The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 10, 1900, Image 4

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Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive A Complete Assortment of the Defeifler MannraclnrinE Company’s jgSJ§®a n hui grade V Muslin Sheets 11 VpSoey nnd YBffSoey Pillow Cases always in stock. ( We iiyPemleavoring to show you the newest in Mid-Summer Novelties. See the new POLKA DOT VELVET RIBBONS! Comes in black and Royal Blue, satin backs. Nos. 12 width, suitable for Belts, per yd 25c. Nos. 5 width, suitable for Ties, per yd 15c Now Ribbon Beits. We show exclusively[the new Velvet Ribbon Belts! Black Velvet Ribbon Belts: made of No. 22 black velvet ribbon, satin back, 'with strings of No. $ ribbon, each 50 Cents. THE LATEST—ONLY A FEW TO SELECT FROM. VELVET RIBBON BELTS. VELVET RIBBON BELTS. AUde of two atrlpa No. B Satin Baok Velvet Rib- made of three atripa No. 6 Satin Baok Velvet tn.n with embroidered while ailk cord edge Kibhon with embroidered white eilk cord edge EACH iiOo. EACH 750. New line*! l llk Satin Ribbon Bella each :i£ic. New line all S lk Taffeta Uibbon Belt*, each r>Oo Nickel and Black Rings, suitable for making Pulley Belts, per pair 3c. The Bee Hive, ! The Bee Hive. Phil B. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st„ Brunswick, Ga. ii ji n.feo.rr'rn - — 111 " "" -LjpvA Uiu r.ui . v*V Sk W]Ki V ill' Ml* proti’-ir will you wlok and blink jchir llfn and fc. Li* fi Ire 8 ft HU J BMvona w,if.y away, Mlfc*r thaw wwar 29 5% 'a lUlLaOUiiii UR* UIMMMrt Will 4011 iqrw jourcyw*i..over L ""i' k • ua °* ,,< 1 thwnfwlmu tlwvciv lorMlu. r^t W 8 !*,£“, . tt i... viuuj ai irTiWlijiiii JfcStiuV’WMielJi'd ioU wia,i'<-.- |jg IL~ ims “Irtd Lmk-hI , ntijw trvfif ' UM la* aid at. th.n . Si I'.,V'tu, ■'<!• yuu H wi.iid lit 111 linn-atii! !*: '■' )*Sr vßilou fr an I<l k? & }' KEHNOHMOrT, S § Jeweler and Graduate Optician. L: j / 115 SUetd* 2 Inspector Qf eht- sotj Jffchwn Bftßif ay.. Time by Wire dally frpm Wnchlugton TTrrrfirJjrfrrrrrrrfrrrrrrM S p 1 * —"■■■i.*■■■' J. J. LISSNER, A Pc\- WHOI.KB.M.K. " Groceries, Tobacfco, Flour, Bacon and V Provisions, GRAIN 1 , HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. Bay Street, Bitmswick, Georgia, BOYS’ Shirt - Waists Any Roys’ Shirt Waist in the house This Week 45c. EACH. Goods that formerly sold for 50c, 75c and $l.OO. LEVY’S mi BRUNSWICK TIMES, FRIDAY IORNING, JULY 10, 1900, Rmluoed Rates via Southern Railway to Atlanta, Ga. Southern Camp Meeting of the Chrietian Maailonary Alliance, Atlanta, Oa., August lfilh- mti, 1900, On account of lhie oc(.'.lor>to, l> T H Kit RAILWAY will sell round trip ticket, to Atlanta, Uv.,and return, from ait ata'ldgS in it. tine* within the HtaM'dt Ueorgia, at rate of One Pint Clan for tfifl Round Trtp Tiokete will be eold Anguat Kith, 17th, lth, 10th and 20th, with final limit August 28th,iooo. . . For further and detailed information call on or address any agent of the South, ern Railway or it* connections, or B. ft. Haatiwtowr ... . ; . A ant. lien. I’ase. Agent, ‘’i'SfSi. Atlanta, Oa. m® 3* Hi ,* conies rojws mavftef. Yus, Ware! YefMv Yanis (new). Greece's Mild Cream Cheese. * l’Uuue 158. The Hustler,-T? SALE OFHMBER Bids Asked lor Large anil Valuable Timber Fririleps Near tbe City. We have been instructed to receive sealed bids for all the timber privileges for five years, from date of accept ance, on all the lands in ' Glynn county kiibwn as the Day lands, the Bacon lands, tine Taylor tract and the Nesbit tract. We solicit bids for the tie privilege, piling privilege, oak, pine, cypress, and cord wood tim ber, sub^PM 0 any turpen - tine privileges which may be now outstanding. Bids for all of said privileges as a whole being preferred. Terms cash on execution of papers conveying the privil ege- Bids will be opeued at our office at 10 o’clock on the 15th day of August, 1900, and the same referred to the owner for approval or rejec tion. Brobston, Fen dig & Cos. SOCIETY. MARY MN'ISH BURROUGHS, Eumiu. Go not, liappy day, Yvom the Hblnlng flelda; Go not; harpy day. Till thf; inaidea yield,; f ICosy ia the went, Hoy ia the aoutb, Koy are her cIdMMhL And a rose heWNitjPP * * * * * • • Cnme into the Harden, Maud, For the black hat, nigbt, baa down; Come Into the garden, Maud, I am here at the gate alone; And the woodbine apicee are wafted abroad, And the miMk o( the roee ia blown. —Selected. Many friends are gl*d to know that Mr*. M. P. King ia greatly improved in health,since her stay in Asheville, North Carolina, where the will remain until the early fall. '■ A— Dr. W right ha* returned to his home in Macon, after a pleasant visit to Cum berland Island, during which he made many friends. Alisa Annie Bailey Is spending some time in Fernandina, . the attractive " vt guest of friends. Mra. M. Klkau leaves ahorlly for Nw York, where she will epeud a weak or two. % Many hendaotne Improvements going on at Dungeneea, the palatini home of Mrs. h. O. Carnogie, on Cumberland In land, attract atteuilou from paeeengor* on the hoite, as they paw close to the Island. Miss Louise Morel sjynt yesterday •yMwtantly with friends at Feoandioa. The festival to be given in the park on Monday evening, by the young ladies, promisee to he one of the charming social events of the week. V,- ", 4 i: Mr, ami Mre. Hugh Porter letoraeff last night, alter a pleasant visit of sev eral days to Cumber and Island, the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. LeeT. Shak leford, at pleasant Hotel Cum her land. Mr. Thomas Lyons, Jr., returned to Ms -home iu Atlanta lan night, after geVer|l werka wee|f on Cumber’and la land. ■ v '4r ■■ :% y . Aliiuy friends w.iil he glad V> know that Mr*, i, K. da Bignon and tlattgh - tor, MisaJoeephinf du Blgnou are gpenj a ptmol*nt f summer at Glenn Spring South Qarohn i After a ploasadt ffka* in lirunswicW. the Pei nandina h.e hali to their home yenferdfflrv*-" . v ■#** A large man eating s|Ark, about five feet long aud weighing about two hun dred pounds, waycangtttat Cumberland pier yesterday uernoon, proved quite inlcrostiog to’ crowd of specta tors. a 1 " Mr. M.'Elkan and little son, Master Clarence Elkan, are spending several days the guests of friends on Jekyl. Mr, Moses M ay or spent yesterday with a party fishing off the south end of Jekyl, w here he had Hue luck, bringing home a line string. Every one is looking l to the next moonlight excursion, to ho given l>y tlio Library association sho tly. Mrs. Thomas BimkUy and little daughter, ot Cumberland came up to Bruuswiek last night and will spend some time the guests of friends. Mrs. Hammond, of Florida is among the attractive guests on Cumberland for several weeks. Mrs. Bulk and child tn have returned to thair home tn Atlan a, a pleasaut visit to Cumberland. Misses Mary Villa and Ella Blanton eturn their heme in Brunswick shortly after a delightful visit to At lanta, Marrietta, Mammoth Cave and other places, where they have spent sev eral weeks. SHIPPING REPORT Corrected Tiwly by Capt. Otto Jclaaueior Tori of Brail iok. Aug 9, 1900. a kri v*r> SS. Navaho, Johnson, Jacksonville. Scbr. Star uf the Sea, l’attrnga'd, New York, Sobr, Robert McFarland, Sweetland, Charleston. '' CLJRAUBD. Sohr. - Win. E. Downs, Richardson, New York. Scbr. Jeenie Loekwocd, Crookson, Boston. , **u.*t> Scbr. Thelma, Leo, Boston. Sobr, Maggie M. New London. ~ shr. Dora Matthew*, Brown, New ■if .*c ■-# York. WARMEST DAY. ftjg Wttgn to heat, was a eorker. The inr*ury went up to something near the mark A). G. •teed of Jlß>embAr, Gr*iKi Clark, the (auiiuHuyedian, lad* booked for ■urn- '’llfldtai.i i lajlFt , To I he SunWpXnurt ofGlfr.‘ oeonty: The pciit|J&f Olivoy IV*. J. Ty lor, uf i DoSjmWlAk, btlynn eeuniY, aeorgi*, Antwhjr mpSHc Mo* r cooSy'w cob 11. V ut>b, lisbedei A. Conk,*.,? Cuokuburg. l'i:uaylvßikyL&f , "W . C(ik and Ida At, Calvin of I’lili-burg, r<*HWylvanl,uj,iJ Maitio J. Uo*a. lit CjanyV.. IV-nnuflyaiiis. f<*i**lfuUJy show* Tfc ThaJihev dutro for thrw>lvf* andisi - . soelato* to beemuo tnsoYpoi ntert under toe HAbit. amly.j lo of itio - Isyhn -cook t’jpfem j • **. Tlw term ter which jonr [KUjiioiurs dr. Hire tot loeorporaied is lyr, i*ent> gfiAfaaes, with the privtii-go of as ft# 9Jtpu u..i> of rto* time. Th. capital .loot, oftho fpriKM. atlon is to bo iui huudreJ ihOasauU tlonaco diyidisl into aharea oioils' hsmlt Hr dollar. ttiOO, cacti, WJttl lull powwl Bil *tU B. orUy to iiiersasc the capiiaf afoc* hp, a ni*i. orlry Vote of tbe etoek usuad. ta t sam. not gri-Btct than three Imodied UnURnp ( The prinufhajoflfce or said fttroporjgt' tion t* to bo loeate tsfs Ctljua emitty, IgilCo* with auiboritr i<i s'.taiin,!i,.sr.-ecter WJrfcowAMM. 1 URS StlefSleShUml eUy wiUho or wiUiout tog Cwtflitdl #t 5 U Ymir petitioners pray, tttjit miltim oftmiii caffitnl atocfc. being |uf}U in, etch tn money or tn real or peiiiona4 property, equal, iu value of H*u poroeuiuiu of saitJ capital Slock t hnv iav be alfiwe<i to Com tnenco baeines,aii<i witit lull power and authority in a>Ut tion tt> accept and i eucive. In payiiirnt <f atock oUi4ci‘iptk>aa f real and nat pi-operty or real or i*raoaal had equal in value to ihe -avnouut of tuzh iub se Your petitioners fuithcv.pray that Bald corporation may havo and tttf4;#wantbn *WU change, altar or destroy Ihe Mae at c*or plea-urc.Buo and bo aue<l. plead and ircjiw'Kl ed vrith iu tbo court nf thi any other •Wtlo.or tn Ui eouiia of th aiMi have in addition a4 kenciWfo<v* *r uanally giveiv, whtithCi epc< - rally meiiimiHv! baretitar not..' * . The object fit cot 001*351 ion Hp * Kao in the aiu 1 fUidb, mntrttfacLuva*alc of all kiuftg and .-haracter Inmv&r, faiKTc% fCroia Uen, and ail ano any ar- Ualt'Oi arUehw wHlelkaan or may h* r.ianu factulod fromUT-04. timber, \v<m U or Uieir piib tluciß, and to that end to Ai\rn. maintain, oper ate ttud conduct any iiupiLfer of auw uiiila, stduirli mißWdty aiina, aktddara, tram wave ami oiAcr appliances, vehicles and other mcarfa’tfaiMui or necessary in or about said and dispose of any tr-0 cMLlfUtmber and vfood w het her 'msuiwskana unnum ufac lured, or w lift her Tbe'fiwmobe <9immis‘tared liv saM corporatn*u nr.anv other person,patwral or aamdcUi. To have the power atod mtvflegw Of ntferaiton in connection therewith a general and special merchandise basiatvs. To have the power and authority to do a eommUsion aud brokerage biiaioesa or a commission or brokerage bu*i> hew, To load or unload any railroad cars, ves sels, steamships or other means of transporta tion used for transporting passengers or freight on water and chargo for the same. To engage in the business of towing or propelling by steam or otbor motive power, any vessel, steamship, or any commodity or commodities, timber, barge or craft with iu or without the waters of this state, and upon the high seas. To have the power and privilege of acquiring, m whole or in part, any Teasel, steamship or other craft propelled iu whole or in part by steam or other motive power. To have the Eower to charter vessels, and to act a * ship rokers or agents. To have the power and privilege of acquiring or constructing any ca nal, railroad or tramway for the puritose of transporting any timber,log&, article or articles or freight of auy description, either to be man ufactured by said corporation or any other {•erson.s, or for shipment to the markets of the world, or for delivery to any customer of said corporation, and to 110 any and all arts perti nent, incident to, or necessary to be done and performed for the successful operation of the business tor which your petitioners desire to be incorporated and not especially herein enumerated. To such end and purpose youi petitioners pray that they may be tucorpor ateii, as aforesaid, with full power and auth ority. In said corporation, to have, hold, use anti enjoy any and all real and personal property of every description whatsoever that may be come necessary for the operation of the busi ness for which your petitioners desire to lie incorporated, ami with full power, in said cor poration* to trausfer and dispose of the eame,or anv part thereof, at will and in any manner which may be deemed expedient or necessary for the best interest thereof. With full power and authority,in said borrow, money and pledge the assets thereof, in w hole or in part, to secure the same either by mort gage, deed of trust or other instrument when ever, ami at such times it is beneficial or neces sary* for the interest of said corporation. \V hereupon. Your iietnlouers pray that thev may l>e incorporated under the name and style aforesaid, and for the term of rears, and 'for the purposes, and in the manner'herein alleged ami w ith all and singular the powers allowed corporations of like character granted under the law sof this state. And your petitioners will ever pray. Atkinson & Dpxwodt, Attorneyfgfor Petitioners. Original petition filed in office. Tins 12th day of July, A, 1>„ 1900, IT. F. Dr Bigson, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia. Georgia—Glynn County, la H. F. du Bignon, do certify that the within and foregoing is a true copy < f the original pe tition to incorporate -The Taylor Cook Cpvresa Company'’Hied this day in the office of the clerk Superior court of Glynn county. This July 12th, a, D. 1900. 11. F. ou Biohon, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn County, Georgia state of Georgia County of Glvnn. James S. Wright et a), and Injunction and Re vs. Glynn Superior Court Merchants and Traders May term,l9oo. Bank, et al. All persons interested in this case desiring to file interventions therein are requested to ao so within ninety (lays from this Cate. After the expiration of said time no other interventions win be entertained. Let this l*e published twice a month for three months in the Bruna tvick Call and also in the Brunswick Times. Ihia in open court June Tib, 1900. 1 ALL K. HK A. BROOK, Judge Atlantic Cir cuit. Presiding. Eastman kodaks... 1 AND AI.L K.N’DS OF Photographers Supplies, SEETHE “BROWNIE CAMERA,” COSTS SI.OO. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” W. H. BOWEN. J. N. UKADT. Xk EZ> BOJL-DERS Of Stonesßrick and Frame Hii-ildiiijjrs Manufacturer* of Cement. Tile and Artificial stwig;— Keep Cool f. These HoUummfH' Nights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to 51.50. See Them. THE PASTIER SHOE CO We Owe Money %fcj| i * , and must have money to meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No.more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. S- nn DR. MOFFETT’S ■ Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, ITrTU 111 /I R*jul*4es the, LL SHIN MakeThdhilj Ey.’ j A (Teething Powders) .A k TEETIIINA Relieve* the Bow.) 'ri t l in . Troubles of Children of f Costs only 25 cents at Prnggists. any age. 25 rents to C, J. MOFFETT, M. D.. ST. LOUIS, tf p*i aim ssiiEi=s£i Macon and Ksiiiraure Woman’s CollPge. rritnary. Academic, Music, Art, Elocutioo and Business ooursea. Small classes. Individual work. Xew building, Homs life. Pupils en'er Yaar, Wellesley and R*ndi lph-Maoon on certificates. Xex r session begins September 6 h. For illustrated catalogue address Mr*. AV, T. Chandler, Principal,l.lewllyn P. Scott, Associate principa We know it—Thousands know it. But do you know flCwkSllj, that the fcteSSsr.'**• ....... whisky is the peer of all wliis kies. Why? it bas a yery fine aroma and flavor. Because it is THE Medici- Look for our Trade Mark*on the label. 1. TRAGER a CO., Distillers, ■*- Cincinnati, Ohio. ———■ R. Y. Douglas, 208 Bay street, General Agent.