The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 14, 1900, Image 2

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[he Brunswick Times. VHJiY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY I in OgletUorM 8!6k,211 F Street °;T. * i uuvaoia no i. A. H. LEAVY, - - - Editor ROLAND A- MULLINS, Business Manager TO SUBSCRIBERS: Subscriber* are request >a to notify the office rehen they lull to get any lone ot The Time*. AtCotion to tbit matter re il< be a)>prcoiated by tbe publisher*. I The Morning Timas will be Dalivarsd by airier or mail, per year. M OO; per week 15 eente. Correspondent:* on lire eubject* aolicited. Real name of writer ahonld ac company aame- Snbecriptiona payable in adeanan. Failure to receive paprtf ekonld be reported to the bneineae office. ommnmcationa to Th • Times. The Colutnbue Enquirer-Sun eaye politioiane talk about “oarrylng the country,” when they really “want tbe oountry to oarry them.” The Baltimore Sun and the New York World are hesitating, apparent ly, whether they will eupport Bryan or MoKinlejr, or remain on the fence. Three hundred Missouri cblokeoe are liable to be killed beoauee tbeir owner did not know which one of them swallowed a diamond that drop ped from hie ring. Two big ratification meeting* were held at Mr. Bryan’s home in. Lincoln Wednesday. The greatest anthueiaem prevailed, and tbe Reeling of aucoess in the air grows stronger. The undertakers' truet has recently increased lie oapita). This, together with the faot that tba furniture trust, controls tbe output of baby earriagee, shows that the ootopue has things about its own way from the cradle to tbe grave. THAT FISHY STORY. The people of the United States will regard wftb many grain* of aalt statement tent out by the Associated Press in regard to a plotA#r'paeiard and Cubans to assassinate Major Mo- Kinley, tbe president. The story is to ibe tfleot that a plot to assassinate I’resldsnl McKinley hat been frustrated, and that it was con oocted by a group of Spanish and Cuban conspirators with beadquar ter* in New York. Tbe telegram says: “One of ibe plotters weskened, and sent a warning letter to a member of tbe republican national oommittee. That letter was placed in tbe bands of Secretary Chat. F. Dlok, who referred it to Chairman Odell, of New York state, for Investi gation. Chairman Odell engaged a defec tive who speedily verified oertain im portant alletsliA)* made in tbe warn log letter. Thsfa upon Mr. Odell re ported to Secretary Diok, wbo laid all tbe faote befere Chairman Mark Hanna. “Meaere. Diok and Hanna laid tbe whole matter before tbe president shortly before tbe departure for Can ton. They instructed Mr. Odell to continue bie investigation and cau tioned bim to work with the utmost secrecy. To a World reporter last evening, Mr. Odell admitted that be and oertain membere of the national committee bad discovered a plot to as sassinate tbe president, “ ‘Tee, it ie true, but l regret ex ceedingly that tbe matter has become public.’ “He was extremely anxious thst no referenoe whatever, ebould be made to the matter. Speoial deteotives are now guarding tbe president in Canton “Assassination of tbe executive has occurred durirg tbe bietory of ihe re public, but physical violence is so for- M|| D t 0 ibis pecple that reports like this are always regarded as of manu facture to tbe end of aeneationsl sm. ™' : j Constipation Headache, biliousness, heartburn, indi gestion, and all liver ills are cured by Hood's Piits ; , Sold by til druggists. 25 mils. NO TICKET Former Vice President Candidate Advise Against It Louisville, Ky , July 13 —Gen. B. B. Buckner, who was Gen. Palmer's run ning mate on tbe National democratic (gold) ticket in 1806, has come out against the nomination of a ticket this year.’ Gen. Buckner favors adopting a plat form and denouncing free silver and not nomiuatidg a ticket, leaving the gold democrats free to vole as they choose FROM ALBANY Bottoms Will Bring an Excursion Down on Tuesday One of Tom Bottoms’ genuine old ei cursionst will come down to Brunswick on Tuesday from Albany and all points between that place and Brunswick. A rate less than one fare for the round trip has been fixed from all stations and a large crowd will no doubt come down. Beware o! Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Meroury, as mercury will surely destroy tbe tense o( smell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mu cous surfaces. Such articles snould never e used except on prescriptions from repu table physicians, aa the damage they will do Is ten fold to the good you can posalbiy derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure It manufactured by F. J. Cheney ft Cos. .To ledo, 0., containe no mercury, and le taken nternally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of tbe system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be eure you gel the genuine. It ii taken Internally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney ft Cos. Testimonials free. Sold by druggists; price 76j per bottle. Hell's Family Pills are the best. Heartburn. When the quantity of food taken Is too arge or the quality too rich likely to follow, and especially so if tbe digestion has been weakened by const!- pat ion. Kat slowly and fnot too freely of easily digested food. Mkstioate tbe food thoroughly. Let fijlt bofeirs elapse between meals and when you ft fullneit and weight in the region of the stomaoh after eating, indicating that you have eaten too much, take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and (.Ivor Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For tale by bishop's drug store. Cured Bronchial Troub'e. . Chae. IC. Davis, 1071 W. Congress street, . Chicago, says: *1 suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of i medicines without relief, until 1 began taking Foley's Honey ol Tar, which cured me. W. >l. Butts, the druggist, i __________ The favorite whiskey of famous meo is lIAItPKR, Beoause of its smooth, exqusite flavor; beoause of its match less flavor; beoause of Its mellow age. No wonder it’s tbe favorite. Every drop sterling. Solk by T. Newman, Brunswick, Q*. A Powder Mill Explosion Kemoves every thing in sight; so do drastic minerol pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery of your body with calomel, croton oil or aloes t>lllt, when Dr. King's Sew Life Tills, which are gen tle as a summer breose, do Ihe work perfectly Cures headache, constipation. Only .88c at all drug storca. The law holds both maker and circula tor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sella you a dangerous counter feit of DsWltt’s \\ itch Hazle Balve risks your life to make a little larger profit. You cannot t.ueehim. DeWitt’e ie the only genuine and original Witch Hazel Salve, a well known cure for piles and all ekiu diseases. Be* that your dealer gives you DeWitt’e SalA W. X Butt. MiUedgevilleGeorgia Agrionltural College, Milledgeville, G*. A University of Georgia Prepara tory school. Open to b tb sexes ; 425 registered past session. The military system. Four graduates in regular army. “The best work," Terms low. Wm. E. Rkykolds, Pres., Milledgeville, Gs. For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Kar corn is ofaeaper than shelled—at Burnett’*. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, SATURDAY MORNING JULY 14, 1900. FAIR AT VALCOBTA. f m That Enterprising City Secured the Event this Year. The State Fair goes to Valdosta thi* year. The contract between tbe State Agricultural Society and the Valdosta Fair Association was signed yesterday by Pope Brown. Marlin Calvin and Jas. Barrett, for the society, and J. M. Wil kinson, T. G. Cranfordand A. T. Moore, for Valdosta’s Association. The terms of agreement are tnat Val dosta shall pay all expenses and the Ag ricultural Society shall have control of theexhibits. Ten thousand dollars shall bcofTercd by Valdosta for prizes and premiums. The meeting which determined this was held in Macon at noon yesterday. The fair begins October 29. No Right t Ugliness- TUo women who Is lovely In face, form and temper will always have friend*, but one who would be attractive must keep her health. If she is weak, sickly and all run down, alio will Ire nervous and irritable. If she has constipa tion or kidney trouble her impure blood will cause plrnples, blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. Electric Bitters in the host medicine in the world to regulate stom ach.liver and kidneys and to purify the blood It (fives strong nerve*, brighi eyes, smooth, vel vetyskin, rich complexion. It will make a good looking, charming woman of a rpn down 1m alld. Only o cents at all drug stores. Nature has Just one pigment on her palette with which she prodtic <s all the ma tints of beauty, and that one pigment la the blood. The shcll-llke pink beneath the finger nails, the delicate roac of the cheek, the cheriy ripeness of the lips, the lrredeseont brilliance of the eyes are all produced by the blood. -Just as tlic permanence of a beautiful painting Will de pend upon the pnrlty of the colors with which it is painted, so the permanence of beauty de pends on the purity of the bloods Taint, pow der and cosmetics won’t avail to preserve beau ty. lleauty begins iu the blood. Dr. Tierce’s Golden Modical Discovery is a true Imautifler, because It provides for nature that pure blood with which alone she can paint. The use Ot ini* medicine will cleanse the skin, bllghteh the complexion, brighten tlie cyeannd gthe to face and form that radiance of health which Is the greatest charm of beanty. Dr. Tierce's i’leSy ant Toilets are very effective In the sys tem of dogging residuum, which aecumnlatos wltlicouslipated habit. If you are aiok all over, and don't know just what ails you, it's ten to one your kid neys are out of order. Foley's Kidney Cure will briug you health and .energy. W. J, Butts, the druggist. To Asthm.% Tnffersr". Dawson JSlvikge he was cu-nd ot olironlo asthma of long standing by Foley’s Honey and "Tar It gives positive relief In all oasra of asthma, so this disease when not completely cured is robbed of AIT Its terroM by this great. remedy. W J. Butts, the druggist. -y-A When you want a modern, up-to-date physio- try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They arc easy to take and pleasant inleffect. Price 26c Samples free at Bishop's drug store. A gentleman reoently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burns’famous .blessing; “Borne have meat and cannot eat, and eome have none that want it, but we have meat and we oan eat,—KoJHFDyspepsia Cure be thank ed. ’’ This dlgCHt what you eat. 11 fnetantly releaves and radical ly cuuea Indigestion and all stomach dis orders. W. J, Butt’s. Kar corn at Burnett’s. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Cheap Kates via Plant Sjfetf m. Atlanta? Ga. Annual Convention Mutual Aid society, July 10-18. One and one-third fare round trip. Atlanta, Ga.—Grand Lodge Ancient Ol#" United Workmen, August 8-9, 1800. unc and third fare round trip. Columbus, Ga,— Sunday school convention of Georgia, July 18-23, 1900. One and one third far*round trip, Milwaukee, Vsi.--Biennial convention tier man League, duly 19-22, ,900. One and one third <are round trip. Richmond Ya.—Annual session Sovereign Graud Lodge*fcvAX O. F., Septemlev 17-32, 1900 Ticket# soW September 15, lb, u, w ith final limit September at rate of one fare round tnp. \ Detroit, Mich.--hihmal conclave Knights of l*ythia§, August ST to September 1, 1900. Ticket* to le sold August 24,15, 26, with final limit Sep tember 5, at rate of one fere round trip. Cincinnati, O. Annual Convention B. Y.l*. U. of America, July I2th-16th, 1900, One fate for round trip. GKO. W. COATES, I>, p. A„ Brunswick, Ga. It. W. WRJKNN.P.T. M., Savannah, Ga. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap sply to J. W- Wat Kin- SOME BALL NOTES. The Local Club Will Now Practice Together—Other Notes 'I be Bru’rwick bad tram, which is now fully organized, will begin prac ticing every day hercaf'er. Tbe boys areal! good players,*nd all !hey need is to learn to plsy logelber. Jim Ballyntine left yesterday for Fernandinn, but be wit! return Mon day tnd sign wiib tbe Brunswick team. He will alao be ele:ttd cap tain. Manager Hiricb has challenged Jacksonville aDd Live Oak for next week, and we will hive three games with one of tbe dubs. Live Oak defeated Jacksonville Wednesday by a score of 15 to 4. DuYou Need an Electric Belt? For the past ten years, Dr. J . Newton Hathaway, who la recognized sa the great est ot all our specialists, has been perfect ing an electric belt, suitable to use in hit practice—one which he could