The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 09, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 141 If you are refused credit it is Your Own. Fault? Not Ours* We give CASH REBATES 10 CASH CUSTOMERS And cater to them especially. ss*oo in Cash Tickets now good FIFTY CENTS IN TRADE INSTEAD OF 25 CENTS. BROWN DRUG CO. Grant Moonlight Eioursioa. On# of tb* m *t enjoyable events tebedulrd for some night next week, is the grind moonlight excursion, to be given under the auspices of tlie Brunswick Library Association, for its benefit. For tbst nigh', 'be swift nd com modious steamer Emm* ine has been secured to convey the excursionists to obarming St. Simon’* Island. Music, surf batting, cool breezrr, and the sight of Clean Your Old __ Straw Hats Witli J JLINANE One 25c package cleans eight * hats or one hat eight times. , . . The Druggist. “On the Corner.” ocean hj nnoi I'gfit. sr. ||pHatioementi offered to tln- < r wd. will drill ( lll.f’s pur- malt whiskey mini betnfloisl. the lungs, and relieves ba HWitjr of cohir>. For sale by Douglas. line of sl6 second-band bicycles surprise you. $5 down and $1 HMk. Easy. See? J. A. Montgom ery, 603 Glouceeter atr^^^ Blue and White pv'eckwear Just in. English Squares, Hat Wing Club p fiows, Regular shape Clubs, Four-in-1 lands, Scarfs, Are You Keeping Cool ? If not we can offer seme very persuasive ar guments in MANHATTAN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, CRASH COAT AND PANTS. SUMMER FLANNELS, V In fact anything necessary to your summer p - comfort. LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. Registration Books Gloss. At aix o’olook yesterday afternoon the registration olosed, and all tboae who failed !o enroll their oamee will not be entitled to vote in the primary on .Tune 15h. The total registration is about 1,200, and it ia expeoted that the total number will be polled in tbe primary. Traps Moi*i. The clay pigeons trepsfof the Bruns wick (Tun Club have been moved to tlie grounds of tbs fair association. The members held the llrst praotfoe shoot on the new grounds yesterday afternoon. The fair association has offered S2OO in prize money for the shoot which will be held during the fair and a number of crack sbota are ex pected from other citiea to participate. — _* • The best on the market—Chare’s pure barley malt whiskey, at K. V. Doug las's. BRUNSWICK. GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 9, 1900. C. W- DEMING TALKS OF THE COMING FAIR Is in Atlanta in the Interest of the Southeastern Fair Association of Georgia. MAKING TOUR OF THE BIG CITIES Fair Will Be Great Event and Will Ee Given by C unties of Glynn, Cam den and Wayne. Tbe following interesting reading to Bruuswiokiana ia taven from yester daj’s Constitution: C. \V. Deming, of Brunswick, reaobed Atlanta yesterday, this Visit g bis first point on a tour of the principal oitiea of Georgia,(Florida, |Alabama, Tennessee and tbe Carolines in thein- arests of tbe Southeastern Fa'r Aso elation of Glynn, Camden and Wayne counties, a* director aud chairman of tbe transportation committee. Mr Deming ie in active touoh with tbe in - aide workings of the fair and pridiota an overwhelming sucoess for tbe com* ing event. In speaking of the fair, be laid: “Last|year we held our firatannual fair in November and thousands Hook ed to Brunawiok, incluging Georgia’s distinguished governor, both houses of tbe legislature, all tbe state bouse of ficers, First regiment of infantry, Oaorgia naval battalion and Ibe.baUle ■bip Texaa with her immense crew This yeir we have ohanged tba pro gram and will treat ftba up-oounty paople to a genuine midsummer fear nival and fair for fflve days, Jun> 2U:h to 8 itli, inclusive. The natural at tractions of tbe seaooaat will nsvtrbe bet'ec-Htso between those dates * The bsaober will be lined with thousands of auri bathers, gaily decorated and awift moving exouraion steamers and pleasure craft will be plying the waters of the A'laotic that laves our aborea and gives Joy to the midsum mer tourest. Oo St. Simon’s and Cumberland Is lands the summer visitors oan find all the attractions that lie in a summer outing on the seashore, while io Brunswiok, oily a few miles from either place, the biggest fair ever con ceived of by our people will be in full blast. We (have all the attraotions that usually go with a show of this kind. The midway wtll be there io number), faat horses have been enter ed for some of the beat events ever booked. Baseball games | between Brunswick and teams from Florida oltles have been echsduled for June 27tb, 28th and 29ib. '•The Hoo Hoot have been granted 29tb as their tpeoiil day, tod will bate over 1,000 member* of that fa mom baly in line for the grand pa rade, wbiob will ooonr with all ita unique and starling features at 10 o’olook a in., on their day. “Tbe F/rt and Fourth regiment* of military are ooming with 600 men each and their attendant army of friends, and a special military oom rmttee will be in Atlanta tomorrow to talk with tbe Fifth regiment about ooming down a week or earlier than they contemplate. Big oasb prizes are offered tbe military for various fea tures they control. On Juna 27th and 28tb, under the auepicea of the Bruot wick Gun Club, a grand inter-Htate eboot will b* held with |2CO in added prizes, making it one of the best in ducements ever offered by an anoola tion to visiting clubs. It would be a long hat to give all tbe attraction*, but on* speoial feature worthy of more than passing mention is the floral pa rade. Tols is ezpeoted to eclipse any aimilar event ever given in tbe South. The beat on the market—Ubase’s pure barley malt wbiakey, at K. V. Doug las’s. GOOD GOVERNMENT CLOB RALLY At the City Hall Last Night Was Well Attended by Representa - tive Citizens. CAMPAIGN BRIEFLY DISCUSSED. Messrs. Colson, Franklin. Goodyear, and Twitty Deliver Eloquent and Logical Addresses. The Good Government rally at the oily hall last night, was a sucoess. The recorder's room was pack'd and 'many extra chairs had to be brought id to accommodate the crowd. The andier.oe waa composed of rep resentative citizens. President Eman uel called the olub to order and Intro duced Mr. J. T. Colson as the first speaker. Mr. Colson was oordially received and made a telling argument in favor of maintaining in power tbe present county administration, lie laid speoial stress on tbe deplorable lack of financit^fupport given tbe public schools of the oity and county, and attributed ihis delloienoy to the ring administration. Mr. Colsoo said that k he pro| used to be at the polls Tuesday from the opening to Ills dos ing, aud that if he oould ascertain that money was being paid and reo-lv ed for votes he would prosecute to the full extent of tlie law both the person selling and the person buying votea. lie also laid great stress on the vile praotioe of oorruptlng tbe ballot. This announcement waa enthusiastically applauded. Mr. A. 1,. Franklin waa the next speaker. lie said in efl'eot that it waa not merely wquestion between Meas. Duuwoity and Harvey on tbe ooe band and Mess. Symonsand du Bignon on the other, hut that the success of Har veyand Dunwody would be the suooess of the ring, whiles victory forSymons and du Bignon and the Good Govern ment candidates would be the triumph ef good government and honeaty in political affairs. He dwelt at length on Mr . Harvey’s ricord as a Jury com missioner, and said his acta in putting m in the jury box the names of men who were his political allies, and striking out those who opposed Irm limply for these reasons, demonstrating that he was not the proper man to bold a pub lioeftice. Mr. Franklin quoted from grahd jury reports to show that tbs indeotedness of the county increased under ring rule from Jao. 1896, to De cember, 1898, from $60,000 to $108,009, while under Good Government ofllolala It bad been reduoed witbln 18 month* from tbe latter sum to about $86,000, a net reduction of $23,000. Ils also went into tbe history of tbe fraudulent bonds, and vuoted from tbe reoords to •bow that more than $97,000 bad been paid out by the county commissienera from 1884 to 1898 in redeeming old bonds that were illegal and fraudu lent. He further said that while re- “OH, MY! How uleft everylliing does look In your store, Mr. Harper.” This re mark is made almost daily by the I allies that come in to see us lie low we give you prices of a few things we are receiving almost daily: Large cans asparagus, can 86 Large can mustard sardines 12 Best early June peas 16 Best corn, Royal .Scarlett 16 Bet Queen ©lives, hot .. ‘26 Best Man/, am Ha olives, ot 10 Irish Saratoga chips, pkg 10 Best maple syrup, hot '2O Fresh taffy candy per pound 16 Come and nee what we have, and we can surely please you. I‘hone 15S. BRUNSWICK’S BIG SUMMER CARNIVAL Those Interested in the Fair Asso ciation Are Hard at Work and Will Make It a Success. PISSES HAVE BEEN SECURED New A>tract ors A-e Btirg liook-d Every Day, And Inquiries Are Coming in Very Feat. All parties interested in the coming fair which will be held from June 2(1 b to 30tb, are doing every thing possi ble to make it a grand success and from tba indications it will be one of tbe grandest events ever known in Brunswick. The season tickets have been issued, and every citizen should procure one at once. The price is only $1.60 and this will entitle you to all entertain ments under control of the fair asso ciation. Information was received IromMr. C. W. Deming yesterday that he had succeeded in arranging transportation for tbe advertising meD, from both the Southern and Plant System roads. The men wilt start out at once and when they have finished, every town within several hundred miles rad,us will know that Brunswick is going to have a fair. The ladies, under the supervision of Mrs. Bolling Whitfield, President of the Woman’s Board, are very busy, and are meeting with great suooess in their line. Secretary Brawn informed a Tunes man last night that he was booking new attractions eaoh day, and that so far, he had several of the best on the road engaged. The purse money for the raoea, which haa been off-red by tlie racing oommittee, la very large, and will draw a number of out-of-towuborses to participate. Mr. R. It. Hopkins left last night for Jacksonvil'e, to en ter aoine of the races in Florida. If all tbe citizens will lend tbeir as sistance, there is no reason wby the coming fair abould not be a grand suo oess. cords did not show bow many of ibese bonds were outstanding, there might be many more of them, aggregating in principal and interest many thousands of dollars. He referred to the fact that the present board of commnsion era had refused to pay any of these bonds, and had auooesafully defended a suit on cupons of these the courts. Mr. Franklin’s speech was well received and e’ioiled much ap plause.* At tbs conclusion of Mr. Franklin’s address, Col. C_ P. Goodyear was call ed for by the entire audience. He re syondsd in a ringing speech, which brought cheer after obeer from the en thusiastic crowd. Col. Goodyear re ferred to tbe days when Brunswiok and Glynn oounty were completely under Ring rule, and said that he re alized that it was utterly impossible for us to have any prosperity under suoh government, it mtttered not how much money was invested, or how deep the water on the bar. He said that during all that dark period be had an abiding faith that there would one day lie an uprising of tbe good people that would hurl these selfish politicians from power, and give to the city and county a good government undernment,' under which we could have ret) prosperity and a bright future. He predicted a great and overwhelming victory for Good Government on next Friday Before adjournment, a motion was made and unanimously carried, that another meeting be be|d at the court bouse on next Wednesday night, at whiob Col. C. I’. Goodyear will he the prinolpal speaker. Fiery citizen in the city and county is invited to be present at this meeting Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass • AT TH£^a BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY Mrs. Win. Anderson haa returned to Savannah from a visit to her pa rents, Capt. and Mrs. Tabbott. Mrs. W. 11. Lyle is ill, to the regret of friends. Miea Blanche Forsythe has returned to St. Simon’s, from a pleasant visit to the Misses Ralston. A olub of young folks met at tbe h-me of Mrs. J. B. Abrams on Thurs day af erooon to enjoy a game of eu otire. Mrs. Haynn won flrat prize. WEDDING PRESENTS IN Cut Glass and Silver i KENNON MOTT,- Y Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 215|Ne wealth) Street, Inspector of W alchoa for .Houtbern.Railway. Time by Wire daily from Washington Miss Lucille Butts returned on Thursday from Athene, where she has bsen attending tbe Lucy Cobb. Attention t .Southern Railway will run an ex cursion to Maoon June 12 at rate of $2.50 round trip. Tiokets good on train leaving Biunswick at 0:40 Tues day morning, June 12, good to return on any train laaving Maoon up to and including 2:30 June 14th. We have just received a magnificent line of GRAND RAPIDS CHAMBER SUITS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. We Carry a Large Line of Cheap Furniture Suitable for furnishing Cottages. +TRUNKS+ IN THE CITY fl. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE Ft YE CENTS Mrs George P. Smith and baby left Friday for Thomasvilie. Mrs. .f. S. Wright has been quite ill tor several weeks, to the regret of friends. Miss Connie Butts leaves shortly for Jacksonville, where she will spend some time. Mr. J. W. Griffeth leaves next week for North Georgia, where he will spend a few weeks before going to Chioago to attend the University. We have a large number of second hand bicyoles which we offer at sl6 aaoh while they last. Terms. $5 down, and $1 per week, or $6 per month for the balance. J. A. Montgomery, 603 Gloucester St. Don’t fail to go to Macon Tuesday, June 12, $2.60 roand trip. Plant System Local Schedule. Train leaves Brunswick at 7:15 a m. and 6 p. m. Arrives at 10:16 a. m. and 11 ;30 p. m.