The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 15, 1900, Image 2

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[he- Brunswick Times. VKRY MORNING EXCBPT MONDAY brrifr-} iV^a^S'Vi irßtracl A. H. LEAVY, Editor ROLAND A' MULLINS. Business Manager TO 8UB80IHB1SRS: Subscriber! are ruqnssltd to notify the office when they fall to get any loe of The Time*. Attpotloii to tbia matter will be appreciated by the publishers I .The Morning Times will be Delivered by arrler or mall, per year. 16.00; per week 16 cent*. Correspondence on live anbjecta aoliclted. Real name Of writer ehonld ac company time- Snbaortptlona payable in advance. Failure to receive paper ehonld be reported to the bnaineaa office. ommnnicationa to Th Time*. THE RUMOR UNTRUE. It baa been reported that one of llie papers, now being issued from this office, would be’ discontinued. The manage ment tabes this occasion to flatly deny the rumor. Both The Evknino Call and The Morning Times arc fixtures and the public can make up its mind to get two up-to’ date papers from this office dally. All we ask Is the co-operation and sup port of the people of Brunswick and Glynn county and we promise to furnisn ilie best two newspapers this section lias ever lud. We want the people to under stand that the two papers ai e here lor all the time. SUNDAY THOUUHTS. Henry Drummond on Penitence. There are two kinds of sorrow for ate. These are different In their orig in, in their religious value and in their influence, on our life. The com moner kind it when a man doee wrong and in the ordinary eenie of the word, i* sorry that he has done It. We ere elwais eetier in such e oaee when aorrow eomee. It seems to pro vide a sort of guarantee that we ere not disposed to do the end that our better self is still tiTys enough to enter its protest agitnst the sin tbs lower eelf has done. And we eoont this feeling of reproach, which treads ao olosely on the eot as e sort of com - pensation or atonement for the wrong. This is do kind of sorrow wbiob is well known to ell who examine them selves and in any way struggle against sin. Hut it is a startling truth that there is not a partiole of religion It suoh a state. There It no real penitenoe there. It may not'oontain even one In gredient of true repentance It is no true sorrow for ein. It Is wounded self love, It it sorrow that we are wesk enough to ein—we thought we bad been strongfi mfep and women, and when we were put to the test we found to our ohegram that ws litd failed, but this chagrin is what we are apt to mistake for penioiteooe. This however, no Divine gift or grao* this penitence—it ie wounded pride— •orrow that we did not do better, that we were not ae good ae ouraelvee and oar neighbor* together. It U just a* if Peter turned and looked upon Peter, And when Peter turne and look* upon Peter he eeee what a poor creature Peter le. If Christ bad not turned and looked upun Peter, he might have wept wetlnigb a* bitterly, not because be bad ainned against hie God, but beoause be bad done a weak thing. Contrast with euoh peniteooe the publican’# prayer of penitence in tbe temple. It was no ohagrin nor wounded pride with bun. And we feel ae we read tbe etory-tbat the Lord must have turnrd and looked upon tb* publican when he cried “God" ae if l OEvery Cloud Has a Silver lining.” ' The douds of bad blood enveloping humanity have a silver lining in the shape .of a specific to remove them. &is Hood's Sarsaparilla. America's Greatest Medicine, nohich (hives out all impurities from the blood, of either sex or any age. God wars looking right into bis eyas— God be msroiful to ms a sinner; Stricken before bis God, thla publican bad little thought of i ha aelf respect be bad loaf, and felt it no indignity to take th* culprit’* place and be thought tbej true divinity of a culprit’t peni tence. k WOODMEN OF TUB WORLD The Woodmen of the World will have another meeting tomorrow Monday night at Dr, Branham’s office for the purpose of completing organization. The camp is starting out with good prospects of becoming one of Bruns wick’s strong fraternal societies. All those on charter list are urged to be at Dr, Branham’s office at o’clock Mon day night, also any others wishing to go