The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 07, 1900, Image 2

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The Brunswick: Times. B VBBY MORNING EXCEPT MONO AY Wk-} ttfffissa i sgrs I >i~ DEMiNG It MULLINS ! La ”£f* ' . Publlther, C W. DEMING, - - - (Editor. ROLAND A. MULLINS. Business Manager TO SUBSOMBEBS: Subscribers art request xffto notify the olßc whea they tall to get toy lane of The Times. AU*ntton to this matter trill ba appreciated by the publishers I ITh# Horning Time* will be Delivered by arrier or mail, per year, $5.00; per week 15 cent*. Correspondence on lite subject# •elicited. Beal name of writer should ac company same. Subscriptions payable in edvanen. Failure to receive paper *bonld be reported to tbe.bnaineae office. Address! at ommnnicatione to Th. Tim<s. MOTHERS OF MEN. Present conditions fostered by the Republican psrty are eansing slsrruto mothers wbo are of a reflecting dispo* aitlon. The keynote is struck by Har per's Bazar, a non-partlasn paper, devoted apeoialiy to female interests. Discussing monopolies and trusts as fixers of prices, after giving a notable illustration, the liatar says: “Precisely there is where trusts have mothers by the heartstrings. It is not so bad about prices—we may struggle and meet this—but trusts Impose upon our sons a serf dom. The individual enterprise that is possible under a reign of trusts is a resort to eoonomlo conditions of the barbarian. The alternative is serf dom—a olerkahlp, if you will; a man* agerial position at a handsome salary in the trust concern, perhaps, but he is the minion of the sugar king, the coal baron—the trnst tbat employs him, fie is a creature of the trust, with no hope, no future, in which he may be master of himself, This Is s woman's cause fer bating trusts, for fearing monopolistic tendsnoiesof ev ery Art. Her boy, yours, al Wtthrßnt—liberty and independence —whiwtrusts operate to create a roy al descent of money kings to rule the ••ooromon” people. Woman’s enmity against trusts is not on economic grounds. It stands on the American prinoiple of liberty and equal rights, and the atrength of it is the force of a mother's price In her son.”—Augusta Chronicle. Beware ol Ointments for Catarrh That. Contain Mercury, >• mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu ooos surfaces. Such articles should never ne used except on prescriptions from repu table phytioiarlyM the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you oan possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Curs Is manufactured by F. J, Cheney <4 Co.,To ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system, in buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure yon get the genuine. It is taken internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Cos, Testimonials free. Bold by druggists; price 76c per bottle. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. Do Yob Need an JBieetrio Bslt? For the pest ten years, Pr. J . Newton Hathaway, who it recognised at the great est oi all out specialist*, ha* been perfect ing an electric belt, suitable to nse in his praotic*—one which he could furnish as a part of his system of treatment, and whioh he oould conscientiously guarantee. He now announces that he has perlected such a belt, which he believes to bs the only perfect belt made. Isis light, hattdsont of great power, and with new attachments, which make it suitable for every case. He is prepared to furnish this belt to all pa tients who need it and who apply to him for treatment, at a merely nominal charge. Write to Pr. Hathaway today, telling him all about your cate, and he will write you about the belt, and if you desire, the belt will be sent C. 0. D., for inspectiou. Ad dress, Pr. Hsthaway & Cos., 25 Biyan , street, Savannah, Ua I un: 1 yMMBPSc” A MORTGAGE FOR HALE A MILLION. Tbs Waysroae Air Uae May C*e to Bruniwiok er Teask Sear Hers. A tpeoial to the Savannah News from St. Marys, says; “The clerk of the County|Court ha received a mortgage for record, given by the Wayoross Air Line Railway, in favor of the Farmers’ Truet Com pany of New York, for $500,000. Ooe clause in the mortgage grants the Air Line the privilege of borrowing $1,500,- 000 at some future time on that part of the road not now oomplete. ‘.This road now runs from Wayoross to Fitzgerald and as the route from Bt. Marys Jto Wayoross was surveyed several years ago, and a short piece graded, it 1* thought that the Inten tion of those at the bead of it is to pres* on to deep water, and a harbor that will give tbem every facility for shipping.” In reference to the above TheTimea learns that the mortgage may also be recorded in Glynn county and The Times takes this as an indication that the Wayoross Air Line peop'e contemplate coming to Bronswiok at no very dlstaut day. This would be a good tbing for Brunswick and The Times hopes to ise a deal to that ef fect oonsumated. To Make a Trip up the Satilla Monday. The steamer Emmeline will make a trip up the Satilla on my regular route Monday next returning Tuesday. Hteamer will leave the Mallory Line dock Monday morning carrying freight and passenger*. The regular runs np the Satilla river will be oontlnned hereafter with the eteamer Falcon now anroute and due to arrive next week. B. A. Whit*. The blood is strained and purified by the kidneys. No hope of health while the kidneys ore wrong. Foley’s Kidney Lure will make healthy kidney# and pure blood W. J. Butte, the druggist. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUOHU. To the deat .—A rich lady cured of he deafness and noise in the head by Dr. Nlobolson's Artificial Far Drum gaveslo, 000 to hie institute, so that deaf people, un able to procure the ear drum, may have them free. Addrces, No. 1360. The Insti tute 780, Wright Aye ..New York, N, Y. ly-ee- __ Orest Bargains For Thirty Days -18,240 acres long leaf yellow pine— all virgin—in Liberty oouuty, Fla.; titles perfect Price $8 00 an tore. 10,000 acres near the Georgia rail road, tn a few miles of Sparta; will out from 6,000 to 8,000 feet of mer chantable lumber per aore; splendid farming land. Price SIO,OO an acre. 3,090 acres on tha Sjuthein railroad, 20 mile* below Maoon; 'will cut 16,000 feet merchantable lumber per aore. Ft Ice SB.OO an acre. Houses and lota on every street in Brunswick for rent or sale for oaab, or on the installment plan. Can sell you a house cheaper than you can buy one. Will sell you a twc-atory house that cost $1,200 for S6OO. Call and get a bargain. Bckrouohs’ Rjcai. Estatk Aokncjc. Cheap Kates via Plant System. Atlanta, (is. Annual Convention Mutual Aid society, July 10-lit. One nmi one-third fare pound trip. Atlanta, Ba.— Grind laiilg# Ancient Order I'mlod Workmen, August M, 1800. One and third fare round trip. Columbus, ®a,—Sunday school convention of Uoorgln, July 18-SU, 1900. Oue and one third fare round trip. *, Milwaukee. Wis-Bici uial conveution tier man Kpworth league, July lP- JS, VSO9. One ami one thtrsl tave round trip. ltichmond, Va.— Annual' session Sovereign Orand Lodge t. O. 0. F., Septessber If-tB. two. Tickets sold SepUmlmr IS, to, it, „illi anal limit September J.A st rate of one fare round trip. Detroit. Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Pythias, August IT to Sepicunbsr 1, use. Ticket* to bs sold August if, 96,96, with final limit Bep tetnbsr 5, at rate of one fare round trip. Cincinnati, O. Annual Convention B. T.P. O. of America, July liih-lfth, 1900. One fate for round trip. OKU. W. COATES, O. r. Brunswick, Oa. B. W AVitRNN, P, T. M., Savannah, Oa. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the V/fs' THE W ICK TIMES, *AT I'HP AY MORNING JULY 7, 1900. Non-Irritating Cathartic Easy to take, easy to operate— Hold’s Pills Gored Bronchial Troub't. Chas. K. Davis, 1071 W. Congress street, Chicago, says: “1 suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of medicines without relief, until 1 began taking Foley's Honey of Tar, which '.cured me. W. J. Butts, the druggist. Shipping Nstics- Neitber the master, owner# nor con signees of the Italian bark Marinin, will be responsible for any debts con tracted by the orew of said bark. Qeso, Master. The law holds both maker and circula tor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangerous counter feit of DeWitt’e VWtch Hazie Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You cannot t. use him. DeWilt's is the only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for plies and all skin diseases. Set that your dealer gives you DeWilt's Salve. W. J. Butt. LOST.—A heavy gold cuff bulton— initial “M" engraved. Handsome re ward given for i’s return to Mrs. Dun can Wright, 611 Newcastle street. want a modern, up-to-date physio try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in'effect. Price 26c. Samples tree at Bishop’s drug store. If you are eiok all over, and don’t know just what ails you, it's ten to one your kid neys are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy. W. J, Butts, the druggist. To Asthma Tuffsrsrs. Lawson Klvlkge of Barrington, 111., says he was cured ot chronic asthma of long standing by Foley's Honey and Tar It gives positive relief in all oases of asthma, so this disease when not completely cured Is robbed of all its terror* by this great remedy. W. J. Butte, the druggist. Cameras and supplies, largest (took and lowestprices. J . A. Mon'gom erj. Eoisma, Itehing Humors, Fimplti, Cured By B. B B. —Bottle Free to Sufferers. Does your skin itch and burn? Distress ing eruptions on the akin so yon feel asba med to be seen In company? Do scabs and scales form on the skin'or scalp? Have you ectema? Skin sore and cracked? Rash formed on skin? Prickling pain tn the skin? Boils, Pimples, Bone Pairs, Swollen joint*, Failing Hair, all Run Down, Skin Pale, Old Sores, Ulcers? All these are symptoms of eczema and impurities and poieons in the blood. To cure to stay cured take B. B, B, (Botanic Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure ar.d rich. It B. B. will cause the soros to heal, itching of eczema to stop forever, the skin to be come clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B b! just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly tested for 80 years. Our readers are advised to try B. B. B. For sale by druggists at $1 per large bottle; tlx large bottles (full treatment)s6. Complete directions with each bottle. So sufferers may test it, a trial bottle given away. Write.for it. Address BLOOD BALM CO. Atlanta, Ga. Describe your trouble and tee personal mediracal advice given, Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, ;a powder. It ourcs painful, smarting, swollen feet and in growing nails,and instantly takes the sting out of corns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Alien's Foot- Ease makes tight or new shoes lee! easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching leet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores. By mall for 26e in stamps. Trial package FREE, Address Allen 8. Olmsted, l.tßoy N. Y. A gentleman reoently cured of dyspepsia following appropriate rendering of Burns' famous blessing: ‘ Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat,—Kodol Pyapepsia Core be thank ed.' , This preparation will digest what you eat. It instantly releaves and radical ly cuues Indigestion and all stcvnsch dis orders. W. J, Butt’s. . Cheap Insurance Many a man has; been insured against Bright's disease diabetse or other danget ous ailment by afilty cent bottle of the drfM Heart horn. When the quantity of food taken is too iarge or the quality too rich heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has betn weakened by consti pation. Eat slowiy and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly; Let six hours elapse between meals and when you fee! a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Bishop's drug store. If you don't feel quite well, try a bottle of Hood's Sarsaparilla. It is a wonderful tonic and invigorator. It will help you. It costs only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway every Sunday. Thsatrsts Free fox 1900-1. The “International Drama,” e lead ing Theatrical pp>T, de.lre# to ar rang with some lady or geot'eman to e?ery town in the Un fed S ie ti send it a brief w "kly r p'c* of ib hsi peiiingi of ihe th'Sire* in h i 'own f, r the *■ a o’i cf 19b01. Foi bis serv es, they itsu t the c rre spm.deut their “<J>i'tc’ < rto'e .tie Card ” which entitles 'h-m to th u.-usi c ■urteelos of I>>icPaprr. <iwo patses tu e..cb play J. 1 is not a hard task, nor does it r- quire an ex perienced newspaper ®fctter, but they must have responsible perron, who will not abuse the pt'iv.leges. Tbo "Critic's Card” enable the correspon dent to see ail plays that are presented during the season without expense. For fu 1 particulars address, Kditotial Dept., The Duane Publishing Op., Publishers, 28 Duane St., N, Y. Btavatlon never yet cured dyspepsia Persons with digestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat sothe body can be nourished while he worn out organs are being reconstruct ed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure alletomaoh troubles. Try it if you are suffering from;Utctggstien It will cer tainly do you godttr-’W. J. Butts, the druggists. Until further notice'Southern w i* sell round trip tickets to Savannah every Sunday for one dollar, tickets limited to date of sale- Cheap Rates Via Son'hern Railway. ChicSHO, 111. National Encampment G. A. It. August 37-Sept. 1 Ticket, will-lie sold August VS, and 27, with final limit I, at rate tf $22,1S tor the round trip. The favorite whiskey of famous men is IIA RUHR, Beosuse of its smooth, exqusite flavor; because of Its match lois flavor; because of its mellow age. No wonder it’s the favorite. Every drop sterling. HARPER WHISKEY. Solk by T. Newman, Brunswick, Gs. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: HOW TO MAKE MONEY A BOOK ENTITLE!* WALL STREET AS IT IS Invaluable to Speculators and those seeking investments in Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. If you follow the advice given in the book, you cannot fail to make money. Mailed for Six cents in postage sta m p s,t ad and r ess, J, LTSETEEAU & CO. ;>S Broad St. NEW YORK. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNU LADIES, Koanoke, Va. Open* Sept, isth, iouq,i one of the lending schools for Young ladies m the south. Magnifi cent buildings, all modern improvement*. Gam pus, ten aoieg. Grand mountain scenery in ' allev of Va., famed for health. European ami American teachers. Full course. Supe rior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution. r.uUnis from thirty states. For catalogues Hddres.> MATTIE I\ HARRIS. Vresident, Roanoke, Va. HOTEL DALTON DALTON, GA. Popular summer resort. One of the most popu ar >urnmer resorts in North Georgia; climate drlightful, beautiful driven, brick hotel, hot and enld baths on each floor; elevator, rlesrrm hells, good tables. Special rnt^flkmilie. Rob Roy Flour - r* —ll > Liberty Bell Baking Powder GIVES SATISFACTION. That’s Enough. Are seen In our showing of MILLINERY AND HAT TRIMMINGS. More then a suggestion of comfort in the popular Short Back Sailor Hate in natural Tuscan, Panama, .lava and other fancy braids. There’s comfort itself, and style end value, too.’ Flowers, Chiffon, Liberty Satins, Ribbons, at fairest prices,! MISS KITE SLATER. so* GI.ortXhTKH ST„ ‘ , Suits and Pants Msde to order oa short notice. ,v M- ISAAC, The Merchant Tailor, .fast received the most FAME E STYLISH SPRING GOODS. IN TUK < ITV. rsiEssnsjnsrarat?. r have &!*h a fall ami complete slock of Clothm# sud Gent* Furnishing Omul* ami to please all cU§* of trade, 1 make a specialty PANTS. Give me nn order. Guarantee satisfaction in price, quality ami wordmensbtp. I can do bet ter work for less money, aad ell you better goods fori lew price, than any house in inis city. M. ISAAC, The Merchant Tailor. NEW WHEELS FOR RENT And a few second hand Wheels for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, Repairing, and Sundries. B J Olewine 505 Gloucester St. Pillsbury’s Vitos, The Ideal Wheat Food for Breakfast. Acta at a general regulator, enriches the blood, gives sound natural sleep, a rosy com plexion. produces hard, healthy flesh, stroeg bones, vivttlea the entire system. Adapted to weak and strong constitutions; it forma a healthy foundation for the day’s work. It is not heating and is always in season. It la sterilized. It et&ins its granular form after being cooked It is more easily digested than any other ce real food. For sale by all grocers. Manufactured by FILLSBURY WASHBURN FLU I K MILLSCC Minneapolis, Minn ■KS| PARKER’S ! hair balsam * ill I- ami iK'Biitifio* tbe R*lr.) Pwimrtei* a luiuriAirt growth. i Never Fails to Keatorc Ory > 1 VojtUi^ FURNITURE! C. M’GARVEY, 213 Neweas le St’. - Brunswick, Ga Synopsis oi Household Goods, Bedding, Stoves, Trunks, Golden Oak Chamber Suites, Golden Oak Side Boards, Hall Rat Ks, Chiffonieres, __ _ Parlor Tables, Dining Tables, Kitchen Safes, Matting and Art Squares From Kensington'. CHINESE RESTAURANT^ ESTBLIHHEI) 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get the lies! the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT ST. FRESH VEGETABLES. FRFSH GROCERIES' Fresh Eggs From th* Country All goods sent out nice and clean, The bent of eve lything for the model housekeeper. A 207 Monk street- Phone B|| HIGH QUALITY 1 \Jj 3 1 r by purebas- If that is right the priee U an aftar Hff jSSp 1 consideration. I ,' ihlil j sill! price re i.otli right * We sre not istied lo . ffer our cuai )3ljf A jHMj a£tV | ti mers stork which is merely gooiw §Nk ■ They can have the beat at rea-unsbfl Sfc W prices by dealing here R. V. DOUGLAS. 206 Bay Street f Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests wlwt you eat. Itarti ficially digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the latest discovered digest aut and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves and permanently cures Dyspepsia, 1 ndigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,Gastraigia, Cramps, and all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared by E. C- DeWltt ACo- Chicago. V J. Buffs, the Druggist.. gJ CURE YOURSELF l Leo Bigfi for unnatural in i diischarce'B.inflHßajntatiott*, u oar* n wed Tx irritations or nlictrilfa— not to Btnctare. of mncoui membrwrt*. .tj Yrvveuu cniaion. Pain teas, and not aatrin fvias Oiitmc., Go. gnt or iwlkob. I:WMiI9,O. **r Book Cases, Antique Oak Secretaries, Pictures, Odd Pieces, Bed Lounges, Feathe^Plllows, Toilet Sets, Clocks, Hugs, Wall Papei AT THK i PAINT , STOREJ 502 KLonklSt. W W.H.LYTLB| PROPRIETOR. Bloodworth AJoneu] New Livery Stable^ New Buggies C Fine Horses Prompt attention given all a orders. Drayage a spec J