The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 07, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 139 If you are refused credit it is Your Own, ! Fault, Not Ours. We give ; cash mm 10 cash customers And cater to them especially. ss*oo if* | Cash Tickets now good \ | FIFTY CENTS IN TRADE ; INSTEAD OF 25 CENTS. ! DRUG CO. ta/meet today Convention Will Nom n >t# Oongrs* m‘D Rr&n 'sy a' -Wayoroas. The Nominating Convention will meet at Wayeross today aud name Congressman Branll'y to succeed Inueelf a. representative from the 11th District. Of course he will ho elected, and It will It' t longtime b - fore anyone will try to take his neat unity front him. Ilis rec rJ lias been for the good of and always for his oonstltuents, and he bears a Clean Your Old ,__ r -—-~\ Straw Hats With J ’ LINANE ) One 250 package cleans eight V" hats oi' one hat eight times. . . . W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” reputation second to none in Cor- I gress. ► Attention ! Southern Railway will run an ex cursion to Macon June at rate of s2.f>o round trip. Tickets good on train leaving Biunswick at i, : to Tues day morning, J me 12, good to return on any train leaving Mann up to anil including 2 ii'ti. Blue and White Neckwear $ Justin. English Squares, Bat Wing Club Bows, Regular shape Clubs, Four-in-llamls, Scarfs, Are You Keeping Cool ? If not wo can (ffor s me very persuasive ar guinents in MANHATTAN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, CRASH COAT AND PANTS. SUMMER FLANNELS, In fact anything necessary to your summer comfort. LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, Superintendent Dunham. Major B. Dunham, recently,general superintendent of the Clint .System of railway and steamship lines, yesterday assumed the position of superintendent of the Seaboard Air Dine and all of its connections, including the "Florida Central it IVninaular llai way,. This appointment was announced by Cr*‘ dent John Skelton Williams of the Seaboard Air Dine. Mr. Dunham succeeds T w A Philip*, late superin tendent, resigned .--Florida Timm Ufa!on nd Cit sen. Mads a Good Record. j 'llls Grand jury just adjourned made n go< and record on time, and under the guidance of Foreu an l>. I. Killer dis patched business without costing the county near as much money as has been expended for similar work. Mr, Kel'er is a veteran at handlirg the foreman’s position, Rtid knows bow to get through with deta I work in ;i hurry. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MORNING, -JUNE 7,190 U ALARUM REPORTS COME FROM CHINA Soldiers Dispatched to Attack the “Boxers" Have an Engage- . ment Near Pekin JAPAN m RUSSIA SPRAIN EC A Collision between Thes ■ Two Nations Now Scents Inevitable. Is An other War Up ti Us ? Shanghai, .1 ttnr 0. ••• wild er- dis paUht dto 'tuck. the "It x iV’ fou .lit an -engagement quite olose to IVkin, Matty were killed on hath .idea Alarming reports are currant It re of the hurried completion of the mobilization of the Japanese fleet* In oOßlUjusnce of the repress,ota-, ■ tions of the Japai em |he landing of a large Ritasixn force at Taku is alleged tq have’been stopp and. ft. is htlisved here that -if Kpsfijti persists in pending a military Torn* ft-the frn’t, V with Japan w It inevitably muD. IRON GOING DOWN. Rapqrttd ImpC'ili'g R dttc'iea iii,Jlie Prii;', of Stool Bill- ts. New York, dune (j,— K‘ports in I’ittslurg as to an impending reilup tion in the price.of steel billet* Hod pig iron weie also ciroulht and iii this oily. Thu local repdrts ha I it that at, ... -V •- a secret m eting field to .tiis riiy on Monday representatives Jot rionw iron and steel futeTfsts bad de cided to make a reduction in the prioC of aleel hille.s from $/i(X) to S:iSS per I'aTy 1 ~Ti Tw- f f *r <*.#s• frajLyC* U^tjr $22 to $.20 a lye. It svti obtain any die reel verities' inn of tli- rep ,rl. Per sona seen in rcfcience thereto spoil- SoOiewlMt, iml ell litely of “anything schedule I at pr B(it,” rmi pro eased h'avf' g no kuowlydgs of any oil mge'i Tile acU. nof the toe> 1 me'itl maiket, however, s eiued to foreshadow so tie such tli mg'*, and, in fair, the ir.,u markets J ihe entire and iv ire re port and do 1 and loan r. The in file oi yof I’/rsident ,Schwab of tile Gan.fgie company lends mine culor to the report, which was coupled with a story ,to the .effect that the Carnegie per p e intended to extend their business in oider to dotninatw the entire s’@el and iron 9(1 and, be lieving that tho smaller slesl eoiripa nies were re pinsible fur the present more or less ilemorulii-d condition in the trade. I'resident Schwab, {who returned to I’lUsbu g last night, would neither Hllirin nor deny the report of a reduc tion. Coii||ress Adjourns VV aehington, dime (J. Congre-s has n>r (1 upon nndoub’edly the last day of I lie pj (Merit session. Meinhers of bith branches looked tired anil wan ai they reiss-m led after the arduous work of yesterday, the bou e meeting a'. It jVI ok and tho sei a f e at 10 While I In' sees ion a laded pr&ot.oi'ly a 1 night lb l exmt n; scenes and inci dents of former days were mis deg, The ee iate held a short executive sea sion at 11 ill, f ei which c jnftrenc 'sports on th-* sundry civil appropria tion I) I’, th- n v I c and my ml ge - oral ib lioiency bills were presented an 1 adopted 111 sundry civil bill wis a coonple'e agreement except one Ueiu relating to the Nevada claims. The navsl cr n'crees deadlocked on the g'cnor pla'e proy sion. The complete agreements on the deficiency bill ( nd military academy bill were pa-eed ai U sent to the president. At 2 :30 this morning • be senate went into executive session, after which a recess *,i taken u l l JO o : a!ook. GOOD GOVERNMENT RALLY AT CITY HAUL FRIDAY NIGHT. 1 Prominent Speakers Will be There, and Hot Shot Will be Poured in the Enemy. The l’ubl'o Cordia'ly lu' iod to Attend. There w 11 be a m-tes meeting on Friday night at tile City hall, under the auspices of th Good Government club. All citiz ns lire invited to ba present, will be a number of iprjjiiqiywuf speaker, and the splotidid ‘reaDid unde by*the county adminis tration wll be reviewed. Incident ally, it *S said, the tf iod Governim-ilt people wilf give a com pari son of the record, th-ir public t ffloial* have made with Ihe record made by the K ng people. The famous bond quest lop will be handled fully anti fairly, Thia meeting w;l) be pract caJly the tirsl of ihe campaign sit es the nomi nal tons have been ui'il '. The tll'iciai reeor*l nLrtteTiing candidates vridbe handhtd without gloves, JEyery vwter and taxpayer in t tie ■ m i v aiU county 13 cordiary iuv itetl \u o'Y. - " -'*" 5 Tll’i} INN- TQPEIIR; * ’ Sumaur Resort U Entertain Mast Grinvils r i tua Swiscw-eyiw .•JRfPlytWbklaoa have tteen reeGting invitatrotisr. o-fitly to thegrand open i gof Th l"ii, that famona summer roion ’ hotel on ihe .top t,f Luokoilt Mountain', which lias gained such a w d' hpfesd popularity during the past few so'iijops, find which promise*’l.g be. v.'ij Jibe rally pHtrujijgmdL by 'lie po pje of lliis eoiitmUpffJ dufbift the coming se'.Kon. 'The lim is pniyj.f ttjg, iiHiujv.ii.ioes; . and bed miortOothd : .Miti!- A'i/-r’hoteU Oil the \in ridgri niuitjivii*iil^ rind occu pies a i o-ut inn ori t tie highest (mint id J.mkoot Mplmtaih that com mand* a fil l view (if what lias been ecenerv in tin, *atM. Mr. (j iter Juliiyann, wli.y made so many friend here during tiis ciiiiectiou with Hotel H r . Himons, wilt s illy• at .'file I iii, aid thiswdifidd to- the home- Ukeuesst I' (he hotel <n fhu e who visit it, from ihisn c<imi. Imck. nt. M-run tsid is becninieg more and mere pop. lar with each succeeding year, and this season promises to mark a record breaker in thr pu-tot*-r of guest“l’he lon will enter!air. A -- AT THE BAPTIST CHURCH. Or. Abbott of Atlanta to Deliver a Tetii perance Lccturo Tonjgbt. Kyv . f,; Jj. Afibo't, of Atlanta, who is sent obt by the Georgia Prohibition Association; will delivers Jectiire to night at H o’olhok, on TVmperfpne, in the itaptist church . ft is free to all,, arid all are cordially Invited. Mr. (Ins Great*, representing the well knom National Cash KegUter Cos., of Dayton, Ohio, is at the Ogle thorpe. Our line of sls second hand.bicycles would aurprite you. $5 down and $1 per week, Maty. See? J. A. Montgom ery, 005 Gloucester street. 'J> J ABOUT fr OUR GOODS. Almost every tliinn cahhile come? in eun nitwit iiiye, Wr f'-cp tlie best brands, mi nle: l.tbby’st'nrn in-of lla-li. l.ibbyV I’nUi'il ' llllcken. 1.i1.1.yV Polt. i I in'ky l.ibby's \ riil ha I small ''atm,) pin-- mi ii], and we. itmv ipilek y hi eae . el tnylliliig from ua. riioiiq.iv-. F. ft BROWN WAS CONFIRMED YESTERDAY As Postmaster of the Pity of Bruns wick for the Coming Four Years. WILL TAKE CHARGE ON JULY IST Until That Time He Will Serve the Fair and the People. News of His Appoint ment Was Favorably Received. Nows readied Brunswick yesterday of Ilia caiillrination of clever M ink HrowA as postmaster. Mr. Itrown will not take charge of the Brunswick oitioa until July let, as he desires that I’ostmaster Symons serve the the pre sent month out. Ttie news of Mr. Brown’s appoint ment which was given exclusively in The Times yesterday, created a grea ( deal of talk over Brunswick and it was all favorable to that genii-man. As tile i ffi e hid to go to a republican there was none who could 1111 it better UunkYMc, Brown. ILis desire to lei Bcp'aln 'fsyn'ions serve this monlh out will enab'e him to give more lime to the fair and this will he good news to the fair ollioiala aid the peo ple of It rung wick also. Mr. Itrown is one of Ihe lies, oilliials the govern ment has ever tiad So serve it, and the ■\V rk lie is now about to enter is not new tub ini’, so it is safe to count on ijpjrfeet^r ft ui Ihe jump. Capt. has made a good record and • f Ini was not a democrat and this a republican administration IJiere would he no.ohatige. MORE MARINES LANDED. Aiiother Gunboat Ordered to China Prom Manila. Washington, June G.—Usd news coni inues to come from Minister (lon ger and the American naval force in I’ai-Ha fiVer' lias been ordered to be r nfnrctil. The minister cabled to day that the situation was worse at ,I'ekip. This statement, taken in con nection with Admiral KemplPs cable gram of yesterday, announcing thal an engagement hail lnytun, excites great interest hero. A cablegram was scut to Admiral Kemey at Manila, di recting him to dispatch At pried to Ad miral KemplV’s command the gunboat Helens,or if that craft is Sot at ,M- S, n la aud toady for immediate service, then suite craft.of correspondingly light, draft; and power. The purpose is to place at Admira 1 K-ropfE’s ilis- po-al i 111 bent warshipn capal/e of ascending the IVi-lfo river as far as Tlen-T-sltt. If she leaves Manila to day, she could reach 'l’akiion Monday morning. Hes£-tar£tfy cabled Minister Con ger at Pekin an autbomaiion to call for reinforcement* from 1 Admiral Kempff, and to make Midi disposition of the naval force as ha deemed proper to protect the legation and consulate?, and American interests generally . Toe administra' ion is still determined that the United Hates government shall continue on its in dependin' coiirnd respecting (betiii nenr> situation, lliottgh willing to go as fsr a? possible to aid in 'lie restc ralion of pence and order in China; therefore, Admiral Kern If lias no 1 been instructed lo j ii;i the other or vU commanders in the IVi 110 tlver in cor oerted an;lor. Wanted . Boarders. for large, comfortabl roomf-centra l/ located. M ale fur tushed. Keferei ces cxchang* an- Ad dress Mrs. A., care of The Time*. riant System f.ooal Schululo. Train leaves Brunswick at 7:15 a. >n, ad li p. m. Arrivee at 10:15 , ru. and 11:30 p. in. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass . < . AT THE BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY A PRETTY HOME WEDDING. M*ny Pleads Gather to Witness the Mar riage of Mis !£■ bjrts and Mr M,tthiws One of the prettiest home weddings solemniz and in Brunswick for a long time was that last evening which uni ted Miss Ida Roberta and Mr, .1 nu n T. Matthews. Only the immediate friends and relatives of the young couple and the bride’s parents wars present, but these made a very happy party to give their best wish, s and extend the most heartfelt congratula WEDDING PRESENTS! . ■- ' i Cut Glass | V ( and Sliver! V \L ; KENNONMOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 215j t New< , nlio SI roc!., Inspector of Wt'chcH fur Southern Kniluay. Time *t\N m ally from Wr.fthhi^foii tiuns. Tho ceremony was performed at six o’clock by Itev. Walter M. Gil more. The attendants weio Miss E helyn C, Brinson, of Augusta, Miss Janette Ashby, Messrs ffolaod Far mer and J sines A. Clubb, uf this city, 'flu decorations of the home of Capt. and Mrs. U. M. Itob rts, parents id the bride, at whose home' the wedding occurred, were very beautiful; anil during the reception, which followed the ccreimftiy, many culled to extend fWbt You See With Year Eyes YOU MUST BELIEVE, We invite you to call in and see what we have for you in the Crock- line and you will believe that we g've yo more for your money than any other store in this section The Kitchen. % A clean, well equipped kitchen is the house wife’s delight. We provide every thing for the complete kitch en and furnish only the best COOKNG STOVES We sell the famous Buck’s Best on Earth. H. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE ELVE CENTS congratulation*. Tub bride is one of Brunswick's most charming young ladies and lias been a favorite in her circle of many friends. The groom is a young business man of many admirable traits of character and is held m high es com by all who know him. Just received—a Dili line Seeds’ dry platqfl, all siz j . J. A. Montgomery, 80S Gloucester street. Don’t fail logo to Macon Tuesday, June If, $2.50 roand trip. Joe Wheeler to be General. Wnshing’on, June s.—Thg nomina tion of Joe Wheeler to bu brigadier gin r I in t he, r, gu’.ar army will be sent to the senate as goon -a- G metal Glia' promotion has been passed. Wo have i: "Urge number of second hand bicycles which we offer at sls oach while they last. Terms. $5 down, and $1 per week, or $5 r<“r month for the balance. .!. A. Montgomery, 503 Gloucester fSt. Keep Cool This summer. What’s the \ use letting the sun “roast you out” when we sell .just what you need in the line of AWNINGS At just the price you wish to pay.