The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 20, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER HO Cash Purchases GET Rebate Benefits. We Want Cash Customers, BROWN DRUG GO. 1 PRIZB DRILL. '" • Hit* b*n Invited t# Branswiek. The Macon Volunteer# bf|_ Ja lavtud to parlc pat* In tna tUo prise drill whob will be teld in Brunswick during tbe (treat > lir. VM •Ha primes Will bra war lad (ad It la aspaetad that many of (be larding eomptniee in ih* ataia will take part. No dtdnlte notion baa by tba Volunteer* yet relative to accept >* tbia ioritatiou, but tba ruat er Clean Your Old -— v *HSti*aw Hats With /j _LINANE . r l!r+^ One 25c package oleans Rata or one bat eight W J BUTTS, The Druggist. ‘*On the Corner.” garoßKbt up t tbe inerting or Ku till* •*uiof. jfed.rstood that ala rge number 1 ftmbtrt favor accepting the totue ire oppoaed to it IK>D that it will interfere Kumbsrland trip. hire tiren looking ? t' ,(i 1,,M to I moijp ' .Uja probable that nttatton wilt be deolined if it is Relay Morning Only^ ■ From 6 to 12 o’clock, any Ladies' ’Fan Oxfoid Tie in ■e store at _ Former price sl.2s to $.‘1.00. £"F!ot Children’s Tan Shoes, sizes 1 to 8, former price K cents and $l.OO, to go between 6 and 12 o’clock at C Positively none will be sold before or after the hours Motioned, LL E V Y ’ S THE BRUNSWICK TIMES found that it wilt break ioto tbaaa plana. Tbe people of Bruuawlok have bant*, making gre' ('reparation* for tbta event, however, an I nothing will be left undone to give every oouopaoy which in tbia competitive drill a rare goo I tiar*. It ie unOaretood that (he Bernes vilie liluea have accepted tba invita ti in to eater tbie arid.—Macon Newa. Car I, ad of a : r .took reoeived today •t Mil Jell & Thomae’ etah'es. {.adieu’ Aid Society to Meet. The Ladies’ Aid Society of Ht. Mark’* church are requested to meet on Fi I dy afternoon at lire o’clock, at the fl inday eoool rooms. Business of im portance ia to he attended to. Prtmlum Liite. Anyone wanting Premiara I,lata, will please call on Kkn.non Mott, Chairman Advertising Committee. BRUNSWICK, GA., WEDNESDAY MORNING, JUNE 20, 1900. TEACHERS TO MEET AT CUHBBRLANB Georgia Teachers’ Association Will Hold Annual Session from June 26th to 30th. MiNY ATLANTIANS WILL ATTEND Interaatlng Papara on Important Toplca Will Be Road by Wall Known Southern Eduoatora. The euEUil ui-etiug of tb Ueorgia Teaohere* aisociition wilt be held at Cumbe lu.d, Oi„ June jflib to :iotb. All arriDgem, nfa for tbe gathering bave barn oompletad, and indicmtinnt are that Cue eitav.dauce will be larger than any previous year. Tbe aaaooia tion own* a epaoioaa auditorium on Cumberlaud, wiiiob baa not bean used >v In aaveral year*, on acoount of tbe meeting! being held elsewhere. At a meeting of tba ex*eutive com mittee early In tba year It waa decided to return to Cumberland tbia aaaaon. Tbe (program wbiob baa been ar ranged for (be meeting la excellent in every reaped. Home of tbe moat prom inent eduoatora in tba aontb will read papers before the convention. Tba Cumberland botel bta be n ren ova'ed during tbe winter, and la in good e mdition. Tbe meeting of tbe aaioclttion wdl be held only id Hi* morning*, tbe afternoon* bed g dev ■ ed to rjoreatioo nod otber pi-a*ur , for wbiob ih l.lii'il la famous. Tbe membership of llie aivoeia'iun number* kbou' SOO taaolirra and a greatar number uf ll,ee art, repented to tueod. •w.-gfUPwHftSSf <.. to.thV round trip baa been offered by tbe railroad*, tbe ticket* being good for a weak. Among tow* of the prominent men who are on the program for addreaa ea are: Pro'. K. C. Branson of the State Normal tebool; Supt. Jamia Htrrl •oo, of Rome; Dr. R. B. Fulton, Ohan eell r of the University of Mississippi; John Temple Graver,of Atlanta; Wal ter B. Hill, Chancellor of the llul vsrelty of Gaorglt ; Dr. I*. D. Po'l loh, of Mercer University; Dr. G. R. Glenn, of Atlanta; W. H. Payne, Cbanoelior of the Uoivrralty of Nesh ville; F. (I. Rlobardaon of Atlanta; I.awton B. Evaoa, of Augusta; Otle AGimore, of Savannah; A. 1., Hull, of Atht na. The rallroada are making prepara tion* to handle the large crowd*. An extra (learner will be run from Hruoa wiok to the island. The oar line from Cumberland pier to the hotel baa been repaired and the old trouble of getting off the track ev ery few niluutea will not he experi enced. A majority of the A'lanta teaobera who are me ml) re of the association will attend.