The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 12, 1900, Image 2

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The Brunswick Times. EVERY MORNING EXCEPT MONDAY orncm { ARTHUR H. LEAVY - .... Editor ROLAND A. KULLISH, B.,ine Manager TO SUBSCRIBERS; Bb*c fiber* are rnjoeet to tMnollfjr UieoOhe ■a lien they tail to gel teajJumtßu The Time*. Attention to thitotl*fi|i be appreciated by the | V ! --Sg.-vrj;r-,r—■' "r"--:-r t The Morning Time* will be Delivered by ctrrier or mail, per peer. *5.00; per week 16 cent*. Correspondents* ,on lire subject, poll cited. Real namj#f writer ehonld ac company eanie. JWbscription* payable in advance. Failfrr* to receive paper ehonld be reported to the office. Addreee all ommnnicatloM to Th , Tim's- SUNOAY THOUGHTS. Cannon^arrar. Thought ftuMsed Into action. The thought becomes the word, the word the deed, the deed the habit, the habit the character, the character the turual be- ing of our soul. "The evening air clad in the beauty of a thousand itara”--i not lovelier than the character of hitjr' whose whole being ia paused in t/ I * o region* l , of eternal realities; who ko-'ows he awful revetcnece which ie due/ from every man to his own .the thing that Is just "a thing that la lawful and right of thought; who keeps HHppn>le of lit* soul pure and P r "‘ ence of tho Holy One; thing that is ignoble, and lyives his neighbor a* himself; What bias such a man to fear? Tho eternal forces are with him* Hi heart, his Rope, his treasure are beyond the grave Jand eTer and anon in mgymnts of. petrol ture, he sees the heaven* open n d the angels of God ascending and defending upon tin: eon of men. You>hve heard thatyouT bodies arc the teniple* of the Holy Ohoet, hot e temple qhat Is not desecrated m“® l le temle<l * DI3 adorncd ’ and 1 yotf make no effort' to e’eauae and tendth^J*"* 1 whlsb Urthe living temple pf tl no‘. We. on it. tin: l< ’MMBi' y lamps whiclrjJW*^^ In its first wane, expire. Prayer, effor® : penitence for the vtutM^S the souls of others; til ‘ _J ot grace xvhich are an< * fragrant. In the lighttJ '' Si Ci.ria tian soul. Each tlinw|||HßP?ol beside your bods, each thought in which you go forth to niMdyoar God, each Sunday repent in a cam, and holy faith, above all, each Holy at which you kneel with peace in J’qur penitent cleansed hearts towards Odd and man, these shall widen around yob the cftcle of heavenly IkhTtbese shaft ao make ’he lest recesses soon dare intrude. Thus slifyou can be— Filed and leatouaty .0 We To fIU your odorous lamps will! deeds of light And hope that reaps not (time. ' SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES Alien'* Foot-Ease, a powder. It cure* painful, smarting, swollen feet and ingrowing nails, and instantly takes the sting out of oorns and bunions. It’* the greatest comfort discovery of the age. Allen’* Foot-Ease makes tight or new aboea feel easy. It ia a certain oure for aweating, callous aud hot, tired, aching feet. Trj it today. Sold by all druggiata and shoe atorea. By mail f0r250 in stamps. Trial pack age free. Address Allen S. Olmeted Le Roy, N. Y. BUCK GOES TO JACKSONVILLE Buck Hollowell will be here to play hortatop next week, having been signed by the Jacksonville association.-—Timcs- Union and Citizen. 44 A Little Spark Mj_ y Make Much Work.’’ The little "sparks" of bad blood larking in the system should be quenched ’with Hood"s Sarsaparilla, America's great blood purifier. It purifies, vitalizes and enriches the blood of both sexes and all ages. Cures scrofula, salt rheum, dyspepsia, catarrh. \tffn THAI."? ROBBERY. Columbus, Ohio, Aug 11—A passen ger train known as l’an Handle No 8, on the Pennsylv nia railroad was robbed at acme point between bere and Milfred'Ceoire list night. Ex press Messenger Cane, of this city, was killed while putting up a brave light against the robber*. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. Walter M. Gilmore, pa-lor. Services Sunday at 11 a. ui. and Bp. in.; Sunday school at 4 p.m.; young people’s meet ing 10.15 a. m., conducted by Dr. Blau ton. Subject, l"Zeai.” All are coi di ally invited. SOME NEW PI AY EBB, Manager Airsch will eign several p'ayerafrom the Rome team, which disbanded eoip® day. and bit chances of wiping at kslf of eta Se’ma gain-* I* stood.