The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 03, 1900, Image 1

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ITN PRECEDXTED ! 'pnhtui (CUainlesß Bicyc'e* while they lt onry J 50.00. J. A. MONTGOMKRT, 50H Gloucester S*. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 161 Cash Purchases GET Rebate Benefits. We Want Cash Customers, BROWN DRUG CO. loNVILLE BEATS BRUNTWIOK. Taunt Lt>i'"by a Score of 4 to 5. The List Half Niath Ir.oiDgnot Playri- Tbe Brunswick boys went down Id defeat Before-the Jaokeonvil.e base ball team yasterdey 10 a score of live t.i four, favorable to the Floridians. Tea game was a close one— four and four ut'lll the ninth itinog and when the odd ■ utubir was won by Jacksonville tbey did not finish the ututh, To-day Jacksonville and Brunswick will ohsnßN'flltteries and Clean Your Old \ __ 21.. ti. With J~ .. LI NAN E One 25c package cleans eight hats or one hat eight times.. . , W J BUTTS, The' Doiggisl* “Cn tlio Can "'■ v iv. ncj. e; He t ec'jfl r| ,j4B K l °° j '',‘ K i^BHfl^ > '' < Md * fatal complaints. Koiej’u K;'l :f *Y: Snakes the kidneys wall. T ike J Butts, the druggist. •ifen’i ni *. the opportunity now to Q*tn the heel chain'•‘•a bicycle in the See our mi PBathing Suits U ^_Foli^ Men and Boys || An immense line of iwo-pieee Jersey Suits just in lAt SI.OO to $2.50. K Your Seashore Outfit is not L complete without a suit. I SUMMER NOVELTIES IN MEN'S L COOL-WEARING APPAREL W IN GREAT VARIETY. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. hoib clubs will put ttieir bast man In ihe tl-id It will be a hot geaiaaod a great deal if local interest la centered in th- re.nit. FOK KENT.—Seven rooma two story residence, close to poat-oflloe. For terms, apply to 104 Richmond street. Feat line of Typewriters and mast complete assortment of ribbons, .car bon sheets, etc., in the ci'y. J. A. Montg miery. *hood ; all n ,od '*■ 11.000 cash. Bal- SWtecri long; t,me to emt purchaser a 1> per cent, interest. tf It. K. H (IfKINS. I.ouis I. Waibel, Hi (1, Ht. l.ouia, Mo., wrote: I have recommended TitarHiNA when the docton cave up the child and it u red at once. BRUNSWICK, GA„ TEUSDAY MORNING, JULY 3, 19()0. 11l iiinw Great Water Sport Arranged For Visitors to St. Simons Island. BY THE CUMBERLAND ROUTE All of the Events W II be Eaclt ng end Mary Con es ants are Bo ked for Th ai,-The Fourth the Thing. Bast week was ona of piss*i>rs and entertainment to all. The Southeast ern fair, wi'h ttt many attractions, was on iu full blast—horse racing, gun shooting, tournaments, bailoon aaoentioof, etc., ware among the fea tures, while ou the ground'*, and Is tbo buildings, there wero displays of many things of interest to the visitor. Among tbo gussta wero many from a distanoi, and together with the Bruns wick peopli, contributed towards mat mg the occasion a memorable one. This week will bo devoted largely to the distribution of premiums, awarded In the different departments by the judge* neieeUd orful!y for tint |ur poM, In the Ag-'oiittural depar uient, tba Judge .(!; . i U P''wrfc, M . R. IV IH..K ti M 0- U <f , t‘l* I J'* 4 foil - * li 4 nII >UIIG . I ‘ / . .. : * hvnk Sgtoilfl ti.‘>itu.tniit, ,i|,| co . £O,W T?#t j|h to*y, siwliu i!ufri SJ*O : ■ nst outt.-n-.. Ml - V i nest pop dqm, Mjm. M.C* Ro^. Bwt cfcuuloupe* *• •V • .•fv'v‘- Be’nd beta individual diplas' Of vt kettblb* Mrs. M.C. Itowo . 