The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 23, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 153 Cash Purchases -X GET Rebate Benefits We Want Cash Customers, BROWN DRUG CO. prominm? Jglroad men here 80U< £liH' ISIkC S J B,,m renpli- are Ml ~ -i,!* VPgO r <-'wlstßthe Fair. *®r. on* o( the beat the Southern’* ipeoitl rep reeantanvea in the eoutb, Mr. Welter ♦ T. Cosby, e former Brunswiokian now with the Southern’s office st Jaokson Title, end G nerel Agent Cendier, of the Southern, met with the Feir com mittee lest night end thoroughly dii outeed the question of rite* for the ooming feir. The Pie t SmMW P*- Clean Your Old ‘ Straw Hats With J " LINANE One 25e package cleans eight . - hats or hat eight times. ... 7 : “ ; ' i ‘'W J BUTTS^Druggist. “On the Corner.” raent w* represented by jfej iiiuriion Welt- given ff. . Kv. Wrenn to; ■U'o in' sVHe.I Snfortn tv- toll . -~-H ■ Southern toil the Hfftwo lines bare t svored the in many way during the Pwkaof work proceeding the fair and flkopeniug day Is nearly * .'SbP'"* tu wh ' ,o l l j/ Attiring Suits m B. Men and Boys Annmniense line of two-piece Jersey Suits just in Pt SI.OO to $2.50. ■ Your Seashore Outfit is not f complete without a suit. .SUMMER NOVELTIES IN MEN’S f COOL-WEARING APPAREL f IN GREAT VARIETY. levy:s THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. ■ / . • the crowd with liberal distribution* of matterjand extra in ducements in the matter now bahoovga Brunswioktans to writ* their friends and relative* to paok up and c; nse down to the big *bow. Frank Proctor Kill 4. Tne limes is inform'd that u oolor ed man named Frank l’rootor, sup posed to be from tbis teotion was killed in one of the shafts of ths Amsrioan Coke C0.,0f Adab, Tann., last Friday. An Approaobing Wedding. Carda have been iaaitfO announcing the approaching wedding of Mlaa Sarab Weinstein, daughter of Mrs, R. Weinstein, to Alr.B. S. Godin. The ceremony will be performed Tuesday afternoon, Jhly 10th, at :3O o’clook id the parlors of the Oglethorpe acd many friends and relatlrei of |tbe yotng couple will be preaent to ex tent oongratolatione and beat wisbea for a happy future. BRUNSWICK, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, JUNE 23, 1900. BROBSTON WILL PUSH FOR LEGISLATION Wants an iot Passed to Help Indus trial Enterprises in Georgia. HIS VIEWS OK THE SUBJECT Explains Why the Oemocratio Platform Does Not Contain * Plank Rolativs to It, and Predicts for the Futaro. Mr. Edwin Brobston, of Brunowiok, who (ought to embody a plank In the rsoently framed demooratio platform committing the party to a proposition to exampt nsw manufacturing enter prise in Qsorgia for a period of ton yearo, said fast night that while be urged the jilank is a member of the platform oommittee it wao turned down by a oloea veto and but for ibo lateness of the hour, when the plat* form was submitted to the convention, would bare made a minority report. He, however, received auob a hearty asauranoe from vlaitiog delegates, that he is oonvinoed that the next legislature will take aotion on the matter and submit to the people a proposition to amend the constitution. Btr. Brobston has bien engaged fir the past few years in development work nod baa, through bis Orm of Brobston, F*i dig AC., brought many new ojtiz ns ami • veral m lioue of money to G’.jrgia. He ray U orgia is wy be lind in the matter of adter.ising her re sources and in eoaoursging manufac turing nod pridioti the present cen aus will show some startling compari son te any disfavor In relation tu ipa genertl prosperity of the south and that lets fevered state* will make a better ehowlng than Georgia. □ Besides representing large intereste in South Georgia, Hr. Brobston’* Arm hat just been employed ;to develop the local territory of the Tallulah Falls Railroad and Hotel Company, He ie very earnest in bis efforts to get inorjt_. fifWabl* .legislation for manufacturing enterprise and says that he is constantly met by the state ment from capitalists tbat Georgia doe* not bold out tbs ttme induce ments as rffsrrd by other Southern States, He says that while a majority of the pletform committee were fevorable to hie proposition, they were fearful of the result of tacking the idea on to the platform and making it a possible is sue. They reoognize the wisdom of it from a business standpoint, but were afraid of it from a political