The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 13, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 144 If you ar/rl?used credit it is Your Ova Faulty Not Ours. We give CUSH REBATES TO CASH CUSTOMERS And cater to them. especially. ss*oo id Cash Tickets FIFTY CENTS IN TRADE INSTEAD OF 25 CENTS. _ BROWN DRUG CO. r" -l ; NISHTENGALE-DOWNINB. o* Two of Brunswick’* Popa Ur Young Pooplo. At the beautiful residence of the bride’s parent*. Mr, and Mrs.C. Down mg, on Halifax square, Mis* E'hel M. Downing and Mr. Pblneas Milte* Nlghteng-Ie were united in matri mony at seven o’ch ck last night, Hev, W. L. Kaeney, ottloiating. The parlor* were beautifully d**oo rated and 11 led and the populority of the young oouple oonlct Clean Your Old —\ Straw Hats With J , V •' - -;•?>*r* iJi •- r t One 25e package cleanß eight hats or one hat eight times., . . BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” pot have been tiettei attested than by fcjhe number of elegant wedding pres- Hot* which was received, and by the congratulations whlcti was show ered upon them. After the oerernoi y, a delightful rt plption was tenders I the bride and r groom, and elegant refreshments L aerved. I The bride Is one of the most beauti kful and popular of Brunswick’s young ladies, and Mr. is aster- Blue and White Neckwear Just in. English Squares, Bat VVing Club # Bows, Regular shape Clubs, Four-in-IJands, Scarfs, Are You Keeping Cool ? If not we can offer some very persuasive ar guments in MANHATTAN NEGLIGEE SHIRTS. LIGHT WEIGHT UNDERWEAR, CRASH COAT AND PANTS. SUMMER FLANNELS, In fact anything necessary to your summer a*. comfort. .LEVY’S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. ling young man, who ia honored and respected by all who know him. Mr. and Mrs. Nightengale left at 9:5 for Jaccsonville, their future home, and although there were good wishes oo all sides, it was with genu ine regret to know that these t wo po{- iilwr young people wonld reside away from Brunswick. If you want, your eye* treated and titled with U!a*e# eorreoUy fc O|,!4JUJL Ken non M tit*, Jewel e j Optician. About Exhibit! Tor th* Pair, If you have anything to exhibit, no tify Hie Secretary F. McC. Brown, and he will give you any information desired in regard to it. The cost for exhibiting and also for the Premium I/ist, is absolutely free. All exhibits will be proporly taken care of, as there will be two watchmen in the main building, day and night. For Business and Visiting Cards, call on John Rilston, at Kaiser’s. BRUNSWICK. GA„ WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 13, 1900. MANY THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS BEING SPENT For Attractions for the Coming Fair, Whioh Will Be Held June 26th to 30th. PEESIDENT J. A. BUTTS TALKS Says That Everybody Should Purchase a Season Ticket, and Makes Special Mention of Work Done by Ladies. The Fair As.o latlou i epi tiding thousand, of dollars, securing th* very best attractions on the market. Very interesting wgll be the Vita graph (lire* view* tjue to Nature, and a* rea'iitio fcs life—moving and toting the events of the late Brltiah- Boer war. S im* of the other attractions are The Barque*. the renowned Unicycle Equilibrist*, performing oo a tower fifty feet in jnid-air; also In their trick Bicyjale p< rformance. At a great, expense U*an was se cured—the greatest living aorobat and juggling ooutortloniat. Also io their start ling and form a uoes Also Walters, the o> lebrated and re nowned Black wire and Trapeze per forme'. The above, and many others, will go to make up this great Carnival. Seaion tickets ara now on sale—only $1.60 each—and shou’d be purchased liberally. PRESIDENT BUTTS’S OPINION ABOUT IT. An Eat*r'jaiiß*nt OUae, Initruc’iv', En ' ta * This secoflkl Fair, now that it ie about upon u*, approaches with more than ordinary promised success. Both I and 'the err Ire Hoard of Directors feel grateful to the public for the hearty oo operation, good will and en thusiasm shown. The various oom mlttee* arc making their departments complete in el' details, and will give to the piople a show that jpannot be surpassed, I feel pleasiil that tie public appreciate, and u:.derataud, that the hours of work devoted with out compensation, by General Managt r Newman , Secretary MoC. Brown, and the Hoard of Directors, is for the good and welfare of our community. I must also make mention of the grand work of the ladiee. They are working hard, and we all appreciate what that means this warm weather, and they should be encouraged in their various department*. The Floral pa rade should be well patronized, not only for the good of the Fair, but ow* Ing to the additional prizes the Asso ciation offers. I would oall the attention of all to season ticket* being on sale at $1 50 each, and trust everybody will take advantage of the liberal offer. Mr Walter Way, of Savannah, is viaitiog hia parents, Mr. and Mr*. W. J. Way. Waller’s Brunswick friende are always glad to see him. M ster R-.lph Minehan will arrive home next week from Sharon, G ~ where be ha* been attended col!