The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 06, 1900, Image 2

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Ihe Brunswick Times. KVKKY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY OFFICE } w 1 stree ‘ DtMING A MULLINS ! L *s*&f* ' Publishers C W. DEM I NO, - - - Editor. ROLAND A- MULLINS, Business Manager TO SUB80;;IBERS: tiubacrllxir* are request to to notify the oflli t 1 pi, they full to get any t <of of The Time*. Aiantton to this matter ml be appreciated by the putiiiabera I The Morning Timee will be Delivered by arrier or mail, per year. $5 00; per week IS crate. Correepondence on live eubJecU •elicited. Heal name of writer ebonld ac company lame. Snbicriptione payable in •dvance. Failnre to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address. al cmninnicationi to Th Times. WEATHER REPORT. Friday, fair. .Iright Bmlberly wmtle. HRYAN ON THE EIUPiNOB. A letter written by Mr. lirynn o n tains the fi ll iwirg: "I btlurv* that ihe right* of tin Filipinos arid the right* of ihe Cuban are identicil. Ihe recognition nf ib- Cubans by ri ajlution did not crs*f tboae right*. They exi-ied brfore. If the I?iiipiDos have a right to their In dependence, tin* fact tht' 'hey fnngb for it due* cot justify o In carrying on a war of oonqueat, It i* to mor, humiliating for a nation to reoogniz the righta of an opponent than for an individual to do *o. We would have hid the aarne trouble in Cub* if wr had treated the Cubans the aame aa we have the Fihplnoe. We would have had no trouble in the Philippine ialanda if we had treated Ihe Filipino* aa w have treated Ihe Cuban*. If we are goii g to give Ihe Filipino* their independence we ought to *ay o al onor, and thus avoid further bloudahed. How oao we juallfy the eacrillce of American soldier* and the killing of Filipino* merely tosht-w that we can whip them?” Beware *“ nvkt* Meroury, as mercury will surely destroy th* aente of smell awl cdmpUtety derarge the whole syettm when entering it through the mu cons surfaces. Luc’' ’wtlsta* anould never e used ‘ t cii preacriptiops from repu table pl y> iol * n * •* the dapdage they will] do is ten f to thegoodjyau can poaelbly 1 derive frr' m them Catarrh Cure la manufac’ ure yoyl<’. J. Cheney ,t Cos. .To ledo, 0., ,' on,, 4ine no mercury, and la taken internal’ ac J[lnß directly upon the blood and mucJle Lrfacea of the system. In buying Hail's Catarrh Cur# be eare you get the and made in Toledo, OUto. by E. J. Cheney it. Cos. TeatimcgiaD free. Sold by druggfcta; price 76r per bottle. Hall's Family i’ills aro the beat. 7 DoToo Ne 4 an fi'cctrio Belt? Kor the past,'ten years, Or . J . New ton Hathaway, who is reuognized as thegreat est of ail our specialists, has been perfect ing an electric belt, suitable to use in hit practice—ofie whichfhe could furnish as a part of his system of treatment,and which he could conscientiously guarantee. He now announces that he liaa perfected such a belt, which he believe* to be the only perfeot belt made. Is 1* light, handsom of great power and with new attachments, which make it suitable for every case. He is prepared to furnish this belt to all pa tients who need it and who apply to him for treatment, at a merely nominal charge Write to Ur. Hathaway today, telling him all about your case, and he will write you about the belt; and if you desire, the belt will be sent C. O. H.. lor inspeotiou. Ad dress, Ur. Hathaway dr Cos., 26 Bryan street, Bavannah. (Is vfsa. Mich., Aag.2S, isw. I wounded at the battle of Pittsburg handing in Its!