The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 22, 1900, Image 1

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UNPRECEDNTED J, Sp.WiniCbainless Bicye’es While they lest only J 50.00. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 503 Gloucester St. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 177 THE RELIEF FORCE WILL START AUG. i > vr n mm u i lien nn u Hi Ml • ; ————— •jfc'w. f'-i- \ Washington; July 21.—Sixty thousand men will be-’ gin operations for the relief of Pekin the rescue of the envoys on August 15th. Secretary the, an nouncement this afternoon after wih Secre-. tary that the ' & eneral movement of the alkq will j, egih o,*),;c ’date and be rushed as rapidly as possible? Twenty thousand men will hold Tien Tsin as the-base of supplies. General Chaffee will probably arrive at Na gasaki tonight and he will proceed to Taku'. THE CHINESE HAVE EVACOATED TIEN TSIN AND VICINITY London, July 2f commander re ports that the Chinese have completely evacuated Tien 7 sin and vicinity and are now many miles away from the scene of the fierce battle between the allies and the bar barians- -MNERAL WILSON ORDERED FRONT CUBA TO FIGHT THE CHINAMEN Washington, J ily 21.—General Wiknp haa been relieved of his command in liili'g the PeKin relief column. General Wilson once for San Francisco and embark for tlie^OT^^pmmle. CHINESE MINISTER WU RECEIVES € ROYAL EDICT AT WASHINGTON TODAY > _ Washington, .July 21.—The Chinese minister has re ceived from the Viceroy of Nankin, the Royal Edict dat ed today according to edict of duly 18: “Wi th exception of the German minister, who was killed by anarchists, and with regard to measures are being taken to investigate aiJrDunish the guilty parties, all other ministers unharm ed, and efforts are being them protection'. Taotai Sheng, Director at Shanghai, in a cablegram to at Washington verifies edict,” m BLUNDERED BUT Di WAVING TUT STARS M STRIPES Washington, July -'1 .—Cable dispatches bring meagre details of of Tien Tsin and the death of brave *Coh Liscum. The commander of the English forces says the American colonel blundered, but that lie died a hero, leading his men and waving the stars and stripes Our regiment, the Ninth, marched like madmen into a trap of four thousand. The Chinese poured a terrible rifle fire and while surgeons were caring for the wound he wounded men to the mercy Ythese heathens ■ Paris, July 21—Premier Delcusse has transmitted m Ambassador Kichon at Pekin, the following in reply to Chinese emperor’s request for mediation by President Lou „J>et between China and the powers: “President Loubet will not act as mediator unless the following stipulations are agreed to: First, the ministers at Pekin must be put in communication with their govern ments; second, Prince Tuan must be dismissed from the presidency of the Tsung li Yamen; third, Chinese troops must not attack foreigners again and steps must he taken to arrest movements of the boxers.” THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. nifi itifp . f I, ■ literestim Same of Ir ball Very Soon. HUM 111 PM No Doubt About a Throng, Being oil !> Hand to Witness the Tlhj base, ball fever seems to have bit iq. Brunswick in earnest, and besides the many professional gam ?s Uieie wt t be gntest bctween tbs Fats a mV. Leans PafGoldsmith will be captain of the Fats, amiludge Symmo#mill direct the l.ia-is. -i Among thoEOiliO will Join tl Fats are Pap Goldsmith,'l". Jgprgrjß,:Car reras, Those who Wih'w chuirter mcm oersiof the leans ate Judge Syinmes, Goo c T. Bailey, C. L, Candle* aJ number of others. It is Uicdlw£‘tojß?r that a large crosfl wi}/_.jse ing game which’ l>ljjr£ .’jß® l tie ne\t few weeks. ' DAUGHTERS OV- I.VEOIiUHON. '■~3k . Interesiinijr t(Sts&i'£ani- *. Tin# Bp*Wbß Wen gopenmsly sot apart by fat tfhf use of the chapter D ;V. H recently organised In •flfruffijicft ,; *tid a# yet itanammL. Tfa Ii a r<>yi&tid|jitp and fur any line writ- Hntf. tire space baing very limited, hut (ImplyjJo before them interested ii this work, intelligently, the efforts . of the U. A. K.,jn Georgia, towards the reoeirfSig and preservation of ci 1 - niai .history efthifr as dorcuraenu'in the or copied from hnttofcnt.c sources; as well as the wresting from the wsshirg hand of time the few re ef.v ; maiolng colonial dt-flrenoes in G*or glj. The erection of a monument, tfniple in cost and construction on to the great commoner Oglethorpe—and the peneervaling and beautifying of Colonial Hull, ‘■Meadow Garden,” the home of Geo. Walton, one of the three signers of the declaration from Geor gia—which the Colonial Congrcis of D. A. It. so generously helped the Georgians to buy this year. One of the first intents is to secure the cor poration of the General Assembly of Georgis, in having a Iranscript made from the original record# In England, of the early Colonial Documents of Georgia and bave there invaluable manuscripts printed and placed in various publio libraries, so that the people may have