The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 26, 1900, Image 1

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TJJUPREGEDNTED!; Spalciin? Cliainless Bicyc'es while they last only $50.00. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 503 Gloucester St. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 180 THEY MOST BE DEAD England Fears the Worst, but the United States Still Hopes Ministers Safe, /.■ All Nations ‘of the Barth Say a Massacre Has Occurred. 'lnhere is no doubt in the minds of the leading states of the world as to the fate of the foreigners in Pekin w United States is tne only country on earth that has given any credence to the assuring despatches of the Chi nese government and now it is beginning to feel that every advice, official or unofficial, coining from the em peror of China is only a trick for time'. England comes out boldly and saysitisvthe belief there that the ministers have Van. massacred. Germany, Russia, dapan, and in fact every nation has given despatch of Mac- Donald, British minister; ,‘ s 4, and the despatch, of Conger bears the s-mie ( ;, and autherthe advices say that the butchery occtrrfed on July 5. Conger’s despatch says: “Have been besieged one week in the British legation. ger of a general massacre by the* Chinese soldiers who the legation. Relief r tjuick if at all- Th^£i ty government except by.’QJl diers who are determined ere all foreigners in FekifiA The entry of a relief the city would be hotly Contested.” The despatch of Sir Claud McDonald, of date in part said: “Legation besieged; send re lief at once. Provisions are low. A unless help ar rives.” The despatches this morning tell of the publication by a Chinese paper at Shanghai, of the details of the butchery. All things go to show that not a foreigner is alive in Pekin. GENERAL E WITH IDE SIXTH CAVALRY ARIES AI NAGASAKI Washington, .July 25.-A despatch to the war de partment announces that General Chafee, with the Sixth •cavalry has arrived at Nagasaki lie will sad for Taku ANOTHER TRANSPORI" ARRIVES LOADED Illli SOLDIERS FROM CUBA New York, July 2%.-- The transport Rawlins arrived from Cuba this morning having on hoard a battalion from the Fifth infantry. The immediate destination of the bat talion is Fort Sterling, where they will recruit prepara tory to* China service. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. BRUNSWICK, GA., I 1 IIUKSDAY MORNING, JULY 26, 1900. A SAD DEATtr, Woman With Ba|y in Amis Drops Dead. j Wayeross, July 3&—^S^qu^l)—A vkfy sad death oetistred in the depot hero t ni#h st BjBa-'elck. A aressotf woman with &h eighteen months baby in her aims was' aqA down the p’atftwm when sudeMly she reeled’ and foil. Bystanders ius*ea up, pbyei eiaes were summoned but Vh o uhfottn uatc lady expired tyithln a in lfcutc After she fell. . S&i ' . r ■ 1 The name'of the deceased and where she came from could not be faseertained. Her valise was searched ami, the ouly clue was a package marked Broxtdn, * ' .‘IT* %s>fr *.i- Ga.’ Till! Hilly ciglH.lyn in ,"J . { ~, yi.- _ would|fMs#af "mania,”4h‘d when lWKed the enure question about her father O.e ‘papa i- my* i*pa,”' ‘BeVh^U fcfnd ladles tpok charge of the little one ■ dMtflegrems have boon sent to Bfox- for (he relatives of the dead- Strong men cried at the sud light tonighu A dear little clulij crying "wake up mama,” but thy-' fofui morten lum,.; 'lie last CROP BULLKTW, jggjlPg. Condition ,of Crons But Halo Badly Needed. - irfgjiiiy provement in all ■•ld -■ and a li< oft "'of ni 11 It any Tli' ion cro|jS'a/e fair and peaehea qontiDae to rot; 1 dfy weather has made it potslhle to' clean all growing crops . The report in foil isjas follows: , v j With the exception ol scatteicd local showers, the weather has been dry and warm, favorable for gcnernl farm work and the cleaning of crops. Where the showers have occurred a general im provement is noted, but over most Of tho state rain is badly needed for corn and cotton. Cotton in some sections is beginning lo shed and rust, though on the whole the condition of the crop is better than at the time of issuing the last bulletin. Early corn is about made, and fodder pulling will begin in a few days. Cos tatoes, cane and peas are generally very good. Kain is row needed to soften the soil for turnip seeding, which has com menced in a few favored localities In toe middle and southern sections peach es continue to rot and drop. All grow ing crojs are now pretty well cleaned and would make rapid improvement wiih the proper amount of moisture. ■SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected D&ily by Capt. Otto Jtbannesen Port of Brans *iok, July 25, 1900. arrived. SS. Navobor, Johnson, J.-ck-envill**, Ho hr Dora Matthew*, Brown, N Y. Schr Wills E. Newton, Coomb*, Boston. CI.KARKI) Schr San Antonia Posibie, Spain, Aiemany Mazsgt>. Schr Cha*. K. Buckley, Townsend, Keedy Island. I 11l ii mil $ Golfl Eeioerals Met at Mianaplis. 11 SUPPORT M’KINLEY A 3£ -***- Some Wanted a Ticket In tie Field But tie Majority Carried tie Day. ife Indianapolis, July 25.—. The Nation- Bl committee of geld democrats met At three o’olook thi afternoon to dis cu*a the .jusation of whether or not they would put out a ticket. The antWuiperlaliet members urgerdjtbe third ticket but the majority thought beet not to dgpo and to that end will recommend against tbe third ticket. It Is the geoeral opinion that the gold men who met here will aupport Mc- Kinley. BOERS AGAIN. They Capture Two Hundred Highlanders. I.ondon, Jftly, 26.—General l<obert| reports that-the l(3wrs have oaptured a sujiply traftt and two jivindred of tiring it #aa the some oity%' igo, Imt rtny men say it is another. The Boers at, ‘-Branklifirst. Btruit ba’dng got wind of the liritjst? xlvaece have evaluated all their poeitnfts and are reported to be moving east, A despatch states that many of the Burghers are in favor of peat)*, ABOUT TOWN. Sayings and Doings in and About the Travel to Brunswick during the past week has been "great, Besides the jr* v* AL*. many exoureionist, many people have had business here. Some of our young ladies go shop ping in the afteenoon and remain out until 7:50 o’clock. They should be at home before dark by all means. Vacant houses are as soaroe as the proverh.l "hens teeth" right about DOW, One certain family has baen looking for a good residence for the past month, but at yet are “hoveeloss.” Those who are interested in the raoe meet need have no fear about Tom Martin, of Atlanta, injuring it BA few tbings can be given successfully In Georgia without Mr. Martin. B-th I Mis* on Seivices. Interest in the meetings at Bethel is increasing. Rev. W.J. Barton is an earnest ard entertaining talker, and is preaching moat effeotive ser mans. Mr. C. D, Ogg ia the leader of this mission and has given most faith- ful attention to the work. He is superintendent of the Sunday soboot, which is ■non-denominational, mem bers of the various prolestant denomi nations being teachers. All are cor dially invited to attend the revival services. PEARS.—For pickling, preserving or making jelly, at 800 per bushel, delivered, telephone 215 or postal ad dress, W. F. Fbnniman. IRK 18 ' Bill Ills Score Yesleriay Was 12 lo n EVERYBODY DISAPPOINTED Big Odds Offered Against tie Florida Team ly Local Sports Here Yesterday Jacksonville. July 25.—Brunswick went down in defeat again today by n score of 12 to 6. The battery for Brunewiok was Kap" ban ami Ballantyne, for Jacksonville O’Neil and Crippen. Before the game oommenoed Bruns wick money wae sweeping the field and Manager Iliisoh was one of the heaviest plungers— on the liret inning Brunewiok scored one and Brunswick stook went bounding, Hired) and hie friends going several hundred dollars more in pools by giving odds, From the first to the third inning the <soore stood Brunswick ons to Jacksonville nothing, but in the fourth inning Jacksonville scored two following by aooriog seven in the Afth, knocking Kaphan out of the box and fhtflfng the Brjinriviok team ooo sideraßly'.'.,C2 - In the seventh Brunswltk veered (ive and ifiope bsgVn i(t revive for he'r baokers, but Jacksonville followed with two and in the eighth inning with one, leaving the aoore 12 to 6 against Brunswick. Garrett was substituted for Kaphau in the box for Bryjoswiok. . Buck Abbot, a Brunswick boy, played on tbs Jacksonville team and win the game for the Florida boys. He made two ' hree-bsggers and one two-hagger, ilpen Cotton in Amerious. cotton exbibt. ! \wis brought |in yesterday In this county. Tk •Jbotton in jured by drought and !hi> iniii %D'’t open Last seaSf •* first bale of new oottoo was received, here July 28, but will be a week later this year, IN GOOD SHAPE. P The tiro department headqnarlers ! have been put in flrst-claes shape, j J number of oarpenters have been en gaged on the towe’f, doom, eto , fo tome weeks and the place really looks nice and is comfortable. FINE TOMATOES. Four of the tomatoes which came from the garden of Mrs. W. B. Bur roughs weighed something over ten pounds and as red and pretty as an Elberta peach. Glynn county soil will produces the best of everything. DALLAS IS HOI'. Dallas, Tea., July 25.—Yesterday the mercury reached 103 in the shade at many plaoes. Numerous heat pros trations have reported. Henry Ander son died of sunstroke at Annona. SOME BETTING. Quite a number of small bets were made in Brunswick jKisferdayon the baseball game In JacksonviltS and in nearly every instance the man who had the Brunswick end of it gave odds. PEAK.-}.—For pickling, preserving or jelly, at 800 per bushel, del.vered, telephone 218 or postal ad dress, W. F. PasKiuAN. HIS HEAD ON A POLE M FI il 0 Fill 1| I lit ids ill lest Pitt. . , % Shanghai, July 2L —A leading Chinese paper hdre publishes an intercepted message from Pekin, and among other things it says that the foreigners were massacred on July 5, and adds that the head of a French bishop was carried through the streets and afterwards exposed from a pole in front of the Viceroy’s Yamen. This report tallies with the message from the English minister at Pekin dated July 4, in which he stated that a massacre was im minent. • SAID IT IS ALL UNTRUE iri if m li H cito Mes sages lie Folds. .g.•■.’<* '*/'•. v•“ -r.v r’s, 1 ■s.'&yg . ■ • . -■ ~ ' ’*•' •*' ;V * London July 25.--fiord Haiisl Am bassador Ciioatc that it was denOe so far submitted by the ChiflMe government or that transmitted by the United States regAr(Vv.g the safety of the foreign !hmisters at Pekin until their safety is thor oughly established. In the meantime the British govern ment refuses to discuss any question of mediation or kindred matters. 1111 NOW fl CITY OT MIH ID DESTRUCTION (Mill Tien Tsin, July 18, via Shanghai, July 25. —'The native city, Tien Tsin, presents an appalling appearance. There is war desolation on all sides in the city the settlements on the suburbs have been/ com plete? y destroyed. Shot ami fire have united in causing sides. There are scarcely a dozen houses I 'i|iig intact. On the side facing the settle ... s<4.the city, the damage was terrific, and nrKy of the buildings nearest the wall were literally torn to pieces, while hundreds of charred remains of Chinese sol diers are in the streets- OUR NAVY Dll NOT IF PARI IN ' IHE SHELLING OF THE IftKU FORTS Washington, July 25. Admiral Keinpff reports from Che Foo under date of July 17th, that he did not take a part in the shelling of TaKu forts because lie had no orders which would warrant such an act of war. In formed rear Admiral Bruce that he was not authorized to iniate any act of war with a country with which we wexe at peace. Captain Wise reports that he regrets that his ship was not in the tight. Inured french missionaries M FICHU 111 MMHlim Paris, July 25. --French consul at Shanghai,has cabl ed the foreign minister that one hundred French mission aries have been killed at Manchueria. TBEST ON EARTH! The New Domestic Sewing Ma chine, latent improved ball bear ing. Have one left at your home for trial. Easy payments. J. A. MONTGOMERY, 603 Gloucester St. PRICE FIVE CENTS