The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 08, 1900, Image 1

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XJWJPItECEDJfTED! Spaldin* Chainlet Bicyc'es while they last only s'>o.oo. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 503 Gloucester St. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 16? 1111 ML For benefit of the Fair Association 15, 2 5* 5° cents and SI.OO. AT BROWN DRUG CO. :'*• alien Brnaiwiok Hi9*min. YSij are hereby commended to ap pear at tbe armory tbia evening at 7 :SO abarp, In blue uniform) and white glove), for tbe purpoie of attending oburob. By order of V. A. Dunn, Commanding Office. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. Clean Your Old ___. -— v Si raw Hats Wi th J ——LINANE One 25c package cleans eignf hats or one hat eight times., . . W J BUTTS, The'. Druggist. “On the Corner.” should never be neglected It kmeans kidney disorder, which, if allowed Bp tun too long, may result in Bright’s dis ■k, and lake tea or other serious ami oflcn ■T cptnplaiiiti Foley's Kidney l ure the kidney* well. Tke nothing Vh W J Butt*, the druggist. One Minute Cough only .harmless remedy immedi ate results. Try it. W. J. Butt's. | WHITE fehipt Waists and r White Skirts SVT - COST. i •order to close out our line of skirts and waists, we will r for one ;week Sell any White Waist or Skirt at cost. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. Nassau, Mioh., Aug. 28,ISWU‘3. I was wounded at ths battle of Vittfeburg Landing in isttt. Blood poisoning set in and 1 have been troubled with my kidneys ever since. Have been under treatment of a number of physicians and have tried a variety of patent inedieins, but have taken nothing that gave me so much relief as Dr. J, H. McLean's Lise* and Kidney Balm. lam now 95 years old. Joseph Shook. for sale by \V. J. Butts, The Druggist. There are no better pills made than De- Kisers. Always prompt and certain. W. J . Butt’s. The hut of Wounded I who have been healed by banner Halve is very large. It heals all wounds or aores and leaves no -car. Take no substitute W J. Butts, the druggist. ——————— %, bouia F. Waibel, Ph. G., Ht. l,ouia, Mo., wrote: 1 have recommended Tkithina when the doctors gave up the child and it ured at once. Ear corn is che*per than shrl'ed—at Burnett’s. fl Kill ARRIVES 1! Left Atlanta Last Night on'-a Speoial Train via the Southern. THE BAND ACCOMPANIES THEM Big Excursion to bo Run Out of Aianta Next Wednesday Bringing Friends of the Soldiers to Cum berland. The Fifth regiment left Atlanta last night on a sptcial train for Cumber land island, where tbe command will remain enoamped one week. Tbe full regiment, tbe regmieuUl band and all ifficere, idcludmg tbe chaplain and surgeon), will be in oamp witli the command. Daily battalion and regimental drills will be held, and dreaa parade will occur every afternoon just before re treat ia sounded . Strict military reg ulations will be observed while the command ia in camr, and the member, of the regiment will doubtless be greatly benefited by their experience. The spot where tbe encampment will be made bas already been selected, and all lint remains for the men to do when they arrive on the island is to pilch their tents and form ihelr com pany streets.. Next Wrduesday a special .excursion wilt he ran to Cumberland island, fir the benefl of those Atlauttani wlio, seeing how the command looks in camp, ’/lie excursion will atari from Atlanta Wednesday night, and will return Saturday with the com mand. FOR A LEAGUE. Bass Ball Fans Are in Favor ofOrgan iiisg ons at (hoa- An effort is on foot to got up a base b.ll eircuit and the local fang are red hot for the game. It has bien demon - stra'i and here that 1! unswi. kians warn baseball and muoh encourageni' nt has been given the local team by various citiaens to whom a leagui has been prop; e and. The Brunswick team sped several days of last week io Florida and while they went up against some hirl propositions and lost several games, their backers here are by no rneana discouraged, and are ready lo baok them to the limit. The local team '.is managed by Mr. Hi-nry llir.oh an tn hueiaaiic f,n who has put some .morey behind the boyaaod now that they have returned home the weak [places will be stregth ened and all chances of future lossea diminished thereby. In the game played on the local grounds yesterday between Brunswick and Waycross the co. e stood 4 to .’i|in fat or of Bruns wick after twelve innings had Jbaen p ayed to.detei mine the result. On tbe 12th and 13th Quincy, Fla., will play Brunswick and the grmes promise to he great. COL. GOODYEAR A WITNESS. H'a Testimony Baing Taksn in 'he Greece Gayner ose in New Tor'-. The hearing of testimony in tbe Greene Gaynor conspiracy oases, Be fore Commissioner Shields, in N.w York, has taken a turn wilh local fea ture', and yeslerdsy’s press dispatches bore part of (be testimony given by Col. C. P. Goodyear, of this oily. Col. Goodyear testified as to the raicalily of former Capt. Carter io offering to divy with him if he would cume into a game to defraud the government of money received fur au al egeil attempt to improve Brunswiok’a ocean bar, and it make* —jglljj BRUNSWICK, OA., SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 8, 1900. platform fou the city campaign. Gord divert m inr Club Outline* i's Plat form and what it Prop>*-s to do. [Qommunioa ed.] Toe i verwholming majority fir the Go id (ioveriunent ticket on June 15 h, means control ofthoclly government for 1801. It involves grave responsibilities for tbe mayor and aldermen who will be eheted, and equally grave respousi bilities for the Club who will nomi nate them. These responsibilities will be accepted. The city government will be elected upon a platform wh oh demands all the name of ,tlie oiub implies. Econo my of expenditure; the setting apart of .'unde n qulreil by law for a sinking fund, to reduoe the bonded debt, and a substantial reduction of the floating debt will be a leading feature of such a platform. To that end, after providing for fix ed expenses, namely, tbe interest up on the city’s debt, each class of ex pe and ’ures w 11 be examined and re duction* nude wherever it can bsjlone without unduly crippling the"?ublio - -mm service. ~ As prudent men Jo in their private busu era the income of will be rproprjated in advance to the vari ous daises of expenditure, and the amount appropriate olass out exceed*d for the year. A quarterly statement will be made as required by law which will show olearly the financial condition of the oily every three mbnlhs. This briefly ouil ned is the policy to which the candidates of the Guod_Uovernmeut (dub will be pledgrriii iducb a policy should commend JUelf to every tax payer of Ufunawiok, without regard to pseg affiliations. * |s* :. „ 4 • , . TJ# Word Government Club points tit rfie admffiistrtio#of bbuniy affairs, to the halt called upon an inoresse of the county debt, and a reduction of tnat debt *21,000 in a year half,' as evidence of its purpose when it aupiire* coutroljof the oily, govern ment. . .-K The policy outlined will ultimately reduce taxes, promote the prosperity of the city and of every oitixen add should receive the support of every Well-wirherof Brunswick. It; OPEN AIK CONCERT. Tlie Marin" iia'd will Entertain with a Delight ful I’rogr‘m Tomorr w N’gbt. Toe Marine Baud will entertain the public with the second series of their open-air concerts at Hanover H’ark tomorrow night and a delightful pro gram will be rendered. As .arranged by Leader Baumgartner, it-is as fol lows : March, Burrs Triumphal, Alexander. Overture, Cavalier, Chambeis. Solo for Baritone, Burlington t’olks, Lee Llchl-itner, soloist. Selection, Country Life (descrip tive), Laurendenu La i'alaina. Solo for Bs's, The King by Burr Winton, soloist. March, Cosm- s.] Pii ale |Htar Spinel, and Banner. Ear corn at Burnett’s. " * V have £$■111! You couldn’t drink anythingmore refreshing this hot weather than ICED TEA. We have the kind de licious enough to charm the wrin kles out of ones face and make the eyes bright. Bring in your tea taste We guarantee to find Some thin, to suit it. | The Hastier. Fill! ■1 J. HI His High Moral Character of Will Power, Etc., Graphically Portrayed BY THE BALTIMORE SUN Pleasing Example Held Up to Public View by an Able Writ r on This |Well Known M'ryland Paper. Our esteemed contemporary, tbe Baltimore Sun, all unconsciausly, presents an admirable pen-pioture of W. J. Bryan. We say unconsciously because the Sun is very far from an admirer of Mr. Bryan, and ita article ia mote in the character of an essay TTtan in that of an editorial—oertainly intended no reference to the Kebras kan’ Here it is: “Thera ia something inspiring in the respect that -all men pay to these among them who are spontaneously and generally reoognlxed as being of high character, Ooce in J a great while an honet, sincere mania dawn into public view. If be can withstand ‘the fierce light that cheats upen a throw)’ or appear in that light to be without moral fault he becomes a popular idol, f< r men roapeot morals ae well as Intellectual or physics] foroe. Moreover, a man of high