The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, June 29, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 158 Cash Purchases GET Rebate Benefits. We Want Cash Customers, BROWN DRUG CO. Jfc TO THE FAIR GROUNDS. a Sp-ial Wi'h fare Oats Baeh Way. Tta* rWiliern has started a special train ser vice lefthe fair grounds,anil commencing ttila will run ae follow* vrilh t&re *1 ten centseacway: Train* leave the tTfiion depot at 9 a. m„ 2:45 m M stopping at Man&lielti >fr£et c.roftntoK to take on pa**eng*rs Return ing trains will leave grounds at 12 m., <5 p. m. and lOp.tu. New line of With in, at The Bee Hive. Clean Your Old -—v Straw Hats With J ~ ~~~ __LINANE One ljso package cleans eight hats ok one hat eight times.. . . w VtTs, \ o*. t hHw.I Xk)n the r v f Tl n the event on Negro du^HH W. Demin )f left !at night on I,I P U P tbe .Southern, B>eitl value every day Ehfre Hive. Ping Suits len and Boys i immense line of two-piece Jersey Suits just in kt $l.OO to $2.50. m Your Seashore Outfit is not I complete without a suit. IUMMER NOVELTIES IN MEN’S ■COOL-WEARING APPAREL ft IN GREAT VARIETY. Ilevys THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. THE BIG PARADE TODAY. Floral Pared*, Hoo Hooa and Children Will Be Out on tho Stroota This Afternoon- The big parade today it tke floral parade, the Hoo-lloos and the chil dren on floats andbioyclee. It will be worth going mileo to Bee, and no one should tuns it. Parade atarta thia af ternoon, on Newcastle street. Special train service to the Fair grounds. See .schedule. " ... - ; L /on I‘riuco p nil mod - a -1:. Cal - Baaflßgt jfj* '"lit purchaser at It. R.JHoPKINS. Ten cents to and from the Fair grounds via Southern, See schedules. BRUNSWICK. GA., FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 29, 1900. BUY WAS MASK 11IIY DAY AIH i Exciting Tilting Contest Follows the Grand Parade The Hoo Hoos Will Be Here Today. Yeeterday at the (air was one o( un alloyed pleasure, and otowned with eucoeas from the etart of the big pa rade, under Marshal Aiken, to Ihe close of the big military ball laet night, with muslo by the Fifth regi ment band. From IS o’olock alt the business houses dosed, and when the time arrived (or the exciting tilting o inteat, participated in by crack teams from me South Georgia counties, there were tbres thousand people lined up along tbs raoe track and the grand stand to overflowing; while on the grounds, the people were blocked in masses, and all seata in the baae ball grand stand and bleaohere were tilled with an excited, (un-lovlng lot of men, women and children, of all oges and sizes. It was decidedly the crowning day of the big mid-aummer fair and oarnivai now on, and every one oonnecced with the event in any lapacity whatever was jub'lant over the day's success. When the trooper oavalrymen oime M out on the track they were given a big ovation; and aathe trooper* lined up, the and *yly running b. fore the judge*’ a’and, tbe pei pie roa- o maaae and g’ve them a about and a I urrab tbat ant the whole crowd tinging with tbe excitement, of the rventa about to go on. Tbe judgea were Lieut. Jinnee S. Wright, of tbe Naval militia; Lieut. Jack C.Stile# and Mr. Peter W. Flem ing, each one of them ex-members of famous Brunewiok Horae a .auious filter of tbat organization, Tbe W won by the first team J > Independent Troope, pMillowa: Capt. A. Gordon T. F. Gordon, Lieut. R. Sergeant W. A . Fleming, Mr., Private 11. B. Ryon. They made 274 po nts, and carried off the puree of SIOO 00 Tbe aeoond prize wae won by the flrat tem of the Liberty Guards, com posed ae followa: Captain J, W. Hugnea, Sergeants W. H. Hughsa and H. C. Martin and Privates R. H. Horn and W. L. Mar tin. They made 264 points and took tbe aeoond money of SSO. Tbe individual tilting of Sergeant W. A. Fleming was magnificent and he made sixty pointe out of a possible sixty. Sergeants H. C. Martin, Cap tain A. Gordon Cassell aod