The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 16, 1900, Page 2, Image 2
2 110 IK Riflemen Will Leave at Seven This Morning. The Company Woes There to Participate in Shoot ing Contest. The Brunswick Killtinen, under coro mrnd of Capt. Frank A. lunn, will leave this morning for Wayoross where the company will participate in the shooting content to he held there today. The live members who do the heat shooting will enter the • state Nboot at Havannah in September. The following numbers will go today : Captain, F, A. Dunn; lit Lieuten ant, J. M. Wigglna, 2nd Lieutenant, J. T. Parnell; Sergeanta, I’. 11. Ulsch, E. Miller. E. M. I’eeraon, A. O. An derson ; Corporals, I’. H. Golden, llarry Miller, 11. C. I’eeraon, 11. L. Calhoun, J. 8.-l’rerson; Bugler, T. C. Toarln ; Privates, U. F. Anderson, 0. Baumgartner, W. 11. Davenport, K. F. Douglas, C. F. Dorrllnger, .T. II Extrowioh, H. L. Fanner, It. M Far mer, I), B. Farmer, W. 11. Flanders. C. O. (ioodnow, M. Greenwood, Colson Hoyt, D. G. Ilensal, W. M. Harper, .I,l’. Hutohlnson, A. S. Jenkins, W, L. Jenk ns, A, C. Jeffers, T. L. Lamb, H. J. Matthews, J. 11, Mitchelaon, B. J. Olwine, A. 11. I’eereon, It. S. Pyles, K. D. Scarlett, Jr., 11. C. Tharin, F. Torras, A. J. Wood, J. K. Wrench. DOES IT PA y TO BUYCUAKP A cheap .remedy for coughß and colds is all right, but you want sonit thing that wi.i believe anil cure the n oat severe aril dangerous results u throat and lung trouble, What (ha do? Oo to a wanner anil more regula climate? Yee, If possible; if r.m po Bible for you; then In either case tak the only remedy Dial has been intro lucod In all civilivcd countries with success In sore throat and lung troubles lloscheo’s German Hyrup. It not only stimulates tho tissues to destroy the germ disease, but allays lrflamallon and causes expectoration, gives a good night’s rest and cureß the patient Try one qottlo ItecommundeU many years by all druggists In the world Sample bottles at W. J. Butts and Brown Drung Cos. People do not grow much in graop. Our Greatest Specialist For*|2o years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chronic diseases that he is acknowledged today to stand at the head of his profession in this line, llis exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of kuife or cautery cures iu 90 per cent, of all eases. In the treatment of loss of vital foreos nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, he is equally successful’ I)r. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Cases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat moul. Write him today fully about your case. Ho makes no charge lor cousultatiou or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. I). 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Os The seed of prayer always spring* up into praise. ""Confound y Those Flies -AVky don’t you kill them? ( I Daisy Fly Killer! ■ ' Attracts and kill* FLIES I I \ - th* million. Lasts all iuoisu% BU 45 Cents! f not soil or to lure anythin# ySßß*- tot FLIES. .w.', ,V . . f BAD ACCIDENT. Train Smashed a Wagon Tuesday Night. The dray belonging to Capt, Wil son, of the is not a dray. The team was in good shape nntll it ran up againal a Plant Byitem freight train Tuesday night. A number of hacks and drays started for the Mal lory wharf t) m“et the Cumberland steamer Emmeline. A Plant System freight train was at a stand-still on the track, and juat as the driver of the ill-fated (earn reached the ceter of the track, the engine backed the train in to the wagon, dragging the horse some ten or fifteen feet, but luokiiy did not kill it. The wagon was a complete wreck. At no time is man secure from at taok of suoh disorders of the stomach as obolera morbus, crimps and diar rhoea; but these complaints are com mon during the heated team, when it la dangerous to negleot them. Pain killer is a remedy that has never failed and tbo severest attacks have been cured by it. Avoid substitutes there is hut one Pair.-Killer, Perry Davie’. 25c and 500. MUCH LOCAL INTEREST, The Sports Are Interested in the Jeffries'-Fitzsiinmons Fight. Now that Jeffries and Fitzsimmons have agreed to fight on August 25th, the local sports are taking a great deal of interest in the big mill and ome bets are beming made now. Kitziimmous poems to bi a general avorite with the itrunswioh sports. “Take Heed Will Surely Spied.” lie sure to heed the flrst syniptomaof indiges tion, nervousness and impure blood, and thus avoid chronic dyspoplia, nervous prostration, and all the evils produced by bad blood. Hood’s be stomach right, strengthens and quiets the ne;ven, purifies,enriches and the blood, and keo|>n up the health tone. All liyer ills are cured by Hood’s I‘ills. ‘26c. GALA DAY’ TOMORROW. Many Will Uo To Toe Fair Grounds. The interesting events booked for to morrow at k tbe fair grounds will be seen by many. The baseball game be tween the now famous Fats and Leans clubs is alone worth the price of admission. The horse races will be interesting and the foot raoe very en juyahle. Capt. Newman, slias the Hustler, is arranging for another amusements. 