The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 15, 1900, Image 1

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VOLUME 11; NUMBER 196 PROGRAM I 11111 Ilf A Bit Tiie At tie Fair Grounds Friday I m AND LEANS AGAIN * , Horse Races, Foot Races and Many Other Inter . esting Events. _ - Neuman promises all who ||o to the fall grounds Friday a good time, and when the genial manager of the Fair Association make* a promise l it is generally kept. | The Fat* are not exactly satistied 'with the result of the last game f and they are goipg to tackle the Leans again. '■ '"'Vhi 1 Following is a partial program: 3.30 p. m„ Ball game by the Fats and Lean*. 4.80 Horse race, handicap, 0 eutries. 4 46 Foot race, 4 entries. 5 Horae race, 6 entries. Various amusement features in con nection with the above program will be and interesting to a.l who may attend. We hope the merchants Will give their employes an opportunity to see the fun. Everybody cordially invited lo attend. Admission 86c ; grand aland 10c. ATTACKED GOODYEAH Sensational Attack of a Sensational Publication. In answering an attack of the Wash ington Mirror on Col. C. I*. Good year, the Savannah News of yesterday (aid: “The Washington Mirror of August 11, has a rather nasty attack on Colonel Uoodyea", of Brunswick, and his im provement at the mouth of the harbor of that city. It also attacks Congress man Brantley for assisting Colonel Goodyear to get the harbor improve ment contract The attack is of course unjust. Col. Goodyear has obtained the depth of ffNMb the bar he contracted to rnAg and is, therefore We do not know whether he got the depth by means of dynamite or by dredging. It doos not m*ke much dif ference how he got; it. The survey shows that the depth was there when the survey was made. It is well known that .very able engi neers hold that ocean bars can be opcu ed and kept open by at much fleas cost than jettits can be constructed and kept in repair. If we are rightly informed engineers do not take much stock in the dyna mite plan for deepening bars, but they are becoming converts to the dredging plan. The new and powerful dredges now in use, accomplish wonders.” ARE practicing. Riflemen Will Do at Waycross. Q.ite a number ol . the Brunswick Riflemen *re practicing daily for ibe shoot at Wayor„ea Thursday. About forty members of the company will go and the five best shots will enter for the Savannah contest. The jury commissioners met yester day and the revision of the jury box is now in progress. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES. TRAGIC DEATH. Jacksonville Car Inspector Loses His Life. Jtoksonv lie, Aug. 14.-Leaving his home early yetlerday morning Harvey W. Mbry, oar Inspeotor for the Plant System, bade his wife end little children a happy and affectionate good bye. H went up to the little cradle and playfully kissed t' 1 ! flLat baby, and as bs left bis w/ J*old her be would bs borne earlf u dinner. Within two hours afterhls depart ure be met bis instantaneous death under the wb:-els of a bjx oar, and the vfka broken to the young wife e she wan happy with her children about her singing and superintending the early Sunday dio oer. The sad sapident changed the happy and cheerful home in'o o s of sorrow and denotation, 5* - ' Mr. Mabry was obief oar iaspeotor of the Plant System at this point, and it was while in the discharge of bis duty that be so tragioally met death. GOING TO DKIROIT Uniform Rick K. of P. Will Attend the Big Drill. Brunaw ct’e.Uniform R nk K. of P. will w.-ll represent this city in the coming big drill at Detroit. Clever Malty Uisch, the bustling represents' tire of the Plant System, has booked the Og'etborpea to go over bis tine, and they will leare about the 84th. If Capt. Newman doe* not go the Uni form Kink will be under command of Lieut. Kline, and that they will make a good showing is without question. Tks Brupiwiokiaus may not enter • drill ,bye ajtood time andJadvertUa this City exten > ‘ ROSS WON jq Torpedo Divtaion Will Have Target IVaotloe Friday. Twenty-four enlisted men and three officers were present at Torpedo divis ion, naval militia, drill last night. In the prizs contest Andrew Rosa again woo the medal, wbiob will hereafter be drilled for every fur weeks, Torpedo division will assemble Fri day afternoon at 2:30 o’clock for tar get practice preparatory to picking a team of five men to shoot in Savannah the expenses of this trip and cms crack shots will go. . ARRESTED AGAIN. Krausi Swears Out Another Warrant For But'*. Mr. D, W. Krause yesterday swore out another warrant against Mr. W. J. Butts for selling soda water on Sunday and he says he will go through the same perfoimauce as longas Mr. Butts dis peoses the refreshing beverage. Accord'ng to the statement of Mr. Krauss the city court will have to try fifty two cases against Mr. Butts every year. I EGATIONB ABOLISHED. Bogota, Columbia, Aug. 14.—Toe decree, issue! by President Sanole oiente, of Ibis republic, abolisbiog all of the {“gallons abroad except those at Paris, New York, Harvey and AMppgCl, goes into cffeot tomorrow. About twenty consulates in the United Sta >r swill be effected. The saving by this action, which is for economy, will be great as eaob minir er re’eived a salary of $12,000 a year. A charge d’sffalrei will bej'retained where the tfflce of minister is abol ished. The ice cream featival glren bj Mo- Kendree oburch in Magnolia perk leat night waa quite e aucoeaf. SITUATION IK TWOIIE CRITICAL. ' -v- 1 > * Cortger Says Chinese Government Is Trying to Foitg Them to Leave. rb— — : roo, Aug. 14. —Gonsul Ragsdale has just receiyed a dispatch bv runner from Conger say. ing: “Situation in Pekin is more critical. Chinese government tif ing to force us to leave. This is im possible until .troops arrive.” The Japanese consul also received a message from Pekin saying thatlhe Uhr nesg, had stopped Ssjng on legations. Withheld. Washington. Aug. 14.-,-The3state department is suppressinglrnportant news to prevent transmission to China. Minister Wu thus cut off from source ot information which he has beeh cabling to Pekin. For this reason the state department refused to make public the contents of a cipher message from Conger received this afternoon, which it is believed gives im portant news’eoncerning condition of legation. Dis patch from Remeylast night also kept secret. It is be lieved to contain information regarding strength of allies. Will Demand Enough. "Washington, Aug. 14 —High government of ficials said this afternoon that the United States will demand a sufficient indemnity to comfortably sup port the family of every American killed by the Chi nese. Safe August 4th. Chetoo, Aug. 12.—The legations at Pekin were all safe August 4, with ten days rations. Attacks have been less numerous lately. Ceo. Fukushima says allies will surely save all foreigners in Pekin. Advance column moved twelve miles yesterday without oppo sition. Allies’ scouts now at Mathao, with Japanese in lead, and the Russians have taken of the Ninth Inlantry, U. S. A., as support to Japanese. Near the Gates of Pekin. "Washington, Aug. 14. —It is believed the allies forces are rapidly advancing towards Pekin. Have reached Ching Chiawan, twelve miles from Pekin, or they may even have pushed ahead to Tubg Chow, leaving only ten miles to be traversed. BRUNSWICK. GA., WEB¥ESDAY MORNING, AUGUST 35, 1900. NOW, Officers’ Wives Cfauot Accompany Thru to China. Ban Franoisoo, Aug, 14.—The Ninth cavalry will fail for China Thursday on the transport Warren with a full complement of ofilaers aud men. No women will be allowed to sail. Many oftioers who t United to take their fam ilies to China are ditappointed. A sergeant ami forty privates of the sig nal oorps have arrived here from Fort Meyer, Va. They will be sent to China. FROM SOUTH AFRICA. Norwegian Bark Kotka Was Not From South Ame rica. The Norwegian bark Kotka, which was towed into Norfolk with ebagres fever on board, Aid not come here from a South American port, but from South Africa. , ]_The vessel was sent to Sapclo before •homing to this port and left here after being inspected by the marine hospital service. -4 . . a..,. *4- A BOMBARDMENT. a— A /European Church Yard Dese crated. - :%. t B%4in, 14 —A 'Semt efflaial dyspacb frouilT./ u Tsio, dated Aug. " ’ 'V Btb, says Russl*j||*C, 1, Wojc*ak has received advioes fxom Pekin aonouno mg that during night, July 31st the lx mbsrdmenr/of foreign legations was resumed an<J a •Khriftek/ \irob was desecrated. Wr\ sTrh£krß and pay#/ 3__. iSi^S ■ 4gf% - - Js4pr They (jUfiP To aether at : ..fiselry Yes terday • t Brussels, August : 4—The pidjS deavorcl r i|uiet the Here t '!;<> . when a gnncjgpSjj cit. Svii'ini .Jou-ly Juju: ol '" u ' I''® Aug. 14—The this morning after armiV' n York of Gvo Ah **' eleven h o i r B "and forty-five minutes, lowering p record over two hours. ALIVE. Sail Fste of Oermnm Lieu tenant. Tien Ti u, Aug. 14.-A private lat ter rece**' 1 tTien Ts n rays Garmtn I, eu: rQt Friedericb. who fellflght iDK (found Tien Tsin, was oaptured ,'- v *> by tbe Boxers and capitated. On Trial Trip. A*l’biladlphia, Aug. 14,—The new United States Battl ahip Alabama left the Cramp.’ shipyard today for her trial trip. Experts say :he is a staunoh fighting oraft and there is no doubt that she will exceed the requiremente in print of speed, which is to be an average of 10 knots during a run of four hours. The tr al will take place over the regular course tff Caps Ann, Massachusetts. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. Mr. 1,. Carrol has returaen from a t Short visit to friends la Savannah. Jncle George Glenn, one of Bruus k’s oldest colored citizens died at his home in Brooklyn yesterday after noon, aged 89. The deceased was high ly respected, FUNERAL SERVICES. London, Aug. 14.—The funeral ser vices of England's lamented chief jus tice, Lord Russell, occurred today. Father Matthews conducted the cere mony. PRICE F IMA HH if a f |kH| Defow Brunswick * 'Score of 14 to 3, i OIIR CLUB DM Got Rattled Ay A'art of tlf" Remaijg R> Louis i|||i Ala , Aug f thing i n thciJ wink today as the||| ''"uvey. ()neba.|l l ,,r * in file first pa/ pletely dsmoralixeM i hey seemed fo remit. ■ 'he entire nine inniiSgl§ Melina has m the south. The cvS ported by the cil l z *< : "one. Ksphan wit ' t/ Do you blfuia me fitfe port of today’s gan® SO T AOKON^||l||| English vessels May ComS:/ Portamonih, K j t jetted North Am erica u Bquadrw. ‘matte tomorrow. Naval office 111 /Jt to be JJtoprarations for the firs^^Sßatf, of 'bo visr.infl^^®*/' Ik the form offl l, ar;inh!gSl'^‘ : '| MSri'ommiiad of Yicl|> Bed ford, K. C. l. flagship Create }t, cruiserß and Indefatigable, fld the torpedo boat detroycr Quail. A GOOD REPORTS News From ludm is Very. JEilcour aging. I Bombay, Aug. 14.—The /ast of the cotton crop was sowed tAay. Food crops are reported above tap average. Iu Yonkan, in and in the Eastern Deccan thayaro promsing l In the Carnatic provinces the excellent rains have prevailed lately. The prospects in Bccar arc cncourag ing. In R'jpunta the rainfall has gen erally been sufficient for agricultural purposes, save in a few sections where the heavy mortality of cattlo has been felt. No distress is reported. EXTRA SESSION. Governor Heckham AVill Probably Ca'l One. Frankfort, Ky., Aug. 14.—Governor Beckam Is expected to call an extra ses sion o! the lcg ; slature at some date be tween now and Sept. 1, to amend the Goebel election law. CHEkl* RATE TO CHICAGO. Account national encampment G. A. R., to be held in Chicago from Au gust 27 to September 5, the Plant System will sell tickets at rate of $24.75 tor round trip. Tickets on sale August 25, 26 and 2}, limited for re turn up to and including Septembers. An additional extension may be ob . ained by depositing tioket with jiint agent prior to noon September 2 upon payment of fee of 50 cents for eaoh ticket presented .