| ■ The reat cities of the north are hav ing >lt extremely hot. In Philadelphia it i was 97 on Wednesday. Chicago, j*ew York and other places are swel tering, and people ara dying by the soores. How’s This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Re ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot he cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, Ohio, We, the undersigned, have known F. J, Cheney Tor the last (ifteen years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions, and financially aide to carry out any obligation made by Ibeir Arm. ' ; Wkst & Tin;ax, wholesale druggists, Ohio. WAimirnJr&liiNAa A Mauvin, wholesale drugfJNte, Toledo, Ohio. Hall’* Catarrh Cure is taken internal ly, acting directly upon the htSod and mucous eurfaccs of the system. Price, be. i'r bottle. fiddly U druggists Testimonials free. Hall’s Family Pills e the best. A laraoxhoulder Is usually CAtisoduy rlicuma- Bku of tho niuc'c*,tid may be cured by n few ? WBmk't Iron Ntrvs of his splendid health. fudoßstlahle will and tremendous energy are not found wbjgre Stomach; Liver, Kid noya and Dowels are out border. If you want these qualities arid tho success they bring, use Dr. King’s New Life Pills. They develop every power of brain and br Only 25c. at all drug stores. :>*p- CASTORTA For Infants and Children, The Kind You Have Always Bought sfguaTJoof In India, 180 land ol famine, tholisiads die because they cannot obtain food." In Amorlca, the land of plenty, many suffer and die because they cannot digest the food they eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Care digests what yon eat Itin stuntly relieves ami radically t ties all stomach trouh'e*. W. J. Units. Hustling young man can make S6O per month and expenses. Permanent position. Experience unnecessary. Write quick for particulars, Clerk A Cos., 4th & {Locus Streets, Philadel phia,-I'a. There are no better pills made than lie- Witt’s Little Early Kisers. Always prompt and certain. W. J. Putt's. Southern Util way announces rate of one dollar for round trip to Savan nah every Sunday tickets limited to date of sale. Notice is given that no baggage will be obecked on excur sion tickets sold at rate of fl for round trip via Southern Railway: The wolf iu the fable put on shetv-'s clothing because If he traveled on his own reputation lie couldn't accomplish hi purpose. Counter fetters of DeWitt's Witch lintel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they pul lU'in in tunes and w rappers like He witt's, I.ook out for them. Take only I>e- Wilt’e Witch lintel Sahe.' It cures piles nud all sltla diseases. W. J. Butts, For Backache use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU: Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES, SUNDAY MORNING AUGUST 12, 1900. Scrofula THE OFFSPRING OF HEREDITARY BLOOD TAINT . Scrofula ia but a modified form of Blood Poison and Consumption. The parent who ia tainted by cither will see in the child the same disease /-CTs> manifesting itself in the form of swollen TflksiJgjV/\ glands of the neck and '• throat, catarrh, weak ‘ wv/Ya * eyes, offensive sores .*Ac* *** \-yi and abscesses aifd of- ’tltt -Jj. /tO tentimes white swell ing—sure signs Scrofula. There may Cy l be no external signs for / yTCe.Jj' % a long time, fortne disease develops slowly in tome cases, but the poison is in the blood and will break out at the first favor able opportunity. S. S. B. cures thisvrast ing. destructive disease by first purifying and building up the blood and stimulating and invigorating the whole system. J. M Heel*, 115 Public Run*re. Nasbvtlle.Teim., *y; “Ten year, ago my daughter fell and cut ber forehead. Krom this wound the glands on the aide of her face became swollen ana bursted. Some of the beat doctor, here and elsewhere attended her without any Iwnefit. We decided to try 8. 8. S., and a lew bottles cured her en tirely." JM'N blood to nourish and the body, and is a positive tczA safe cure for Scrofula. It overcome* all forms of blood poison, whether inherited or acquired, and no remedy so thoroughly and effectively cleanses the blood. If you have any blood trouble, or your child lias inherited some blood taint, take S. S. S. and get the blood in good condition and prevent the disease doing further damage. Send for our free book and write our physicians about your case. We make no charge whatever for Wiedieal advice. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATLANTA, GA. Prmated a Tragtdy. Timely information given Mr*. George bong, of New Btrjitsville, Ohio, prevented a dreadful tragedy and saved two live*. A frightful cough had long kept her awake •very night. She had tried many remedial and doctor*, but steadily grew worse until urged t> try Hr, King’s King’s New Dis covery. One bottle wholly cured her, and she write* this marvelous medicine also oared Mr. Long of a severe attack of pneu monia. Such cures are positive preof of the matchless merit of this grand remedy for curing all throat, chest and lung trou bles. Only 50ut*. and $1 00. Every bottle guaranteed. Trial bottles free at all drug stores. Millions will be spent In politics ibis yesr. We can’t keep the campaign going withont money any more than we can keep the Ixxljr vigorous without food. Dyspeptic* need to starve thfinselvss. Now , Kodol Dyspepsia Core digests what yon eat, and allows you to eat all the good food you want. H radically cues stomach troubles. Vv. Hutu. Bad blood it a bad thing to Inherit or acquire; but bad blood may be made good blood by taking Hood'e Sarsaparilla It expels all impnrttie* from the bloorf. For Diabetes use STUAtyT’S GIN and BUCHtT.%* | -a.. ; H, Hotiw, Notioe is' hereby given that a meet ing of Ihe etupkhi Mere of the Sooth esslern Fasf A,*ociati|>iJ *|j||be held at the Court hmlsi on Friday, August HKI), Bp. m AtHhis lime reports H Wllt f be made by secretary and treas urer and general manager, and suoh other business will be transacted as may properly come before that meet ing. J. A. Butts, Pres, Southeastern Fair Association, V B. Conklin, Bowersville. 0., says: "I re ceived more bom lit from FOLEY’S KJDNfcY CURE than from months of trentmont by*pby slelans." Take no substitute. W. 3, butts. _i as ■FOR SALE—A floe of prop erty, good business plafee right in the heart of the city, cheap. Apply at 231 Newcastle street,Brunswick,Geor gia LADIES The best and quiokeet preparation fur cleaning'gloves is the Laßelle glove cleaner. For sale by H. V. Ad derly. Try it. The lack of energy you feel the backache and a run down oondition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore your strength', and vigor by tasking the kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. EuttV It ousts only one'Wollnr to Savannah and return via Southern Railway " r \ every Sunday-! For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. Look out for malaria. It is seasonable now. A few doses of Prickly Ash Bitt it us t a sure preventive. W. J. Butts. J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. NO STOCKHOLDERS’ MEETING. Pair Association People Failed to Materialize Very Largely! The long and some talk ed-of meeting of stockholders of the BTUttieaetern Fair as'ociatinn was scheduled To come tff Krid.y night, and, as usual, Cap!. Newmari, Kennon Motr, Phil S. Farmer aolF H. 8. Mc- Crary were present, bat ,tbe others were conspicuous by their ■Uer.ce. m t It is a pity that the peoplwof Bruns wick cannot get togethei and hold together for a little when the good of the town is at stake. Oo the contrary, there are some . men here who discourage every enterprise, and when they do get started jn a half way measnretbey are willing to throw down at the least little piscourage ineot. Capt. Newman, Jluwkily fer Brunswick,rs trtA He is one of the few men wbof bink of bis home town first tod bimelf last. It happens to be known to the writer that the fair association owes tiaptaia Newman about *7OO for cash he has advanced for pay rolls, etc., out of bis own pooket, yet he turns all the cash be now reoeivea at the gate into the pockets of oreditora and Etoes not kesp out one cent for bimsel'. By rights, Capt. Newman is entitled to all the gate receipts until h* gets bis seven hundred odd dollars hack, but be ia not the kind of niao to tgjre it until ill the other people the Hr owes get their money. Cap'. Newman Attend* all the game* at the park, sees to the fair getting it* share, pay* aman out of bis own pook et to keep the baseball dismond free of grass, and worka at the fair ground about litres day* out,-of six without one cent of pay. Yet there are many in Brffoawlok who think there is ftn in being gsoeral manager of a fair. the people of Brunswick help Capt. Newman and thjpi other fair peo ple in their effoits and we will hive a good race meet this year with fair features combined, and psy i ff all the debts the fair owes betides. DO TOOK FEET ACHE AND BUKftl Shake Into your shoes Alltri’aFoo 1 .