10,00 i4trgst ulk of com, Mrs. M. C. ltowc 3 h L bushel msh potato©#, Horace Purl I*oo Vnrd best JndlviUusllclispley of v©KUt>le U#MgteDart 5.00 l.argelt tomatoes, Miss Mattie Gale ■test *ix varieties plums,Mn K. Brolmtou.. PWI packageonup beans, Mrs. W 11 Harris \jkwt carrots, Mrs. W. 11. Harris Best bale wool, A. Livingston r.oo Bast pears, A. Livingston 2.00 Second best sugar, A. I, vingston Second best lard, A. Livingston Second l*est syrup, A. Livingston 75 Beat collard. Him. W. H Knight Best snap peas, Mrs. W. H. Knight Best peaches,, Mr. Charlton Wright 2.00 i Largest cucumbers, Mrs. Win. Baker Best gal honey, Mrs Baumgartner 1.00, Best sorguin. J. H. Deloach CAMDEN COL'NTV. Best county display, Tho*. M Goodley . $75.00 Best individual display of vegetables, Thus. „M. Godley 15.C0 Be t display pinkies, T**os. M. Godley Bent display squashes, Thos. M, God ley . Best tig tomatoes, Thos. M. Godley Best vine peach, Thos. M. Godlsy Best buHhel high land rice, Thos M Godley 2.C0 Best bushel sweet potatoes, Thos M Godley 1.00 Best two stalks cotton, Thos. M. Godley . 1.00 Best slbs bomemavle sugar, Thos M Godiey 2.50 Debt gal syrup. Tbos. M. Godlsy l.OO Best two hams, Thos. M. Godley 2.50 Best two sides bacon,Thos. M. Godley 2,00 Bent shoulder bacon,Thos. M. Godley . ... Best lard,Thos M Godley 2.50 Best homemade soap, Thoi. M. Godley 2CQ Best cabbage, Thos. M. Godley 1.00 float beets Thos. M- Godley 1.00 Beat blackberries, Tbo. M. Gtalley 1.00 Best hucklebsrries. Thos. M. Godley .. 1.00 Best turnips, Thos. M. Godley IXO Be-t butter beans, Thos. M. Godley Bshl 12 bundles oats, Thos, M. Godley Beat bread corn, Thos. M. Godley 2.50 Beat okra, two varieties, Thos. M. Godley Best package chufas, Thos. M. Godley Best pecans, Thos. M.Godley 1.60 Beat German millet,Thos. M. Godley Best prolific bushel sma'l lima )>eau*,Titos. M Godley ... HOKBKB, 51VI.ICS. CAITI.K AND NWINK. Judges—Col. J. 11. Oil worth, Mr. Geig/ and Mr. It. T. Clark. DEPARTMENT K. Rest Jersey bull, Alvin Rowe. Best Holstein cow, Alvin Kowe^ Best grade heifer, Alvin Rowe. boar. Meat two Berkshire sows and six pt^.. Best brood mare and colt. Second beat brood mare ami colt, itev John Wtltsama. Best Jersey cow, K. J* Lincoln. Beat grade bull. Be.-! giade cow. Two largest and latest hogs. Best harness goat, Kenneth Bsrne. (Premium list tobe continued In to morrow’s issue.) - BOOKER WASHINGTON COMING. Will Drlivsr lhres Spscohn in This City July 13th to White and Co'ored. J. M. Palmer, representing Booker T. Washington, president of the Nor mal school atTuakegee, Ala., arrived in the city yesterday and billed the noted colored orator for three sp>eohea which he will and livir here on July 13. Washington, whose fame wae aohiev ed through a speeoli delivered at the Atlanta exposition, has fully bus tamed the reputation g'vea him then as one of the mo *t polished and elo quent speakers of the south, and the e are many here who will be pl .-aa and to know that he ia to visit Brunswick. He is travalin# under the auspioes of the John F. .Staler fund board of trustees and fa accompanied by hi* wife who ifpal o doirg missionary work among the colored people. lie wilt speak at ihe First African Bap tut ohuroh at Bp. m. to the oolored p-ople, and at 10:30 a m.he will speak to the miuiaters, professional nu n and £s?