The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, May 31, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 133 FRESH LOT OF * NUNALLY’S CANDIES JUST RECEIVED BROWN DRUG CO. N v* v . A CARD FROM MRS. PARKER. Written About the Excelsior Literary Society Entertainment. OnJMjnday evening, at 8:16, there will be given at tba Grand opera hone* an entertainment by tbe Excel sior Literary society. Seats may be bad anywhere on tbe lower door for 95i, balcony 150, gallery, 10c. Tbe pupils of tbe High school bare tickets for sale, and will appreciate tbs patronage of Those bolding tlokets to tbe lower floor or Clean Tour Old 'I % Straw Hats With 7 LINANE One 25c package cleans eight y hats or one hat eight times. . . . % W J BOTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” baloony may, after Thursday, hire their eeftta reserved' without extra 'Charge at Butts’ drug store. The member* of the Exoelsior soci ety have worked bard for the success of their entertainment, resulting in a program far above tbe commonplace . Id addition to tbe numbers present ed by tbe society, tbe andienoe cannot tjfail to be charmed by tbe graoe and beauty of Mias Lydie Jeffers in an ox kqutaite statue re^yygn. We Duck Pants. double *Turn Up. avoids .catling too short. Some thing ne. 1.00 and 1.50 Hannnel Coats and Pants $lO to sl2 Blue Serge Coats S3 t 0 S6 i Crash Suits, Crash Pants, Straw Hats, Leather Belts. Everything new and up-to-date in Summer Novelties. : LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. There will be given also daring tbe evening by tbe Mandolin plub some of (heir sweetest selections, making al together a program whloh can but be appreciated by all wbo honor us by tbeir presenoe. Minnik L. Pahkxk, Principal High School. OARNEOIBS POSSESSIONS. Sootahmin Quotsd as Saying That Es Is Worth SBOO,OOO 000. New York Miy 30. — Henry W. Lu ney, M I*., writing to tbe Tribune trom London, quotes a friend of An drew Carnegi. • eayinglhat tbe Iron master lately declared tbat bis posses sions, readily convertible into bard cash, amount to $200,000,000. Mrs. K. T. Wsldrep and obildren, of Tifton, are on a visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Fogler, of this tbis city. Your foil money’s worth at the P" Hive’s sale. BRUNSWICK, GA„ THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 31, I'JOO. CENSUS MING BEGINS TOMORROW Enumerators for Glynn County Will Bogin Their Round of Houses. QUESTIONS THAT ARE TO BE ASKED They May Seem Impertinent But Are Really Necessary. An Interview Which Exp|aint Nature of Work. Tomorrow morning the oensus enu merators all over th<>. United States Will begin to visit tbs homes of tbe peop'e. In Brunswick tbe enumera tors will be out bright and early, and they axpeot to flulah their labors easi ly within tbe time limit. Here afe the questions that tbe United States oensus man will put to you oails. They may seem impertinent, bat they must be answer- ed, so it is well to be prepared to do so promptly and gracefully : 1. Surname, Christian name ini tial . 2. Residence, street, number of house. 8. Relationship of each member to tbs bead of tbe family. . 4. Color or race. '-v 6. Sex. ... > 6. Age at last birthday. 7. Day, month and year when born. 8. Are you single,, married, widow, widower, or divorced? ’ ‘ • r 2. Number of years married. 10. How many children? 11. Sex of tbeta children. .12 you born? If intbe ft'ifiw; ffIRIFW# It of foreign birth. gjga. pMiU) country Of ly. 18. When was your fatber b ( orn? Your mo’ber? (Same' oondftlom as tbe foregoing.) 14 If ot foreign birth, *Ttn did yoa come to the United Statrg? 13. How imny years have you re sided In tbe United S ates? . 18. nnve you been uatur*li*d? /, How many year* since you becamtef oitixen? K 17. What t* your onoupstion, tmEm* or profession? (This questin'- to persons 10 years r>"< e or 18. How maoy months durinrff ti year are you emplojad? 19. How many qu&gt* ' e you at ‘ tended eobool? 20. Can you r#'* 21. Can ye' * rrite? 22 f .fe tbe main faot* concerning >• education. 28. Do yon own tbe bouse in wbicb you live? 24. Do you rant the Baffle In wblob you live? 26. If yoa own the home, it it free or mortgaged? (The tame question! apply to farm!.) The taking of the cenaui ia one of t>e most important functions of the government, and it is a matter in whioh every citizen ia interested, and sveryone should give the hrartteat help and enocuragement In tba mat ter. In an interview with Supervisor Blum of the Savannah diatriot the Frees of yesterday bad the following, whioh is applicable to thia city. The Press sajs: . The census enumerator is In a meas ure bis own boss. He bss been given bis supply of books and papers to be | gin the work and the law only r* quires that he shall oosoplete the task lo two weeks and work ten hours eaob day. He oau begin work at any time he likes and atop when be chooses, except that ten honra eaob day must be put in taking names and data. It will be readily notioed that this does not al low muoh time for loafing or gossip ing. The enumerators are not paid by the day, but by the number of usmes BRUNSWICK GUN GLOB TO HAVE A BIG BIOOT Will Ooour at Southeastern Fair Association Grounds on Jane 27th and 28th. TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS IN PRIZES. A Grand Event for Georgia Sportsmen Arranged by Local Crack Shots. Rules Governing (tautest. J 'Tbe second annual shoot of tbe Bruuswiok Gun olub will be beld in this city under tbe auspices of tbe Southeastern Fair association on June SO and 97. Tbe shoot will ooour at tba fair grounds, and ooming during the progress of tbe fair and mld-snm msr carnival will be doubly interest ing to sportsmen. Neatly printed invitations are now bsing*asnt out announcing tbe eboot and giving a list or tbe events. Spe oial rates of one fare for tbe round trip are announ<M>4 on tbe railroads, and •200 addend money makes tba prizes to be shot (Ar more valuable than usual. The shoot will oommenoe at 9 o’clock, June 27, with entries to-be made on .. < 16 kofore ‘tnatoh oommenoes. Magus traps to be used with the re itt- Ing to the weights of gunsto*%fc’*qfcja| foroed. Black pbwder and ten gutge guns will not be pirmitted and coet of targets is be from tbe puree,while all purrls are to be divid ed aooordiug to tbe ltvlsed Rose sys tem. Expert* will'jfe permitted to .1 * Thn taraitte* i)\faiT* n g*! • at* Jlcesre. C. L. Ostaler, ohdirman, Claud Dart and J . ft. Abrams, with a raoeptioo oommittia ooneieting of MeeariT. A.D. J. H. 'Folliill-n U. H Harvey Uoweo- ’■ taken. They get 3so for eaoh name they jot down. *raeeDme l aggffl , Sw paid for tli* SJ?* * _ aw*' ,ng at not employed on vbl* fcsa in art the large on rtajg^B Mmfifl 'lt * oriage boreee, S (fie for deliver r waguna, goats, cow*, etc. Besides sectvig information a* to tbe people nolivififtthe enumerator* “will be required to g mg those who bavft; past year. Tbe t the past osu au* year beginning June 1, 1890, will be oartfully noted. A* bas been etated tbe cenaua i* for June 1. Even 'M an enumerator should fail to reach a boose for fully two weeks after Jane 1 no mattqg.wbat baa happened in tbat June 1 it ia do oogcaMr*of bie. The wbole have died or half a dozajj nlfiidren be horn id a bouse jWtVeen Jup* - * end tbe££ra of tire visit of tbo enumerator. In either event the population, as officially an nounced, would not be affected, June 1 is tbe standard of populatlen through out the country. Everything told an enumerator ia given bint In confidents. lie is bound by oath not to dtvulgji any inforini tlon be secures. He isalso required to be polite, and any impoliteness on the part of the enumeratot should be re- the sutboritics, There bss been sunt speculation as to what the census about those who leave fur tummir resorts and northern cities before .line 1. Few of them will escape. Ths-e are specul blanks for such cases. If a hmse ia found closed upon two or three visits of tbe enumerator he nakea Inquiry as to its owner and proiseds to inves tigate upon tbe basis *f information thus obtained. There will surely be found someone who cang've informa tion re’ative to tbe absait oit'im and hi* family and tbe dalawiii be secur ed from tbat source. Everyone will be oonnted in tbis census, ml it will be complete. i FAIR MEETING HELD LAST NIGHT Officers and Directors Hustling for the Coming Mid Summer Carnival. SSO FOR BRUNSWICK BASEBALLISTS Work on Buildings Now Under Way. Con tract Made With Electric Light Company for Illuminating the Grounds. Tbe seoond annual fair and mid summer carnival, to be given under the auspices of the Southeastern Fair Association of this city, will be beld In Brunswiok, June 26!b to 30th inclu sive, and tbe officers and directors are making the most of tbe few wetks in tervening to get everything in readi neee for the grhnd event. The ladles, under the direction, of Mrs. Bolling Whitfield, President of the Woman’e Board, will add several attractive features to those beld last year, among them being a flora! pa rade, whloh will bring out all the tal ent and flowers pf Brunswick in an ef fort to make tbe parade as pretty as possible. Tbe Negro department is being ably managed, and they will make a sue oess of tbeir work tbat will retLct upon tbe managers. Ihe "FfctVs-Assojciation has hern spending muob money in improving the grounds, and* they are liborsi in tbeir appropriations of funds for at tractions. At a meeting lest night fifty dollars was donated to the Bruns wick h. •-■ ■ • Hirjob, manrgsr, -and this will he used by tbe boye to equip themselves with uniforms, and |for tbe entertain ment of various olubs that have been invited here during fair week. The bass ball grounds have been enclosed, and some good hall will be played. A i ■MTT~rTT , 'I Into 3*u , t .