The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 06, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 138 If you are refused credit it is Your Own Faulty Not Ours. We give CUSH REBATES TO CASH CUSTOMERS And cater to them especially. ss>oo in Cash Tickets now good FIFTY CENTS IN TRADE INSTEAD OF 25 CENTS. BROWN DRUG CO. mb broaduead enroute. I Ha it Csaiag to At*and the B- daida of hit Sen who i* q'>ita ill. Mr. Jauea K. Broadhead, of New Jersey, |bas wired to Mr. Walter B. Cook that he la enroute to Brunswick to attend the bedside of hia son who is lying quite ill 'be reaideuoe of Mr. Cook. Mr. Broadbead is being at tended by two physicians, Drs. Chrla tie and Hugh a trained nurse who waa oalled in from Savan- Clean Your Old "t _ . x * Straw Hats With J .—LINAGE y One 25c package cleans eight hats or one hat eight times. . . . W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” B>. Mr. Broadtieed in a populir Bine resident of tbit city nitd hit ill Mils the oocaaioo of runoli regret to ■n many friends and Hie friends of ■la father, a [prominent crosstie ex jfciorter at this port. if' We bay* a large number of seoond phaod bicycles which we utter at sls ■fenh while they last. Terms. $5 down, $1 per week, or $5 per month for ybe balance. J. Gloucester St. Blue and White Neckwear $ Justin. English Squares, Bat Wing Club Bows, Regular shape Clubs, Four-in-Hands, Scarfs, Are You Keeping Cool ? If not we can (ff< r some very persuasive ar guments in MANHATTAN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, CRASH COAT AND PANTS. BUMMER FLANNELS, f In fact anything necessary to your summer I comfort. } LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. Attention 1 Southern Railway will run an ex cursion to Msoon Jane 12 at rate of $2.60 round trip. Tiokets good on train leaving Brunswick at 6:40 Tues diy morning, .Tone 12, good to return on any train laavlng Maocn up to and including 2:30 p m., June 14'h. Riant System T.oasl Schedule. Tram leaves Brunswick at 7:15 a. m aod 6 p. m. Arrives at, 10:16 a. | fIP. and 11 -.30 p. in. To Play Kail This Month Mr. Henry Husoh, manager of the Bunswick base bill teem, says Me biya are getting in fine trim for the coming guinea tbie month. They will playFerran ine, dune 26'h, 27th and 28th, at the fair grounds, and will give the Florida boya a good game to go up against. The Brunswick club is practicing daily, and doiog good work. BRUNSWICK, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE (5, 190 ft BROWN GETS THE POSTMASTBRSHIP Popular Druggist Named for the Offioe by President McKinley Yesterday. NEWS RECEIVED LAST NIGHT Appointment Is a Good One. And Will Be Thoroughly Satisfactory -Changes in The Office Force. Information was reoeived in Bruns- wick 1 .at night to the effect that Air. F. MoC. Brown, one of Brunswiok’a prominent druggists, bad been nomi nated as postmaster for this city to succeed Capt. W. F. Symons, the pres ent incumbent whose term of four I years has expired. Jiidsin \V. By tons, register of the treasury, wired regarding Mr. Bro vn’s appointment, and stated that he was trying to push the continuation through at an early date. The appointment will be thorough ly satisfactory to the community. Mr. MR. F. McC. BROWN, The Popular Young Brunswickian Who Was Yesterday Postmaster for Brunswick. Brown bis sirred as postmaster sod made an reocrd, both with the department and the public generally. Capt. Symons is running for representative from Glynn, and when be gets out of the postoflice will probably turn all of liis attention to that race. The appointment of Mr. Brown wi'l not affect bis position ae eroretary o' the Sjuibesstern Fair Association, as be is thoroughly in harmony with ev eryth ng pertaining to the success of the fair, and w.ll continue to give his best itforls towards making that event a big success. Ho w.ll also con tinue to run bis drug store, and will divide bis time between that business and the postofflc*. It is not known what changes be will make in the poettffloe force, but it la hardly prob able that the oarriers will he disturbed They are all members cf the republi can party and not personally offensive to the people or the postmaster-to-be THE INN TO OPEN JUNE 23RD. Famous Lookout Mountain Sumnior Resort to Entortain Vast Crowds This Season. Bruuswiekians have been receiving invitations ricsntly to the grand open ing of The Inn, that famous summer resort hotel on the lop of Lookout Mountain, which lias gained such a wklaspread popularity during the paat few seasons, and which promises to be very liberally patronised by the peo ple of this community during the ooming season. The ion is one of the handsomest aril best oonduoted sum mer hotels oil the American continent, and occupies a position on the highest point of Lookout Mountain that com mands a full view of what has been pronounced the itnost soenerv in tli - world. Mr. Oliver Johnson, who made so many friends here during his connection with Hotel St. Simons, will have charge of the office at The (on, and this will add to the home likenessof the hotel to those wbo visit it from this section. Lookout Afoun taid is beoonung more and more popu lar with eaoh succeeding yssr, and this season promises to mark a record breaker in number of guestsiThe Inn will entertain. Will Adj -urn To-day. The Brand Jury will adjourn to-day. The presentments will probably be read at this morning session of oourt. Don’t fail to go to Mscon Tuesday, [ June 12, $2.50 roaod trip. To bs Wsdded this Evening. The wedding which will unite Miss® Ida Roberts and Mr. J. T. Matthews will occur this evening at the resi dence of the brides parents, Oapt. and Mrs. TJ. M. Roberts, and will be a ■ooial event very much enjoyed by tbe many friends of this popular young couple. yll I fr 1. | Almoßt everything eatable comeg j in canH