The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 19, 1900, Image 1

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\TH PRECED NTFj*! ' * .Spaldin* Chainless Bicycles ", whjle they lust only *50.00. X A. MONTGOMERY, 50!i Gloucester St. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 174. ALL CHINA 15 FIGHTING Hion (to u iii it Being mi ii Milt; • Washington, July 18—Latest advice? state that all Ofrtna is in arms and that Christian natives and missionaries are being massacred, fha Chinese fleets are gathering iii tltt for "battle with the war ships of the allies'. The alfied forces are preparing for the march to Pekin along threat wall. The president will appoint Chaffe to command our forces in China Tift chines* government is reinforcing Woo Jung forts with men and war munitions'. The foriegn consuls warned them against such measures. CHANG’S OPINION. Pekin, July 18—Li Hung Chang thinks the Chinese officials have been at Pekin. CHINESE GENERAL KILLED. Shanghai, July 18—Reported that Nick, Chinese gen eral, was slain while trying to rally troops at Tsin. TIN'S MOB GMIAITIf 1113 DESITFO THE ROODS AND OTHER MS COMMUNICATION Petersburg 1 , July 18—It is officially announced here thatjChinese troops, bombarding Blagorestoclienski captured the town and destroyed the roads and all , oUier means of communication to the place •illliM SPREADING ID HIT PARIS OF > 1 . CHI ■ HIS NOME REACHED KOREA r *. v- London, July 18— The latest advices from the far iPast say that another war has started The fhas spread north, south and west in has now reached Korea, Ihe English recognizes the * situation as serious, more so has yet been. mtmmmrn ■ ■ - —■ , eih jeJEe mu lii i *' " V HID 11 BOXER DEFENCES. $ London, .July 18—Shanghai dispatch of duly 16 says ior last Chinese steamboat has been towing car afe boats between Woosung and Shanghai arsenal presum ably arms arid ammunition to strengthen defenses of Woo sung forts Foreign authorities requested Chinese officers discontinue sailing this vessel, but she passed yesterday UPPITsual wm St. Petersburg, duly 18. —lt is reported from Che Foo that Prince Tuan has mobilized nine hundred and kfty thousand men and ordered Northern force to expel ■fteigners from the Armoor district. Another force will |p>erate against Mudken. U Washington, July 18, —War department today bullen- Mined latest official report of casualties at Tien Tsin 18 killed, 79 wounded, missing 2- THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. HI! SHIP AFLOAT 11 ___ fas Pall Off atyfiigji Tide YBsjtefdai. NO His Oil r .* v bri i,--. Slis Arri?ed in Fort AM Tiree % TFSofit in tlic ‘ Afternoon. ■ ■ ■ ■>; * - v lice Mallory steamer Colorado,which jwent aehore off L,jng island early Tuesday morning, was safely floated athiKli The tug* rnca, U. Dirt and Angie and Nettle hare been Imril at work on her *ioo the accident occurred, mak ing efforts to poll her off at each high I*—. " '■ water and they nuifme ded yestrday. The Colorado reached port at 8 o’olnak yesterday afternoon, and no damagei whatever have occurred to her during the limp she was on the tfaoats., An extra large number of wqrjtraap, have been employed to unload her and she will discharge her cargo In a very short time. NEW BOAT IK T'f&W - White’s New tteamer Reached POTt Yesterday Capt. it. A. White will resume hie will be general happiness among the folks down there ia a sure thing, flfl'ne Falcon ia a tug and ie built on tbe order of the Emmeline, The mw boat ia faat and will serve with autis faction the purpoae for which it waa purchased. HIRSCH'S OHALLENGL. laaiifd One Broad Knough to be Underaiond. Mr. Henry Uirach, manager of the Brunswick baseball oluh, iaauea a challenge to any team in the south for s.">oo a aide, beat three out of five games, to be played on any mutual grounds in tbe south. (Junes to umpired by a man agreeable to both, NEW YORK FIRE. Babcock Terfutnery Establishment a Total Loss . New York, July 18.—Sperial—Fire and stroyed the A. P. Babcock perfu mery establishment. The loss will not be than $20,000. Two firemen were seriously injured by tbe explo sions of oils. DEATH LIST GROWS. People Dying By the Score in New York. New York, July 18—(Special)— Ninety-four degrees at five o’olock this afternoon, people are dying by the soore in tenement quarters. Offical are wooing rain from the clouds by bomb). MARRIED LAST NIGHT Mr. Leslie T. Graves, of Nashville, Tenn,, and Miss Lillie Belle Vaughan, of Union Syrings, Ala., were united in marriage by .Judge J. W. Conoley, at the residence of J. D. Kail, 1! 