— Allauta Journal. Sea the new ttock at Mitahell A Thnmaa’ (table today, THE FIRST REO7MENT BiND Will Orsate a World of latsrsat With Ita Magaiflocnt Moiio at the Fair. The arrival of the Fifth Regiment band, to till an engagement for the en tire week of the Fair, te now about the moat talkad of thing in connection with that ooming event. The Fifth R*gimeut bind la one of the meat noted musical organiaatiuna in tt.e United S atee, and they will play acme of tbe flneat mnalo ever beard in tbia aeotlon. Tbe daily and nightly eon , • te are to le featurea of the Fair that will not aoon be forgotten, and tboae wbo go out to the ground* at night will aleo have tbe pleasure of partici pating in danol ng wltbont having to pay extra coat of admtaaioo to came. SOUTHEASTERN FAIR OPENS NEXT TUESDAY The Shimmer Carnival Will Be In*, auglmuted With a Grand Floral Parade - GOVERNOR’S DAY .. R Semen a-d Main* Band Miis r, Is fntr, dues Novel Parade Thur*- dry and Friday. Bruneaatck will be ona of hvest oitie* in the o.iuntry next weak, when the (air open. On Tuesday the beautiful floral pa rade wilt be held; on Wed.nenlay the Pfcrade in bouor of GdVeriypr Candler and atatf will be on; (in Thursday and Friday tbe Riflemeife and Marine Band minstrel* will parade tbe atreet and alaotbe Hoo Houfc.will fake the town by toroi and oofipilturday , Ne gro Day, tl are wUllba.pver three thousand inembereCjf various Hr no* wlok organisations In the parade. It looks now Ilk* llliji the fair that a on ua will be about t&bfgga.t thing that ever happened in tbOia parti. Report* from up tbe road are to tba a ft*of that the, orowma width will ooms promise to be eiwmoue. Geo. Agent Candlerfcf the Bou'Jiern Railway, ha* and iue Sood work in •ecur ng a apsolal Irffi *e< vice for Iwo day*, VVedo*di/iLd Saturday, with apeoitl low ra'ff f„r both of lboe day* a, and H ulfwiok will le b i lmg uv r with < ut'jLf-iow,, p „ple wb i will come down tiidirlp (rskt* the mid-umiaer fir hiJ crinv,! g H uo- You aau't do buetnasi with a bd looking auit on. Go see Jim Carter. OARLOAD OP STOOK ARRIVES TODAY. Mitchell and Maria Will Havalbam an Sal* at Mitk.U tad Tkomna’ Stabla. Lover* of Boa atook Will be pleasi and to lagrn that Meaare. Mithell A Mark* will return to Brunswick today and that they will bring down with them a carload of extra fine stock. This (took wilt be placed on ,saU immedi ately at Lb* stables of Mitchell & Thomas, on Newcastle atreet, and ev eryone will be given an opportunity to buy at low prioea. Always heretofore this Arm has brought out good stock, and report* received from ttia present oar indicate that it ia made up of the hast availa ble in the leading market t Call at Mltobell A Thomas’atah'ea pday and ■ee them. HaVMhe new atook just revived at Mitchell A Tbomta’ atahlea. Have you smoked Havana Maid cigar? To have a nice appearance during Fir|week, let Jim Carter el-sn your old suit. STOP! y [ISIEN! fr Freeh Dill Pioklea (Just In). S’uff Mangoea. New Georgia Syrup in Gillon Cana. New Georgia Syrup in Bottlea. Fineat Maple Syrup in Kottl-e. Saratoga Chips (Freab). Vegetables and Fruits Freeh Every Morning. Fkona IM. THREE REGIMENTS GO TO TIEN TSIN Regulars Sent by General Mao A rthur Will Give the United States 5,000 Men There, OREGON GOES TO MU AT ONCE Iris to Saif With Food, Coal and Ainmu nliion- Alfalfa at the Chinese Capital Are Desperate. New York, June 19.— A special to The Tribune from Washington *sy : To meet tbe exceedingly grave com plication that liaa developed in north ern China, and in order (hat the IToi - ed S’atesnisy ha oxiiinensiirately rep resented in the relief sud protective measures forced upon the foreign na tions, the president lias directed Gen. McArthur to send three regiments of regulars lo Tien Tam, which, with their support of commissary. Held transportation, signal men, and med ical staff, will make a foroe of 6,000. Admiral Ramey has been directed to aeud the Oregon to Take as soon as ■>he can start, She will take extra marines and sailors from the Monte rey, now with her at Hong Kong. The Oregon is sent because of her greet m rsl effect anil lie luge , u n her ol ui-n she cur.•■(**, The Iris is exp ced o 1 -v.- Manila ■ ouiot row tor T In wl I, hoi. ml aid t momiil i. n for 000 in, n lor 11 r , e moo tl for Adior:, K nipft’, (jo and rqn .' Bt\- win ink.