Into the order as charter members. SHIPPING REPORT. Corrsetad Daily by Capt. Otto Johansasan Pert ef Brunsaiek, July 18, 1900. ARBIVBO. SB. Queenmore, Br Edwards, Stpalo. Scb. Sallis, lon Walton, Boaton- CLBABBD. Nor. Bark Vineta, Pederson, Briatol SAILBD. Spanish Brig, Fe Tils, Barcelona: Beware o( Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange the whole •yetem when entering it through the mu ooui surfacee. Such articles should never be used except on proscriptions from repu table physicians, as the damage they will do le ten fold to the good you can poeelbly derive from them. Hall’eCatarrh Cure is manufactured by F. J. Cheney fi Co.,To ledo, 0., contains no mercury, and ia taken nternally, acting direotly upon the blood and-mucous surfaces of the syetem. In buying Hall’e Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genuine. It It taken internally, and made In Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Cos. Testimonials free. Bold by druggists; price 76j per bottle. Hall * Family TUI# are the best. HearHwm > When the quantity of fcyid' taken teioo arge or the quality too rich heartburn is likely to follow, and especially so if the digestion has been weakened by consti pation. Eat slowly and not too freely of easily digested food. Masticate the food thoroughly. Let six hours elapse between meals and when you feel a fullness and weight In the region of the stomach alter eating, Indicating that you have eaten too much take one of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets and the heartburn may be avoided. For sale by Bishop’s drug store. The favorite whiskey of famous men is HARTER, Because of its smooth, exqugile flavor; because of Us matob losa flavor; beoause of ita mellow age. No wonder it’e the favorite. Every drop aterling. HARPER WHISKEY. Solk by T. Newman, Brunswick, Ga. A Powder Mill Explot ion Kemoveseverything In sight; oo do drastic niluerol pill*, but both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery ot your body with calomel, croton oil or nloea pill*, when Dr. King’s New I.tlo rills, which are gen tle as a summer brecte, do tbe work perfectly Cures headache,constipation. Only. Sic at all drug store*. The law hold* both maker and circula tor of a counterfeit equally guilty. The dealer who sells you a dangeroua counter feit of DeWltt’e Witch Haale Salve rleke your life to make a little larger profit. You cannot t.ueehloa. DeWitt’e 1* the only genuine and original Wituh Hazel Salve, a well known cure (or piles and all akin disease*. Bee that your dealer give* you DeWltt’e Safvm W J. Butt, Mi'lertgorills Georgia Agricultural OoMf ge, Millsdgtrills, Ga. A UuiTersitj of Georgia Prepara tory school. Open to b th sexs; 425 registered past session. The military system. Four graduates in regular aituy. “Tbe best work.” Terms low. Wm, E. Reynolds, Pres., Milledgeeille, O'. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'6 GIN and BUCHU. Ear oorn is cheaper than shelled at Ruroett’s. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, SUNDAY MORNING JULY 15, 1900. SCaRLETT IN LUCK. Brunswick Officer Makes a Good Haul and is Rewarded. Officer Scarlett has made a capture which means a little in his pocket. Some days ago, notice was received here from Sheriff Childs, of Bartow, Polk county, Florida, that a negro nam ed Treo, was badly wanted in that place on the charge of murder and burglary. A full description of the negro was given, and Officer Scarlett at once start ed to work on the case, and Anally made his capture. Sheriff Childs was telegraphed of the capture and arrived in the city Friday identified the prisoner and carried him hack to Florida. A neat reward has been offered by the state and county authorities, and Officer Scarlett will get it. Cared Bronchial Tronb'a. Chas. E. Davis, 1071 W. Congreis atreot, Chicago, lays: "I suffered for years with bronchial trouble and tried many kinds of medicinea without relief, until l began taking Foley's Honey of Tar, which cured me. W. J. Butta, the druggiit. No Eight to IJglints*. Tli* woman who is lovely in face, form and temper will always have friends, but one who would be attractive must keep her health, ft ahe is weak, sickly and all run down, ah* will he