The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, January 18, 1900, Image 1

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, VOLUME II; NO. 15 . BROWN DRUG COMPANY r * L Cash Rebate I I Druggists. |Painter’s Material and Supplies at | ACTUAL COST yro Close Out That Line. W Mr. Stafford’* Funersl. ft The funeral itrticei over the remains |of Mr. Hardy Stafford wers held yes terday afternoon at bis home in the and concluded later at the cemetery, where Ftbe remains were interred. Rev. Birch Doctors Receommend Lei big’3 Extract of Malt. It’s a great tonic and health builder. We have lots of it. W J BUTTS, ita Druggist. “On the Corner.” Solfeitor Bennett Here. The friend* of Solicitor Bennett were him bere yes terday. Tbe recent endorsement of Solicitor Bennett for re-election to his present position was one of the sets A Shirt Tale.- We have too many MANHAT TAN SHIRTS for this season of the year. You are probably short one or two. In order that wo may all be in proper condition we have I placed on sale our entire line of $1.50 Manhattan colored dress Shirts at r ©l.l© I, A sort of mutual benefit association that you will do well to investigate. LEVY’S. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. conducted the services, and a large number of friends of the deceas ed were in attendance upon the last sad rites. Mr. Stafford was a (rood oit'zen, and his death will create a void in the hearts of many friend'. Advertise in The Times ot the last grand jury that was heart ily approved of by tbe people of O ynn He bas made an able and fearless effi • cia), and it is a pleasure to no'e that be will not be opposidin tbe next race. BUI il dS fll iffllKl Result of His Work Right Here At Your Very Door Proves Beyond Question, HIS RIGHT TO YOi CIFIMCE ll PlTiiiSE Son of Or. Win. Noble, BrunswieK’s Well Known Dentist, Tries One Bottle Quaker Herb Tonic and Rids Himself of a Tapeworm 32 Feet Long, Alter Nine Years of Suffering. The Quaker Doctor has proven his claims to the confidence of the people of Brunswick, lie has cured a young Brunswickian who for nine long, weary years has suffered a living death from the insiduous gnawing at his growing vitals of a monster tapeworm 32 feet in length and now has before him the living patient and the cause of all his tioubles since practically he was an infant. Beauiegard Cobles, son of Nobles, the well known dentist, is the one tire Qua Ker Doctor cured and he has with one bottle of his Quaker Herb Tonic in less than twelve hours what all the physics taken by the young Brunswick boy had failed to do in nine yeai|. the Quaker Doctor’s stand, near Polhill’s Drug Store, was crowded with people wko gazed’with grewsome awe upon the effects of the Doctor’s Herb cure, while the grateful parent of the heretofore afflicted hoy unhesi tatingly explained to everyone near the wonderful work of the Doctor and gave to The Times the following voluntary tribute to tlye Quaker Doctor’s success with his own son. BRUNSWICK, GA., Jan. 17, 1900. To W hom It May Concern '. This is to certify that my son, Beauregard, aged 12, has been suffering for nine years with stomach trouble. Quaker Herb Medicine and on yester day nlorn secured a bottle of Quaker Herb lonic errU my son took same Recording to dntrffions. This aftcmopii my son passed a tapeworm 32 feet neacl, nedly body and alive. I know the worm has been the for years. I thank the Quakers and recommend their riiedicine with all my heart. Have tried many other medicines and doctors, all have proved failures. WIVOOBLE, Demtist, Office, Residence Cor. E and G Sts. ) ) Sworn and subscribed to lieforeme, this 17th day of January, 1900. | | HORACE DART, Ordinary, Glynn County Ga. There are hundreds of people in who have known of the affliction ot young BeauregartWßibles and they havetried in vain to suggest a remedy that would cure him but it remained for the Quaker doctor tq do the work and he did it in a few hours without the blowing of horns and sounding of cymbals. Can anyone say'now that the coming of the Quaker Doctorhas not been a blessing ? When one looks at the wonderfu] transformation he has made in the life of a boy Who was born and raised