aceess to them. In another paper a brief aoooant of the eventful history of theee remark able document will be given, and from time to time the progress of the efforts for securing others. All who are in teresf.ed In the subject, I would refer Cos the “Historical and Gtneal g'cal department,” in the Atlanta Constiu tion conducted by the Joseph Haber sham chapter D. A R. for valuable in formation . There is also frequently a page of historical information In the Sunday’s Constitution of great interest. Sarah H. Both, Regent Brunswick Chapter I). R. See the shirt waists on sale at Ibe Bee Uive. WANTED AT ONCE. Salesladies for Dry Good Store, Apply at “The Bee Hive.” Good morning,have you thought about attending The Bee Hive ( learance bale. BRUNSWICK, GA„ SUNDAY MORNING, JULY '22, 1900. IM NEWS OF 111! IMs of Interest Oatherefl For lie Times ARE HAVING A GOOD If Soldiers Arc Sorry That the Time for Leaving Draws Near-Haying a Good Time > ~'<g Sv }sfi# k; t f— ~.V N - a** • Cumberland Isgkßd, Gr., July 21.-: Additional zest has been given the Older of camp by the Inauguration to JdtaJLif a now departure in tbe routine lueterd of the accustomed battalion drill*, the oompanies participated in expended order and in squads, each supplied with flank ahells, engaged in attack and repulse. Tomorrow tbe visitors vv II bs given a rare treat in this particular. Detachments from tbe TbomaaviUi-, Americug and Alba ny companies will put up a sham bat jj#Svfiich wih be well worth witnesi jHv todays gturd mount Americus again got the orderly. Thla eetnpany * basso far secured three out of live bonorpi The officer of the day is OapL-Ciark, of company L and tbe of the guard are Lieut. Wilson, of oempany B and Lieut. Mack, of company K. . Several companies have participated r ln rifle praotloe today unfertile io struct’ion of Col. Cann. A number of splendid individual scores were made and before this feature is concluded on Monday, IVis Vxpooted that excel lent results will have been obtained. The Fourth regiment has in it* ranks a number of the best shut* In tbe stale militia. There are in Georgia twelve diatingnisbed aha’prtiooters and two of these the Fourth, they are: Mafjr Lee Wjley and l’rivate.Faatop, Of company F. Whit ia raeot by “distinguished” sharpshooters, ia one who qualiflea aa sharpshooters three consecutive years. Private Fenton in his last, score made Mi&highsst reoord, scoring 144 at known and unknown distances on the slate range, At dress parade yesterday ordera No. 3 were read by aoting Adjutant Paine, im which Lieut, Col. Hopkina makes the appointment of Capt. An drew Jackson Scott, of Albany, as Regimental Adjutani to succeed Oapt. B. P. Coles, resigned. This offioe oarries with it the rank of captain, and the friends of Capt. Soott, who is now in Albany, are delighted at this announcement. NOTES. The boys came for fun, of course, and when their duties arc over, they lose no opportunity in making up for lost time, as they say. Tonight they are going to have an undress parade and to those ac quainted with camp life, it is well known what this means. .1 A good 0,10 * s °f a private in M Company, who wus on duty Thurs day night. Long after taps had been sounded, this individual was approach ed by the officer of the guard and in formed that men had been running that particular post and that he did not wan l it to happen again. The sentinel replied that it would not and the officer left. In a few minutes, two late arrivals were seen coming in the direction of his post, and he quickly hid behind some bushes. When the two were close enough, he nabbed the pair. He left his post and marched the couple to the guard house wnere he hunted up the officer who had reprimanded him, and finding him said, •‘Hce what I’ve got! How is that fora beginner!". WON IG RESUME II! Temporary Repairs Are Now Beiug Me. — * SUE Will GO IG TAt Secretary of, the Navy Get a Dis patch From Her Com manfler. Washington, July 21.-The secre tary of the navy baa reoived the fol lowing dispatch from Commander Wilde, of the Oregon : ‘■Ktire, July 20.—11 :17 p. m.—Ore gon and Na hviile arrived at Jiure at 2 o’clock this afternoon. Expect to dock tomorrow. Shall I make perma nent or temporary repairs? I would auggeat putting steel patches, which can be done in a very short time and tbe ship can go back to her duty at Taka. *,To make permanent repaire it will take at least 60 days, probably more. Not a single man was injured in any way. “Wn.fß.” Waehirg’on, July 21.—Wilde, Kure: Universal rejoioing over the safety of the Oregon. She is Ihe Con stitution of this generation. If the eafety of the Oregon will permit, patch and go to Taku. Commend your preference tor irvices there. ' “Long,” BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY. Anyone having. to, ot in vest, can secure for him.soli or herself a permanent pp/iilbn, at a- eatnrwtff $50.00 ri ' ■J' % . per month, In a good paying and grow ing business,ajlßfetS work and entity leaHiefc I'utietfl liglit, and business of the highest rcspoAkbility and permanency; suitable to I arty iif gentle man, old or yftung Kitfier sceiirltj. for the load or part nership in the business can lie bad. For full particular', address “it,” Times; office, city. CRUEL WOMAN. Charlotte Head, who re'ides at 117 Coohran avenue, was reported to the Humane society yesfe day for cruelty to a he.fer. Anna Hall made the re port and it will bejnvea"igated by the sooiety, In this connection the Times wishes to state that it will give $2.50 to be the person who report* a case of cruolty and furnishes evidence to convict the accus ed . If you have no appetite for your meals something is wrong with your digestion, liver or bowels. Pmcki.y Ami Bittek* cleanses and strengthens the stomach, purifies the bowels, aud creates appetite, vigor and cheerfulness W. J. BUTTS, Special Agent. S I EASIER FALCON FOR SATILLA The steamer Falcon will leave the Mallory dork a*'B:3o o’clock tomorrow (j)fl -mday) morning with freight and passenger# for points on the Satillai. B. A. Wirn/ic, Blaster. Don’t miss dress parade on Cumberland Sunday. Boat stays over until 10 o’clock. Sacred concert on Cumber land Sunday, July 22; Boat stays over until 10 o’clock. For Backache use STUART’S GIN and buchu: SOLDIERS ARE LOOTING THE WALLED CITY i! lit Bin if is leg 11 111 til ill In li Shanghai, July 21.—This day was devoted entirely to the looting of the native city by the foreign soldiers and civilians. Millions of taels were found and taken!. The city is tilled with mobs of soldiers of every nation ality. They are breaking open stores left standing,smash ing sates and chests, rushing hither and thither with their arms Tiled with furs, money, jewelry and silver-ware. The American and Japanese troops were the only ones who attempted to restrain civilian or soldier looters. The men of b6th these commands behaved admirably, the conduct of the Japanese being especially commendable under the ciicumstances. Ihe British sent organized details from warships to guard certain treasure which was contained in two official depositories and amounting to over two mil lion taels. The allies intended seizing treasure but an er ror was made in placing guard and when the mistake was discovered the silver had been nearly all carried off. AlllED WHIT GAME NEAR GEIFING nmeir hue oftier m New York, .July 21.—A dispatef* t 0 the New York World from < Fee Foo tells of the great battle of Tien Tsin. The dispatch Jjjys that the attack on the native city came near ending in a disaster to the army of the allies. The .Japanese had the scouting in charge on which every thing depended and they delayed, only the hand of Providence saving a general loss of the entire army of the allies. OFFICIAL STATEMENT FROM I " . STATE DEPARTMENT IT Mil -> Washington, July 21.--The state department issued the following bulletin this morning: “The Chinese Min ister Wu 'Fin Fang communicated to the secretary of state this morning important telegrams. First from Sheng, Director General of Posts telegraph at Shanghai as fol lows: Fortunate that Minister Conger’s telegAph re ply has come. An Imperial decree this .July 22nd, (Chi nese calendar) stated that all ministers were safe- In surgents are fighting and killing each other. Li Ding Chang is proceeding'north to suppress riots, but he will find it difficult to go.” ANNA GOULD'S HUSBAND FOUGHT A FIERCE DUEL YESTERDAY Paris, July 21 .—The Count Boni de Castellane, Anna Gould’s husband, fought a duel with swords today with Count Owloski on the outskirts of this city. In the first assault Owloski was severely wounded and the duel stop ped by doctors'. The cause of the duel was a newspaper article telling of a quarrel between the two which occurr ed at the home of the Count Castellane some t'me ago. It might be said that the Count castellane acted with brav ery and gave his antagonist every disputed point- Friends of the duelists are congratulating them on the result of the conflict. The wounds of Owloski are slight and he will recover within the next few weeks. ROBERTSON SUCCEEDS BROCK WAY. Elmira, N. Y., July 21.-Dr. Frank W. Robertson will suece- il 55. R. Brook way. aj superintendent cf the Elmira reformatory. STEAMER FALCON FOR HATTf.T.A The steamer Falcon will leave the Mallory dock at 8:30 o’clock tomorrow (Monday) morning with freight and passengers for points on the Satilla river. B. A. White, Master. BEST ON EARTH I The New Domestic Sowing Ma chine, latest improved ball lour ing. Have one left at your homo for trial. Easy payments. J. A. MONTGOM KEY, 4503 Gloucester St. PRICE FIVE CENTS SUNDAY SCHOOL NOTICE!. The superintendent of St. Judes Sun day school request all the scholars .to be present this morning at 10 o’clock. Friends of the scholars are invited to come out. FOK SALE—A fine pieoe of prop erty, good business place right in the heart of the city, oheap. Apply at 221 Newcastle street,Brunswick,Geor gia- Mid summer clearance sale now on at The Bee Hive