The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 22, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 152 Cash Purchases s : f*~ - GET Rebate Benefits. We Want Cash Customers, BROWN DRUG CO. Mies AIM EE COHEN'S ('ON EKT Slgy- w Ti* Ybb£ Will ba ftr.etfd by a EBkjA N x'. HR|UEt 111 |f I VHP ft t tUe <|jg' : H \'> | -MY • (1 11 e<l h > licxr hi of one nl ng- • r -. Min V |( b-_ J jJp - • •*• rtot* I'm* first app*rai'C* >w B-muiitk of Im A'inee Cohen, • flirm-r r a dent of this o t> who ha* w.. 0 by ti> r l C.ea.iA Tim fctr.v l*aih With ■ UNANE .One 25 c package deans eight * hats or one hat eight . 4 "W J Druggist. On ilie Corner.” '^erful' pU> Iritf on (lit* rom**t. Cohen it well k nown t i nown i r* a o e fuoy "'dfß e**o# .h“ lid. won jn th ■ world and h r fri.nil. here MB’* g’ld of an npp rtunr y to pay Oi her w- rtli and gentu*. Me aaaiated by local talent and ■l her pr ifes-MUMI frien I, who <u Brim- wick to a.sut.m ; Bd. Amur,g ' tni-e w'.iyi 11 confer! tiy ffriday Morning Only I the store at ---e® cemts f Former price $1 2$ to $3.00. ■ t I°t Children’s Tan Shoes, sizes Ito 8, former price 75 cents and SI.OO, to go between 6 and 12 o’clock at 30 CENTS 1 ositively none will be sold before or after the hours mentioned. LEVY’S I'HE BRUNSWICK riMK.S. ‘hi comb, Violm'sta; Miss Annie TANARUS na p Matti*<v>, Reader and Miss Marg rpt f.anier Waddefß Pianist. Patriotic M rchants. Even holy is becoming enthused! Pile town will be in gala a’tire. The H-p Hive sis es that Ihey sold and delivered over 3,(KM) y-rd of bin'- inif, b itig the re mr of ord r* p no- and ■by Ule merolianls .espial weeks ag *. At one <1 liar for round trip it i cheaper to go to Nav ti 'afievry Sun dav than 'o stay at h trie. 1o t are a nice rmprarance (luring Fnir|week, ]t J 111 Carter d-an your dd suit . Mr*. Brobsron, chairman of the floral department, calls a meeting of bercommittee at the fair ground* Ba'- nrday morning at 9 o’clock. LADIES The beet and quickest pr. paratjon for cleaning gloves is the Laßt lie g'ove cl aner. For sale by H. V. Ad deriy. Try if. BRUNSWICK. GA., HUDA\ MORNING, JUNE 22, 1900. SENATOR A. S. CLAY COMING TO BRUNSWICK Will Bea Guest of the Southeast ern Fair Association Next Week. BRUNSWICK WILL DO HIM HONOR Distinguished Guest Will Be Here Several Days and Participate in the Numerous Features. m Senator A S Clay has aoceptrd the invitation of the Southeastern Fair Association to be their guest during fair wrek and will rp-nd several day# here. On Thursday, Bruniwick Day , Senator Cly will be guest of honor ,n tbe graud floral and mil ary parade aud on Fwijlay, Hoo iloo Day, he will a'ao b-Aguestjif honor in tbe enter tainm-uts given by the members of that f [iiiiui order. As lb. day if ihe fair opening ap proaches iiidiosiions point lo a great crowds and a full live days of fuil for all who attend. The frsliviiitt begin June 20 n and conm u through June 30 h. The I’iant System and S utharn h.-ve named apaoial low rates wiih two day. of .p-uial train servic w o excursion rates for .luds 27th and 30tb and the various steamboat lines run ning fn m oearby points hsve arrang ed a series of daily excursion w> and from B unswick. Huokinga have been made t-r ai me Of the beat race florae* in the c auntry, while the line of aide attractions of various kind*, in lulling a large nuin bar or the best in tbs oountry. A full line of high class vaudeville perform- trap se artiita. balloonlat, high wire and arelal artlate have been se cured and they are arriving daily and fixing their parapbanalia In position. Saturday, Juna 30th, I*-Negro Day and for that ecoaaicn a monster s'rest parade with three thousand people in line has been laid out. will be three braes bands and every colored orga- git ton in tha oountry around hem p■t ml paling. Prof. W H. Council, I’re.lde- t of the Agliccltu- M chained Old ,e of Normal Alaham •, i,been ii-ej f r orator of the d-y and be i* no and a. oDe o f the tn --t eloq inf st-sk-r* ( hi * race. The 'ii Insrj p ie a f-r ii f utryh„v bee-i wnhdiiwn owing <> a link of sulliciciil t.iuobtre eu'er ng and the assoc Sri.-n Ins offered an mc-ea." in prizes lor oaiv*ry dually. Major K Ernest Dart, the military oommittee baring Ibis feature in ‘Charge, baa wired several oalvary organizations and is receiving tavorable response". The prizes aggregate $226.00, divi C‘i as follow* : Kor the Calvary company having the largeat number of enlisted and mounted men in attendance, SIOO.OO. To i lie Troop making the best re cord n O.e c I vary tournament, SIOO. T ) t lie individual .trooper ru king the heal ri our.*, SIOO. The sjenea on Brunswick’* eTcets during fair week w.l he 1 veller thru they were last year when they eel p*. and anything heretofore known in the history of th a c ty. There i 1 be street, parades daily and daily open air concerts by the Fifth K g>ment banl of A lanta which has b on en giged for the en ire week. Tlie It ll •mn and M irme Bind Vlm-trels w ll prad“ two days when they g ve their shows at the opera boue, the 1100 11 ms will Have their b g s reel parade on Fr day and the Floral pa rade will come on Thursday. On .Sat urday the colored people will make the biggist turnout that has been in the state for a long time, Taken altogether the outlook (or the mid-summer fair and carnival wbioh commences here next Tuesday could, not be brighter and every in dications point to cnorm- us crowds from]ill eeotKius of the sta'e. Fair Note. The tilling of the cavalry troopers is something very grand, and nevn befure seed in this section. It will be worth going miles to see. Invitations have beeu pxtended to the railroad men, and their and y, which is June 27:b, will be one of the biggest of tbe fair. AbitC ten troops of oavalry, of llfty man each, will ba in ibe oily on Bruns wick day. Many mercban's are getting their tloaia in readiness fjv the Floral pa rade on openirg day. It ia quite lively out at Ih.i fair grounds n ~w. The ladies are arrang ing their bombs, the merchants are gelt ng their apao a in shape, the bm-sas are traiuiug, the ba e ballials are practicing, and people are putting up bootha of every kind over the grounds. The Belmont sisters, the greatest aerial navigators in lbs world, ar riv.d in the oity Ih's in .ruing, and are ge'tiig things in shape for their mammoth balloon, and their wonder ful ride on a the <l ,ud'. OJnoel, the daring spiral tow r equ l brist, vires that ht w.l. be lure o i time. The whirling Z .’a—D an, Walter, ad all 'he real of them—w 1 1 be here for the opening day. COONOIIi MEETING LAST NIGHT. Scan Business Tianaasltd at an Adjnuroed Ssision. Council met in adjourned regular aetaion laat night and the following husoes* : To the committee on taxes and revenues was referred a petition re lating to assessment on the property ► outb of McCullough’* dock. The ooro'muoioation of Admiral Dewey, thanking Couno 1 for Inviting here, was received. C pf. C. 8. Wylly, city engineer, Betted authority to have plug* mtde for •ewerage mains. The matter was re ferred to oommittee on sanitation. 11. C. Pierson and others asked that fountain in Magnolia park be placed outside co v limits. Referred to com mittee on Light and Water. A oommuoioatiun from F. McC. Brown, seoretary of the 8 lu'beastern Fair Association, was received, invit ing Ihs Couocil to partio pile in inau guraton fair ceremonies e c. Efford J. Berrie, a C mfederate vet eran, asked to be relieved of paying business tax. Referred to committee on tax sod revenues and city attor-. ney. You can’t do business with a bad looking suit on. Go see Jim Carter. For S- K The I> Wyatt A'keftaplaoe on Prince street. Good neighborhood; all mod ern improvements. SI,OOO cash. Bal ance on long time to suit purchaser at G per cent, interest. tf R. R. Hopkins. i siop! ! LISIEN! . Fruli Dill Pickl s (J >• at In), i S uir Mangoes. New O orgia Syrup in Gallon Cans. I NtwGe rg i Syrup i n Battles, i Finest M■ 1 1 Syrup in BoPl-s. I Saratoga Chips (Fre.b). ’ Vegetables and Fruits j Fresh Every Morning. j j ! Phone IBS. Tin Hustler. ROOSEVELT NAMED FOR VIGE-HRESIDENT The Star Performer of San Juan Hill Carries the Conven tion by Storm. TAIL TO THE M’KINLEY KITE Is Selected by Practically Unanimonis Vote, and Nomination Is Then Clinched by Acclamation. The bulletins reo.ived by the'Son'll ern B ll T. leplione Oj. on the Repub lican convention ye t rday cover the work fu'ly and m ke interesting read ing. Tee returns rend as foil iw: 10:05 a. m.— Koosev It enters llie hall and sits with New York delega tion. ((’h.ors.) Ah enterr, crowds press him, trying lo ff'asp his hand, app renily offerii g oougratula tloos. 10:12 a. m —llanns enter* the hl'. (Great cheering.) I)*| ew and Quay en er. ( Long cheers.) 10:20—Chairman Lodge at deck waiting for d-legates to be seated. 10:23-Q lay on, the platlorm con sulting Lodge. Hauna making way o platform. Band play. Spai g led Banner. All i ise to feet and cbee with hats off. 10:25—Clearing tbeliaH for openii p Ushers unable to get delegaies seate-l Great crowds around Kooseve’t. 10:35—Hall i* crowded. Toe del gates will not b ■ sealed . 10:40—The convention ia oil cd l order. 11—Alabama yie'da to Ohio on c i. for presidential nomination. 11tl2—Senator Forake&gays, in nom inating Mn If [j I, j * J *T Spok, 11 for himself* and the world. He speak a of deeds and promises kept. The peo ple’s .most sacred trust has not bet n misplaced. He has kept labor busy. Has brought prosperity. The olHies have been safely placed alongside the ‘lost oause' and olber a- mooratic poli cies . He has opened China’s doors.” Prolonged oh- ers. McKinley has been nominated. Pro longed oheers for Mac. 11:16—Hanna lead* cheering, mov ing his arms about wildly. Harms is walking up and down the stage carry ing a banner of red, white and blue plumes. All delegates wave banners. Great confusion. Kansas is first to declare for Roosevelt. Cheering con tinued for ten minutes for Roosevelt. Roosevelt has not yet left his seat. 11 .24—John Mitchell carries New York standard and is the laat to leave the stage. All delegations are marct - log around the hall, hepdrd by Penn sylvania, New York and Onio. Ha waii delegation is prominent in the prooession. Ttddy Roosevelt seconds the nomi nation of McKinley. Cheering. :47 —When Pennsylvania was call ed all delegates rose to their feet and oliei red for McKml y. Great cheer ing in the hell, and all are wild with enthusiasm. Lodge announces the vote. McKinley has 020 votes, end is officially declared the nominee. 12 :64—Co! . Young of Oh o puls Dol liver of Ohio In nomina lui fur vice president, hut immediately withdraws Dolliver and puis ihe adopted sun of the middle west, koosevelt, in norui natiou. Wild prevail*. and OJel congratulate Koose veil. I:l3—Three cheers given by Mo b of Pennsylvania. I’arsde of stales led by low*. The band is plajiig “II o Times in the OiJ Turn Tonight.” Great obeering. I:24—J. Murray of Massachusetts is recogniz'd and seconds KooseveL’e nomination. Ashton of Washington comes to the platform and seconds ti e nomination. Cuntinued on fourth page. Haviland China v IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass AT THE-— m. BRUNSWICK BOOK COMPANY THE COMING MINSTRELS. Boys Ara-Practicing Hard and Will Give a Fine Show Next Week. Tne minstrels to be given by- the Ri flemen and Marine band at the opera bouse on next Thursday and Friday nights is going to bs a fine .li >w, and the bows are practicing bard row lo give the people some great un for tbe min..y. N.w talent is being engaged daily, and the old favorites w ll be on band with new song., new dances and new gags to amuse the people with f'y.' - I , ••-. vS&S'-j.'' • '•**' y'.-~ ' I :ik of \\ .1 ( lit - f.r SfllMinril The minstrels have always plea*etf,AW4, for the two coming entertainments they will do better than ever. Reserve seats go on sale next week at Butts, the druggist. Have you smoked Havana Maid cigar? V Get Fixed 'iFor the Fair by having Jim Carter ptm We have just received a magnificent line of GRAND RAPIDS . CHAMBER SUITS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. e Carry a Large Line of Cheap Furniture Suitable for furnishing Cottages. The Swellest line of. +TBUNES+ IN THE CITY H. M, MILLER & SON PRICE FI VE CENTS The Bcxing Mateh Tuesday Night. Peter Mirzie, the fighting wonger, who has defeated everyone bo has >'*• been up against, will box twenty rounds, Queensbiiry rules, with Willie Mack, a noted light weight, -froiS Philadelphia. This event will tafce place at the opera house, Tuesday night. Reserved seat are now on sale at Butt’s. The Marine Band will music for the occasion . New linl? of Wash Good", just In, at Tqe Boe lli\e. k Death of Mr. Seguifl day last, abtbeage of sevwJ He was jarred yesterday 1 in PajAtietto ciinetery, mi paying the lastsad tribute t ory around ;,be grave. I’lsnt System Logaljjjp Train leaves tn. and 5 p. m. Arrives aA| m. and 11:30 p. m.