-hi feast light jisye I '* J to make the. vyg. The 8 ! o, wbloh left Manila v.i h 100 uiaricei ***** Wait<l%ay .Vr -iftli? : " v " The announcement of the return to Tlen-'l’ain of the combined brigade after a week’s fruitless efforts to reaob Pekin not only oonfirms 'lie desperate condition of affairs at t€e Chinese capital, but is thought to explain why it was neoereary to et ize tbe Teku forta. It must have been necessary to send reinforcements and pfovisioue up the Silver promptly. Dl,patches say the forte fired Ihree (jusrtera of an hour sf er midnight, which hears out the suggestion that the gunboats were sent up the river with food aupp’ies from that Beet out aike and were Bred upon for violating the regulations. With the forts as bases the powers are fxpeoted to form a large foroe asspe-dily as possible to begin a determined {relief expedition of aiillloient force to opsn the railway Carload of new atook at Mitchell & Thomas’ stable* today. w - . RUSSIA RUSHES SOLDIERS. Four Thousand Soldier’ Have B n 8 ol Prom Port Arthur to Tiku. Washington, June J 9. -Secretary of U ate has been notiAed by yia Russian erona sy here that 4,000 Russian troops have been diapatotu and from Port Artl'Tj' to Taki). A Huienlitlo ('outlet. > Alreidy much in** re it la taken In the for booming glove oonteat at the opera houae next Tuesday night. Tbe oonteatanta are Veronre and Manzie. They have been engaged in three con teete, two of which were draw*; the other was won by Mar.z e< ri a cjaim of foul Tbia oonteat will be a rciec tlflc one from every standpoint. It will be of 26 rounds, and will be fought under sherry rul-s. The oonteatanta cannot bit In a clir cb, but. muat b eak clean. In addition to the above, other evente are on the card, and tboee who attend will be fully re paid for doing ao. Prices are only 25, 35 and 50 cents . Beat* go on sale Fri day at Butts’ di ug i tore. Have your old eult made to louk fresh before the Fair. Jim Carter ia tbe pripsr mot to *?e. Haviland China 4 IN OPEN STOCK* Cut Glass AT THE —esa BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY THE WAYOROSS REUNION General MoG'tshan Expects the Southern Brigide to Have a Good Tims. Gen. P. McGlashan, commanding the soulli-rn brigade, Georgia divie ion, of lho Uuitfd Confederate Veter ans, said yesterday that arrangement* for the reunion of the brigade at Way cross, July 3 and 4, arc ni y ng along smoo'lily, and that everything pointed to a successful reunion at that tini. G tiers l MacQisshan stye (hat mi at Ira -I' ve nroor.-v, of .no 1,,, mn*'-. —U lb \ *lj % if* \ M m J* / sf' 1 \ EYE GLASSES and SPELTACuks 5 u Ft m tWerity-iive cents up. j I Consultation and exanTfnation free, I KENNON MOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. J ? 2tr. Newcfuolo re i, a* -, I 1 1 J Inspector of Welches foc.flouthern Hailway. Time Wy.Wtre £t a , t v fro „ W.i'-MngtotdM barbecues, parades, and other forme of entertainment, is in couree of pre p irat ion by the reunion committee of W vycross. This w II insure the vi it ora btvl' g a splendid time on the on oaaion of the Brat reunion. It is be lieved that several hundred veterans, Sons ef Veterans, and friends of both organiza’ion*, will visit Waycross on this occasion.—Savannah Press, New stock just received ut Mitchell and Thomas’s stabler. We have just received a magnificent line of BRAND RAPIDS CHAMBER SUITS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. We Carry a Large Line of Cheap Furniture Suitable for furnishing Cottages. The Swellest line of +TRUNKS+ .. ; IN THIS CITY H. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE FIVE QENTS Season Tickets For the Fair- The Ladies’ committee, who sre working diligently to fell tickets for the Fair, will be around today. This committee will sell th season tiokets at sl.f*o each, go and for entire week, day or night. Af'cr Friday night, June 22nd, tbe I 1 'ie.-' of season ticket* will be ad vanced from $1 GO to $2 00 eaoh. Kveryhoily in Jt-unswick knows of tLe good that must result to the oity by holding the -e Furs. Every one t "pn'i .i-i - tho .orb by tt e directors end the Udiee in cliKe and stimuli tinhesi uingiy pnnhaee season tio'.et*. Patropiz • the oowMbii - tet I Oo it cbeerfu Iy—and bear in mind flint tli’ l Indies are erl mg tlbese tickets to you without recompense for their work, ftiy a ticket for yourself and every member of the family. U t Fixed For the fair by tinting Jiui Cnrter nut your (il l clothe* in order.