The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 24, 1900, Image 1

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TJJfPREOEDNTED * ’ i J. A. MQNTGOMERV,. \ 603 Gloucester St. • VOLUME 11; 2s I'M BEK 178 FRANCE GETS GOOD NEWS ytsdu >oil ori stmcHii&v )io ’■ 4 Ills Hh list 111 M I it fc laity —- Paris, July 23.—The foreign office has received from a Chinese source, but thought to be reliable, some very encouraging news from Pekin. The foreign office gives out the statement that the foreigners were not massacred t' up to July 7. The legations were attacked and buried, , ! but the inmates escapen to Prince Ching’s palace which was then barracaded and the Europeans were holding their own \shen the news left which wis July 9: ~ I ALLIES ARE WAITING FOR rum hit mini mu ! T.fcA ** - - ri [ } Y 1 ®t- Piitrsbyrg, July 23.%--ifefSOQti as General Line witch reports ready he WTIP IT? ordered to proceed to Tien Tsin and the allies will wait for him. Linewitch lias an army corps aft da complete artillery brigade. TROOPS GOME FROM CUBA 10 RECRUIT FOR SERVICE IN CHI New York, July M' —The. United States transport Cook arrived from Havana this morning, bringing six hun dred and forty-two officers and men of the Kigtith infantry The regiment will go to Fort Snelling, where it will recruit to its full strength for service in China. THE BRITISH ID CHINESE IN BIG BATTLE AT WEI UAII St. Petersburg, July 23.--Advices received here from China state that the British and Chinese had two en counters at Wi Jlai Wi. After hard fought battles the former were victorious. I tie Chinese lost many. cm soldiers atlpeil7 JTOIT TO IKE A BREAK 23.—The Chinese soldiers here were drilled bv European officers, and they are ablest in open revolt. They are insulting foreigners, and air outbreak is looked for at any time. So far the authorities have been able to keep them under control ■ CHINESE GOVERNMENT ISSUES > A NOTE TO THE POWERS TODAY Washington, July 23.—Minister Wu called at the state department this morning with the decree from Ids government. The text of the same is that the Chinese government was protecting the legation up to July 17th, throws two or three boquets at the powers and states t hat the missionaries are the cause of all the trouble. J _JHE DASH TO BID! PEKIN Paris, July 23—“ On to Pekin" —Notwithstanding the fact that not one of the European nations believe the sponger dispatch is genuine, they will agree to make a itart to Pekin at once. As there are very tew Chinese in the vicinity of Tien Tsin, the plan of a movement now is egarded as a_ good one. July 23.—Sir Halladay Macotney, counsellor aud English secretary to the Chinese legation asserted to night that members of the Pekin legations were safe and alf were about to proceed to Tien Tsin. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. BRUNSWICK, GA„ TUESDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1900, TO MB, MIDILEY .a*; 3cl >;••••• v—■ -.*■ • ~L :r. m ijuintt 'U# *A Unittll , 4 _ liJV S'. '■ \wVDu*sA c. Emperor Appeals to Him to Mediate, But is Still Defiant, 4 \X "" i'""' s ——' —5 *£rrr - ft -*• -’i T.. , •* -*„• & Washington, July 23-—-The president today listened to the appeal Chi nese government as transmitted to Minister Wu, and signified his to medi ate between the Imperial government and the powers, but only on conditions which f rst must be met by the uciyernment. The exact terms proposed by President McKinley, through the state deparahent, cannot be published until tomorrow, as the same will not be given out until that time The greatest secrecy is maintained relative to the matter, but some of the demands which the president will make are and are being discussed tonight. The answer is entirely consistent with the statement of principles laid down by Secretary of State Hay in his nete to the powers, and it ac cepts as TRUTBFun the Chinese statement that the foreign ministers in PeKin are safe. Cfiina is Defiant. •rt • Defiance peryades the edict of the Chinese emperor, He resents the attack on Tien Tfiin, and expects to’demand indemnity from the powers for the damage done by the allies. He is very sarcastic and considers the attack unwarranted. British Do Not Believe Them. Secretary Hay received a cablegram from London, conveying the information of the action of House of Commons. The house declares that the Chinese are not to be trusted and that no credence whatever can be giyen their dispatches. They have no faith in the Conger dispatch and say it is a fake'. All Europe Says, Fake. AH foreign governments are like England . Tjeynot believe that the Conger dispatch is genuine and if genuine, it is some weeks old. Diplomats say that Conger may have written the dispatch before July 7th, and that when killeed it could have been tak en and laid aside for ju|t such an emergency as confronts China now It has already served its purpose as a delayer and the cunning Chinaman is playing, a game for tiftie.. , ■ # Corrals Say Deception. Foreign, as well as our own consul in China, say the message a-'gross deception, and as they the ground their opinions should certainly have great. way P Secre tary Hay cabled |ll of the American representatives and the answer -from, eachi is the same, deception The nipffiifis now a case of opinions only and time alone will reveal the real facts it is true that the foreigners have been butchered, eyery Chinese official from the em peror down are backing the boxers,as assurances from the high offices, state absolutely that the foreigners are safe in lhince Ching’s palace ? ENCAMPMENT ATJN I Fourlli Georgia Will Cue Dp Today. HAVE BAD A GOOD TIME And at the Same Time Learned Some thing ot the Duties ot a Soldier in the Field. The Fourth Georgia regiment which has been in oamp on Cumber land for the past week, will come up on the Governor Hafford today and leave for tbe.r reer olive bomee on the night trail’. boys all nay they bad a very enjoya ble trip. 1,-eut-Col. llopkinr, the Q Jit man band and two companies came up laat evening and sp’nt the night in the oity. The band assisted our local musical orgsmxation in th>-ir concert at the park last night. Big Excursion. Nearly live hundred excursionist reached tbec ty laat n*ght from point s along the Southern Railway. They will go the island thi morning IE MED INJ FIGHT MwiFe and Fernan flina Poult Yesterday. TIGHT FIERCE AND FURIOUS The Dame Was Giyen to Fernandina By a Score of 9 to o—Hot0 —Hot Time it Was- The second game of the series of gameß between Jackeonvil'e and Fer oandiDa for a thousand dollars a side ended in a big free-for-all h,nd to hand fight Inrhe latter oity yesterday. JAII through the game many kioka were heard, and in the seventh inning they began to quarrel in earnest. The soore in this inning itood 8 to 7 in favor of Fernandina. The little point being settled, the clubs agreed to play one more Inning, but a deoil ion in favor of Fernandina started tba quarrel again and the two clube got into a free-for-all fight. A number got bruised up, but none were serious ly injured. The umpire gave the game to Fernandina. For Bladder Troubles use STUART'S GIN and I3UCHU. I Gill Boys Arrived in Msonville Last Night. EXPECT TO WIN EAST Much Money is Being Pnt Up and The Brnnswick Team Seems to be the Favorite. Jaoksonvills, July 23.—Tbs Bruns wick baseball olub readied here to night and all are anticipating victory for to morrow. Batting is In favor of onr team and in some instances odds of 6to 3 are given. A Brunswick man wagered f 150 tonight,/and says he has SMK) more to put up,'' Manager Hirsch alio bet #l6o.—Latins .T. Lkavv, Jk. Tba Bruns.wiJk base ball team left at 3jo’olook yesterday afternoon for Jacksonville, where they go to play three gamee with the club of that city. The team is in excellent trim and claim that they are going to win three straights from the Floridians. The teams of Brunswick and .Jack sonville have played six games this 1 season, three in eaob city, and the i two clubs have split even, both win- •to -pitots mu •v.-’* ' MANY EDICTS Wii it tfiiii. iis 1 ft iiiini tie *£•**#■■ ' ‘C*d j 1 ; , fi t (.‘KFII i‘ r . ■ -t U -Vt * ! ~ ■ '■ —; -.. ' - v. i New York, July 2 3, --The Presbyterian board of for eign missions received a cablegram from Fowler, Chee Poo, saying that the situation was greatly improved at San Tang, ami cnee Poo, the pubtislfed edicts assuring protection to foreigners and saying “Pekin is Safe. I ’. * > * / * CONSUL GOODNflff THINKS THAT THE CONGER DIPATCH IS AN 'OLD ONE Washington, July 23.—(lonsuL (lAiodnow; who has ? spent spine time among the Chinese, wires the state de partment that the Conger despatch, in his judgment, is an old one. This is alsp what every one of the European nations think. u " ' ** bi mi t4s ?a from our ambassador not very conclusive in the a 1 Lied movement to Pekin. It was learned that inasmuch"as 1 lie Conner despatch is not believed to Tie genuine that the powers ai;e not taking to the rush plan proposed by the United States, A semi official statement from YBk6Mn& ; ‘tfre' informa tion that the Japanese will station thp 5; from §an Ilai K wai .while start from Tien Tsin, A " * v ——^———_—^ T j ' li: - * 1 j-.h Gfit evil* a: AMERICAN AND ENGLISH -F'iSH'E A ~ large fdece of mmsmsm. * ivi'iil tat Irtv inuj. - -t; Cftee-lAd, July 23.—8 y a brilfiaM 'dash* against a large force of Chinese, the American an.d, English troops covered themselves with glory-;- this morning was led by Major Wa'ter. The Yankees and British went info battle with a whoop and met a well armed force of three times their size, hut completely routed the enemy, and after the Chinese retreat hundreds of their dead could be seen on the field. A four inch rifle ean noii, two nine pounders, several small guns, and a large quantity of ammunition' was the The Chinese had killed several and annoyed the allies/ft Tien Tsin very much with these guns. Washington, July 23.--The state department received a message from Goodnow, consul general, Shanghai, at 4:3? this afternoon, saying that Prince Tuan wires that of ficers Tsinglyainan were with the ministers on July 18,and that none were injured, and that no attack was being made at that time. The cablegram was dated today. mng three. Muehrivrl-y has arisen between them anil no doubt some good games will be played. After these three games, the two teams hare arrrnged to play Use games for $5OO a side. Two of these games will he played in Brunswick and two in Jacksonville, and the odd one, It it be necessary to play it, will be played in some other city, agreea ble to both aides. A WARM SUIT. Property Owners Want the Foot of Gloucester Opened. Messrs. Crovntt & Whlifleld, attor neys for tho property owners along the western end of Monk street ore going to do everything possible lo break the lease of the foot of the same. One of the largest property owners told a reporter yesterday that the clos ing of the street damaged bis business ! to a great extent. ing. Have one left at jour home ■for tr,ih.- Easrnaynjents. J. A.MON'TGOHEKY, 60S Gloucester St. "HRfeE-pmi CENTH BALL GAME. Brunswiok May Play Savannah Soon, Hil The following is from the Savannah Press: The ball players of Brunswick aie anxious to get a game with a Savan nah team. Representatives of the Brunswick club were in Savannah yesterday tryiDg to make arrange ments for two games this week. They want to play Friday and Saturday af ternoons. It la probable the games will be arranged. Brunswiok has a very strong team this year. Among those on it are Harper and Ballantyne of Savannah and Villineau, another strong player.;,_j| Hustling youog man oan make SOO per month and expenses, Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quiok for particulars* Clark & Cos., 4th & Loom Streets, Philadel phia, l*a. j& W v