1 trinity In Hlood Deep. Cionn blood means a clean skin. No beauty without it. Casearets, Candy Cathar tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im purities from the bodv. begin today to banish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilious complexion by taking Cascarets, - beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed, 10c, 25c, 50c. liussell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. BUY THE GENUINE'' SYRUP OF FIGS ... manufactured by ... CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. nr NOTE THE NAME. CASTOIIIA. Bears the *4 1,10 KM Y<>“ Have Always Bought THE BKUINSWIUK: TIMES-CALL, AUGUST l(i, 1%0. Cleaning & House Once or twice a year tlie jjocml house wife has a thorough house cleaning. The house lias been swept and dusted every day in the year, but the housewife knows that in spite of vigilance dust accumu lates in cracks and corners, and is only to be removed by special effort. It’s the same way with the body. You look after it every day. You take all the ordihary precautions of cleanliness ami health. Yet the body needs its special cleaning to rid it of the accumu lations of waste and poisonous matter which invite disease. Doctor Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery, taken regu larly once or twice a year, would save many a sickness. It purifies the blood, itrengthens the stomach, and cleanses the txxly of poisonous accumulations. "I.ast spring I had a severe attack of pneu monia. which left me with a bad cough, and also left my lungs in a very bad condition,” writes John M. Russell, Esq,, of limit, Cherokee Nat., Ind. Ter. ” I had no appetite and was so weak I could scarcely walk. My breast was all sore with running sores. I got two bottles I)r. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which I believe saved my life. I cannot express my gratitude to you. lam able now to do very good work.” Dr. Pierce’s Medical Adviser, in paper covers, sent free on receipt of 21 one cent stamps to pay cost of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. A BRYAN CL'jß. One May Be Organized Here, But What’s The Use ? An enthusiastic) Bryan man told a Timks-Cam. reporter yesterday that be was going to organize a Bryan olub here within the next few weekß. He further stated that Glynu is all right as far as democracy is concerned, but said, “We want a b'g majority .” LOCAL A! PERSONAL. The white labor union wdl meet to night. The work of rev sing the jury boxes continues, The lMlsmen held a very intert siing meeting last night. Judge Crovatt has returned from a business trip to Bavannah. Mr. M. A. Baker, Jr., who has been ill several days, is out again. A number of oitizins will accompany the Killement to Wayorosa today. One fare for the round trip. Dr. YV. B. Burroughs, of this oity, had the honor of being named as vice president of the agricultural society for the Eleventh distric’. The greatest [skin specialist in America originathe the formula for Banner Salve. Foiall skin diseases, all cuts or sores, and for piles, it’s the most healing medicine. W. J. Butts. LOST.—H>y’a bicyo'e, (Fay,) IS inch. Finder kindly notify l*. O. box 2G3, or 30S Newcastle street. The pocket can be mended. The stomach cau he cured. That sterling medicine for the stom ach and blood, Doctor I'icrce'a lioUen Medical Discovery, nets with peculiar promptness and power on the organs of digestion and nutrition. It is a positive cure for almost all disorders of these organs, and cures also such diseases of the heart, blood, liver and other organs, as have their cause tn a weak or di. eased condition of the stomach. When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. The quicker you stop a cough or cold the less ; danger there will be of.fatal lung trouble. Cne One Minute Cough Cure is the only harmless j remedy that gives immediate results. Von will I ike it. W. J. Butts. BAD WRECK. St v n 1 D-td snd Mmj Are Wounded 1 C lli.ion. U’sid R-p'd, VI It., Mireii 15.-- The northbound express of the Grand j Ksplds & Indians railroad colli: ed this morning with a p-.