*tTsrunswiok Light and Water Tfompany for tbe complete lighting of the grounds and bnildingr, and these will be kept open every night, ..Major B. Krnestjiarij huJMikMm pointed••#'“r(peefsl committee to visit f the rarioue military cominards of the State and endeavor to secure tbeir at ■ i, . 4 tendup#ghiring the fait*. The Fourth MffHmon Cumberland du- efforts will be made The good,j and tbe' aoee wilLbe up tatiis staod 'l6 iLXsJ-* 1 ’ r '* has been done for tfeijfi&liV IWt ' TSSifIS! .reit enoonrrfii. tool for its being a big success..' S§ Those premier at last night’s meet ing Messrs. Butts, Newman, Aiken, fC iypwn, Brobston, Farmer and Mott. REPRESENTING THE PAIR. Hr. Charlis Doerfliager to Bill the Entire Plant System. I on, will leave tomorrow for a tcur of tbe Plant System. He will bill every line of the Plant System as far as Mont gomery, and ail through Georgia and Florida, and It is rxgected that big re sults will be seoured from tbis exten sive advertising. The fair people have out aome excellent lithograph work, and intei and to pull for the crowds at tbs coming show to b h-ld here from June 26'b to ß ®** l >ncio S j TPi your seats reset for the entertainment at the opera house tonight^ Good you read the Bee Hive’s advertisement? Music and elocution at the opera house tonight. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass AT BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY TO PICNIC AT ATKINSON. First Methodist Sunday School Invit'd to Go lip Saturday. Rev. J. B. Gama of the First Metho dist oburob informed The Times last night that tbe Wayorose Sunday sohool would picnic at Atkinson Saturday next and that they had extended an invitation for the Sunday sohool here to Join them. Dr. Game said that hie Sunday sohool had given their pionio sonde days ago, but as ttiere was a large number who wanted to go to At- IF IT’S A QUESTION WITH YOU " Whether you need glasses or iy not, then call at my store and I J T MDKC v ill examine your eyes | FREE OF CHARGE | I. .S-IIKK.II-. KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Opt^omn. 21S/Newcastle Street, Xiopectorof Watches for. Southern Railway.iTimel.y.'W.ic ('ally from Washington kin son, it had been decided to run a special oar, leaving the dipot Satur day morning and returning that Bight, giving the Sunday school all tbeir friends who want to go an opportunity £to meet, the Wayoroa* people and enjoy a good fish intbe Wftilla. F Fare for tbe round trip for children is 25 cents, and adults 50cents. All are invited. New Pulley JieTTtf’Ut tbe BuUlta. fWhat Yon Sen With Year Ejss YOU MUST BELIEVE, We invite you to call in and see what we have for you in the Crock ery line and you will believe that we give you more for your money any other store in this sectiotip The Kitchen. A clean, well equipped kitchen is the housewife’s delight. We provide every thing for the complete kitch en and furnish only the best We'seffflWJ STOVES Best on Earth. H. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE FIVE CENTS OOOHRAN AND BENNETT. ons for Blsotor and ths Othsr for Delegate from ths Blavsnth Distriot. Col. Coohran of Wayoross was bsre yesterday conferring with friends re garding bis announcement for one of the eleotora’ places from the Eleventh distriot. It was erroneously stated in The Times reoently that Solicitor Bennett was an applicant for an eleotoi’s plaoe when he really deslree to go as a dele gate to tbe national convention. Both of these gentlemen are well liked here and it le not probable that either will have opposition for their .respective cboioe. The democrats ot (llynn oounty recognize their service to tbe party, and assuranoee both received yesterday were encouraging. With Cos!. Ojobran aa elector and Solicitor Bennett for idelegate tbe Eleventh dietriot will bo well repre sented. Attend tbe Bee Hive’s stle today. ' Keep Coot This summer. What’s the use letting the sun “roast you out” when we sell just what you need in the line of AWNINGS to pay. i.