nervous and irritable. If she has constipa tion or kidney trouble her Impure blood will cause pimples, blotches, akin eruptions ends wretched complexion. Elocliic Bitters is tin* best medicine In the world to regulate atorn ach. liver and kidneys and to purify the blood It give* strong nerves, brlglia eye#, smooth, vsl vetyakiu, rich comploxlon. It will make s good looking, charming woman of a run down Invalid. Only ’a) cents at all drug stores. Nature list Just uno pigment on her paletts with Which she pludue cs ah the ma tints of beauty, nd that one pigment ia the blood. The shell-like pink beneath the finger nails, the delicate rose ot the check, the chewy ripeness of the lips, the Irrcdcscent brUllsneSof. the eyes ere all produced by the blood. ,Just as the permanenceol aboeuttful painting trill de pend upon the purity,ol the colore with which ilia painted, so the permanents of Msnuty de pends on the purity of the blood, t’nint, pow der and oesmottes won't avail to preserve ty. Beauty begins in the blood. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery U true boutl#r, because it provides for nature that pure blood with which alone she can paint. The use of this medicine will cleanse ihe skin, brighten the Complexion, brighten the eyes and give to face and form that radiance of .health which is she greatest charm of beauty. Dr. Pierce's Pleas ant Pellets are very effective In ridding the sys tem of clogging resldflum, which acefunnlntca. wlthcouslipalod habit. If you are sick all over, aqd don’t know just what ails you, it'a.Usn to one V<> ur kid neys are out of order, Foley’s Kidney Cure will bring you health and energy. W. J. Butts, the druggist. To At'hmt Tuffsvsrs. Lawson Klvlkge Of Barrington, 111 , says he was cured ot ohronio asthma of long standing by Foley'* Honey and Tar. It gives positive relief in all oases of asthma, so this disease when not completely cured is robbed of all its terrors by this great remedy. W. J. Butte, the druggist. When you want a modern, up-to-date physic try Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. They are easy to take and pleasant Inieffect, Price 28c. Samples free at Bishop’s drug store. A gentleman recently cured of dyspepsia gave the following appropriate rendering of Burnt' famous .blessing: "Borne have meat and cannot eat, and some have Done that want it; but we have meat and we can eat,—Kodol Dyspepsia Cure be thank ed." This preparation will digest what you eat. It instantly releavea and radical ly cuues Indigestion and all stomach dis orders. W. J, Butt's. Ear corn at Burnett’s. Cheap Rates via Plant System. Atlanta,Ga Annual Convention Mutual Aid society, July 10-lU. One and one third fare round Atlanta, Ga.—Grand Lodge Ancient Order United Workmen, August 8-9, 1860. one and third fare r&Und trip. Columbus, school convention of Georgia, Jtaly 1900. One and one third fare roudd trip. V \ Milwaukee, Wia.-|Wet nia'l convention tier man Kp worth league- duly 19 22, 900. One and one third far© round trip. Richmond, Ya.—Annual aoasion Sovereign Grand Lodge I. O. O. F .September 17-32, 1900. Ticket# hold September It* Id, 17, with final limit September 25, at rate of one fare round trip. Detroit, Mich.--Biennial conclave Knights of Fythlas, August 27 to September 1,1900. Tickets to Mid August 24. 25.26, with finaUimit Sep tember 5, at rate of one far© round trip. Cincinnati, O. Annua! Convention B. Y P. U. of America, July 12th-16tb, 1900, On© fare for round trip. GKO, W. COATES, 1). P. A„ Brunswick, Ga. |B. W. WIIKNN, l\ T. M Savannah, Ga. HAS RESIGNED General Yard Master Turner to Leave Brunswick. Mr. Chas B, Turner, the well known yardmaster of the Southern and.Plant System in this city, has sent in his re signatior., to take effect on August let. Mr. Turner has been a resident of Brunswick for number ot years and has made scores of friends; all of whom will regret to hear of his resigning, inasmuch as he will remove to Atlanta, where he will run on the Southern as conductor. Mr. Turner was, for several years, the conductor on the Southern short be tween this city and Everett, but when the Southern and Plant System agreed to use the same track, he was named as yardmaster of the t#o roads. Mr. John