The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 10, 1900, Image 2

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Your Liver Will be roused to Its natural duties and your biliousness, headache H iul constipation be cured if you take Hood’s Pills Bold by all druggists. 25 cent*. The Brunswick Times. EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY brnc* } DEMING k MULLINS ( ■ Publishers CW- DEMINQ, - - - iEditor. ROLAND A- MULLINS, Business Manager TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers are request < to notify the offic it hen they fsll to get any twnc of Tiie Time*. At*ntion to this matter and. be appreciated by the publishers. I The Morning Time* will be Delivered by arrier or mail, per year. M. 00; per week IS cents. Correspondence on lire subjects solioited. Beal name of writer should ac company sains Subscriptions payabls in advenes. Failure to receive paper ahonid ba reported to the busiueaa office. Address) al ommnnications to Th" Times. WEATHER REPORT. Georgia, Tueeday, fair and warmer. Nortberly wind, Ervlng Winaiow, aeoretary of the Anti-Imperialistic League, computes that there art 800,000 vote*, the great er part of wbioh went to McKinley in 1800, that will ba oaetfor Bryan next November, on the issue of imperialism alone, without regard to the money question. The Salt Lake Tribune thinks ibet, If England were forced to make choice between preferring for her em pire India or South Afrioa she would let India go. II tbie be true, Oom l* a ul if more desperately situated than we 'thought. \V* are told, out side of .'gold and diamond*, ahe looks upon Africa as the oountry where her surplus people can settle; she expects before many years to obtain the cotton for her mills there and all the tropical productions that her people may need. If that be true, our and mill men should beware of an alliance witbßher. THE VICE PRESIDENTIAL NOMINATION. The conrention made no mistake in nominating Adlai Sterenson, of 1111- nola, for Bryan's running mate, lie is a veteran democrat, an experienced stateeman and a power in politics. He will oarry hie elate, for the ticket, in all probability, and ie in every way in harmony with the preeidenttat nomi nee . When vioe president wfltb Cleveland b impressed every one, friend and foe, politically, with his dignity and fairness. Ha nan old fashioned dem oorat, of Hum Jacksonian mould, and when assistad postmaster believed in potting deetoor'ats in oflloa wherever be oould. Ha is pleasantly remem bered by many of our people in Au gusta who saw and heard him at one of our expositions. Ha is a very wise and prudent man, as well as a loyal one, and adds distinction, credit and popularity to the ticket. As Hon. Boykin Wright wires ua that viotory ia In the air, we will take for granted that Bryan and Stevenson will be our next preeident and vioe president oi the United State*.— Augusta Chroni cle. Record in Blood. . The record ot Hood * Sarsaparilla U lit erally written in the blood ot mlUione ot people to whom It ha* given good lioatth. It it ell the time curing disease* of the stomach, nerve*, kidney* end blood, end it ie doing good every day to thousands who are taking it tor poor appetite, tire 1 feel ing and general debility, it ie the beet medicine money oen buy. Hood's pill* are non irritating. Price 25c It ccsts only one dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Hallway every Sunday. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Kar oorn prevent* and cure* lam- Beware of Ointments for Catarrh That Centam Mercory. as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Such articles snouid never ne used except on prescriptions from repu table phyi ioians, at the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can poaalbly derive from them. Hall’a Catarrh Cur* is manufactured by F. J. Cheney A Co.,To ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall’s Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It it taken Internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney A Cos. Testimonials free. Bold by druggists; price 75j per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. DoYon Need an Electric Belt? For the past