‘g* for the past year. Letters have been received mil ua - from Mr. Von Weller and family announcing their arrival in Dayton, Ohio. LADIES The best and qmokeet pr-parati. n for cleaning gloves is the Laßeile glove cleaner. For sale by H, V. Ad derly. Try it. Fun and pleasure for all who attendQthe moonlight excursion Thursday night. (§)O©lottj . • . ' The Washington Capital of recent date contained the following compli mentary notice about Matter Charles Porter Cflover a former young Brunawickian. Master Cflover lived in Brunswick about live years ago, and is the naroesakejjof our townsman, Hon. Chas. Porter Goodyear. “The “Choir boy” ia brooming more and more important in this country, and is receiving the attention due him, more now than ever before. There should lie a choir sohool in every church whioh has a boy olioir. The £on!y proper one I know of, in this country, is the Grace Cburob School, in New York. I wav tmiob pleased and interested in the good fortune which befell one of our Washington boy singers this spring Us is Master Charles Porter Glover, son of Mr. and Mrs. W, T. Glover, of Georgetown. For more than a year he was the soprano soloest fu the oboir of Christ ohuroh, Georgetown, where his father is choirmaster. His lovely voioe, which is enpeoially lovely in register, attraoled many people and created much oom meet. Tt was finally the means of ob taining for him a scholarship in the University of th Booth, in Sewanee, Tsnn. The Kev. I>r. A. R. Smart was inslvumental in obtaining ‘this favor for him. lie is now the soprano solo ist in the University. The Easter number of the college paper bad the Jf following notice 5f him : ,**Durljjg the otf.dftnry, Master Charles Glover, nOw hi the grammar school, and who has sung m soloist in Christ cburob, Georgetown,! D. C., rendered, in bis sweet, cnlijfated soprano voioe, Bis ohofT’s ‘UMet is Risen To-day,’ Ilia regiMtf, and is a valuable addftiofc to the w*ole tone of the choir.” “Spster Glover’s father ha/laSti bis vioai sober. The rainitp | all F ,g|fp. Tim tad,was boru I ' laihf, IWK-i’JonjtL.t-- counjtrj when Hirec uioollM old. Hula now .thirteen years,' nnd at tftA.-’jge of ten, • .Hr' ' song his llrst solo in. Trinity Kpisco pal Ohuroh, in Columbia, South Caro lina. Miss DulheTieon loft Moudtfy moruj ing to visit relative* in Atlanta and Macon. Mr. Robert Cooprr, oPAHanta, spent Sunday in Brunswiok. Mrs. G . W. Wright, of Sterling, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. P. Q. Flem ing. Mr*. Thompson, who has been vis iting her ehter, Mr*. J. F..Bailey, left laat Monday for Mirietta. Mrs. Thomas Fuller has returned from Charleston. Masters Tom and Ford will arrive next week. Judge Hr 0. Atkinson is in -Savan nah. “OH, MY! How nice eveiylhing does look in i youf Ktord, Mr Harper/’ This | iruirk/is made almost daily by the | ladies that come in to eee us. He- i low wo give you prices of a few , things we are receiving; almost 1 daily: Large cans asparagus, can Large can must aid sardines 12 Host early June peas . J 5 Kent corn, Royal Scarlett 15 Best Queen olivea, hot 25 Beat Mttiizaujlla olives, tot io Irish Saratoga chips, pkg ...... 