10 Mane lb I<l street last night. Sc ved liicm Right. Quite a number of Brunswioki&ns lost money on the ball games of the past two days. A roan who will bet and yell sgainst Ins home team should lose. BRUNSWICK, GA., THURSDAY MOKNINOx, JULY 19, 1900. HIM Jill Tkay Scenes at That Popu iilar Resort. I kW ENJOY CAMP And Everything is Happiness at This Delightful Place—Some Camp Notes- Cumbcrlllhd I-land, Us.. July 18.— The Fourth Itcgiment of Georgia State Troops ha* arrived and are now en joying annual encampment at the site reoentty vaoated by the Fifth regiment. Night companies are par tiofjpatlrg and all are thoroughly im bued with the military apirit. It ia with deep regret to the entire that tha abienoe of Cul. William JC. Wootsn, of Albany, ia noted. Col. Wooten is, without doubt, one of the officer* In tbe state militia, and has the reputation of having the best organized regiment In tbe state, lo Col. Wooten’s steid, Lieut.-Col. Thomas N. Hopkins, of Tbomasville, ie id command. Col. Hoplnnshas al ready won the distinction ol getting tbe oamp organit jd quioker and tbe camp guard organized better than ever before in the experience of tbe Fourth The staff and Held ctlloera present ijre as follows. Lieut.-Cui. F, N. Hopkins, com manding, Tbomasville, Maj. Timothy O'Brien, Wayoross. Maj. R. 1,. Wylly, Wayoross. ' M*j. .lobn’D.- Little, Coliiyt*,. Capt. John' C, Cassidy, quarter-1 matter, Albany. Lieut, c, J. Paine, aoting regimental adjutant, Wayoroas. Lieut. T. J. liunn, acing regiment al oommisaary. Horgt. Lawton, Cos. L , aoting regi mental Sergr. major, Tbe companies participating in tbe encampment and tbelr officers are: Cos. K , Th imasville, Capt. C. M. Smith, Lieut. Brown, Cos. 1., Bainbridge, p*pt. Hawes, Lieuts. Pittman and Palmer, Cos, C., Columbus, Capt. Wm. Tuck er, Lieut, Peter Freer. Cos. L , Amerious,Capt. Clark,Lieuts Britton and Williams. Cos. G., Albany,Capt. Welsh, Lieuts. Manry and Fleming, Cos. K., Albany, Lieut. Mook, com manding. Cos. 8., Valdosta, Lieut. Harry M. Wilson, commanding, Cos. M,, Fitzgerald, Capt Griffin. NOTES, Col. Hopkins, in naming his social committees to aot during the oamp, very properly appointed Maj. Tim O'Brien, commanding the First Bat talion and Lieut. Harry M. Wilson, oommaoding the Valdosta Vldettes to serve in that capacity. Both of these oflioers are well known in Bruns wick and bold prominent places in the esteem of both rank and (lie of the regiment. Maj. O’Brien has teen identified with military for a number of years and was a captain In the army two years ago. Lieutenant Wilson Is in command of his company and will be remember ed,by many in Brunswick through reputation, as having served as oor poral In the Brunswick Riflemen in the Spanish-Amerioan war. Sergeant Smith Myddleton.of Val dosta, has been appointed aotlng Ser geant Major of the First Butallon and is serving witb muoh credit to himself, Jho. P. Twomky. IMIS SMIII Brunswick Wins Apin on a Close Score. GAME WAS HAffljM! After a Magnificent Game the Home Boys Won by a Score ot Four to Three. The lovers of good base ball cer tainly witnessed another magnifident gme out at the park of the South eastern Fair Association yesterday afternoon when Brunswick again de feated Jacksonville by the interesting score of 4 to 3. U was a battle of giants fought out in genuine Trojan style and from start to ffniih the lame abounded with pretty plays, interesting clim axes and good ball playing on both sides. In the first inning Brunswick made 2 runs and in the third 1 run while Jacksonville scored 1 in the fourth and 3in the eighth, thus it oan be seen that it eras anybody’s game up to the ninth when Jicksonv lie was shut out without a run leaving the soore 3 and 3. Brunswick came In for her last in ning. Wise went to tbe bat and made a pretty bit, landing on second, by a sacrifice from Villineau. Brllantyne followed with a splendid two bagger bringing Wise over tbe home plate, and ending tbe game amid the wild est demonstration ever seen In., the grand stand. Tbe playing os both teams was ex- 1 oellent. Jacksonville’s battery wae a qulok as obam lightning,- although Ooeil was snfiVringwitb a bad arm, and Summers. though given tbe mer ry ba ba, by the rooters ylayed. eery an errorless