*, blood poisoning set In and I hare been troubled with my kidneys ever Mace. Have been nadi r treatment of a number of physicians anil have tried a variety-of patent medicine, but have taken nothing that gave me so much relief as Ur. J. H. Mr Loan's Live l ' and Kidney Bairn. I nui now !C. years old, Juseph Shook. Cor sale by W. .1. Butts. The trruggisi. The darker the background, the bet ter true friendship shows up. HOW TIME 4 HAVE CHANGED. The Naabvllle noiaa lb* fact tbat Roosevelt ■* sending out campaign literature early. He write* to a Virginia gentlemen tbat h's mother was a Georgian and bia two materia uncles were in the Confeder ate navy, one a midshipman and one an admiral. We are oomlng a round. A.confederate soldier may be nomina ted for president ye'. Ten years ago the Republican party would Dot have placid a man on its national ticket who had Southern affiliations. Cheap Rates via P ant System. Atlanta,lts. Annual Convention Mutual Aid society, July 10-111. One and one-third fare round trip. • Chicago, 111. -National Prohibition Conven tion, June 27-2*. One fare round trip. Tlikets to be sold June 24,2">, al, dual limit July 4. Account above occasion the Plant System will sell round trip ticket! $24.29. Tickets to be sold August *l, 2d and 27 with llnal limit Sep. leniber t, Inclusive, Cincinnati, O. Annual Convention B. Y.P. It. of Aim ricn, July 12th -15th. I*oo, One fare to- round trip. Cheap rates account fourth of July. One and one-third fare round trip to nil points In Geor gia will apply. Ticket* to lie aolrt July 2nd Uni and 41b with final limit July 7th, MOO, In clusive. i ha'.rt Free Per 1900 1. The “In e. national Drams,” a lead ing Theatrical pap-r, rte-irea to ar range with * uin lady or gentleman in *7*ry town in the United S'sfe* to send il a brief weekly report of the happening* of The theatre* in 'h’ir town luT the season of 1900-1. For ■ bia service,' they bsu* tu the out re spondent their “Uritio’s Credential Card,” which entitle! them to the usual courtesies of Dramatic Paper* (I wo passes to each piaj). It la not a hard task, nor dors it rtquire an ex periimied newspaper writer, hut they must have a responsible person, who will not abuae the priv.lege*. The “Critic’s Gird” enables the cnrrespoc dent to eee all playa that are presented during the season without expense. For fu 1 particulars addreaa, Editorial Dept., The Duane I’ubliabtng Oo„ Publiabera, 23 Duane Bt., N, Y. , For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Th* National Bank of Brunawiok, Siai- Annual, No. Eight. Hri nswh'K, Ga., June 20, 1900. frlhe board of directors of the Na tional Bank of HruiißWiok have this day declared the eighth semi-annual dividend of three prr cent.. ($3.00) per share,) payable on and after July 2nd, 1900, to shareholder* appearing on re cord at Ihe close of business, June HOI I. K. D. W'Ar.TKH, Cashier. To the deaf.—A rich lady cured of he deafness and noise in the head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Ear Drum gaveslo, 000 to hie Institute, ao that deaf people, un able to procure the ear drum, may have them free. Address, No. 1300. The Inati tufa 780, Wright Ave., New York, N. Y. ly-*e- Great Bargains For Thirty Days -18,240 seres long leaf yellow pine al) virgin—ln Liberty county, Fla.; titles perfect Brice 13 00 an acre. JO,OOO acres near the Gturgia ralU rod, in a few miles of Sparta; will out from 6,000 to 8,000 feet of mer ohantfble lumber per aore; splendid farmii gland, Brioe SIO.OO an acre. 3,000 acres on t be 8 lutbern railroad, 20 miles below Macon; "will cut 15,000 feet merchantable lumber per acre. Brice SB.OO an acre. Houses and lota on every street in Brunswick ftir^rent or sale for cash, or on t!.e installment plan. Can sell yi u a I ouse ch<eprr than you can buy one. Will sell you a tw. -a'ory huua tbat cos: $',200 for *6OO. C 1. and gt a bargain. Hi'iikoiohs’ Rcal Estatk Aukncy. CASTOR IA For Infanta and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, FRIDAY MORNING JULY (I, 1900. 44 G00d Beginnings Make Good Endings.” You are making a good beginning when you commence to lake Hood's Sarsaparilla for any trouble of your blood, stomach, kidneys or lever. Persistently taken, this great medicine will bring you the good end ing of perfect health, strength and •vigor. Heart bam. When the quantity of food taken is too urge or the quality too rich heartburn is likely to follow, and especially ao if the digestion has bean weakened by consti pation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let air hour* elapse between mtala and when you feel a fullneia and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much lake one of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Llvor Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Bifhop’a drug store. If you don’t fed quite well, try a bottle of Hood’s Batsapari!fa. ft Is awo derfut tonic and invigo atoi. It will help you. It cos’s only iins ilol ar to 8 >vsnnah aid reitjrn via Sou'll* rn K-nway every Sunday. Wneu you want a modem, up-to-date physic try t hambcrl i n’t S-omac-h end Liver lab 319 'i hey arc hs to t ,ke and pleasant In effect. Price 20c Sample* free at Hishop’* drugstore I.OSr,—A heavy gold ci IT t.u-itin— initial "M” engraved. Handsome re ward given for i return to Mrs, Dun- Ctn Wright, 511 Newcastle street, Htavation never yet cured dyspepsia (’arsons with digestion are already half •taived. They netd plenty cl wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digeate wtat you eat sol lie bedy oan be flourished while be worn cut organa are being rtconstruct ed. It is the cnly pn paration known that will Instantly relieve and completely cure all atomaoh tiouble*. Try it if you are •uttering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you good. W. J. lfutt*, ti.e druggist*. Camera* and supplies, largest stock And lowest price*. J. A Mon’gom erj. Ecttma, itching Humors, Pimples, Oared By B. B. B. Bottle Frts to Sufferers. Does your skin itch and burn? Distress ing eruptions on the skin to you feel atha med to be seen in company? l)o scabs and scales foim on the akin’or scalp? Have you eczema? Skin sore and cracked? Raah formed on akin? Prickling pain in the akin? Boil*, Plmplet, Bone Pair a, Swollen joints, Falling Hair, all Run Down, 8k n Pale, Old Sores, Ulcers? All these are symptoms of eczema and Impurities and poiaon* in th* blood. To oure to tay cured take B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood jure ar.d rich. B B. B. will oauae the sores to heal, itching of eczema to atop forarer, the akin to be come clesr ard the breath tweet. B. ft. B si just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly tested for 30 years Our readers are advised to try B. B. B. For sals by druggitte at $1 per large bottle; six large bottles (full treatment )$5. Complete directions with each bottle. So aufferers may test it, a trial bottle given away. Wrlte’for it. Address BLOOD MALM CO. Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and tee personal mediraoal advice given. Shake Into Your Shoe* Allen’s Foot-Ease, > powder. It our>s painful, smarting, swollen feel and in growing nails,and instantly take* thee ting out of corns and bunions. It’s tue greatest comfort discovery of the age. Alien’s Foot- Kase makes tight or new shoes eel easy. It Is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching feet. Try It today. Sold by all druggists and shoe etores. By mail for 26c in stamps. Trial package FREE, Address Alien S. Olmsted, I.eßoy N. Y. A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns'famous iblessing: ‘ Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat,- Kodol Uyapepsia Cure be thank ed.'’ This (reparation will digtst what you eat. It instantly releaves and radical ly ecu s iud : ge>tion and all stem ch dis orders. W. J, llutt’a. Cheap I neuranoe Mat y a man lias; been insured against Bright's disease diabetes or other danger ous ailment by a fitly ceutbottle of Koley's Kidney Cure. W J Butts, the druggist, j SHIPPING REPORT. Cerrtotsd Daily by Oapt. Otte Johannesan. Port of Brnna iek, July 5, 1900. HIOH WATER ON BRUNSWICK BAR. July 6, 1900, 7:42; rise 09. ARRIVED. S,S. San Marcas, Young, New York. Italian Bark, Martinin, Q ino.Oeuoa CT.KARKD. Spanish Hirk, Prngreoo, I.'jo, V.l ncia. HAII.KD . Sobr, Almeila Wll)py, Dodge, N Y. Schr, J .hn C, Smith, Knetdland, benr. John R. Bergen, Smith, Havana. Schr, Annie L. Ilen'tsiwon, Bar er, Bo ton. Soljr. M rris W. <:bi’d, Murphy, 1} .ston. Scb'. S M. Hr!. V ze, V >r' >ai and . NERVITA PILLS Restore Vitality, Lost Vigor and Manhood Cure Impotoney, Night Emisrion*, Lour of Mom. ory, all waiting diseasea. p- JPMkjtNK, all