10 Best maple syrup, hot w Fresh tally candy per pound 16 Come and see what we have, and we can surely please you. Rhone 15S. MONSTER MEETING ON FOR TONIGHT Good Government Supporters Are Enthusiastic, and Much Inter est Is Manifested. LADIES ARE CORDIALLY INVITED And.All Voters Are Urgently Requested to Be Present, as This Is the Last Rally Before the Primary. It appears that nearly all the voters of Rruuswiok expect to attend Hie great rally at the opera house tonight. A large number of ladies will also he out. The Marine Band has been engag' and for the occasion and will greatly sdd to the pleasure of the audience. Perhaps never in the history of Brunswick have the business men and conservative element manifested so keen an interest in the issues of a political campaign. The reoord made by the ooiiuty administration Ins en listed the support of this element, and they realize that municipal and coun ty government is merely a business matter and should be conducted on conservative and economical business lines. The Good Government movement seems to have overwhelmed the situs tion. It os oonceded by conservative observer* that the candidates of the olub will he elected, and it Is now a question of majorities, every support er of the movement teems determined to oast his ballot and do ail he can to Induce others to vote, The entbusiastie loyalty of the Good UWgarnmcnt pei>ple ishevij uwiiKsMStifl dance In the mi4Wh;’{iiJwT placed in. tne men they have placed in sflloe and their approbation of their splendid lervices. < Kverbody is cordially invited to at tend the meeting tonight. ft 1 * '**■,?' -4 •• . • - . t Chairmen and Committees. The following is a list of the chair man and committees; of the various department* of the fair association: , ■ . ■..■a >• Relic department-Mr*, Horace Hart, chairman; Mrs. C. G. Moore, Mrs. Eliaa Peer eon, Mrs. Bam Cook, Mitaes Kva Middleton, Knsie Ralstfin, Kate Dart. Art department—Mrs. Middleton, r chairman ; Mra. W. M. Tupper, Mra . E. H. Maaon, Mrs. W. 8. Irvine, Mrt, Hugh Porter, Mies Greenwood, Mias Wnff, Miss Mahoney, Mrs. Rhi fHald, Miss Norris of Darien. General fanoy work department— Mias Ada Wright, chairman; Mrs.- Walter Cook, Mra. Voider, Mr* J. B. Abrams, Mrs. Byn, Mrs. I’. W. Fleming, Mia* Curtis, Miss Wright. Flower department—Mrs. J. A Montgomery, Mias Madden. Plain aew : ng department—Mrs Kate MoKiddod, chairman; Mrs, J. ’W. Conoley, Mrs. Frank Bailey, Mrs. T. G. Stacy, Mra. J. R. Mason, Mrs. S. M. Roberts, Mlaa V. A. Hoyle, Miss Sophie Morton, Miss Bertha Biker. ■.aotm v Mra. Rena II irley has returned from a pleaiant visit to Mrs.C. W. Shepard, in Fort Valley . Nra, Nate Harrison,of Tlfton, isvi itiog friends in Brunswick. Miss Ifizel Nightingale Ini returned from lollege in New York. Mliters Frederick and Morton Wig gina left Monday for Wayneaville to speod a few days . Misses Lena and Fannie L'lienthal, of Savannah, are the attractive guesta of Mra. 8. Ulogauer. Min Bertie Paul, of Darien, ia vis iting the Mieeee Lucae. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass AT THE^I BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY GUN CLUB SHOOT. Seoond Annual WTI ba Held at Bruiiawiok, June 26 27- Several members of (he Jacksonville Gun Club have deoided to attend the seoood annual shoot of the Brunswick Gun Club, which this year will be held under t he auspices of the Southeastern Fair Association at ft unswick. June 20-27. In addition to Hie entrance money in the events, S2OO has been added, and H e purses are worth going for. Ma- WEDDING PRESENTS! * • J IX * Cut Glassy ] * and^Uverj KENNON MOTT,* JL Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 2irlNewcn§tlo street. Inspector of Watches fcr.Soulhern Railway.kTime.hy.Wire daily frgpi Wn-sliington gantrap and Blue Rook targetrwlil be u*u;'blauk powd r and 10-gange guns hot permitted. There wiil be ten events each day, and from tif can to twenty live blue rooks for each e\ent. In addition to the pr>ze money and entrance fee, nu merous prizes have been donated by the Brunswick merchants. Ail the pureeu will be divided according to the revised Rose eystein . —Jacksonville Time*-Unlon and (Jitizm. We have just received a magnificent line of GRAND RAPIDS CHAMBER SUITS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. * We Carry a Large Line of Cheap Furniture Suitable for furnishing Cottages. l —^ The Swellest line of . • fej 4TRUNKS4- IN THE CITY H. M. MILLER & SON PRICE FI VE CENTS Mrs. J. D. Burkeimer, of Wilming ton, N. C , whe Is pleasantly remem bered as Miss Miry Wood, will arrive in Brunswick the latter part of this month to spendtbe summer with rela tives. Mrs. K. B. Hirsoh, chairman of- Domestic department, calls a meeting to be held at her home at 208 Union street, Wednesday afternoon, June 13th, at 3:30 p. m. Important busi ness to discuss. Premium List*. Anyone wanting l’remiatn T.ists, will please call on Kbn non Mott, i Chairman AdvertisingCommlttee. ])on’t forget the moonlight excursion Thursday night to St. Simons under auspices of tlie Manse Circle of the .Presbyterian church.