in BrunswicK and sees the living, breathing evidence of the Quaker Doctor’s wonderful cure, can it be said that he has not made friends and proven the man that the afflicted of Brunswick have been looking for ? Go to his stand today near Polhill’s Drug Store and see for yourself w hat he has done for the son of Dr, Noble, and read the testimony of thousands whb have been cured of various diseases by this great and able Quaker Doctor and then y®u will understand how it is that tlje towns and cities of the south have thrown open wide| their gates and bid him come anumgst them. The evidence is before you It lives and breathes and has its being in your jfome city. No one can deny his cure. Come and see for yourself. It costs you nothing hut it may save you thousands of dollars and much suffer ing. The Quaker Doctor has come to Brunswick to do good. He has said but little of his intentions because of that characteristic modesty for which the Quaicer people are noted but when such cures are made as the'one that has .just been effected on the son of Dr. Noble the subject becomes one beyond the Quaker’s control, and for others who may be suffering the Qua Ker Doctor has allowed The Times to briefly mention it. The popular view of the relation of the blood to human 'character and conduct is marked in many a familiar expression. We speak of there being “bad blood” be tween people at enmity, of “blue blood”as indicating ancestry, of "black blood” as descrioing a treacherous nature, and in many another phrase mark our belief that in the mental, moral and physical man, “the blood is the life,” The one basis of a BRUNSWICK GA. THURSDAY MORNING, JANUARY la 1900 healthful, happy and useful life is pure blood, if the blood Is pure, disease has no permanent lodging place In the system. For this reason the use of Ur. Fierce's oolden Medical Discovery rids the body of diseases which have their origin in impu rity of the blood. It absolutely purifies the blood, carrying off the waste and poi sonous matter, increasing the action of the blood in quantity and quality such as is essential to a condition of health. It cures ninety eight people out of every hundred who give it a fair trial. You never know what form of blood poison will follow constipation. Keep the liver clean by using DeWitt’s Kittle Karly Risers and you will avoid trouble. They are famous little pills for constipation and liver and bowel troubles. W.J. Butts Cut Glass— D orflinger’s. Name on Each Piece- Brunswick Book Cos. Editor’s Note. The article ‘ Brunswick’s Ilaibor,” O'* the editorial *mge, was taken from the New Orleans Lumb-r Trade Jour nal of .1 in. liirh. ‘ A H art As Sturdy As AN O ik.” Hut what about the blood which the heart must i>uin p at the rata of 70 time* a minute? if the heart is lo be Sturdy ar.d the nerves strong this bleed luijsl be rich and pure Hcod’ > SaVaapxrilla makia sturdy berr's be came it m- kes good bloody It gives to uivn and woman confi dence, courage and endurauiA. HondaXbjU are “he only calhuj '?■ V, >r * i -—g Tux jl I w\wWw l . ' Pa Messrs. Hitch, Palmer and Scarlett, oity tax assessors,' commerced their rounds yraterdav and will be actively at work for some wetks getting tbe various valuations of property io Brunswick. KAISER BROS. Annual Mark Damn Sale LADIES'JACKETS and CAPES Beginning Monday, January 15th, and continuing until our A winter stock is disposed of. ladies’ Jackets- From SIB.OO down to $ll.OO From $15.00 down to $9.50 From $12,50 down to SB,OO From sll-50 down to $7.50 From $8.50 down to $5,00 From $6,00 down to $3.75 From $4.50 down to $2.50 KAISER BROS. THE. OLD RELIABLES. jjk J PRICE FIVE CENTS M I M li Not having been calleß for, we now announcj the 2nd and 3rd prizM drawn by tlie judgesH FIRST PR1ZE... 2355-4B SECOND PRIZE. .3890 4-v —JUDGES J Howard, Waff, Phil Sjfl bersiU^^mediahlf.^-' mjm'itj.i). OPTICIAN fANDJJEWELEK. 215 NEWCASTLE STREET. iiMK tiy wire daily from Washington. Ofllcla Inspector of watches for Southern Rail way. Ladies' Capes. ji From $ll,OO down to S6.OCf From $7.00 down to $4.25 From $5.00 down to $3.25 From S4OO down to $2.25 From $3,00 down to $2.Q*J| From $2.00 down to $1.3fl From $1.50 down to SI.OOT