effects of w}lf-ahue or ft Jxce and t rid ifc ration. w%r fSfTPA nerve tonic %nd PILLS builder. Brin#* L '••/the pink alow to pale wJStom arid retorß the 5f out b* By nul CTS* n * nt xftOc per nox. 0 boxes for - $2.50, with our bankable traurantee to cure or refund the money paid. Bend for circular and copy of our bankable guarantee bond. Nervita Tablets =™£ (YUAM w LABtt,) Immediate Reaalts Positively gtiarantoed cor* for Loss of Power, Varicocele, Undeveloped or Bhrunleen Organ., Paresis, Locomotor Ataxia, Nervous Proetrn tion, Hysteria, Fits, Iniwnlty, Farslysi. and tlia Iteeulta of Excesilvo Hue of Tobacco. Opium or Liquor. By mail In plain package SI.OO box, 6 for 165.00 with our bankable guar antee bond to cure tn aO days or refund money paid. Address - NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Clinton A Jackson Sts,, CHICAGO, ILL. For sale by Brown Drug Cos., Brunswick, Ga. Suits and Pants M<U* to order on oil rt notfeu. M- ISAAC, The Merchant Tailor, JuAt reci IYDiI tiisf most FMHIONABLE M SIM m jos. prices 10 sun mim I tiavo also a full anil complete tock of Clothing sik! Gent* Parnislring lln.xl, tm.l to please all cl as, of trade. 1 make a socially PANTS. Wive me an. order, cinartntee Mitiefactiou ia pnee, quality and wordnmmthip. 1 can do bet ter work for Jean niouoy, sad *ell yow better goods fur| lew* pries, than any hout*e in ibis city. M. ISAAC, The Merchant Tailor. Pillsbury’s Vitos, The Ideal Wheat Food for Breakfast. Act* aa a general regulator, enricbcis tbe blood, gives sound, natural sloop, a roy com* plcxion, produces hard, healthy fle*h, stroeg Umes, Tivulea the entire aysfeiu. Adapted to woak and strong constituDous; it forma a healthy foundation for the day’s work. It 1 # hot heating and is always in season. It i# sterilised. It etains its granular form after 1 etng cooked It Is more easily digested than any other ce real food. For sale by all grocers. Manufactured by PII.LSBUKV WASHBI BN FLOUR IIJLLSCC Minneapolis, Minn. HOW TO MAKE MONEY A BOOK ENTITLED WALL STREET AS IT IS Invaluable to Speculator* and those set king investments in Stocke, Bonds, Grain arid Colton. If you follow the adv'ce given in the book, you cannot fail to make money. Mailed for Six cents in postage atam ps, add r ess, !, niEimnco. !58 Broad St. NEW YORK. t’,sr> Urit YkUSSciv! k’ j. 1 dt ’ b.-<r for moi o,r! .•SyaKT'-i i.-, V .J| dis, '.iai.-s.-.ioilmioan. ns. ** r ' c Painl m*. nni out istrio* fcvmSC sIMtUHI Cos, ’ f Mwu ns. MPj s> rngrirlw l’. S. i. /CM l ’> w *nt in plain urni-pa, i? J'SPrww. fci 1 1 , v*r..\ ttl' M, IJ.TS. ' ■** Circular aeut u i^u..^ CdNTAGKRIS BLOOD POISON Contagious Blood Poison is the most degrading and de*tmctive of all diseases, as it vitiates and corrupts the entire system. Tiie first sore or ulcer is followed byHitile red pimples on the bodv, mouth mnd throat become sore, the glands enlarge and inflame, copper colored splotches appear, and hair and eyebrows fall out. Theae are some of the milder symptoms ; they Increase in severity, finally attacking the vital organs ; the body is tortured with rlaeumatic pains and covered with offensive eating sores. It is a peculiar poison, and so highly contagious that an innocent person handling the same articles used by one infected with this loathsome'disease, may 1* inoculated with the virus. It can be transmitted from parent to child, appearing as the same disease or in a modified form —like Eczema or Scrofula. Many an old sore or soubi>orn skin trouble appearing in middle life, is due ami traceable to blood poison contracted in early life. You mav have taken potash and mercury faithfully for two or three .’