The Brunswick times. (Brunswick, Ga.) 189?-1900, August 15, 1900, Image 3

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Mpee Hive. The Bee Hive. A Complete Assortment of the iM&SSkim Defeniler linMiriu Gompny’s ifTlpN, HIGH GRADE Muslin Sheets li . and HtL—Pillow Cases always in stock. endeavoring to show you the newest in Mid-Summer Novelties. : Wnew POLKA DOT VELVET RIBBONS! Comes in black and satin backs. Nos. 12 width, suitable for Belts, per yd 2?c- Nos. 5 widch, suitable for Ties, per yd 15c m New Ribbon Belts- We show exclusively the new Velvet Ribbon Belts! Velvet Ribbon Belts: made of No. 22 black velvet ribbon, satin back, [Mitrings of No. $ ribbon, each 50 Cents. LATEST-ONLY A FEW TO SELECT FROM Hllvet ribbon BELTS. VELVET ribbon belts. No. 5 Satin Back Velvet Rib- nmde of three atrip* No. 5 Satin Hack Velvet while „lk cord edge Ribbon with embroidered while ailk cord edge St' -► '• * r ~ ■''l fP A /'IT (Iflp KAt 11 7* 3, (tflin K.htmn Belt* each Hoc. New line all S Ik Taffeta Ribbon Belt*, each r.Oc Ifcick Rings, suitable for making Pulley Belts, per pair Be Hive. 1 The Bee Hive. Pfl! * m mQT proprietor 213 Newcastle §t„ Brunswick, Ga. WKBmm ' -- - t II KIM * : With you as Ho whether | you lice( * £^ asses 01 not ill ll vZ/ 1 call, on ys, and we.will .toll you. You mm?*- knew a person, to lifatv brain fevw,sunstroke, congestion of the brain ■gRV K M or apoplexy,-Who Jws ne ver bhen subjeotv to subjec to hea .lafe, always ha 1 we i MfX '’'■>• 'M . ;P jeOutician. • $ - ■& pk AttHm . J . time t-y \\ m- -in; tv fron .1 billon < jnr. LISSNER, * ', wholesale -£ ! | '• ' v-r^yr Giocsfies, Tobacco, Flour, Bacornand y Provisions, AND BRAN A SPECIALTY *■ * . 2l(> B a y Street, Brunswick, Georgia. ‘ £ BOYS’ Shirt ■ Waists £*’* Any Boys’ Shirt W aist in tJie house This Week 45c. EACH. L Goods that formerly l| sold for ' • . 50c, 75c and SI.OO. LEVY’S *rS t . * ■ >. i ' THE IBRUNSWICK TIMES, WE\%DAY MORNING, JULY 15, 1900, °ljlS Just Try ■ * it Anri yon will have no other. Libby’s Wafer Chip ped Beef per can 15c " * * * % I’hobe 158. r J'he Hustler. SALE OF TIMBER Bijls Asked lor Large and Valuable Timber PrMleges Near tbc City. We have been instructed "ft)sreceive sealed bids for all the timber privileges for five years, from date of accept ance, on all the lands in Glynn county known as the Day lands, the Bacon lauds, the Taylor tract and the Nesbit tract. We solicit bids for the tie privilege, piling privilege, oak, pine, cypress, and cord wood tim ber, subject to any turpen tine privileges which may be now outstanding. Bids for all of said privileges as a whole being'-prererred. Terms cash on execution of papers conveying the privil ege. Bids will be our office at 10 o’clock On the 1 ?th day of August, 190(7/ and the same referred to the owner for approval or rejec tion. Brobston, Fendig & Cos. FOK SALE—A fine piece of prop erty, good business place right in the heart of the city, cheap. Apply at 221 Newcastle street,Brunswick,Geor giit j Fortify the body to re Ist malaria rv - - -f lyapuCting the system in perfect I o’rdwf Prick i.v Ann Bittbrsls a won derful system regulator, \V. J. Butts’ FOR RENT —Furnished rooms, cool and pleasant for summer, wi b bath room. 405-G street. Cheap Rate* Via .Son'herni^'ilway. ' * r Chicago, 111. National Kncampmcnt G. A. U August 27-Bept. 1 Tickets will 1* sold August 2.*, 26 and 27, with flnpl limit Sept. 1, at rate of A.' for the round trjp. MART M’NISH BURROUGHS. Editor. i? TllH-tjU'.,. OF THE € AMOK. • ‘ . * 'lp Dip! ' • Aud 1 fciyiH'Witta theattiirt For the lipploarun and the waters pari At the song the paddle sings. >rip| Drip! t I "• Aud low It brings f "i The word of a swart comuiaud to me, And leaping to Answer it-1 ar | W atbr-weeiL waving in vain to stay me, Fain, fain Are the jjla| arrayed at my prow to delay me— CV Vain, vain, They cast tlieii'Ture and they bid m? bide, For tbo paddle twinging aloug my aide— Dip! Dipl Hath a dearer bribe than know And l go. I go. * • * w* Jf * )*- , ■ , Glide! Glide! Across the calm of the evening title When the flrst white Htars begin. Creep! Creep! Where the lilies sleep Stars in & sky as soft, as soft as deep— The