The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 03, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 187 i JIB Brunswick Wins ly Scars Of 20 10 6 . 4 ■mm JACKSONVILLE v : First the SI,OOO \Series Cojnes to Us i Very Easily. jAgrfawiok won Us game from jfcnville yeaterday by a score of It wa* the Brat of the eerie* of three game* played on neutral ground! and wa* pulled of in Savannah in the pre sence of three thousand people. The aerie* now on i* for $1 ,000 a aid* and Brunswick now has all the advantage. Bulletin* announoing the result of the game by inoina were Reived and potted at the Elk islion. The room was crowded with baaebtll enthusiasts and each talegram announcing the Bruoewlok boy* good playing was re. oeirad with obeera by the crowd. The gauie tbowed .alear olean cut playing throughout aod the work oftheßruni- naaeAboysdessi ve* commendation* Tbe Timks special correspondent an- Douooaa in his bulletins tbat the Brunswick team will certainly win tbe JaoktonTille money, a* yes'srdaj’s game (bowed tbat tbe Floridian* were clearly outpliyed at every point. Tbia morning a big crowd of root er* will leave for Savannah and tbere they will be met by strong reinforce ment* in tbe ship* of Savannahians, wbo are betting on tbe borne crowd. Tb* Time* man wired last night tbat Savannah (port* are standing by Brunswick, ar,d tbere were plenty of rooter* to oh**r our boys on. SHIPPING REPORT. Cormtad Daily by Capt. Otto JoLsbbskii Prl f Brnoiiok, Aug 2, 1900. ARRIVED. Sobr. K Bower, Henderson, Provi dence, vessel to E. H, Mason & Cos. Schr, WeeloyM, Oler, Harriman,New London, vessel to E. H. Mason A Scbr. Waltham, Simon Schr, Jennie Lockwood, Cookson, Hirsch & Cos. CEEABED. S. 8. Riogrande, Johnson, N. Y., mdse, and passengers, (AILED Norwegian bark Kolha, Ericksen, Marburg. Bpanisk brig Tons, Casablan ca, f. O. Schr. Eliza J. Pendleton, Hutchinson, Reedy Island. Schr. Glady IJjtman, Perth Amboy. Excursion to Waynesrille August 6th. Aocount colored Sunday school tb* Plant 3} item will run an excur sion Brunswick to Waynesville. Special train will leave Union depot *a. m. Rates will be 50 and 25 cents for adults and children respectively tor return on regular trams August 7. Fats and Leans in the great fun game at baseball park to-day—don’t miss it. Money loaned on personal and real estate. Ap ■v to J. W. Wat Kins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. Fffi 11 jf ui Great Gains is On For --- Today FUN 1 EVERTOY Starts at Four O’clock Big r**t* win i-dis Place,- '-•U n ' ▼ Today ftre will play the *‘Leans." , The greatest t>W ball game of the season will oom-naejici'it 4:30 o’clock, and ‘ Pap" mighty heavyweights up again# Judge Symrae# and hi* light stepper* to a finish. The game will be .fast and furious from the opening. At 4p. in. the pa rade of the fats and tba leant wilt •tart from tbe court bouse and a btg crowd will follow them to tb* grounds; at 3:30, and all IfHraewiclr will bs there. j*vj p- Many stores will and all merchants have been re quested by the ladi*| to shut up shop at tbat Ibonr. ” OLD SETTLERS REUNION... Gainesvii!?, Ter.. Aug. 2,-dne of the biggeat events that bas taken place in the history or this oity is tbe Old Settlers’ Reunion, which opened here to-day and will continue until to-mor row evening. Toe organization is composed both of war veterans and eld setilers in general throughout tbe state, and tbe program of exercises is arranged for tbs enjoyment of both. POSTPONED. The meeting of tne primary daises of the Baptist Sunday which was to have been held this afternoon, has been postponed until tomorrow fSalur day; afternoon at 4 o’clock. All mem bers of tbe primary classes are reques ted to be present. WHEELER CAN’T COME.^ Will Not Visit Macon fcftr&et Fair. It was very much desired that Gen eral Wheeler would be in Macon dur ing the street fair, asd take part in tbe reunion encampment by sleeping in tbe tents with the veterans, but tbe frllowmg letter received by Maft> r Smith explains why he cannot aoa)(: “My Dear Sir—l thank you with my whole heart for your kind invitation, and it would give me great pleasure to accept. Georgia was my cat ve state, ami I had six of tbe fi est regiments in ihearmy from (bat state. I would lovvery much to be with you and tny friends, and I regr.-t that 1 find that 1 have so little control of my timo tbat 1 will be deprived of tbe pleasure. “Hoping tbat the old Boldiers will have a joyous gathering and thankiog you again for your kind invitation, beliaveme, Truly your friend JOSXI'H W JIEKr.BK. GOTTLIER TO CHINA. New York, Acg, 2.—Surgeon General J. Adelphia Gottlieb, commandant and director general of tbe National Volun teer Emergency service corps, received orders to-day to start for China by the wav of San Francisco. He will take with him an emergency relief corps and all will go on duty caring for our sick and wounded soldiers as soon as they arrive in the Orient. BATTLE NOW RAGING NEAR YAEG TSUN The Chinese Army of Twenty Thousand Men snd the Allies Are Now Engaged in Battle. Shanghai, August 2 big battle is reported on between the relief column and the Chinese army near Yaeg Tsuon which is about eighteen miles from Tien Tisn. Japanese scouts located an army of twenty thousand Chinese at the above point. New York, August 2 —A Shanghai special to the New York Journal in which it is stated that la Hung Chang left Canton at the request of the emperor. When Li was asked if he aoprehended any danger to the ministers from the Ting Full Suans, hie said: “There is something in this. I think it best for the allied forces not to attempt to enter Pekin at pre sent. The Pekin ministers were safe on July 30” Continuing, the Chinese statesman said: “The Chinese government desires to continue to act as the peace maker, and use Strong measures to suppress the boxers and it the powers will allow it to do so it will continue to act as peacemaker.” Li Hung Chang thinks the ministers are safe, especially the American. .* Washington, August 2.—The state department made public the correspondence regarding Li Hung Chang’s, proposition to send the minister to Tien Tsin with a safe escort, provided the powers would not march into Pekin. Our government refused, and his proposition was not even submitted to other pow ers. American government demands free communic ation with Minister Conger. London, August 2. —Che Foo yester day says sliFurteof new Chang and taken positions commanding town. A message was sent to Taotaio demanding surrender of place "but was refused. Hong Kong, July ?1- —Li Chu Fu, who lias been under arrest here, has raised a revolt at Puchenghsien, fifty miles south of Chuchau, and trouble is likely to follow- PERI’S m NOW IN DANGER Attempt Made to Assassinate Him This Morning. IVris, Aug. 2.—An attempt was male this morning to assassinate tbe Shah of Persia, but resulted in no barm. The Shah was leav ng his appar rnents, guarded by a number cf police, when a man made through the crowd acd attempted to mount tbe etep of tbe royal carriage, but he was pulled off and placed under arrest. BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 3, WOO. William at Cowes, London, Aug. 2.—Emperor Will iam arrived at Cowes today and met with a royal reception. He will probably come to London in a few days, and go from here to Windsor Castle. Kjbbed of the Grave. A startling incident, of the which Mr. John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the subjeot, is narrated by him as fol lows: “I was in a most dreadful con dition. My skin was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue coated, pain continually in baok and sides, no ap petite—gradually growing weaker day by day . Three physicians bad given me up. Fortunately, a friend advised trying ‘Eleotrio Bitters,’ and to my great joy and surprise, tbe first bottle made a decided improvemedt. I con tinued their use for three weeks, and am now a well man. 1 know they saved my life and robbed tbe grave of another viotim.”. No one should fail to try them. Only 80 cents, gn ran teed at all drug stores. MOHAMMEDANS ASA 1111 They Offer in Return, Quarters for the Troops, Tien Tsio, July 30.—via Shanghai— Aug. 2,-General Gaselee, whll* re~ connoitering near Reit Sang/met a number of Mobamedans wj/o bad a petition signed by Dudler, secretary of the oity commission, asking protec tion of thslr charges offering to pro vide quarters fur ths troops. In oaee of necessity tbe/ *id tbe troops oould ocoupy the Mosque if quarters could not be provided elsewhere. Chinese report Generals Lung and Ma intrenobed PeitSang and Viceroy there with a large foroe. Mohamme dans are fighting boxer*. E M 10 ■ IE Says Soldiers Am Tired in PMliinns AN BIG LETTER Charles Hoffman Says Sol dier Life is a Drag to the Roys. Mariquina, P. N., June 29.—Our regi ment is now at this place and I think it can apprcpriately be called the end of nowhere. It ia of three or four thous and inaabitan’s and situated on the Mariquina river which is at present so swollen that fording it is impossible. On this account we have a great deal of trouble in getting supplies, especially fresh meat. We are now occupying comfortable quarters, and but for the fact of the ex cessive heat, it would he very pleasant In our new heme. This regiment is made up mostly of young men from Ohio and Virgin'a and all are clever good fellows but are tired of this life. Fighting here is like hunt ing rabbits in America and one wljo joins the army for excitement, natural ly gets tired of it. It is rumored that we leave for home in November and wo are looking for ward to that time with great delight. Nearly every member of this company are victims of call tropical ulcer which is very pal Jful, and hard to lioal. Some of the nkn cannot move hand or foot on account painful allliction. Three regiments left here for China today, the Oth, 12th and 47th regulars. It is the impression here that there will be a warm time over tbere. * Fun at the baseball park to-day—-Fats and Leans will play ball. SHEARING |~*TEW YORK ' New York, Aug. 2.—Governor Rose velt began today a three weeks’ cam paign tour of New York state, speak ing in all of the principal cities and auany of the smaller towns where it is thou^rtAF es<mee will be ot service c*.-, of fro-vJv on at the base ball park to-day—Fats and Leans cross bats. EMPEROR’S BIRTHDAY, llong Kong, Aug. 2.—The emperor of China Is 28 years of age today, but the disruption of the empire caused by the war now in progress, prevents any demonstration in honor of the emper or's birthday. See the Fats and the Leans at the baseball park to-day. AMERICA WELL REPRESENTED. Paris, Aug. 2.—The International Medical Congress convened here today. Prominent men of the profession from all parts of the world are in attendance, the representation from the United Slates keing larger than that of any country outside of Franco. Fats and Leans cross bats at the baseball park to-day. Mr. William Waite, well known a* night clerk at the Oglethorpe has re signed his position to accept a place behind the Hotel Lanier counter at Macon. This popular young man will oarry with him the best wishes of many friends. PRICE FIVE CENTS AIK Alta Hum's SiaForlate Wild Siaieinnt n it B*tar The Murderer Made the above Remark to the Jail Warden. Rome, Aug. 2.—Breesi, the king’* aasassin, is in a very excited condition today and it took force to subdue him. When the warden told him to put on bis clothes he exolaimed: “Never mind, it will be the Czar’s time next.” NKW YORK ANARCHISTS. Net? York, Aug. J.—The newest thing: in the anarobist line is the finding of an anwobist boarding house at 84 McDonald afreet. M. Boeei ia proprietor of the glace and _over one hundred anarchists' board there. Teresa Brugneli, who inspired Bressi to kill Humbert, andS&ssi, who was arrested in Italy, were formerly lodgers at this house. AT THU KING’S 8188. Mozs, Aug. 2.—Viotor Emanuel, Italy’s new king, and Queen Helen*, remained at the bier of * t,u * all night. The face ol the|P Bw ' ruler shows his grfcgrnifi^ei ■SB tlEll ** N No Rrouftb Reported from -that Section. Yesterday. \ ./ .■/ ' '<& , ’-y- Italoigh, Jf. 0. Aug. 2. —The election in North Carolina today is considered KHie an event of national importance. The important feature of the election is the amendment to the constitution diss franchising the negroes. / Reports received from all parts of the state Indicate a victoryl for the demo., crats. The amoudrueij* will bo adopted and the white supremacy crowd will win wilh between twenty and forty thousand majority. An attempt was made last night to fire the town of Faison, on the Wilmlng. ton and Weldon ltsilroad sixty miles from here, but the fire was discovered and extinguished before much damage was done. Charlotte, Aug, 2.—The indications are that the democrats will carry the state by more than forty thousand majority for both the state ticket and the constitutional amendment. The legislature will also he demooratio by a good majority, Cotton Market. New York, Aug. 3.—Cotton, Au gust 8.77; September 43; October 38; November 7. HBHt> Best Way to Cure Backaobe. Baokaobes are caused by disorder in kidneys. Foley’e Kidneys Cure will make the right. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts.