The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, July 29, 1900, Image 1

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UNPBECEDXTED!, Sp&ldint Chainlets Bicycles while they lest only 150.00. J. X. MONTGOMERY, *OS Gloucester St. VOLUME 11; NUMBER 183 ALIVE OR NOT ALIV E? i is l isi l k Hi With Powers Hi. Washington, July 28.—The Washington government is now-beginning to share the opinion of Europe in be lieving that evety single foreigner in Pekin has been butchered by the of' all that the Chinese government is endea lllSP* a y powers false. A prominent gentle- HtfM’liimrvd some years with the American legation *4:in said tonight: IP "There is no doubt in my ffiind but that there is not a a for eigner left in Pekin. The Chinese are playing a sharp trick in saying that members of the l legations will be carried to Tien Tsin under a guard and they will be “killed on the way.” This is just what they are going to say. China’s ul timatum to the powers shows that it is a play for time and stopping the Pekin expedition. KM TELEGRAPHS CORRESPONDENTS IT 11l 1 NOW U London, July 28.—The Daily Telegraph received a despatch early this morning dated yesterday from its correspondent at Shanghai, in which was stated'. “Special trustworthy informa tion convinces me that all foreign ministers in Pekin, with the excep* tion of the German represen tqpvt are still alive. I learn from an ex cellent source that some of the Europeans are living Pekin.” THE mMMTIENT ISSUES A LONG STATEMNT THIS MORNING. Washington, July 28. --The following official bulle tin was nosted at the state department this morning'. Chi nese this morning at state department and communicated copy of the Imperial edict of the 24th of July, received by him from Directo General Sheng, al though Chinese minister at London- Edict states that fortunately all ministers, except German minister, are alive and unharmed and are now being supplieved getables fruit, provisions by government to show sympathy. London, July2B.--Correspondent cabling from Shang hai today Bays managers of Russian bank here received letter from their Chwang agent stating that one Chinese representative in Pekin had just arrived and confirmed story of massacre. Said Sir Robert Hart in despair and knowing what might expect if captured, committed sui cide'. Although this man was tortured, he stuck to story repeating his statement that all ministers had been mur dered; also said that seeing death inevitable, as Chinese swarmed to embassies, the foreigners killed their families to save them from falling into the hands of the boxers. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. BRUNSWICK, GA., SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 29, 1900. m m in oi Deffltl Offers a CoMilioial Snrrender. jHr‘air \x ■i. ■ ■r - BUI LORD ROBERTS REFUSES He Will Accept Only Ah Unceiidit-kmal Down of Arms. London, July Town special say 8 it is reported that Gen oral DeVpiU, Boer leader, lias offered lo surrender on condition, it adds, that be permitted to rotur* tp tUeir .Aftmus unmolested. Roberts refused Jo enter.- tain anything except unconditional, ~~~ DR. J. 0. KIPPOKX) REBIUNSy Waycross, Ga., July SSi—l>t. Jas. C. Rippord, chief surgeon of the I’lant System Billet and Hospital de partment , i ; M r tion, to take effunt Aug. 1, iHe will enter at one a upon the active practice of bis profession again. Br..ltippord was appointed tp this position nine months age, Mjccetdii.g Or. frank 13. Caldwell. Jt qouid not be learned this afternotn wpo will be Dr. Rip pord’a ■ Don’t forget the auction sale of the Brunswick Groc ery Cos., Monday and Tues day from J 1 to 1. 1 II IK Police Jp tii Mob Hare fteifini Tii. New Or'eanr, July 28.-Although the pclloe cfiloers fought the mob that went about to burn the bouses ot negroes in the vicinity of Ohoupitou las and Amilia streets and finally drove off the rioters, about thirty tenant houees occupied by negroes were fired and were ail on fire at one time before the deputies oould get control. The splendid Thomas Lafone school was burned to the ground. The school accomodated eight hundred colored children. Corporal Laily who was shot by Kobert Charles, the negro desperado, died at four o’olook this morning. A GOOD GAME. Tbe two juvenile clubs played an excellent game at tbe baseball park yesterday afternoon and after playing nine iuniugs, the soore stood 4 to 0 in favor of the Wonders. The pitcher of the Juniors did good work but his support was weak. Humps or Bruises, sj rail s or sorts, burns or scalds, wounds or cuts, tetter or eczema, all quickly cured by Banner Salve, the most hea'ing medicine in the world. Nothing else "just as good.’’, 1 W. J. Butts, the druggist. WANTED—A good boy for delivery wagon. Geo. W. Harper, The Hustler. WANTED.-A naan for outside work. Apply to Roberts, Furniture s'ore. Tiiur.dsy only, you can get eggs for 1c each at Hartkb, The Hustler. NO COAT BRIGADE Tie Mtllim Will be Fell 8001. INK NEW MEMBERS L'\: . '.A • "T- .3- **:-■ ■ '-’.f 1 . Are Enlisting in the Cause * of Humanity Every Hot Pay. Every day now, ing for the “no-coat brigade.” Leading business men in Brunswick, both young and old, are getting to look at the matter in a very sensible wanner and it ia predicted that by August the ranks will be filled to overflowing and other regiments will haye to be orga^ied. “dt course fbelieve there are limi tations to this mivemant,” said a prominent aooiety man to a reporter yesterday, "but there la no dout about the orusade being the moat sensible innovation of modern yearr, I shall ‘end what inllueuce I may have have in carrying it through," It is getting quite a common sight to see men In all party of the oity, on the business atreets, In drug atorea and other plaoea where the rneeeet congregate without their coate. Of course the negligee ehirt ia alwaye ipotles ly olean, a belt takes the plaee of suspenders and ihe attire is seat in every particular . . * Many persons who vowed not to fol low the new fashion have been won ■over, The of-the Idea seems to protend well for Its future. The movement has spread to large cities likis Washington, Baltlintfrs, Chiladelphia, Chicago and avan Bos ton. In fact, from all over the coun try oome rumors of the "strike” ampng men, and tba Washington dtar, dignified the disousein recently with tbe following editorial: "The question of shin's summer at tire is awakening tbe eohoes of th • long-disouseed 'new woman’ topic, and reviving a consideration of the relationship of the sejps in these deys of progress and tbe-ohjUteratJpn of an ■ . £' ' oient soolalogical landmarks. This is ? pretty warm weather for enoh a de bate. It la to be hoped that the pros and oans of feminine advancement will not be added to tbe sufferings of a patient oommunity. The iiaue ie far more simple. It Is ons of taste and comfort. A man’s environment de termines in the main bis conduct and hie attire. Tbe average man will readily adjust himself to his surroundings. Modern maeoulinlty is not so degenerate as to forget even under the impetus of an evolution in olothes or in manners tbe fundamental principles of polite relationship. The ooat need not be, therefore, in sisted upon as the absolute badge of gootillty or respeot. A man easy swelter under a ooat on a hot day and still owe bis observance of a tradi tional rule of dress to a dread of ridi cule, to what amounts to moral oow ardioe, while on tbe other band, he may wear a ooat for bia own com fort as a result of temperament. Just so a costless man, who decently re gards his own oomfort, may remain tbe gentleman, always careful Dot to overstep the line of propriety or to display an offensive disregard for tbe requirrmnte of true gallautry toward women. The boor will be Moorish with or without a ooat. The gentle men requires no sartorial test to re veal bis nature. Nor is it to be fear- ■n is urn 1 1 • Tbe Scores 10 to 1 aiifl 8 to 1. \ II EXCELLENT GAMES \ Our Team Put Up Some Beautiful 'Ball .Playing. v Savannah, July 38 —The Brunswick base ball club won both games hero to day; the first by a score of 10 to 1, and tbe second by 8 to 1, Although the defeat of the Forest City was bad, both games were pretty, Kapban and Weiss, the Btunswick bat tery received the app’auee of even the Savannah rooters. The club will leave for Charleston tomorrow, where they will play Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. After the games there they will go to Augusta and try conclusions with the club of that city Thursday,Fri day and Saturday. Managor Hirsch challenges the Jacksonville team for a game in Savannah for SSOO, but so far they haven’t accepted Following is the line-up of today's games: ’ Port. Brunswick - Charlton.. •,..... ,o Weisß King And O’Connor p Kaphan Bogman .lb ........Vllliueau Watson.. .7........3fc.... .Harper ’Wigfclns 3b 1,. Garrett Downey s. si.....Ballantyne Ke11y.....' 1. f....... ....Philips Dobfon..,. ~ ..!.;l-.*u. f . Hallowell iQbent.... .... jy. f.., ....... Wolfe Sdcond game— , Post. / • .y D", . Brunswick. Charlton c.. allautyue W iggiue.... Hallowell Bogman ... , y .H,;:.i.'Villiueau Watsou ..... .<Jb. Zf*■ vi. Harper t! McGowen....., 3b G arrett Downey. .s. s .... . Weiss Kelly .......... 1. fPhilips Dobsoflfr c. f Kapban McKarrell. r. f............. .Wolfe ed that any inclination toward a coat, lets attire in summer will lessen the respect of man fur woman, or in any degree tend such degeneracy at some of The Star’s correspondent seem to apprehend. Fashion'fa forever chang ing. When the short skirt was de creed by oommon-sanse dress refor mers for womeu’t ute on the streets conservatives cried aloud In protest that a decadence was at hand. Today the shortened skirts is regarded ap provingly in all classes of society and reoommended by scientists and physi cians as in interest of the publio health. Tet there it observable along with its rapidly increasing use no marked lessening of moral principles. The generation of women who enjiy this retur j is io no degree lees lovable and less worthy beoause of its greater happiness and comfort. The changes of fashion are fortunately iiytne di rection of greater rase and a more rational attire for both sejxes. The disposition to abandm^"tbe ooat in summer is in harmony with this spirit, although it along with all other inno vations will depend for adoption up on tbe personal taste of individna's.” WANTED —Services of intelligent reliable permanent man. Office and outside work. Enclose stamp and references. A, T. Morris, P. O. Gon, Delivery. STILL SAY ALL ALIVE 1 lest lift ie Eimioiid bus .1 IS 11. New \ ork, July 23.—The Tribune publishes special cable from Li Hung Chang, dated Shanghai, July 27 as follows: “Pekin reports the ministers are alive and safety is assured. The entrance of the allied forces into Pekin is necessary.” This cable was a direct response to a cablegram sent three days ago asking him for a statement as to the safety of tlie ministers and other foreigners in Pekin. rPEKIN BANKER WIRES THAT THE * FOREIGNERS HAFE BEEN IASSACBEED. London, July 28 —The London News has received a story from a Pekin banker confirming the truth of the Pekid massacre. This is regarded as true here. WAR OR THE EMPRESS’ HUGH IS CEIT4®I DiIAIDAf V' Shanghaiedi4y 28.—War or the protection of the Empress Dowager and unity of the Chinese empire is tlie alternative presented to the powers by the powerful vice_ roy of Yangste province. The ultimatum of the viceroys states that there shall be no partitioning of China and that the person of the Empress Dowager shall be held sacred otherwise the atti tude of the viceroys will be changed. Until now vice roys Lv® rofessed friendship of foreigners. gglimL r,l " 1.1. !■■—■■ ■ L London, July 28.--The secretary of the Chinese em bassy in an interview this morning states that tbe Chi nese minister to Great Britain had direct information from Pekin tha| the ministers are aliye and would be-'eseorted to Tien Tsin. Tlie secretary said that he absolutely certain of safety of foreign representatives at the Chinese capital • BT. JUDES CHURCH. Tlnre will he an early celebration of the Holy Eucharist at St. Judes Episcopal churob, to-day at 7.30 a. m. services and sermon at 11 a. m. and in the evening at Bp. ro. Even ing prayer will be said every Wednes day at 8 p . in. Tbe new Reotor, Rev. U. P. Eubanks is full of zeal for tbe Master and hopes to build up a good work at St. Judes. The Sunday school meets every Sunday at 10 a. m, The Reotor is about to establish a Bible class and extends a cordial in vitation to every one to come and join in the study of God’s word, WAN TED Ariesjgn wells to drive at *250 each. Rise and oapacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete welia in 15 days. Gall on er addries A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. Keep yonr system in perfect order and you will have health, even in the most sickly seasons. Tbe occasional use of Prickly Asa Bitters will insure yigor and regularity in all the vital or gans, W. J, BUTTS, Special Agent. IBEST ON EARTH! The New Domestic Sewing Ma • chine, letest improved ball bear ing. Have one loft at your home tor trial. Easy payments. •1 A. MONTGOMERY, Gloucester St. PRICE FIVE CENTS SHIPPING REPORT. Corrected Daily by Capt.. Otto Johanneses Port of Bruns sick, July 27, 1000. arrived. SiS Geo. W. Clyder, Chichester, Charleston. Sohr Belle Wooten, Humervillo, Cienfeuges. CLEARED Sohr Geo. M. Grant, Pellam, Am berg. SAILED It Bark, .Clara, Scarpa, Genoa. 412 thousand timbers. Sohr Anna T. Bishop, Boneva, New York. 334 thousand lumber. A BIG CONTRACT. Mass. Bowen & Bradt, the up-to date contractors,have cloeed a deal for a large contract at Jekyl. They will begin work on tbe surne at once. 100 eggs for 100 oenta at Harters, Tbe Hustler. 100 egge for 100 cents at Hakpb’s on Tuesday only. llarter, Tbe'Hust ler.