oharaoter is generally strong in other ways. Hon esty and sincerity of purpose are vir . * ■', - tues common to th great majority o* men. They beoorhe of vital force only wheirjoined' with ilfteLeotuaiity at"! indomitable will power, and to sustain these a strong body io needed. The man who ia eminent alike for hie mor al foroe, hiepntelltgenoe and hie viril ity is out of Ihe ordinary, and, if oireumstanoea should [bring him into publio notice he is sure to inspire re spect or awaken a warmer feeling of regard. It is orejitable to bumanitr that meu of u questionably high char acter thus [inspire admiration and bf- uome|leader. atno g men. The influ enoe of their example Is beneficent, and they arouse in ue an admiration for virtue itself.” In a somewhat different, but eqbally effective, way does the publio regard life ineuranoe companies. A good oompany is a great forie >in awsken ng and holding public confidence in the reliability of oorporalione intend ed to proteot p oples interests. This is especially true of the Old Reliable Pheonix Mutual, eepresenled by J. K. Abrams, General Agent, Brunswick, G*. If you desire to insure your life or learn something about the fa mous L. K. A. policy tbe I'boenix Mutual ie now writing, call on or write for a specimen contract, TO A'l TEND OHUROH. The R flemen Wil go to McKendree in a Body for a Special Seimoa Tonight. The JR flemen will attend church in a body to-night. They have been in vited to bear a sermon delivered espe oi 11 y for them at McKendree by Rev. Tboe. Thomson and no doubt a good number oi the boys will be out. An order appears tlsewhere [for them to assemble at Ihe armor; at 7:30 in blue uniforms and white gloves for the yls oasion. A Hot Brunswick crossed bats witli Way orofa at the Fair grounds yesterday and a hot game resulted. After play ing twelve inning* the aoore stood 4 to 3 in favor of Brunswick. For barns, injuries, pills and skin dis eases use UeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve, It i the original. Countefeits may be offer .} only Lie Witt's. W. J. Butt's, Haviland China IN OPENTSTOCK. Cut Glass atthp BRUNSWICK IBOOK COMPANY R-cord'in Bio'd. The record ol Hood's Sarsaparilla is lit erally writ enin the blood of millions of people to whom it has given good health. It is all the time curing diseases of the stomach, nerves, kidneys and blood, and it is doing good every day to thousands who are taking it for poor appetite, tire 1 feel ing and general debility. It is the beet medicine money can buy. Hood’s p 11a are non-irritating. Price 25c Etr earn prevents and cures tam pers in horses—at Burnett’s. - si- —I -ft*" (- I U L \ <L J! 1 // V * J** 1 ' % 'Sk J ' -■ EYE GLASSES and SPECTACLES From twenty-five cents up. Consultation and examination free. KENNONMOTT, Jeweler and Graduate Optician. 215 Newcastle Street, nnpector of Walche* for,Soulliern Railway. Time ly 'Wire daily from Washington | Bumps or Bruises, sprains or sores, burns or scalds, wounds or cuts, tetter or eczema, all quickly cured by A Banner Halve, tht most lieaHng medicine in the world. Nodfcym else‘‘just as good.” W. J. Butts, the^cm^Jii^fet. When in need, call o n ,J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney o n personal property. Ear corn at Burnett’s. Held Up a I The quality of our matchless | assortment of Fine Furniture; PRICES ARE DOWN, Jl ] ’way down to the lowest notch Mj \ FASHION’STAIREST MUCUS IS Fine Furniture. If You Like to be Lost in ease and lazy comfort, try the luxury of one of our rocking chairs^—* A positive temptation to indolence. H. M. Mil IHUt SIMI. BEST ON EARTH! The New Domestic Sewing Ma chine, latest improved ball hear ing. Have one left at your home for trial. Eaav payments. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 503 Gloucister .St. PRICE FIVE CENTS MINSTRELS ON CUMBERLAND. Prof. Deal Arranging a Grind Entrain ment for Wednesday Nignt next. Prof. Deal spent last night io the oity arranging fora grand minstrel benefit to be given on Cumbeilaod next Wednesday night. Tbe Rifle men’s minstnls are going down and a big treat ia promised the hotel gusate nd visitors. A special boat will leave here at 4 p. m. Wednesday after noon returning at 11 p. m . that night. Woru-n’s Rights Many women syffer all sort* of recalled “female weaknesses” just because their kidneys are out of order and they have a right to know Foley’s Kidney Cure is just what is needed by most ailing women. W J. Butts, the druggist Southern Ktilway announces rale of one dollar for round trip to Savan nah every Sunday tickets limited to date of sale.