-ear* arid thought vwu were cured, but you were not, for these poisonous minerals never cure this disease ; they drive it from the outside, but it is’doing its work on the inside, and v ill show up again sooner or later. You may not recognize it as the same old taint, but it is. S. S. S. has cared thousands of cases of Contagious Blood Poison, and it will cure you. It is the onlv purely vegetable blood purifier known, •wild the only antidote for this poison. S. S. S. cleanses the Wiod thoroughly of every particle of the poison —there is never any return of the disease. s>|! sru r P IlkCCf C IT BiAftJC S n<l for our Home Treatment book, CtJlfE ledRSCLr Al nmt. close study of blood poison aud actual experience in treat tug'it You can < arc yourself perfectly aitl permanently AjHn at home, and your secret is your own Should you nct-d any tutoimatiou or medical ad-, o • any time, write to our physicians. Tlvev have m ■nd will give your Liter pi ’ - uUenuon. Consult them as oftt •• • picas.-; wt inak. g~- . - ll'. r what, ver for this service. All . orrar]sndence is WtetjßsJßEß HBBMIMV conducted in the strictest confidence. ' **Bgj*J^ Address, SWIFT So*r'ft COMPANY, ATLANTA fiA. Mrs.T.W Lee, Mont gomery. Ala., writes: “Several y<*;. ago 1 wo s Inoculated wrfh - ]x>i£on by a diseased nurse, who litfectjwt nuy baity, atui for six long yea's I Mtflfered untoia mlcr'f, Mv txdy was covered witn sorea anil uh-*rti. Sev eral physicians treated lile, mti ail to uo pur pone. ury amt potaali they uxon me seemed t a-M fuel to the awful flume which was devoti rl i jr we. Friend-> advised ue i > try S. A. A. f *te&t *l tab inff it ami in: j*rhvi'*i from the at-, rt. rmri :t comp let-; aiiT per feet one was the result. * Rob Roy Flour l\l CD Liberty Bell \ Baking PowdeV GIVBS SATISFACTION. dS-ry'' That’s Enough. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. Itarti ficlally dlgt-Ats the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon struct) rig the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest ant and toDic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It In stantly relieves and permanently cure* Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, * .friar Stomaart, ■ si c,KHeiiffachc,(?stralgia,Cramps. and all other results of imperfeetd jgestion. Preoared by E C. DeWlti A Cos.. Chicago. V J. Bums, the Druggist. Bloodworth & Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Dray age a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. JjJ St. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Wall Paper AT.THK PAINT STORE, 502 MonkiSt. W.H. LYTLE I’ROI’HIETOK. NEW WHEELS FOR RENT And a few second hand Wheels for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, Repairing, □ and Sundries. BJ Olewine 505'Gloucester St. Oftice Commissioners Public Printing. Atlanta, Ga.. June 1. WOO. Sealed propouls for doing public printing a proscribed in sections 1070 to 1070, inclusive, of Volume 1, Code of 1505) for the next ensuing two year* will lie received at the oftice of the Secre tary oi State in Atlanta. Ca„ for thirty d.iy* from this date. All necessary forms aud blanks for making hide will Ik: furnished upon appli cation to the Srereiarj of State. Atlanta, tin. PHILIP COt)K. Secretary of state, Win. A WRlGHT,Comptroller-General, W, J. SPKKH, State Trrasurer. Printing Coimniaaiouers FURNITURE!- C. M’GARVEY, 213 Newcastle"St'. - Brunswick, Ca j Synopsis of Household Goods, Bedding, TOoves, Trunks, Golden Oak Chamber Suites, Golden Oak Side Boards, Hal! Rocks, Ohiffonieres, Parlor Tables, Plain gJlnhlc*. i" l'min Kensington: CHINESE RESTAURANT, EST BUSH ED 1889. J CHUE HALL, Proprietor J You can get the best the market affords by eating here 21“ GRANT HT. . __ • CHRIS ARNHEITERj ||§ti|f westen Bee!, Port m ill * , jjjk ml'. FRESH POUI.TRY, ' FRESH VEGETABLES. FRFSH GROCERIES^ Freth Egg From th* ■ All goods sent out nice and clean, The best of eve* i ything for the model housekeeper. ™ 207 IVlonk street. Phone 88i fITTW A HLGH QUALITY < Should be the first (ought bj purobai- WINES AND LIQUORS J mh*. ®!_ If that in right (hr prior i< to aftar Wl i irl'ty and price are both right hart 1 !■ L Wr hrr not ralufied to < rfrr our our- ! <-JSB A gB gL* ti mrr *tork which is nieia'y good. , IdSk M They can have (he tirst at rra.onibl " '~Vr price- bjr dealing 1,-re. R. V. DOUOLASd 206 Bay Street Rook Cases, Antique Oak Secretaries, Pictures, Odd Pieces, RelWiOunges, Feather Pillows, Toilet S‘ts, Clocks, Rugs,