standpoint. RACE HORSES ARRIVE. Ur. J. HoMtr Brings a String From Valdosta Last Night For th* Fair The arrival of additional horse* to participate in the ooming racti at tba fair i a matter of daily note row, and last nlgbt Mr. J. Holder, of Valdosta, reached Brunswick with three of the speediest on the Southern circuit. Mr. Holder has stabled bis raoers with Mr. H. 8. McCrary temporarily, aud will more to the fair grounds next week. He is a young Georgian, and hasmany friends in the State. His brother, ed itor B. F. Holder, of the Forsyth Chronicle, was recently eleeted a dele gate from his distriot to the Kansas City Convention. Attention, Oonfsdsrats Veterans* You are required to bt at 601 Wolf street, oorner J street, today, June 23, at 3 p. m.. to pay the last mark of respeot to our de.oeased brother, We. Porter. W, B. Bdrrouohs, Pres. Horacb Dart, S-c., C. V. G. Cos. G. Rev. Welter M. Gilmore has re turned from Atlanta, where he bat been attending the B. Y. P. U. con vention. MAY TILT FOR PRIZES. *! Csualry Trcepsrs Ar* Wanted at Brunswiok Next Wssk. Tbe members of the Georgia Ilussars and other osvalry troops in this vicin ity are debating whether or not they shall accept an invitatioo from the mmagemeot of tbe Brunswiok fair to takd part in the military and other axeroises of Thursday, June J2s. Ms], Dart, wbo is in obarge of tbis feature of tbe feir, is in correspondence with Capt. A. Gordon Diesels, of tbis city, on tbe subj *ot, and has offered strong inducements to seoure tbe presence of tbe cavalry commands. Capt. Casselt is thoroughly inter ested, and stated last night that be hopes to seoure tbe attendano* of all five of tbe troops in aDd near Savan nah. He equate upon tbe attendance is of bis troop, tbe Liberty Independent and the Liberty Guards, both of Lib erty oouoty, as practically assured, and thinks he will bava little difficulty in prevailing upon tba Wayne and Mclntoeb troops, both of wblob are in ecsy diatanoe of Brunswiok, to aooept tbs invitation. Capt. Caasala is anx ious to have tba Georgia Hussars at tend also, as it it proposed to make tbe tilting the featkJJ rbe day, and tbe Liberty troopers will naturally want something to go up against, A called meeting of the Hosiers was held at the armory last night and the matter wae laid before it by Capt. Cas •els. The inducement* offered by the fair committee, a* stated by Capt. Cai aels, are as follows: A prise of fIOO to the largest troop attending, a prize of SIOO to the best tilting team of any troop, and a prize of ss6 to the best In-* dividual titter. Capt. Cassel* stated tbat a special rate of one oent a mile for all military men in uniform bad been offered by the railroads, and (bat e&rtiMf* being made to seoure a ii pe oi s T r~e fur ‘tbs b oVs#i;~?'" ' " ""I The matter waa discussed at aoma length, the matter of boraea for tha troop being tbs dlAioult point. The members would prefer to us* their own horse*, aspeoially for tilting, but the transportation of boras* Is a rath er oostly item. There being only a small attandano* it was decided to de fer the matter for a day or two. If a special rate for the transportation of horse* can be secured it is likely that tbat the invitation will be accepted. Capt. Cassels, In speaking of tha matter, said tbat tven if the special rate for horees cannot be obtained tbe Liberty troope would doubtieee ar range to maroh through tbe country to Bruniwiok, tbe distance being merely a day’s marob, and tbat the Darien troop would doubtless adopt tbe same plan. The conditions im posed by tbe fair oommittae are tbat at least three troops must participate in order to seouie tbe award of prises offered. There are some famous tilt era among tbe south Georgia troopars and tbe opportunity of proving tbeir ■kill, with the additional inoentive of good prize*, is likely to prove a tempt ing one.—Savannah News. New line of Wash Goods, just in, at The Bee Hive | STOP! 1181! ft" Fresh Dill Picklr (Just In), Stuff Mangoes. New Georgia Syrup in Gsllon Cans. New Georgia Syrup in Bottles. Finest Maple Syrup in Bottles. Saratoga Chips (Fresh). Vegetables and Fruite Fresh Every Morning. Pkone 158. Th Hostler, BIG RESBLTS FOLLOW AN AD IN THE TIES Enormous Salos Made by One Firm That Used This Paper Exclusively. WHAT ONE LADY MISSED Levy Bros. Made a Special Run on Shoes Yesterday Morning and Had a Big Crush of Customers. e Tbe veins of advertising in Tbe Timet was never more clearly proven than In an instanoe on yesterday, af fecting one of Biunswiok’s largest Srms, who made use of Tbe Timet’ columns to advertise a certain eale. The Arm in question Is that of L.vj’s, long einoe a boueebold word in this oity, and tbe advertisement in ques tion appeared in The Times exclusive ly, and only a few days, Tbe adver tisement wae to tbe effect that on Fri day (yesterday) morning, from six to twalvs o’clook, Messrs. Levy Bros, would sell any ladies’ tan Oxford Ties in the store for 65 cents, the former prio* being from SI.OO to $3.00, and one lot children’s tin shoes, size 1 to 8, between 6 and 12 o’olook, for *0 osnts, the former prioe ranging from 76 oenta to SI.OO. Tha advertisement stated that positively none would be mCTIFw? 12 o’olook. ' * ■v'li The Arm inform! The Timee that through the instrumentality of this advertisement in The Timee, which they used as the sols medium of reaoh- Ing the public, they on yesterdsy morning sold nearly one hundred pairs of shoes, and tbat the rush dur ing the time of sale was enormous. They also stated that during the af ternoon hours there were oalls for shoes, but as the hour of sale olosed at 12 o’olook, they oould not sell any after that hour. One lady who did not subscribe for The Times stated tbat she heard of the sale from a subsoriber of Tbe-Times, but she heard of it too late and was among those who called after tbe sale had closed for ths day. This lady left the store regretting the faot that she not bean a oonetant subscriber to The Times and it is more than probable that she will be on our list at an early date. In thla one advertisement there was an opportunity afforded to The Time* readers to save more than a months subscription at one time on the single purobise of one pair of •hoes from Levy Bros, who advertised their special stle exclusively in The Times. To those merchants who are lookiog for a medium to 'advertise their goods that the people read sod rely on The Times ohesrfully commend* itself. New line of Wash Goods, just in, at Tba Bet Hive. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass AT THE_—^ , BRUNSWICK - IBOOK COMPANY FLORAL PARADE FRIDAY AT 2 P. M. Officers and Ladles or the Fair Decide Upon that Date and Hour last Night. The change in tbe date of the Floral parade to ooour on Thursday instead of Tueaday as first announced was found to conflict with arrangement* that had already been perfected by the fair oflicere and after conference last night with Mrs. AVhitfleld, President of the Woman’s Boird, it was decided to have the Floral parade Friday after noon, June 29tb. liy changing to this I From twenty-five cents up. I J Consultation and examination free. I \ |J e weler and G-raduate Optician. ] 215 Newcastle Street, i luspector of Watches for. Southern Railway..Timo by Wire daily from Washington | date it will be possible to secure the horses and carriages neoessary to make a good parade while if it re mained set for Thursday as published yesterday the plans would have Inter fered with tbe calvary parade and there would have been a shortage of horses and carriages. It ie being ar ranged to make tbe Aoral parade quite a social event anil tbe Queen of the day will be crowned at the grand ball to be (jTVen aMhe fair grounds Friday We have just received a magnificent line of GRAND RAPIDS CHAMBER SUITS THE FINEST IN THE WORLD. We Carry a Large Line of Clteap Furniture / Suitable for furnishing Cottages. The Swellest line of -i 'TRUNKS+ IN THE CITY H. M. MILLER & SON PRICE FIVE CENTS night. Tbe parade will be one of the moat beautiful sights ever witnessed in tbis seotion and prepratioos now under way by tbe bicyclists of Bruns wiok indicate that their featura of tha procession will be one of the most im portant parts of it. SECRETARY F. MoC. BROWN RETURNS. He Visits Valdosta, Savannah and Othar Places In Interest of the Fair. Secretary F. MoG. Brown, the halt ling oflloial of the Southeastern Fair Association, bas returned from a visit to Valdosta, Savannah and other places in jthe interest of the fair and while away be booked some splendid attractions to bring down. They wl 11 begin to arrive Sunday morning and from tbat time on to tbe opening boor tbe fair grounds will preaent a busy scene of preparation for the Hrents of the week. * New line of Wash Goods, jost in, at The Bee Hive.