ten years, Hr. J. Newton Hathaway, who is recognized at the great est of all our specialists, has been perfect ing an electric'belt, suitable to use in his practice—one which he could furnish as a part of his system of treatment, and which he could conscientiously guarantee. He now announces that he has perfected such a belt, which he believes to be the only peffect belt made. Isle light, handsom of great power, and with new attachments, which make it suitable for every case. He is prepared to furnish this belt to all pa tleata who need it and who apply to him for treatment, at a merely nominal charge. Write to Dr. Hathaway today,telling him all about your case, and he will write you about the belt; and if you desire, the belt will be sent 0. O. D., lor inspection Ad dress, Dr. Hathaway A Cos,, 25 Bryan street, Havannsb, Ga The blood is strained and purified by the kidneys. X’o hope of health while the kidneys are wrong. Foley’s Kidney >"ure will make healthy kidneys and pure blood W. J. Butts, the druggist. Millsdgsviile Geergia Agricultural Ooll'ge, Millsdgsvills, Oa> A University of Georgia Prepara tory sobool. Open to both sexes; 426 registered past session. The military system. Four graJnates in regular army. “The beet work," Terms low. Wsr. E. Rkynoi-db, Pres., * JUilleiigeville, Us. Cameras and supplies, largest stook and lowest prioes, J .'A. Montgom ery. If you don't feel quite well, try a bottle of Hood's Sarsnpaiilia. It Is a wonderful tonic anil Invigorator. It will help you. LADIES The beet aud quickest preparation for cleaning .gloves is the Laßelle glove oleaoer. For sale by H. V. Ad derly. Try it. Cheap Rates via Plant System. Atlanta, Gs. Annual Convention Mutual Aid society, July 10-111. One and one third fare round trip. Atlanta, Ga.—Grand l.odfca Ancient Order i ’ll [ted Workmen, August K-U, woo. une and third fare round tHp. Columbus, G.—SulWay schouV convention of Georgia, July 18-aa, 1000. One and one third faro round trip. Milwaukee, Win.— Biennial convention Ger man Kpworth League, July Itf-iB, '#oo. One and one third fare round trip. Richmond, Va.—Annual session Sovereign Grand Lodge t. O. O. F., September 17-SIS, 1900. 'ricketssold September 15, hi, 17, with Huai limit September 9fs at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights ot Pythias, August if to September 1, 1900. Tickets to be sold August at, *5. as, with Onal limit Sep tember S, at rate of ono fare round trip. Cincinnati, O. Annual Convention B. Y. P. V. of America, July Mth-tttb, 1900, One faie for round trip. GEO. W. COATES, n. P. A, Brunswick, Ga. gU. W. VVIIKNN, P. T. M„ Savannah, Ga. Stavailon never yet cured dyspepsia Persona with digestion are already half starved. They need plenty of wholeeome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digeete what you eat so the body can be nouriehed while he worn out organ* are being reconetruct ed. It is the only preparation known that will instantly rttMmKid. completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion, It wil! cer tainly do you'good. W. J. Butts, the druggist*. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Until further notice Southern will sell round to Savannah every Sunday lor one dollar, tickets ol sale- THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, TUESDAY MORNING JULY 10, 1900. Oared Bronchial Trouble. Chat. E. Davis, 1071 W. Congress street, Chicago, says; “I suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of medicines without relief, until l began taking Foley's Honey of Tar, which .cured me. W. J. Butts, the druggist. The favorite whiskey of famous men is HARPER, Because of its smooth, sxqusite flavor ; because of its match less fltvor; because of its mellow age. No wonder it’s the favorite. Every drop sterling. HARPER WHISK EY. Solk by T. Newman, Brunswick, Ga. The law holds both maker and circula tor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealar who sells you a dangerous counter feit of DeWitt’s V, Itch Hazle Salve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You cannot t.uae him. DeWltt'a Is the only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and all skin diseases. See that your dealer gives