- Eusu, a powder for thf feel. It cool* the feet and makes tight nr now shoos feel easy. Cures Coral, Runions, Swol len, Sinartiuo, Hot, dalloue, Sore and posting feet. Allen| Foot-Ease ro leavoe all pain and gfio* rest and com rort. We have over MOOO testimonials, Tteurct while you i|i. Try it today. All and shoe stores sell it, 35c. Sample sent free, flddres* Allen 8 JP|p' WANrfcD. A lady desirous of earning a good income to solicit life insurance In Brunswiok for an established compa ny. A splendid opportunity for an energetic lady. Adilrest; Insurance' Tfis office. j Birth-marks which mark and mar the outside o( the body Are a grief to every mother whose ohtlSen may hear them. But for every child wws bears a birth mark on the skin, there ai* many who bear an indexible birth-marks on the mind. Ner - vous mothers have nervous children, and many a man and woman owes an irritable and despondent temperament to thoee days of dread when t|te mother waited the hour of her materdity. The use of Dr. l’ierce'a Favorite Prescription strengthens the mother for factorial. With strength comee a buoyancy of spirits and quietness of mind, which is one of the happiest a mother can bestow cn her offspring. By giving vigor and elasticity to the delicate womanly organs, ’'Favorite Prescription’' practically does away with the pain of maternity and makes Ure baby's advent as natural and as simply as the blossoming of a flower. There is no opium, cocaine or Other narcotic contained in "Favorite Pre scription.” Keep your vita l organs in good condi tion if you would have health through the malarial season. Prickly Ash Bittxrs cleanses and strengthens the stomach, liver and bowels, ard helps the system to resist disease germs. W. J. Butts. For \N hooping Cough. “Both my children were taken with whooping cough,” writes Mrs. O. E. Dutton, of Dtnville, 111. “A small bottle of Foley’s Honey and Tar gave euoh relief that I used a 50 cent bottle,* which saved me a doctor’s bill." \V, J. Butte. AT THE PREBYTERIAN CHORCH- An Unusually Attractive Service and Program of Musio. The usual service wilt be conducted by the pastor. Rev. W. F. Hollings - st the Presbyterian church to morrow. Subject of the morning service w li be, "Earth’s Sickness aid Heaven’s Physician*”—Evening -ervi ies at the usual hour with appn priaie gospel sermon. The music promises To be eeprcio’ly attractive. It will be conducted by & male quartette, assisted by Prof. I>eal and Mrs. H*;r with viol n and organ accompaniment. Members of the church and congregation ami the general public are cordial y urged to attend all the services. The greatest skin specialist n America originatbe the formula for Banner Salve. Foiall akin diseases, aYi cut* or sores, and for piles, it’s the mo-' healing medicine. W. J. Butts, Btory of i&'avs. To be hound hand and foot lor jeari’Wj* the chains of dissave is the worst form of slavery, George D. Williams, of Manchee tcr, Mich., telle how euoh aalave wav made free. He aejt: “My wife bai be n so helpless for five years that she could not turn over in bed alone. After using two bottles of Electric Bitter*, the i# wonder fully improved and able to do her own work.” Fhie supreme remedy for female diseases quickly cures nervwutneae, sleep lessees*, melancholy, beads .he,backache, fainting and dizzy spells. Thie miracle working medicine is a Godsend to weak, sickly, run down - people. Every bottle guaranteed, Qiffy SO car,tv. Sold by all druggists. a 1 -"r"*—- — * ■ Best Way to Cure Backache. Backache* are cursed by disorder in kidneys. Full)’* Kidneys Cure will make ihe right. Take no substitute. W. J., Butte. A Minister’s Good Work. “1 bad s severs attack of bilious colic, got s bottle ut Chamberlain's Colic, Cbolers and Ptarrliuni Kernedy, took two doses ami was en tirely Sored.” ssys Iter. A. A. Power, of Krnpo rls, Kan -My neighbor across the ttieet we* sink for over a week, bad two or tbiee boitles o medicine from the doctor, lie used them for three or four days without relief, then called In another doctor who treated him for some day* and gave him bo relief, so discharged hint 1 went over to sae. him the next morning. He said bis bowels were In a terrible ilx, that they bad been running off so long that it was almost bloody flux, I asked him If he had tried Oham berlaln*s Colie, Cholera and Plurrha-a Bonoedy, and ho said, 'Vo.* I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one doss; told Jtim to taka anothsr doss in fifteen or twenty rnln ntes if he did not find relief, bat lie took bo more, and wss entirely cured I think it the best medioinc I have ever tried .” For sale by Ur. Birb p’s drug store. A trout i my be bfeatca, but she rare ly acknowledges it Bi HTOs, Tsax., April IS, IM*>. 1 feel it my duty to tell of the benefit I have received front tbs use of Dr. J. U. McLean’s Ldver and Kidney Ttalm. I bad rhematism In my back, legs and ankles. Mv fret were greatly swollen. I could scarcely get from one room toanolber. I used three boitles of Liver and Kidney Halm together with one bottle of Vol canic Oil Liuiment, and was completely cured Have gained SI pounds. Andy M. Joses, Foi sale by W. J. Butts, the druggist, It will surprise you to experience the benefit obtained by using the dainty and famous little pills.known as DeWitt’s Utile Early Hirers W. J. Ilutts. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Hot weather saps the vital energy and makes the hardest workor feel lasy. To maintain strength and energy, use Prick tr Ash Bittirs. It is thefriendof indus try. W. 3. Butts The Dresd of people with weak lungs who suffer with stubborn coughs is consumption. Foley’s Honey snd Tar. if taken in tint", cures the cold, heals the luogs and always cures incipient Consumption. \V. J. Butts. It has been truly said that more men fall iu love than in war. Hubert Flournoy, Brickyard, Ala., wrote: “I consider no remedy equal to I>r Moffett's Tisthina (Teething Powders) for the Irrita tions of teething and the bowel troubles of our Southern country. It’s a dootor’s business fo study health. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER 'Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, G. If you will buy three Old Virginia Cheroots and smoke them to-day you will get the greatest amount of comfort and satisfaction that 5 cents will buy in a smoke, and get it three times overl You haven’t any idea how good they are and cannot have until you try them. Try three to-day instead of a sc. cigar. Three hundred million Old Virginia Cheroots smoked this yesr. Ask your own detier. Price, 3 for 5 cents. , fit Summer Furniture. A clearance sa’e to m, ke rcow for new goods. .1 Earlor f'Uit. 6 pieces, worth |4o, npw % >9. < t Oak Refrigerator, w.•.•“*> ( . uw s|s. . I Otk Red Knr.ui Sm'e. 3 puce., worth |45, n 0 ■ Bed L'lurg-s, onh ?16, 10 v fli. HEffiMil ? Centre Tables 51 cents to *6. Ice Cream Friezerv worth 12.50 at ♦! 98 A large assortment of Sideboarile, Cupboards la Prices Below the Market. fjM C. McGARVEY. ■ CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL r Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 GRANT ST. CHRIS ARNHEITER, MBM wei Bee!, Pi id ill, .yr. phesd poi ltry. FRESH VEGETABLES. FRESH GROCERIES' IFresh Eggs From the Country. All goods sent out nice and clean, The best of eve rything for the modelghousekeeper. 207 Monk street. Phone 88 EVERY BARREL SELECTED lias stood teat. Failure to CQtue np to ihe required standard means failure to stock of Wines and Liquors. Only that which is g"Od value for money is FR _ V. DOUGL.AS, 206 Bav Street. * SOMMER EXCURSION RATES To All Mountain, Seaside and Lake Resorts Via the Plant System Tickets on sale June 1 to September 30, with return limit October 31.1 x. Perfect passenger service. Pullman sleepers on all trains. Full information given on ap plication. G KO. W. COAT S, D. P. A., Brunswick. Ga. B. W. W BENN. P. T. M-, Savannah, Ga. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests you eat. It artificially digests the food and aid* Nature in strengthening and recon structing the exhausted digestive or gans. It is the lai est discovered digest ant and tonic. No other preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in stantly relieves aud permanently cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion. Heartburn, flatulence. Sour Stomach, Nausea, Sick Headache,GaBtralgia,Cramps, and all other results of imperfeetdigestion. Preoared by E C- DeWltt A Co- Chicago. V J. Butte, the Druggist. PARKER’S 4 HAIR BALSAM I Clean tet and beautifies the rvwlf Promotes a luxuriant growth. i Never Fails to Bc-store Gray Hair to its Youthful Color. 1 Prevents rHndruff and hai: falling. SOe ai>-l $ I-k 1 al Drugyuta. Breakfast Foods fir lit Weailwr. Breakfast is the most im portant meal of the day to many business meo. Tbe day starts with it, and if things go wrong at break fast (ley are apt to go wrorg all day. Buy your breakfast foods h-re and you will be sure of a good meal and a good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, * Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street.