game, theCflafrport was good and Harfnou’s left field was a winner with tbe spectators, Middle brook was splendid at first base while Linton at third and IJenkeni at short sustained themselves handsomely. Brunswiok’s playing In some in stances was brilliant, the fins batting of Ballantyne in tbe ninth, bringing in bis man and winning the game, and Hollowell’s bit in the third when he sent the ball “to the races” knocking it completely over center field feme. Wolffs was lively in the box and was splendidly supported, Harper set tbe grand stand wild with a left band oatoh from home in tbe fifth and the field work of Kaph&n, Phillips and Garret wai well nigh perfect. Villeneau did tbe first base aot in great shape and shared tbe honors with Ballantyne in hitting. All in til the game was a gem and gresfitiy pleased the large audience in the grand stand. The summrry of the game is as fol lows : y AB. R. P. O. A. K Bruaswioa 39 4 27 1G 4 Jacksonville 403 27 12 3 Tbs line up for today's game is as follows: , Brunswick Jgcksonvil! tlailowell Kaphan Green Villetnau 1 and bass Middlebrook Harper 2nd base Conroy Wise 3rd lies* Linton Ballantyne short stop Hodgron Garrett I- held Harrison Wolff R Held O’Neill Phillips C field Persons RUSSIA’S BIG ARMY riOVING lilili Us So) l ills lill I in Min iin fet fets. Sf. Petersburg, July 18—Russia addressed to the Rowers a note declaring that she waspreparing a great military expedition against Pekin through Manchuria: 1 lieie is already a v r ast army of Cosacks on the way while die Siberian railroads was taken possession of by the gov ernment. Russian army officers say that within one week two hundred thousand men would be in the field,and with in three weeks they say that their army will be in Pekin: CHINESE MINISTER TO RUSSIA TELES HIS GOVERNMENT TROUBLE WILL FOLLOW Hi. Petersburg, July 18—Kee Wang Chang the Chi nese minister to Russia called at the foreign office today and informed the government that the events now trans piiing in China were not in accordance with the views of the Pekin goyernment He further stated that he would make to the Pekin government em phasizing the terrible consequences which will follow hostilities do not cease at once BRITISH CRfTR HIE 1 FOUR OTHER mm* CLEARED TOR ACTION YESTERDAY j Shanghai, July 18.- —The British cruiser Terrible and four other war vessels have for action and are now off tlie Seau Ilai Ivwan forte/ SECRETARY HAY AND THE CHINESE MINISTER HAVE A TALI Washington, July 18~8ecretary Hay and Chinese Minister Wn talked a few minutes informally this morning Wu said he had no additional news from China todjfy, but that he thought the situation much brighter as of the dispatches received yesterday. / Washington, July 18-The Chinese situation will be discussed in an informal way at the cabinet dinner to night at which the president will be present This Whod is taken to divest the proceedings of an offiial aspect NOTES. The umpires Green and Coleman on strikes gave general satisfaction and Managers Newman and Hirsch both com me u<le<l thsir work. Garrett and Phillips for Brunswick were both hurt during the game, but fortunately not very seriously, The rooters were on hand with bells horns and other noise makers. and cheered their favorites tb?S®fcTß Ktpbari, Brunswick’s favorite pitcher, will he in the box today and bis friends sh-utd come out and see it. See dress parade at Cum berland Sunday; boats stay over until 10 o’clock Sunday night. Every hoy and girl should have a Brownie camera. Costs fI.OO at Butt’s Drug Store, BEST ON EAKTH! The New Domestic Sewing Ma chine, latest improved ball bear ing. Have one left at your home for trial. Easy payments. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 50:i (iloucester St. PRICE FIVE CENTS ONLY A FEW MATCHES. Chief Greene and His Boys Called Out Last N ght. The Are department responded in its usual excellent fashion to an alarm of fire last evening hut found the flames out when they reached the scene. The Are started in a loaded box oar near the depot acd the only thing consum ed was a gross of matches. The oar contained a quantity of bay and grain and in all it was a narrow eaoape from a serious conflagration. FINE LUNCH TODAY. Tnose who desire something real good should not fail to attend luoon at the Elk from 11 to 1 today. It See dress parade at Cum berland Sunday; boats stay over until 10 o’clock Sunday night'.