Lieut. T. F. Martin each followed with a soore of fifty seven out of a possible sixty, but Fleming’s so’k took the twenty five dollar purse. Tbe second team 0 f tbe Liberty Guards was composed of Lieut. J. At. Hughes, Sergeant J. T. Chapman, Corp. M. B. Horn, Corp. 0. C. Dorsey and Private J, T. Chapman. They 214 points. A mixed team contesting was com posed of men from the Liberty Guards and Liberty Troops. Those in it were Sergeants W. P. Hardin and J. R. Ryon, Privntee C. A. GordOD, H. U. Frazier and E H. nart, They made 175 points. Tbe oolored people are whooping up things for their day and Saturday Negro Day, will witness one of the largest turnouts of tbe Fair. Tbe leaders in tbe work have requested •II tbe bueinets men to allow their employes to take a day off and it means much for all concerned that they do so. Tbe Fair will be greatly benefited by a large attandance and tbe leaders want to make tbeir day a big success. Military and Bruuswiok day at the mid-summer fair aud oarnivai yester day proved all that the association of ficers and direotors and the people of the city oould have wished for, while the out-of-town folks, who are here in great throngs, were perfectly pleased with it. At ten o’clock, headed by the famous Fifth Regiment band of At lanta, the parade, under the direotion of Commander Frank SI). Aiken, of the Georgia Naval battalion, as grand marshal, started oft from In front of the Oglethorpe. The atreets were packed with carriages and vebioles of all description*, while the sidewalks were jammed with good natured hu manity, who had coma out to see the imposing eight. The extremely fair weather that ha* prevailed all during the fair, in string oontrast to the rainy weather that preoad it. oauaed the parade to look very and pretty, and as it moved off .the people gave it a great deal of applause, In line were the Brunswick police foroe under Lieut. Ltvison, Torpedo division naval battalion, the staff of naval battalion, Commander Aiken, First division naval militip, Bruns wick Riflemen', Uniform Rank Knights of .Pythias, UlUnr teams from the Georgia Hussars, Liberty Independent Troops, Liberty Guards, Coun ty Troops, and gueits (if honor in car riages. To tbe all, Senator Clay wired tbat he oould not be here, but tbe guests ofbo.oor were'many. Among them were -Mayor Bridgea Hmitfe of M- -*"*• ‘1 ® oarruu,a t|jih Mayor At klnaun , Mr . L. and Aider man Krauee, President Batts, Editor Gantry of tbe Eaatman T mes-Journal, Congressman Brantley, Editor John Triplett, of Tbomasville, Mr. J. F. Stone of tbe Savannah Morning News and others. At tbe fair gronnds tbe biggest crowds of tbe aeaaon were present,and the sight was worth going to see. Concerts and side attraction! were on, and tbe shows all did a nese. Today, UooHoo day, and tomorrow* Negro day, promise to be immense. Yacht Mabsl. All yatcbmen and others interested in the ‘‘‘Yacht Mabel,” are requested to be present at meeting In Oglethorpe hotel billiard room, Saturday, June 30tb, 8 a. m. Committee. WANTED —One hundred Black Cats today at Ogle thorpe Hotel or S. A. Sizer’s office, old B. & W, building, cor. Bay and Ilowe streets. , k fl WORD to the m n LADIES SAY! We want you all to know that we have just reoeived LOT HONEY (in comb). LOT FINE FRYING SIZE Cbiokene (justfrom country) Give us Your Order Quick Phone 151. The Hustler, PKOUKAM FOR TOhAV. 10:00 a. m.—Concert begins by the celebrated Fifth R girnent Band, one of the finest bands in the south. 11:80 a. m.—Walter in hie world re nowned tlaok and tight wire and trapeze performance. Intermission for dinner, which can be bad on the grounds at lunoh coun ters and resturants. 8:30 p. m —Dean, in his celebrated contortionist act, also in bis truly wonderful juggling and acrobatic performance. 3:00 p. m.—-The horse raoes begin. Some of the fastest horses io the south are now here. 3:30 p. m.—Tha Whirling Z. las in their great mid-air revolving break away ladder exhibition. 