paddle singing, me In. v Bnsb! Rush! F*or the tall reeds brush # My aide as they love me. “ Real! Rest! ' Ou the Inlet’s breast <% With the roof of, the leaves above mo. X '*■ * —Kx change. Xl will be wllU deep sorrow that many Brunswick friends of Ven anil Mrs. Henry Cassli learn of the death ot the iatter’s father, which occurred at h>s home In Cleveland, Ohio, on Thursday afternoon he was surrounded by hlslfamity, and Vf.,se who loved him The burial occured in Cincinnati on Sunday, and the many friends who wee present knew that never were the words truer, ’well done, thou good and faithful servant.” When Mrs. Oassil left Brunswick some week* ago, it was for the purpose of attending the golden wedding anniversary of her parents.aml the Illness of her father, and his death, proved a Bad ending to the happy an ticipations. —o-. Mi*at s duello and Leslie Butts have returned from a pleasant visit to Cam den county, the guests of Mrs. Burwell Atkinson at her pretty home. Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Miller have re turned from a pleasant stay In their cottage on St. Simon. Many friends are glad . • know that Capt, Boil White is slowly improving after his recent serious illness. It will interest many Brunswick friends of Miss Sadie Valentino, of Ma con, to knowihat she leaves shortly for Xewark, where she will spend the win ter with relatives devoting her time to the study of art. Miss Marie Wimborley will remain in Augusta until the late fall, the guest of friends. The entertainment given in Magnolia Square last afternoon and evening, un der the auspicoi of the ladies of Mc- Kieodree Methodist church, was one of great pleasure and a hand some sum was realized the purpose for wli'cli they were working, Don Koland Koberts is the name that has been gi'ven to the little son of Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. Huberts, at their home on B street. Many Brunswick friends are hopiug that Mr. Lee T. Bhacklcford may accept a position in Brunswick, and make his future home here. Mrs. P. L. Glauton, of Augusta, af ter making many friends in Brunswick, the guest of Mrs. C. 11. Wimborley and Mrs. A. E Brown, has returned homo Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Miller are the proud owners of one of the Bnest grape arbors that has ever been seen In Bruns wick, at their pretty home on B street. On It, the grapes are banging in luscious bunches, displaying themselves most temptingly, in ideal German fashion, it is a Cor g an yine, and fortunate indeed are the many friends who are remember ed by the generous owners. sllsb ArirfWfValenttno, after a charm ing vn& .i[ the guest of Mrs. C. G. Moore, has returned to her home In Macon, to the regret of many friends. The Brunswick Riflemen leave tomor row morning ter Waycrcss, where they will participate in a target practice, and spend a pleasant day generally. A number tjf ladies will probably go with them, aud the occasion promises to be one or great pleasure. Mr. and Dudley, aft r a pleasant visit to Cumberland Island, ilie former home of Mrs, Dud ty, relumed to Biuuswlek a day or 6Vro Ag'\ and left yesterday for St Simon, whore they lvill spend, the balance of Mr, Dudl.y’s vacation the guest of friends ai his for mer home at (;|Je M ills. A plesfeut party, consisting of M rs. J. B. Wright, Miss Bessie Fox, Miss Lotties Foster, Miss May Wright r.nd Capt Janies L. Foster, who left St. Si mon several months ago for the old country, expect to leave Engluud today, arriving here about the twenty'Sfth. Mauy Hi ends will welcome them home, after their chinning summer. Mrs. J. 0. Valentino, ufter a pleas ant visible Brunswick, the guest of Mrs. Charles Moore, at hor homo on A street, hus returned to Macon. The state fair to he held in Valdotta the latter part of October, w 111 ho large ly attended by Brunswick ians, many of whom will bo interested in the event, -i • Miss'Kate Uerfle, of Mefloy, is vfeft4 ingMrs. W, F. I loci (linger at WFAtfafi' on Riclimorfd street. A Frightful Blundsr Will often cause a [horrible Burn, Scald, Cut or Braise. ilucklen’K Arnica .Salve, the host in tile world, will kill the pain and promptly lical It. Cures Old Sores, Fever Sores, Clccra, Hells, Felons, Corns, all Skin Eruptions, liest File euro on leartli. Only as cts, a box. Cure guar - anteed, Sold by all druggist. Keep the body healthy at this season by using Prickly Ash Bitters, It is / a necessary condition to successfully ry sist malarial germs, W. J. Bu.ts, RIFLEMEN TO WAYOROSS. The Brunswick Rtllemen will leave in special car over I’,ant System to morrow morning to participate in the target practice at Waycross. They will return same date. Rite of SI.OO has been made for soldiers in party of 40 or more on one ticket, and SI.BO round trip for oivilianr. “I am a switchman,” writes A. J. Jennesse, of 9201 Butler St., Chicago, “and am out in all kinds of weather. I took a onJd which settled in my kid ney and was in very had shape. I tried seveaal advertised medicines no benefit until I wits recom mended to take Foley’s Kidney Cure. Two-'Mrds of a bottle cured me.” VV. J. Butts. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets ill! the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Bishop’s drug store. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to .J. W. Wat Kins. Millions will be spent In politics this year. We can’t keep the campaign going without money any more than we can keep the !>ody vigorous without food. Dyspeptics used to starve themselves. Now,Kodo! Dyspepsia Cure digests what you eat, and allows you to eat all iho good food you want. It radically cures sljmach troubles. W. J. Butts. There are no better .pills madeAhan De- Witt’s Little Early Risers. Alwaye prompt and certain. W. 3 . Butt's. SHIPPING REPORT. oometed|Daily by Oapt. Otto Johanneses Port of Bruns >iok, Aug 14, 1900. ARBIVKI). S. 8, Colorado, Avery, New York. CI.BARSI). Bohr. Martha S. Bpnnet, Kulou, New York. Selir. Hello Wooster, Summerville, New York. hailkd. Pchr. Helen Q Moseley, Pat erson, New Hayes. Master Teddie Calvin went up to Sterling thia morning, to visit hie young friend Harry Everett. S\*M, SOCK'that WRECKS matujS^Sß^ Xlivt iUrT)Anfls In HS‘train bodily / (hat slowly but surply destroy health, /strength and cheerfulness. PRCKLY&sI li is a marvelous system cleanser and regulator. \ Permanently CURES a constipated \corrects trouble in.the digestion, ihe blood, strengthens ihe kidneys. Pin;, rrtr sysum in ptHrtcr wL: sold ai nnucQisis.^^^^^r W- ,J Butts, Special Agents. Eastman kodaks... r 1 • AND ALL KiNDS OF Photographers Supplies. y • ' ' x ' * SEETHE “BROWNIE CAMERA,” COSTS SLOP. pyteSdaflift W hBUTTS, The Druggist. i “On tlie Corner.” # SmX_fTl DR. MOFFETT'S a Alins lull!.Im, Ws Olskllm, I'CCTHIN A sot.'s.'sa 1 LLIIII II h\ Makes Teething Easy. BABV f* J 1 (Teething Powders) LJL TEETHIN A Relieves the Bowd ASA „ Troubles o( Children of s^s on’y * cents at Druggists, any aoe. J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUI8.IW!~ Keep Cool ’ These Hot SummeTHights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to 51.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO W e know it—Thousands ' '\\ know it. But do you know mr lflffft&Qt that the the peer of all whis- Because it is absolutely pure, fl.t \ j Because it is very old, • \CS?T‘V’ "infix* Because it has a yery fine aroma and flavor. tV’nBMHNBS&t iie< aiiHo it Is smooth and palatable. WW*' Btciuse it is TIIE WlllsKY for Medici nal purposes. CKSajSwfri^liMß^Vjfo TUY IT AND BE CONVINCED. , Look for our Trade Mark on the label, *r."My 1. TRAC VAi & CO.^sDistilJers, Cincinnati, jPhip. 4 ' It. V.-. Douglas, Bay streetj Ueueral a. OF P’S. TO DETROIT. , / At the regular bjr jetirg of the U. R. K. of Y. V , cfltly it was decided to use the line of the Plant System from Brunswick. Arrange ments will be made for a nice ooach to run through without ohange for the aooemmi dat on of • lie Kn : ghts and their guests who d!ir 'o sooonipany 'h-nion this trip The coach will be neatly decorated. Rile for the occa sion Is $26.30 rouud trip, open to ev erybody. Party will leave on morning of August 24 . The many fneuda of Hoc. T. W. Lamb will regret to learu that he i lying quite ill at the home of his eon in-iaw, M*. W. M Gignillia't, at Pine Crest. Officer Isaac Smith is now doing bi ej ole duty.