you DeWltt'a Salve. W. J. Butt. Heartburn. When the quantity of food taken ii toe arge or the quality too rich lieartburn'is likely to follow, and especially so If the digestion has besn weakened by consti pation. Flat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight in the region of the stomach after sating, indicating that you have eaten too muoh. take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Bishop’s drug store. if you are sick all over, and don’t know just What alls you, It's ten to one your kid neys, are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy; W. J. Butts, the druggist. To Asthma Tufferer*. Lawson Klvikge of Barrington, 111, says be was onfod ot ohronio asthma iff long standing by Foley’s and Tar. H gives positive relief In all oases of asthma, so this disease when not completely cured is robbed of all its terrors by thisreat remedy. W. J. Butts, the druggist. When you want a modern, up-to-date physic try Chamberlain's Stomach and IdTOr Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant in {.effect. .Trice 250. Samples free at Bishop’s drug store. Eotsma, Itching Humors, Pimples, Oared By B. B B-—Bottle Free to Sufferers. Does yout skin itch and burn? Distress ing eruptions on uho skin so you feel aha med to be seen in company T Do scabs and scales form on the skin”or scalp? Have you eczema? Skin sore and cracked? Kaeb formed on ekin? prickling pain -in the skin? Boils, Pimples, Bone Pales, Swollen Jblnts, Falling Hair, all Run Down, Bkin Pale, Old Sores, Dicers? All these are symptoms of eczema and Impurities and poisons in the blood. To cure to stay cured take B. B, B. (Botanio Blood Balm) which makes the blood pure end rich. B B. B. will cause the sores to heal. itching of eczema to stop forever, the skin to be come clear and the breath sweet. B. B. B si just the remedy you have been looking for. Thoroughly*tested for 30 years. Our readtrs are advised to try 8. B. B. For •ale by druggists at UpetWge bottle; six large bottles (full Complete directions with eaoh bottle. So sufferers may test it, a trial bottle given away. Write.for it. Address BLOOD BALM CO. Atlanta, Ga. Bescribe your trouble and tee personal mediracal advice given. Shake Into Your Shoes Allen's Foot-Ease, > powder. It ourcs painful, smarting, swollen feet and in growing nails,afld instantly takes the sting out of oorns and bunions. It's the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Alien’s Foot- Ease makes tight or new shoes leel easy. It is a certain cure for sweating, callous and hot, tired, aching ieet. Try it today. Sold by all druggists and shoe stores- By mail for 250 in stamps. Trial package FREE, Address Allen 8. Olmsted, I.eßoy S. Y. A gentleman reoentty cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns’famous blessing: “Some have meat and cannot eat, and some have none that want it; but we have meat and we can eat,—Kodol l'yspepsia Care be thank ed." This preparation will digest what you eat. itinetantly releaves and radical ly cuuoe Indigestion and all stomach dis order*. W. J, Butt's- Cheap Insurance Many a man ha*; been ineured against Bright's disease, diabetes or other danger ous ailment by a fifty cent bottle of Foley's Kidney Cure. W 1 Butte. the druggist. Tnr “Seedle's Eye.” A lady writes to me and asks what is really meant by the “needle’s eye” in the parable of the rich man. I re member reading somewhere tfeat it was the smallest gate that gave entrance to the walled city of Jerusalem and that a loaded camel had to Ire stripped of Its burden and bend Its knees to squeeze through. And so a rich man had to give up his riches and come to his knees before he could enter heaven. It was just one of the thou sand proverbs that adorned the moral teachings of the Jews and the eastern nations. The writings of Job and Solo mon and Confucius and Mohammed abound In Hiem. In the Koran is found this proverb, “The Impious man will find the gates of heaven shut, and he can no more en ter than a camel can pass through a needle’s eye.” There Is another In the Koran which says, “You will never see a palm tree of gold nor an elephant pass through n needle’s eye.” Thrse proverbs simply meant that It was Im possible. Strange to say, world has long since quit making [iiverbs. All proverb* have Come down'to us, even such ns “A rolling rime gathers do moss.” “Poor* Richard” left us a few, such as “A penny saved is two pence gained.”—Bill Arp In Atlanta Constitution. To the deaf.—A rich lady cured of he deafness and noise in the head by Dr. Nlcholeon'e Artificial Piar Drum gaveflO, 000 to his institute, eo that deaf people, un abfa te 'procure the ear drum, may have them free. Address,No. 1860. Thetnsti tufe 780, Wright Ave., New York, N. Y. ly-**- '' Cheap Rate* Vi* Sou'hern Railwiy. Cli’ftago, 111. National Encampment <3. A. It. A**at 27-fept. 1 1 ickets will lie sold August fS, 2*l sad 27, wilt, final limit Srpfc i,,t rato * t ftt.H lor the round trip. For Backache use STUAR r rS%IN and BUCHU; Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests eat.*. It artl fid ally digests the food and aids Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It Is the latest discovered digest ant aud tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relievos and [s-rmaneriUy cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn, Flatulence, .Sour Stomach, Nausea, HJckHeadttChe,"Gatralgia,Cramps,and aU other results of imperfectdigestioa. Prepared by E. C. Da Witt A Co* Chicago. V J. Butts, tbe Druggist. Life insurance N’.D. Russell, Special Agent representing the r *i i [|ll II tain • 11 Office 209 F Street, Oglethorpe Hotel Block Bruuswics, Gh HOW XO MAKE MONEY A BOOK ENTITLED WALL STREET AS IT IS Invaluable to Speculator* and those seeking investments in Stocks, Bonds, Grain and Cotton. If you follow the advice given in the book, you cannot fail to make money. Mailed for Six cents in postage stamps,; add resa, J. LTfIETREAV i CO. 38 Broad St. NEW YOKK. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNO LADIES, Roanoke. Va. Opens Sept. 18th, 1900. One of the leading fochoo s for young ladies in the south. Magniti eent buildings, all modern improvements. Cam pus, ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in \al!ey of Va., famed for health. European aiul American teachers. Full course. Supe rtor advantages In Art, Music and Elocution Miidtnta from thirty states. For catalogues nduiv MATTIE P. HAKIMS. Preaident, Roanoke. \ a. HOTEL DALTON DALTON, GA. Popular summer report. Ot:e of ths most popioar, ummer resorts in Nurtb Georgia ; climate delightful, beautiful driven, brick hotel, hot and cold baths on each floor; elevator, electric hells, good tables. Special rates to families. Further Information given by I). L. Oettor, Prop, Sores and Ulcers ““ That old sore or ulcer, which has been a source of pain, worry and anxiety to you for ENDANGER five or ten years maybe longer doesn’t heal because you are not using the proper treat ment, but are trying to cure it with salves and washes. While these are soothing and relieve M t fCET pain to some extent, no real, permanent good can come from their use, because the disease MmM m Mm, m is in the blood and far beyond the reach of external applications. A sore heals promptly when the blood is in good condition, but nevar if it is diseased. The tendency of these old sores and ulcers is to grow worse, spreading and eating deeper into the flesh. K; "7|l They are a constant drain upon the system, gradually but surely ruin the health and sap the very life. /K.-ftj f A person’s capacity for work or pleasure ia soon lost iu the great desire and search for something to cure. JgjV s. S. S. makes a rapid ana permanent cure of old sores and ulcers, and is the only medicine that does, because no other can reach deep-seated blood troubles. Ordinary Sarsaparilla and potash mixtures are too weak and watery to overcome a deadly poison that has taken possession of the blood. Do uot waste valuable time experimenting with them. jF MISSf T M , , " Some years ago I was allot in the left le*-rscriylne what I considereil only a slight wound. It V J&l " ** unsno developed into a runtime sore and gave me a great deal ol pain. I was treated hv many doctors, and £ ,d;/er: j; / g Wound took a number of Mood remedies, tail none did e any good. I-had heard S. ft S highly recommended X- i /-) w and concluded to give It o trial. The result was truly gratifying. S ft ft seemed to get right at the £ , ffitlfc-' A y trouble, and forced the poison out of my blood : soon afterwards the sore healed tip and was curd sound and well I now have perfect use of the leg. which was swollen and very stiff fora long time. J. M. McBkAVXa. I.awrenccburg Ky.” S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known ; ia made of mots und hertis of wonderful purifying properties, which no poison can resist. S. S. S. quickly and effectually clears the blood of all morbid, unhealthy humors, and the old, troublesome sore heals. At the Katne time the general health is invigorated and built up. When a little scratch or hurt fails to heal readily, you may be sure your blood is bad. S. S. S. will soon put it iu order and keep it so. f |jwfe<iwts? tf&lS f&fcW BjjbgaHf Our Medical Department is in charge of experienced physicians, who have made blood diseases a life study. If you will write them about your case, they will gladly furnish all information or advice wanted, without any charge whatever. Address SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATeSkNTA, 6A. Rob Roy Flour \ am. rswi r-~> M Liberty Bell M ft/-,'"'- -f : ‘ J t Baking Powder GIVES SATISFACTION. That’s Enough. : Qp' Are seen In our showing ot MILI.INKRT AND HAT TRm MINOS. More tbs*-**: suggestion of comfort Sailor Hat* in natural 'l'u<Jn, r , *ean,a, Java snd There’s comfort Usejyr f an3 and value, tdo. Flowers, Chiffon, Xdberty Satins, Kibboov. at fsfrest prices.' MISS KATE SLATER, 504 GLOCCKBTKK ST., HO I ICE. A. Pal vert a lia* applied for exemption of per and Wiling apart and valuation of homoaivad and I will pass upon the same ni 1® o’clock, a. m„oq tke‘Jilt dav of July. 1900, At iBV oittce. lIUHACK DART. July “lu ordinary. MEXICAN MIXTURE Fur Men. For Nervousness Back-Ache, Dopondency lnsomnnia, Scxnal Imjiotency, and nil diseasee resulting from Early Errors and Later Kacessee Over-Work and Worry, which if neglected, com pletely undermine the system, often resulting In INSANITY and DEATH. If you have any of the above symptoms MEXICAN MIXTURE WILL CURE YOU IT HAS NO EQUAU Develops Youthful Strength and Vigor to ever part of the body. Avoid quack doctors Refuse substitutes. Get MEXICAN MIXTURE. Im mediate effects. Permanent results. Recent discovery. Phenomenal success. Hundreds o testimonials. SI.OO per box. 6for $5.00. Posi tive guarantee with every ss*oo order to refund the money if cure is not effected It is not s stimulant, but a rebuilder. Try it and be con vinced, Send stamp f#r pampblt.dA ederss J Brown Drug Cos., Sole Agts. Brunswick, Georgia. NEW WHEELS FOR RENT And a few second hand Wheels for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, [Repairing, and Sundries. BJ Olewine 5u5 Gloucester St. PARKER’S 1 HAIR BALSAM I Clean*** and beautifle* the aalr. i Promote• a luxuriant growth. \ Never Fails to Restore Gray Hair to its Youthful Color, j Prevent* l>an<lnfT amt hair faUiuf.l 6Ue. ami 3 1 iv at>: --i >’■ a. 1 FURNITURE! V. M’GARVEY, 213 Newcastle St'. - Bnnswiek, Gtt Synopsis of Household Goods, " .I j J .y jf • Trunks,' Golden Oak Chamber Suites, Golden Oak Side Boards, Hall Rocks, Chiffonieres, Parlor Tables, Dining Tables, Kitchen Safes, Matting and Art Squares 1 roro Kensington". CD. M'GARVEXf CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTABLISHED 1889. 'A CHUE HALL, Proprietor j You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GKAIV^gT. CHRIS ARNHEIT|| f W Western Bum, pt m ill ’>T *. M'lya FRESH POULTRY. FRESH VEGETABLES, FRSSHGRQCERIe| ” 4 Fresh Eggs From the Couff!^ All goods sent out nice and clean, The best of evej lything for the model housekeeper. \ 207 Monk street. Phone 8^ • -.w AIM FOR THE FINES" ‘ - , n j ,ee that the aim is true. \ .t necessary to pay an eitrav^ W INES AND LIQUORB| w I § ° f * xo ’" l * ot w ® °* ,r r I> lri! ifock or choice goods, sud tbofl Jf, [ who drink for health or pleasure, or b. it, ill esch tlod something euited t 0 ~le' r * D<l rf, l oi, • ,n • nt • •* R. V. DOWOLAS,' 206 Bay Street. Book Cases, Antique Oak Secretaries, Pictures, OddfcPieees, Bed Lounges, Feather Pillows, 'Toilet Sets,'*f Clocks, Rugs,