*' : • - f . teachers only at (Jraoe M K otiureh At 3 p. m tiis wif will speak to the colored women Only h : “at the Fis'. African llipliet obuipli b* work that this o. hired o ii| 1 !, doing is of Hie toglii sl oruer nil tli r are r' o*i vmg 1 1 ef. vor .b e nti* n ti in of li- press snd public wher-ver they pp“tr. In Brunswick Itrgeau dances will greet them from tulfi white and oolored. &.J . T*lE MiOTINU TOD^T.. Ofliosrs sad D Motors Will Msks a Statsosnt to the Public of How Mai'sri Stand. In purfuanoe of a policy inaugurated by the last board cif director., the o.ftl oar, and directors of 1 lie Hnuitiea.tmi Fair A-isooia’lon mat. laat night to formulate a etatrment to the publioof how matter, stood with them in regard to the fair jut olo.ed. It wa found, however, that the meeting hour eon rt oted with the hour.; that Secretary B-own in on duty t the pnti Itlor, and a. hi, ifticial dnlie. prrvtnted him ' from attending la,t night, he aaked | the hoard to meet at any lima after 10 o'olcok today. Accordingly President Hutt. haa eall.d a meeting at hi, of fice for H o’clo.W today. BOATB DAY AND NIOHT. Vititon to St. Simon’* Can (2o at Varicua Hooriaed Stay all Night. Hy a achedule published in today’. Times, it will be noted that the Cum berland route ha, arranged a schedule by which visitors to St. Simon’s can go over at almost any hour they want to in the day, and can remain all night and return in time for butineas the next morning. Thl, schedule ii on for this week, and many will take advan tage of it. k A MD Cif LADIES SAY I We want you all to know that we have jus' rrO“ived LOT HONEY (in comb). LOT FINE FRYING SIZE Chickens (just from country) (live us Your Order Quick Pboue IM. The Hustler, HUS All 10 ill A Partial List of Those Who Won Them at the Recent Fair. OTHER NAMES APPEAR TOMORROW P'lre W inners From Glynn ad Cam tie i in the Farm nd L ve t-took Departments are Named. The Fourth of July celebration, with the numerous rsoee, military oonteatr, etc., promises to be one of the most in tvresting events of the eea on yet of ferrd to the citizens of Brunswick and vioinity. The Cumberland route, in their en terprising way, have made up a pro gram which cannot fail to meet with the enthusiastic applause and approvrl of the pleasura seeking prominent features of which are the yacht races, for both Ist class cabin, and 3nd olass open yachts; a swim ming rac, sack raoe, ruining Irgh and running broad jump; a military individual contest for m-ila', aula ♦ aigsf shoo*. l he enr e- for lsi ola-s cabin yai h'e nret V n oh “Lii.jijt*.,” H. H. Ray mond; -yacht “Mm ujii,”!’ I). ftf. M riotin'. A 'i.lid c| pi |rl : >•, •. r , 1i.,,,.” N . him. niieit “N o,’ (li. i v A nit. - ,on; “P0.1j," 11. M Kmg; •• itarlow,” “ Itarlow” Anderson ■v Preparatory rlgnal. for the Yacht rapts will be given at lljifi a. ft.fttoeiy : ml ;hdtef liter, starting signal' for let ola.s lroata-will he given ant) It-ve min'- utes after that will he Btartmg signal for seoot.d olasi boats. The course for Ist class boats will he, starting from inta'nary line between {stake boat and {Jt. Simon. Pier, around Channel buoy, rtturning Laving black point breaker buoy on J.kj 1 Shoals, thence round No. 8 buoy {to Kings Creek buoy back to starfng line twice over. Ths course .for 2-d class b ,ata will be from same imaginary s lme a flr.t class, to and around No. 10 buoy tbsnoe to King’sJCreek ,buoy back to starting line twtee over. Other races will take p'aoa at ap propriate bnurs, tba full program giv ing time for each, will appear in to morrow mornings issue of The Time,. A reporter bad the pleasure of seeing the list of entriei and proposed pre gratuon yesterday, and The Times can safely say that tomorrow,, events at St. [Simons will be most agreeable surprise to all on-lookers. THE CONCUR P LAST NIGH r. Ihe popular Marios Hand Ilisoourss, Ewtit Mtiaio to a Large Crowd. The popular Marine Band, under Leade Baumgartner, disoouraed some of pt# aweeict mtiaio last niglit in Hanover Park to a larg- crowd of Brunawiokiane. These open air con certs are features of the summer even ings entertainment in Brunawick and ar.' thoroughly er j >yed l>y all. FOR TOE OIiORIOUS FOURTH. All B'ir‘i of Kun for th* IVop'o 10 bs H'i on St. Simons Inland. / There will be all eorre of fun/for the people on St 8 mom Jon llje Hlorinti* (Tontti' Conime.iolnu Wriy to-mur row tuor in ug I lie CtSinberland H'ute will tun epeclsl tener 1 n 1 epucial • xcu iinnt bo b ( l*y end niffbt hml there w>l be tinny to take a (vantage of thim. ,J. VV. Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty andreaUg^^. Haviland China IN OPEN'STOCK. Cut Glass ATiTHE^^i. BRUNSWICK IBOOK COMPANY TO JUDGE THE 'HOOT. , C-ptiin Rmhmdeon Coming to S mots for the Fourth of July Contest. Capt. C, S. Richardson, of Savan nah, inspector of rifle praotice and one of the best known shots in the suuth, will come to Brunswiok tomor row and proceed to St. Simons, where he will judge the target shoot arrang ed by the Cumberland rrute for (be glorious fourth. ’The presence of Csptsin Richardson will add greatly to the interest now being taken in the proposed ehcot. . : V, -.. ... v ' l ' ‘ ' ' Wmi f- \ // li )// v \ / fw mV 1 J ■ v:"- -• • jEYF GLASSES and SPECTACLES % From twenty-five cents up. 3 Consultation and examination free. ** KENNON MOTT, k* JJe weler and Graduate Optician, g 215 Newcastlo Slroot, j| 1 cspcctor of Watch es for Houtliern Vailway. Time hy Wire daily from W.abtngton 5 W Sm ' Ex'’ St* ■ Brim* < 4EF\ 4W \ jms Mrs. Rush Htrffond, of Savannah, je in the city visiting Mrs. J. I), Rush at 110 Norwich street. Welsbach gte lamps and mantel', also mantels and chimneys for g,o bne lamps: ,l. A. Monig.imery, One Minute Cough Cure is the only liarmiers remedy that produces immedi ate rfsuits. Tty it. AV. J. Butt's. Hood’s Pills are noo-irritating. Price 25 cents. During This Fair Week 15 Per Cent, H Discount TO ALL CASH BUYERS ON OUR ENTIRE STOCK ff. M. MILLER & SON, BEST ON BARTH! The New Domestic Sewing Ma chine, latest improved ball bear ing. Hare one left at your home for trial. Easy payments. J. A. MONTGOMERY, SOS Gloucester St. PRICE FIVE CENTS LADIES The best and quickest preparation for cleaning gloves is the Rsßella glove clearer. For isle by H. V. Ad derly. Try it. Have our wagon drop off anew Domestic Sewing Machine for trial. J. A. Montgomery. Better Ilian the best. The New Domestjo jewing Machine. Eaey payments. J. A. Montgomery, BjoondB j oond hand bicycler, big bargains, Call and see them. J. A. Montgomery. It Saved H', Leg. P A IJanforth of l,Grant.e, Ga, suffer-d intensely for six months with a frightful running sore on ids leg, but writes thaj Bu 'klen’s Arnica Salve wholly cured it in ten days. For ulcers, womids, burns, boil., pain or piles it's the met salve in the world. Cure guaranteed. Only 25c Sold by druggist,. , Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to ,J. W- Wat Kins.