furnish as a part of hia system of treatment, and which he could conscientiously guarantee. He now announces that he hae perfected such a belt, which be believes to be tbe only perfect belt made. Isis light, handcom of great power, and with new attachments, which make it suitable for every case. He it prepared to furnleh this belt to all ps - tieata who need It and who apply to him for treatment, at a merely nominal charge. Write to Dr. Hathaway today, telling him ail about your cate, will write you about the belt; and if you desire, the belt wili be eent 0.0.1)., for inepectiou. Ad dress, Dr. Hathaway A Cos, 28 Bryan street, Bavannah, <)a Backache should never be neglected. It means kidney disorder, which, if allowed to run too long, may result In Bright’s dis ease, diabetes or other serious and often fatal complaints. Foley’s Kidney Dure makes tbs kidneys wall. Take nothing else. VV J Butts, the druggist. London has 13,6(14 policemen, or 1@ to the square mile. Sixty per cent, of them are on night duty. , ff Notice Tbe meeting of the stock bolder* of the Atltntlo investment Company will he held at the presi dent’# office at 4 o'clock on Friday, July 27th, 100. N. Emanijki., President. VV. Mkbchant, Secretary. Htavation never yet cured dyspepsia Persons with digestion are already half starved. They need p'enty of wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests wbat you eat so the body can be nourished while h e worn cut organs are being reconstruct ed. it is the only prt paration known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. Try it if you are suffering from indigestion, It will cer tainly do ’you -good. W. J. Butts, the druggists. Any advertised dealer is authorised to guarantee Banner Halve for tetter, eczema, piles, sprains, cuts, scalds, burns, ulcers and any open or old sore. W. J. Butts, the druggist. prevents and cures lam era in horses— at Burnett’s. To the deaf W-A rich lady cured of he deafness and noise In the head by Dr. Nicholeon s Artificial Kar Drum gaveslo, 000 to his institute, eo that deaf people, un able to procure the ear drum, may have them free. Address, No. 1300. The Insti tute 780, Wright Ave., New York, N. Y. . JfcSSs*. Chssp Rates Vis Soat hero Railway. Chicago, 111. National Encampment G. A. U. August 27-Sept. 1 Ticket# will l*e sold August 25,26 and 27, with final limit Sept. 1, at rate < f $22.45 for the round trip. Volovnio Evaptions Are grand,but akin cruptigns rob life of joy Rucklcn’s Arnica Salve cures them; also old running and fever sore#, ulcers, boils, felons, corns, warts, cut**, bruises, burns, scalds, chap ped hands, chiblains lies! bile cure on earth Drives out pains and aches. Only 25 cents box Cure guaranteed. 8 Id by aU drug s’.ore*. It costs only one dollar to Savannsb and return via Boutheru Railway every Sunday. bOK SALK—Gentle horse; also baggy. Apply Timxs offloe. Blood Troubles: As the blood contains all the elements necessarv to sustain life, it is impor- , jjw _ _ a rwtiA ■■■ tant that it be kept free of all impurities, or it becomes a source of disease, flllcllrffallofffy poisoning instead of nourishing the body, and loss of health is sure to follow. . m Some poisons enter the blood from without, through the skin by absorption, or CGtItSSUKOIM& inoculation; others from within, as when waste products accumulate in the wmmm system and ferment, allowing disease germs to develop and be taken into the E9J Flfi/g-Jisa circulation. While all blood troubles have one common origin, each has some rnmMrn \3 m ijfa Ssr if MMp peculiarity to distinguish it from the other. Contagious Blood Poison, Scrofula, _ m mm m Cancer, Rheumatism, Eczema and other blood diseases can be distinguished by Eg Mg a certain sore, ulcer, eruption or inflammation appearing on the skin. Every blood disease shows sooner or later on the outside and on the weakest part of the body, ot where it fiuds the least resistance. Many mistake the sore or outward sign for the real disease, and attempt a cure by the use of salves, liniments and other external applications. Valuable time is lost and no permanent benefit derived from such treatment. BLOOD TROUBLES REQUIRE BLOOD REMEDIES; the poison must be completely and perma nently eradicated —the blood reinforced, purified and cleansed, or the disease goes deeper and saps the very life. Mercury, potash and arsenjc, the treatment usually prescribed in thU class of diseases, are violent poisons, even when taken in small doses never cure, but do much harm by adding ar other poison to the already overburdened, diseased blood. S. S. S., Nature’s own remedy, made of roots and herbs, attacks the disease in and healthy, and at the same time builds up the general health. S. S. S. is the only purely vegetable blood purifier known, and the only one that can reach deep-seated vFMHJJa blood troubles. A record of 50 vears of successful cures proves it to l>e a reliable, - unfailing specific for all blood and skin troubles. Froo MotUoal Trontmant. Our Medical Department is in charge of * skilled physicians, who have made blood and skin diseases a life study, so if you have Contagious Blood Poiaon, Cancer, Scrofula, Rheumatism, Eczema, an Old Sore or Ulcer, or any similar bio and trouble, write th'm fully for advice about your case. All correspondence is conducted in strictest conti deuce. ~,i*a make no clwrye for this service. Book on blood and skin diseases free. SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta, fit. Rob Roy Flour > - Liberty Bell Baking Powder QIVES SATISFACTION. That’s - J “A” Tablet® For Ait I'ItIVAKY DIMOUDKRS, For lb, oioit Fatal and FrtvsJsat <># all dj eases are those of the KIDNEYS LIVER and BLADDER The Kidneys are two little sieves through whi. il all of ihe blood in the body moat naan once in every three injnutea. In a MKA l Til Y condition they filter all impurittea into the,ibcacciiiitofthe laxly. If DISKAn- ED they clog and swell,deposit ftina UKIC At ID and other poiaoha lute tbe system, causing dull pains in the back, Miillousoeas, Kheraatiam, float, Dropsy, (travel. Painful and Frcqurm Urination, lx>*a of Albumen (the life ras'-noet, and finally lmti.ll T’S DISK ASK and DKaTH! If you have any ot the abuveaympioms "IT TABLETS WILL CURE YOU. Try them and beconvioced. Iterant,disco very /iheneiuinal ai cress. Hundreds ofustiuunbU asnot be -übMitut.-d. Tty- mail .-(end or pamphlet. Address PAN-AMERICAN DRUG COMP’NY BROWN DRUG COMPANY. BRUNSWICK, - - GEORGIA Are seen in our showing of MILLINERY AND lIAT TRIMMINGS. More than t suggestion of comfort in the popular Short Baok Sailor Hats in natural Tuscan, Panama, Java aitd other fancy braids. There’s oowfort Itself, and style and value, toy/ Flowers, Chiffon, Liharty Satins, Ribbons, at fairest priccs.J MISS KATE SLATER. tot GLOUCESTER ST„ .■ ' j NEW WHEELS FOR RENT And a few second hand Wheels, for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, * Repairing, and Sundries. BJ Olewine 5U5 Gloucester St. VIRGINIA COLLEGE For YOUNO LADIES. Boanoke. Va Opens Sept. 18th. 1900. One of the leading Schorls for young ladies iu the south. Magnifi cent buildings.all modern improvements. Cam pus. ten aei-es. Grand mountain scenery in valley of Va., famed for health. European and American teacher*. Full course, Supe rtor advantages in Art, Music and Elocution Stud, nt* from thirty slates. For catalogues address MATTIE P. HARRIS, President, ; jaMMSaaas Roanoke, Va. FURNITURE! G. M’GrARVEY, 213 Newcastle St. Brunswick, Ga< Synopsis ol Household Goods, * Bedding, Stoves, Trunk*, Golden Oak Chamber Suites, Golden Oak Side Boards, Hall Rocks, Chiffonieres, Parlor Tables, Dining Tables, Kitchen Safe?, Matting and Art Squares b rom Kensington". CD. - - CHINESE RESTAURANTS EBTBLISHED 1889. A CHUE HALL, Proprietor ® I You can get the best the by eating here 215 OH A N lSs4^ MSgl western Beef, Port ifl Mull] FRESH VEGETABLES. FRFSUpCERIUj 1 Fresh Eggs From the Country. All goods sent out nice and clean, The best of eve lything for the model housekeeper. 207 Monk street* Phone 88 .M ig- AIM FOR THE FINEST I % • s •••ci’ssery f psy an extra?- W INES AND LIQUORS^ I* j q islity. We carry yM lsrg • -Dook of choice gum]*, and thus* 1 W S who drink f.-r health or pleasure, nr both, will esnh find aometh'ng suited to their tgetes sml requirements R. V. DODO LAS, 206 Bav Street. Book Cases, Antique Oak Secretarie Pictures, OdtihPieces, Bed Lounges, Feather Billows, Toilet Sets, Clocks, Bugs,