nowadays. We keep the ( lcftt brand*. Latest arrivals: | Libby’s Corn Beef Hash. Libby’* Frtt and Chicken. Libby's potted Turkey. Libby’s Veal Ix>af (small cans.) King us up and see how quick you can get anything from us. Phono 15S, EPWORTH LEAGUE MEETS ON JULY 26. Five Thousand Delegates Are Ex pected to Attend the Conference. IN THE CITY OF ATLANTA. Preparations Under Way—lnteresting Program to Be Arr.nged -Trained Chorus Will Sing. Atlanta will add to her high prestige as the convention city of tiie sou< li when, from the 2Gth to 29:h of July, inclusive, upward; of 5,000 Epworth Leaguers meet inannnsl conference in the agricultural building at Kxposi • tloh park. This notable gathering of young Christian workers will not be distinct ively southern. Every state in Dixie land will be repsentod, including Maryland and West Virginia and in addition delegates will be prison) from Illinois, Montana, Idaho, Wash ington, California, Arizona, New ATexioo and Indian Territory, and from the mission Helds of Afexioo. Cuba, Brazil, China and Japan. The lirst oonferenoe of the southern wing of the Epworth League wil| be Ihe largest interstate conventon that ever met on southern soil, and it goes without say ing that Atlauta will pro vide for its oomfort and pleasure in her characteristic handsome manner. It was Atlanta’s uig-bearted way of aotingtbe host more Ilian her location and railroad faoilitiea that, planed Her first in the favor of tho Methodist Episnopal church, south’s," executive committee. The movement to held an annual F conserenoe of the southern Epworth Leaguers originated at the fourth in ternational Epworth League eonfer enoe held at Indianapolis, Ind., last July. The leeguera from the south held a meeting, at which it was decid 'd that the work would be best subserved Jiy an annual con ference of their own. The genera' eeo etsry af the Epworth League of the Methodist Episcopal church south, was formerliy petitioned to ascertain the .sentiment of the lesgnera of th' south with reference to bolding a gen eral conference, for tbe purpose of unifying plans, the emphasie of great oonneotional leaguer ideas, the pro motion of Christian fraternity, etc., and if the sentiment was favorable, to call the; conference. The Epworth League board of the Methodist Episcopal church, south, at ite [meet ’ing held three weeks since concurred in the favorable report of Secretary Dußoiae and fixed the aforesaid date for the southern conference Now is your chance to own a bi cycle. sls buys a good wheel—ss cash and $1 per week. Get one while they last. J A Montgomery, 503 Glouces ter St. MUST SEE MR HAKRY BAKER. Before You Post any Bill* on the Boards of UruDiwiok Aftsr'his Date. Mr. Harry Baker, who for many year* was in charge tf tliu Brun. wick Opera Houae during the palmy days of old Jj’Ariosa, has bought the bill board prlviledges of Brunswick from Mana ger Wolfe, of the Grand. It is now necessary for anyone who desires to u<o bill boards in this city to first gat permission from Mr. Baker. He is a member of the Bill Posters Associa tion and can give ail protection ceoes aary In this reipeot. LADIES The best and quickest preparation for cleaning gloves is the LaBtll" glove cleaner. For sale by H. V. Ad- I derly. Try it. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass AT THE—-ak BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY REVERSED THE DECISION. Supreme Oourt Hands Down a Ruling in tlii Case of May vs. Stats* The report from the supreme oourt given the following of interest to Brunewiokians: May vs. State. Before Judge Sparks. City court of Brunswick. Little, J,—Even if the evidence was sufficient toehow that the defendant committed the larceny with which she stood charged, anew trial should nev ertheless have been granted, because WEDDING PRESENTS I IN ' Cut Glass■ and Sfrtoer KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 215,.NewcaBlIe Street, Inspector of Watches for Southern Itailway. Time by Wire daily from Washington n i proof was made of the value of the article alleged to have been stolen, nor of the time at, which the larceny was committed. Judgment reversed. A'l concurring, except Fish, J. Msx Isaac, (or plaintiff in error. John W. Bennett, solicitor-genera', and J. T. Colson, contra. Jiißt received —a full line Seeds’ dry plates, all sizes. J. A. Montgomery, 503 Gloucester street. fWhat You See Willi Your Eyes YOU MUST BELIEVE We invite you to call in and see what we have for you in the Crock ery line and you will believe that 'we give you more for your money than any other store in this section The Kitchen. A clean, well equipped kitchen is the housewife’s delight. We provide every thing for the complete kitch en and furnish only the best COOKNG STOVES We sell the famous Buck’s Best on Earth. U. M. MILLER £ SON. PRICE FIVE CENTS REV. LEWIS CASS BURCH. BrunswioVs Clergyman to Take Key. Strong’s Plaoo For a Few Weeks. Rev. Lewis Casa Burch, of Bruns wick, will fill the pulpit and look after the parochial interests of St. John’s oburoh during the absence of Rev. Charles H. Strong, "the rector. Air. Strong will leave for Darien this af ternoon, and ou tomorrow morning in that city will unite in marriage Air. Harry 8. Littiruore, of Savannah, and Mies Bond, of the former place. He will .Inn goto Albany, N. Y , where he will Bolemnir.", in the cathedral, the nuptialß of his niece to a promi neut geuf'enun .* Mr, Strong will then attend the oommenoement exer cises at Yale, of which he is a grad uate. He will be gone about two weeks .—Savannah I’ress. Our line of sls second hand bicycles would surprise you. $5 down and $1 per week. Easy, See? J. A. Montgom ery, 503 Olouoeeter street. Keep Cool This summer. What’s the use letting the sun “roast you out” when we sell just what you need in the line of AWNINGS At just the price you wish to pay.