hit Easton ud Wsstsrs Seaispkts, CAST INCLUDES John Allison. L. P. Reinhart, Olive McCon- ” nell, H. G. Hockey,C.J. Greene, Marrie Haynes, H.W .Montgomeryjlorence Marion, Ethel Hert- i slot, Charles Charters. Lillian Young, Hands Allison. M