C, Smith, formerly yard master of the Plant System, hut now assistant yardmaster for the two roads will, it is thought, he named in Mr. Tur ner’s place. Do Yog Ned an B'eotnc Balt? For the past ten year*, Dr. J. Newton Hathaway, who is recognized at the great est of all our epecialleta, has been perfect ing an electric belt,suitable to ua in hi* practice—one which he could furnish ae a part of hie system of treatment, and which he could conscientiously guarantee. He now announce* that he haa perfected such a belt, which be believes to be the only perfect belt made. I* la light, bandtom of great power, and with new attachment* which make it aultable case. He is prepared to furnish this belt to all pa - tleats who need it and who apply to him for treatment, at a merely nominal charge. Write to Dr. Hathaway today,telling him all about your caee, and he will write you about the belt; and if you desire, the belt will he aent C. O. 8., lor loipectiou- Ad dress, Dr. Hathaway <t Cos,, 116 Biyan street, Bavannah, ('a Raokaohe should never be reglected. It mians kidney disorder, which, if allowed to run too long, may result in Bright’s dis ease, diabetes or other serloue and often fatal complaints. Foley's Kidney Cure makes the kidneys well. Take nothing •lse. W J Butte, the druggist. Tpindao has lH.ttU pclicain-n, or 10 to the square mile. 8 xty per cent, of them are oo night duty. Notice l'its annual meeting of the stock holders of the Atlantic Investment Company will he held at the presi dent’s oflloe at 4 o'clock on Friday, July 27th, lfiOo- N. EMijiUKi., President. W. M krchant, Secretary. Htavation never yet cured dyspepsia Persons with digestion are already hall starved. They need plenty ot wholesome food. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat aothe body can be nourished while h e worn out organs are being reconstruct ed. It ie the only preparation known that will instantly relieve and completely cure all stomach troubles. TryMt if jou are suffering from indigestion. It will cer tainly do you 'good. W. J. Buttr, the druggists. ♦ Any advertised dealer is authorised to guarantee Banner Halve for tetter, eczema, piles, sprains, cuts, scalds, burns, ulcers and any open or old sore. W. ■>. Butti, the druggist. Est oorn prevents and cures lam ers in horses—at Burnett’s. To the deaf .—A rich lady cured of he deafness and noise in the head by Dr. Nicholson’s Artificial Gar Drum gaveflO, 000 to his institute, ao that deaf people, un able to procure the ear drum, may have them free. Address, No. 1860. The Insti tute 7SO, Wright Ave., New York, N. Y. ly-se- ohap Rates Via Southern Railway. Chicago, 111. National Encampment G. A. R. August 27-Sept. 1 Tickets w ill be sold August 2.', 26 and 27, with final limit Sept. 1, at rate (f $22.4.’ for the round trip. Ic costs only on* dollar to Savannah and return via Southern Railway *very Sunday. tOR SALE- It n'le h jrse; also bluffy. A ply TiMKt t-fIW. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. HEALTHY OLD ACE 6CC The majority of persons upon reaching middle age and past Iw'jllMff Bufl find their blood becomes weak and thin, and diseases that were ™QStPCfw easily controlled in earlier life begin to affect the constitution. Rifß . Those predisposed to Scrofula, Cancer, Rheumatism, Gout and other hereditary troubles mav escape £• 1 till then, but as they age the Mood, so long tainted and weakened by accumulated waste matters is no longer able to properly nourish the body, and it becomes an easy mark for disease. At this critical period of life tlle bl°<>d must’ be re-enforced before it can perform its legitimate functions and rid the system of 'Jaraßrerii ** leae poisons, and nothing so surely and effectually does this as S. S. S. 1 s. S. S. strengthens and enriches the blood, improves the appetite, and builds up the general constitj- SSSifii ,ion ’ 11 not °"ly thc l** l blood purifier, but the best tonic for old people. It warms the blood, tones up the. nerves, removes all taint from the blood, and prevents the development of disease. * Hn£BSL /sSgB ®- B- s. is the only purely vegetable blood medicine known. Not one particle of mercury, potash or 'ft Other mineral poison can be found in it, and it may be taken for any length of time without harm S. S. S. is the only remedy that reaches deep-seated Mood troubles like Scrofula, Cancer, Rheuma tism, Eczema, Tetter, etc. It purifies and restores the blood to a healthy, normal condition, and makes it impossible for any poisonous waste materials to accumulate. If you have an old running sore or an obstinate ulcer that refuses to heal, or are troubled with boils and carbuncles, try S. S. S. It never fails to make a quick and permanent cure of these pests. If your system is run down and you feel the need of a tonic, S. S. S. will strengthen and help you as it has many others to a bappv, healthv old age. 8. . B.eur-d Mr. H. Ifarden of Saumaville. Vs. of a ease of! ** r " D R. Johnson, of ntaekshesr. Gm, was for vsars afflicted Ecsema ~f thirty-five war. standing, after tin he* physicians with u wv. re typerheumatism, and had used even reined} \7 J&i jgVlM fa the sum t-udloK c.’nntrv had failed. Th -a . seven vesra , recommended us a cure mu hoot receiving any W ago, and there haa (wcunoretSm of lhediea-c. iietwfa s. a. 3. piomptly reached th seat of the disease and U WA I made a complete and permanent cure. If yon are in donbt about your di-ease, and will send us a statement of your case, our physician will give von any information or advice wanted, for which we make no charge. Book on Blood anil Skin Diseases sent to any desiring it. Address Swift Specific Cos., Atlanta, Ga. S. S. S. IS THE WEAL TONIC AND BLOOD PURIFIER FOR OLD PEOPLE. Rob Roy Flour | —■ AMn Liberty Bell ' Baking Powder GIVES SATISFACTION. That’s Enough. ( tYOUR FACE IS YOl It FORTUNE. Throw away('OHimtic*. American Women throw uw y seventy-fi e> million <toll am Annually tor face povr lei a, lotion*, etc., wigs of which arc made of pofumou* fmbetauee* and destroy ilu* km. To accute a Natural, Roe? Healthy Complexion, get a VIRGIN RUBBICU MASK. I Restores original contour, permanently re moves pimples* freckles, blackhead*, and all complexlonai imperfection*. Absolutely harmless Results guaranteed. Write for particulars. Price SR.W) by mail Glove* $z.M and If VIIKHKKI UUKH 00., Ho <, Wert uthsf!?. V Brown Drug Cos,, Sole Agts. Brunswick, Gft FIIIS LftIEST FANCIES Are teen In our showing of MILLINERY AND HAT TRIMMINGS. More then a suggestion of comfort in the popultr Short Book Sailor Hats in natural Tusosn, Panama, .lava and other fancy braid*. There’s comfort itself, and sty le and value, too. Flowers, Chiffon, Liberty Sitine, Ribbon*, at fairest prices.J Hiss KATE : SLATER, 504 GLOUCESTER ST., NEW WHEELS FOR KENT And a few second hand Wheels for Sale Cheap For CASH. Renting, Repairing, and Sundries. BJ Olewine ' 505 Gloucester St. - VIRGINIA COLLEGE For Y JUNO LADIES, Roanoke. Va Opens Sept. 18th, 11400. One of the leading Schools for young ladies in the south. Magnifi cent buildings, all modern improvements. Cam pus, ten acres. Grand mountain scenery in Valley of Va., famed for health. European and American teachers. Full course. Supe rior advantages in Art, Music and Elocution Students from thirty states. Fur catalogues address | MATTIK P. HARRIS, Preeklem, Koanoke. Va* FURNITURE! C. M’G-ARVEY, 213 Newcastle St'. - - - Brunswick, Ga Synopsis ol Household Goods, Bedding, Stoves, Trunks, Golden Oak Chamber Suites, Golden Oak Side Boards, Hall RacKs, Chiffonieres, Parlor Table?, Dining Tables, Kitchen Safes, Matting and Art Squares From Kensington'. CHINESE RESTAURANT? X ESTABLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor I You can get the best the market affords by eating here ■ CHRIS ARNH||§d |SP|g Western Beel, Pi and ml - FRESH VEGETABLES, FRFSBJIROCERIES All goods sent out nice and clean, The best of i ything for the model housekeeper. Mu 207 Monk stref*t Phone So , _ - MM FOR THE FINEST”" ~ • —3 an-1 see that tit* aim is Hue. N •' nec-ssiry lo psy so extras ■ prioe to secure jy Vv INKS AND LIQUORS wl ',9 jk qtslitjr. VI f JfflM larg tire <ii kL, mi l tboee jp 8 'wMraHjwfipß who !.- -IK ftr 1,-villi or pleasure, or ' ’ b iL, vCI imcli something uited F | to their tastes and requirement* at R. V. DOUGLAS, 206 Bav Street. 4^ Book Cases, Antique Oak Secretaries, Pictures, I Odd pieces, Bed Lounges, Feather Pillows, Toilet Sets, Clocks, j Rugs,