8:30 p. m.—Floral parade—the finest ever seen In Brunawiok—they will re main la the grounds until 10:00 p. m. and indulge in danoing and crown the queen. 4:00 p. m.—Tbe only Odnoel, tbe greatest and moat daring of all equili brists, in his;wonderful performance oa a spiral tower fifty feet In mid-air, going up forwards and baokwards on a* round sphere. /6:00 p. m.— Mies Belmont in her baloon ascension and parachute leap, also riding a bicycle attached to h'r balloon up among the clouds. This is one of tbe most daring feats fiver per formed. In between these acts tb SULHIIL !lfr aid* ebows and to tt- , *- amuse roq* EVENING I'ROGhCM Starting at 7:30 tbe day’s program will be repeated, and dancing can be , /' .. ■■ ■, indulged in, there-fi e fine hill for this purpose. 7;. ;V 1 ■. .Odnoel performs bis Spiral Tower feat amid a bla*e ofTflqrworke; The Fifth Regiment jjand will give a special conoert at night: jjKgjf STbn price of admission at night Will be 25c. , - - i Saturdays is Negro Day, when a special program will be With . See announcement tomorrow. r-The speolel premiums in tbe Chil dten’e department will be delivered in tbe afternoon. IMPORIANT NOTICE. The Floral parade will be this (Friday) afternoon at four o’clock. All other state ments as to any other time is incorrect. All those who are to par ticipate in the parade, will please be at the Oglethorpe hotel promptly at 4 o’clock. The line of march will be from Oglethorpe hotel to fair grounds and atound the race track. Parents need have no fear for the safety of their chil dren, as they will be in charge of a competent mar shal, and fo<ur mounted po licemen wilK accompany the parade. Spanish bark Burned. - Ba.k Irene Discovered on Fire at Quar antine Station Last Night. The Spanish bark Irene, in ballast at quarantine station, was discovered on fire at 10.30 o’olook last night and a telephone message was sent to tbe city for a tug, Tbe Inca promptly re sponded, but the bark was badly dam aged before tho fire was extinguish^ Haviland China IN OPEN STOCK. Cut Glass ATaTHE BRUNSWICK IBOOK COMPANY ed. No one seems to know just how the blaze started. A bjard of survey will have to be named to examine into the condition of the vessel. The Irene is owned by a Spanish firm, and was consigned toK Torras. It is thought, (o be fully insured, and the owners will lose nothing. The vessel arrived from Ilavanna Sunday, and was being fumigated before being allowed to enter tbs city. Hood’s Pills are non-irritating. Price 25 cents. | From twenty-five cents up. I C onsultation and examination free. I KENNON MOTT, j J eweler and Graduate Optician. 218_Newcatle Street, j Inrpector of Watched for;Southern Hallway.'Tlmc by Wire daily from Washington Editor Martin Here. Editor R, M. Martin, of Liberty county, reached Brunswick yesterday in time for the tilt, and was a welcome visitor at tbe fair grounds . Day and night trains to the Fair grounds. See Southern’s schedules. Fare ten cents. During This Fair Week 15 Percent," Discount TO ALL CASH BUYERS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK H. M. MILLER & SON. PRICE FIVE CENTS Prominent Railroad Man. Mr. H. F. Car, traveling passen ger agent of the Southern railway, with headquarters at Maoon, is in the oity, on his return trip home. Mr. Gar has been in New York for the past ten days, and is now taking in the fair. The Chinese aa "how is your liver?” in stead of ’’how do you do?” for when the liver is active the health is good. De- Witt’s Little Early Risers are famous little pills for the liver and bowels. W. J. Butts, the druggist. Beat Branawiok Again. The Fernandina base ball team beat f Brunswick again yeeterdajy j n a soore of seven to one. FOR SALE.—Two tickets to Atlan ta, Gl. Good uotil MontUy. W. N.^Biiown, 503 Gloucester street. FOR RENT.—Seven rooms two story residence, post-oflloe. For terms, apply to 104 Richmond street.