The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 28, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 157 Cash Purchases GET Rebate Benefits. We Want Cash Customers, r ■ " / BROWN DRUG CO. y jfiilß to the fair grounds. rn Start! aSp oial Ser* ; oe Wi’h Fare Tea dents E-eh Way. ♦he - -iithem baa started a special train ser vlet to lb* fair grounds, ntui commencing this morning Win ran a folliWe* with fare at ton rent orach wav: Train* will leave the l ? nlon depot at ua. in., JUS p. m. and T :30 p. m., stopping at Hanalleld street crossing to take on passengers Return ing trains will leave grounds at 12 m., n p. m. and 10 p in. New line of \Va*h Goods, juat in, at Tbt Bee Hive. *■■ Clean Your Old v Straw Hats With J _LINANE Oae 25c package cleans eight htrcs or one hat eight times. . . . W\J BU ITS, TheJ]jUJ^ \ -on thecJT '' j ■" |F :A- ;:* Ci>7 ( Apt. a. Gordon CawWßa^^g UuJf ftjor Dart and escorted Guggle Reppard, sponsor accompanied them. This moru remaining cavalrymen will come in Aaveral car loada of horses arrived night Pr the use of the troops. Bathing Suits , >• t Men and Boys An immense line of two-piece Jersey Suits just in \t SI.OO to $2.50. Your Seashore Outfit is not complete without a suit. SUMMER NOVELTIES IN MEN’S m COOL-WEARING APPAREL IN GREAT VARIETY. Llevys THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. FOURTH OF JULY; Big Fixed by the CumbtrUnd Route for St. Simon*. The Cumberland Route with Its lisuui enter prise has airangerf groat list of special at tractions for St. Simonson the Ulorlofcs Fourth of July, and they will entry the usual grout crowds to this popular resort. See the Southern’s sched ule to the Fair grounds, Fare ten cents. Complete lioe of Ladies’ Ultra Ox forde—The Palmer Shoe Cos. ' 4pfc?ltTff ri ncc all rnod 3§v3^ .<IK( rach. l ; a 1 - Ten cents to and from the Fair grounds via Southern. See schedules. BRUNSWICK, GA„ THURSDAY MORNING, JUNE 28, 1900- I 1 111 Ml E I I 1 HI Starts From in Front of the Oglethorpe at 10 O’clock—All Stores Will Close at Noon-Mayor’s Proclamation. Yesterday was U&ilroad and Farmers’ day at the fair, and the crowd pioketl up wonderfully. Today is Military and Brunswiok day and the grand military pirtde starts off this morning under Com. Frank D. Aiken, marshal of the day, with all the visiting and loosl military in line. The cavalry tournament will ;be on during the afternoon hours, and with base ball, and oonoerta by the Fifth regiment band, and borse races, will furnish plenty of outside attraotions, while the main building will bs orowded. Mayor Atkinson has Issued a pro clamation requesting all the stores to oloss and a number of merobants have signed an agreement to close at noon, and give their people a holiday. To night there will be a grand military ball, with music by the Fiftb Regi ment band. Various events conneoted with the fair are bandied,’ separately as space will permit in different arti cles in this issue of The Times. TUB GUN CLUB C 0 BST, Somt Exo*l tnf Shooting Undir Trying Con dition. In the gun ,;£bc ntt j**te day, Mr, Kirr, of Baunsl\ I.J, : ub Col. du Bigot,n, M'ir. OUrk and IMbiil, of Brqpswiok, making good scores. The heat was iutenae, ami blinding gun interfered lerfoudy will) the (booting The birda alio ghowed eigne of tougbnesa, due to (he sultry weath er, and man; were found perforab I that did not break. While some ex’ any Kooa ‘bowing in the way o Bwiok crank shooters really led aly * they dltplayed aoine/x try . Jltion. under wh ch th(iy , on . All thesportsg*' exprelMd with the entertain- ment afforded them by the Brunswick Gun club, and the meet, as a whole, waa very euooeeefu). One of the finest departments at the fair la the agricultural department, which, under the able management of Col. J. 11. Dilwortb, is well supplied with 'froit, vegetable* and [graina of the reaaon. In the Glynn county ex bibite, many bare placed tbe produota of farm, garden 'and orchard on exhi bition and there ia a fine assortment of okra, turnip*, beeta, oorn, cucum bers, ootton, carrots, beam, oniona, potato*’, peaches, plums, sorghum, etc, among the prominent exhibitors are Mesdames. Edwin Brobston, W. S. Knight, M . C. Kowe, Wm. Baker, Lawrence Miller, 001. Horace Dart, Col. J. 11. Dilwortb, Mesera. W. H. Harris, Charlton Wright, John Cur rie, H. Bender. The Camden oounty exhibit, which is one of the flnestever brought to Brunawiok, is owned exclu sively by Mr. Thomas Godley, of Motts, Camden county, and in it are beautiful specimene of the produce of that oounty, including home oured bams, bacon, cane sugar, syrup, soap, preserves of all kinds, honey, beets, oniona, huckleberries, blackberries, tomatoes, upland rice, corn, oats, sweet potatoes, Irish potatoes, cotton, pecan nuts, peaches, ‘jellies, plums, arrow roots, beans,okra, vine peaches, german Imiilet, artichokes, squashes and cbufers, Mr. Godley took many prizes at the different fairs last year, and his friends are very confident of like results in the future. Something nice In children’s Strap Slippers—The Palmer Shoe Cos. ORDER OF PARADE THIS MORNING. Commands! F. D. Aiken as Grand Marshal Publishes His Ordsr for ths Big The big parade of vlaiting military, Knights of Pbytlas, Fifth Regiment band, two -of naval reserves and Brunswick Riflemen will take plaoe this morning moving from in front of the Oglethorpe at 10 o’clock, Commander F, I), Aiken, Grand Mar shal of the Day, baa furnished The Times with a cop; of his orders for the parade wbiob read as follows: As senior officer of the Georgia State Troops in Brunswiok, and at the request of the offloers of Soutbeastern Fair Association, I will assume com mand of tbs parade to take plaoe at ten o’clock, this (Thursday) morning, June 28tb, 1900. Farade form on Newcastle atraet facing'Bast with the right reet ing in frornt of headquarters of (be Srutbeastero Fair Association, which at present is the Brown Drug Co’s store. The formation will be as follows: Squad of Polioemen. Fifth Regiment Band. **Nefal Militia. Brunywiok Rifleman. Military. . V, Uniform Kink K nights of containing Senator A, B’ Play, Congress man W. 4.' 'Brantley', Mayor D. D, Atkinson and President oU the Pair Dr. I A. • r * Butts. Carriages. The parade will mive at 10:16, and The fine if march will be as follows: Down Nevcaetle strest ground tbe right of Ilaoirer Park back to Georgs street, aiV George to Egmont strest, down J£g none to Prices street, down Prince to Albany street, down Albana to Dartmouth street, out Dartmouth to the Fair gronndr, where tbe parade Will be dismissed, eaob commanding officer assuming command of their organizations. By ipeolal request, all organizations intending to take part in tlhls paraifl; will report lo me '**£ of the Brown Drug Company's store at least ten miDutes before ten o’clook. Respectfully, Frank D. Aiken, Comdg. Naval Batt. G.; S. T. and Commander of Parade. CAI’T. NEWNAN’S GKICABY I'OLK CONTEST [ TODAY. Capt. .Tube Newnan will have bis greasy pole contest on again today for the benefit of the small boys. Yester day tbe boys bad a great time climbing the pole for a dollar that lay on ;top of it and ifurnlsbed tbe spectators with loti of fuD in watching their frantio ef forts to get to the top. STOP! y 1181! fr Fresh Dill Pickles fJust In). Stuff Mangoes. New Georgia Syrup in Gallon Cans. New Georgia Syrup .in Bottles. Finest Maple Syrup in Bottles. Saratoga Chips (Fresh). Vegetables and Fruits Fresh Every Morning. I’hone 15S. The Hustler, mayor's proclamation. Today boing V-4m>- A ' : flV*y all the citizens will attand*Hj9|Hgnd make it a success in every way. Last night Mayor Atkinson took official oogni zanoe of the importance of the day by iasuirg tbs following;: •To the people of Brunswiok: The president and direotors of the fair as sociation assisted by the ltdies of Brunswick have by untiring' energ'y auooeeded in presenting to you a fair wbiob is a credit to the city. This is the day they have set for their best ef fort. Everything has been arranged to make it the great day of the week, It behooves all oitizens to give encour agement by lending their presenoe to the oocasion. In order that all em ployes as well as employers may at tend, 1 do hereby direct that all depart ments of the oity be dosed between the hours of 12 m. and Op. m., and do fur ther request that all business houses in the oity do likewise. This June 27, 1900.D, D. Atkinson, Mayor. The officers and direotors of the Southeastern Fair Association are ar- ranging to entertain Ssnator Clay nloily from tbe time he arrives this he departs from this city. He *lll be met on arrivsl Ijy a pomnritlSl insisting of President .1. '■k?. ofatti, Directors Edwin Brobston, H. S, and C. W. Deming,- and escorted to the Oglethorpe hotel. Where Manager Porter has reserved for his oomfoat an elegant suite of rooms. At 10 o’clock Senator Clay will be the guest of honor in the big military parade, consisting of six troops of cav alry from South Georgia, tbe Btuna--. wlok Riflemen, two divisions of Bruns wick Nayaf reserves, the' uniform rank Knights of Pylhiar and Fifth regiment band of Atlanta, and a squad ofUßrunswicjryolice. The parade, formed" under direction of Commander Frank I), Aitth, mar •bafof the day, will prooeed down the kto fair grounds, of today’s program Willtie on." During the afternoon hours, ooiri meuoing at 6 o’clock, Senator Clay will be the guest of the Aseooiation in a oarriage {drive, and an informal reception will be held in tbe Art room of tbe main building, to give tbe peo ple an opportunity of meetlog tbe distinguished guest. At night, tbe able Georgian will be tbe guest ef honor at a box party to tbe Riflemen and Marine band minstrels, which will bold the board for a good per formance . Friday will also be spent in enter taining the Senator, and making his visit to Brunswick pleasant. If it is possible to have Senator Clay remain over, he will be enter tained Saturday, Negro day, at the fair, when Prof. W. H. Council deliv ers the address, and to a trip to Cum berland Island. It is uuderßtood that the Senator 1s not very well, and all programs for his entertainment will be submitted to him on arrival and left to his pleasure to oarry out. The Association is proud of hie being their guest, and will endeavor to treat him royally. Tomorrow will be Children’s Day out at the fair and the little ones are looking forward to it with all pleas ure possible The judges will decide on the artioles submitted in the after noon, and there will be many little beartelmade happy by the awarding of the prize*. Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass ATaTHE ■— BRUNSWICK IBOOK COMPANY An interesting contest wbloh is en tered by many little folks., is for the handsome oake, generously donated the domestic department of the fur by Mr. J. M. Hoodenpyle, the baker, and wbiob will be given to the child, boy or girl, who writes the best com position on the subject of the midsum mer oarnival. By applying to Mrs. B. Hirsch. chairman of that depart ment, any child wishing to enter the oontest will be given full instruction. A special value every day this week at The Bee Hive. EYE GLASSES and SPECTACLES: From twenty-five cents up. ! Consultation and examination free. KENNON MOTT, J ewaUr and Graduate Optician. 215..Newcnstle Street, Inspector of Watches for. Southern Kailway.lTimc hy Wire daily from Washington Under tbe auspices of the Ladies’ Aid Society of St. Mark’s Episoopa church there Will be ice cream and cake served on the fair grounds this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon and the affair promises to be quite an attractive feature. Children’s Red Shoes and Slirpers— Tbe Palmer Shoe Cos. -e —— . Go to The Palmer Shoe Co.’s for children’s Red Shoes. During This Fair Week 15 Per Cent, • Discount TO ALL CASH BUYERS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK fi. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE FI VE CENTS The Floral Parade tomorrow, in wbioh there will be so many partici pants promises to be one of the most oharming and attraotive features of the fair, and one which will be wit nessed by a large number of visitors and Brunswiokians. The ladies espec ially have worked hard for the success of this event whiob fact alone insures its success. Just reoeived, "a beautiful line of Misses’ and children’s Oxforde and Slippers—The Palmer Shoe Go. The Prizsi for Dolls. Miss Sußie Gale, chairman of the Children’s department, announces that on Friday afternoon she will deliver the prizes for dolls to the successful entries, and requests tint all children be presenUFrlday afternoon, □ Special train! service to the Fair grounds. See schedule. Children’s Strap Slippers— Tb e Pal mer Shoe Cos.