-s-nger trui' near Grand Like. Th passenger train was Isle, and was endeavoring to m-k'* the sidi g at Piersh. The exnre-s h-.d the right of way, and was running a : full speed when the ora-h suij. The engineers and fir men of ln> : h trains, and five passengers, were sp kii.eii, and eight p rson, supposed to htve been fatally wound and, w re t ken to the l’.erecb hotel. The express tra n was composed mostly of Pullman oars, and was the best train on the rose). The laws of health require that the bowels move ouce eacli day, and one of tho , enaltiea for violating this latv is piles. Keep your bow els regular by taking a dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when necessary and you will never have that severe punish men inflicted u; on you. Price; 25 cents. For sal. y Bishop’s drug store HUNTINGTON’S REMAINS. C'earwater, N-w York, Aug. 15. - A gpecial train bearing the rrmains of Collis P, Huntington, left here this morning. The tram arrived al U'ica, a. m., and proceeded at 01 ce to New York. Upon the arrival here, th u re mains were laken to his re.idcnc 1 , 3 East 57th street, where it is expect ed, by friends and relatives who are in town, that the funeral will take piece. Nothing has been determined upon so far. Lazy Liver ‘‘l have been troubled a great deal with a torpid liver, which produces constipa tion. I found OASCAKETS to be all you claim for them, and secured such relief tho first trial, that I purchased another supply and was com pletely cured. I shall only be too glad to rec ommend Cascarets whenever the opportunity is presented.*’ J. A. SMiTn. 2m Susquehanna Ave., Philadelphia, Pa. /Ml CANDY m W CATHARTIC . TRA Of MARK eiOISTSRED Pleasant. Palatable. Potent. Taste Good. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken, or Gripe. 10c, 25c,60c. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Remedy Company, Chlengo, Montreal, New York. 3*20 Mn.TH.Rin and (junranteed by all drng- Hl|. | U-DAU gists to CIIKK Tobacco Habit. KIDNEY DISEASES are ( (he most fatal of all dis eases. CHI CV’Q KIDNEY CURE Is a I ULLI O Guaranteed Remedy or money refunded. Contains remedies recognized by emi nent physicians as the best for Kidney and Bladder troubles. PRICE 50c. and SI.OO. K W. J, Butts, the Drugjrist PEIFFER k COMPANY, Hay, Grain, and Provisions. Bay near Mansfield St. Ice Cream, Soda Water, Milk Wine of Cocoa —go ro— LLI ZISSIIMAIO 3024 Newcastle St. fyooDROPS] CASTORIA AN’cgdable Preparationfor As - ting it\e Food and Reg u!a - ting the Stomachs and Bowels of INFAN IS/CHILDREN Promotes Digestion,ChcerfuL ness and Rest C ontains neitlicr Opium,Morphine nor Mineral. Not Narcotic. Recipe of Old fir SAMVEL PtTCHKR f\anp/un Seed ' v Alx.Sennei * Rochelle S*/lS ~ I Anise Seed e 1 fiftrrmmt - IU Carbonate Scrfa * I fflfcp.JM- I Clarified Sugar MMvfMN Haror. / Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- Tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish ness and Loss OF Sleep. Tac Simile Signature of NEW YORK. Atb monihs old J 5 Doses - Cknis EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. T. O’CONNOR G. L. PITCHER INSURANCE. FIRE. STORM. ACCIDENT, MARINE T O’CONNOR & CO 310 NEWCASTLE STREET. PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. ' Wai. Im.wn RKAI, ~ no. s: no w). Time Table Np . so ro Passenger .Mixed 0. , [Passenger Mixed _ -- Effective Sunday, 1 Daily n*i\ Daily. Daily. May 2712:01 am ;; ;; j bam.... 800 pm... •ar Wayerops lv y 50Pm r 1r.., n lOSHpm... It Waycross ar 7 45pn.':: 6 46*2 pm 145 am... ar Tifton lv 5 n. 2151 m - 200 am.. lv Timer, arr, opm il 50 pm... 12 10am... ar Savannah lv 4 rOp-n.... 2 I'am J l#nm... a2B am... ar Cbarleit n lv 0 pm.... ai.,am ar i v 7 soS™:::: v A vv Ah CROSS iX M o n Too M Ert * . ~ :::::::::::: 2 gSX::: U tPiSSsTT I ?ifS2 - ! 5 •• 1 } a 69 } ‘ ni • • ar IJ rn ingham. \\ 8 4‘-’ am.' 405 fm ••• 12 25pm ... 2SO am.. ;.r Louisville {. 912pm1 265 * Japn* ••• ,0a am... ar Cincinnati It 545 pm UOO nm I:;;:;;;;::-, h"*",.. 720 an,... a r . st.Leuis iv 8 aS::|”^::: :::::::::: VIA SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON. 13am.. ,Ar Charleston Lv 650 am u S ■ ® f; am < 26pm Ar Richmond Lv 43 pm 005 am I 10am. 11 4ft pm. |Ar Washington Lv 307 nm ian Slum.. 103 am.. Ar Baltin ore Lv 14dfmi i SS? JS2S::| £ >2 UK iSg EEi: Siiplmipweif po^nuNorthr^S* to- ‘MonHme^'BS^l^rhrir^ulhhlfS, l lu*LoS* Keeling Chair ca between Waycroea and Montgomery via Thomasvillfl. Between Pott Tampa, Key West and Havana. 'f B^.vlSßraE Sat :::: | S W. . hknham. s - K - KSO ,To V tv?SK® S ‘ Tannsh ’ Ua - n w wrkvn Oeueral Slip! Division Pass. Agent. PuksTYadn-Mgr savannah, <ia Brunswick, &. rnßa YavanJSST.Oa emit Tor Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the I i Signature //SjJ (\ Jr ln (Tr Nse W For Over Thirty Years emit THE CENTAUR COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY.