The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 16, 1900, Page 8, Image 8

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8 Theßee Hive. The Bee Hive. A Complete Assortment of the /21kDefenfler MMmi Wsjggk foroW|®V HIGH GRADE \l Muslin Sheets 'll WFiiDey and WFENCL'-y Pillow Cases always in stock. We are endeavoring to show you ihe newest in Mid-Summer Novelties. See the new POLKA DOT VELVET RIBBONS! Comes in black and Royal Blue, satin backs. Nos. 12 width, suitable for Belts, per yd 2?c- Nos. 5 width, suitable for Ties, per yd 15c New Ribbon Belts. We show exclusively the new Velvet Ribbon Belts! Black Velvet Ribbon Belts: made of No. 22 black velvet ribbon, satin back, with strings of No. $ ribbon, each 50 Cents. THE LATEST-ONLY A FEW TO SELECT FROM. VELVET RIBBON BELTS. VELVET RIBBON BELTS. Made ol two strips No. 5 Satin Back Velvet Itib- made of three strips No. 5 Satin Bsck Velvet bon with embroidered while silk cord edge . Ribbon with embroidered white silk cord edge EACH 60c. ; EACH 750. New line all siik Satin Ribbon Belt* each ilfic. | New line all Slk TafTeta Ribbon Belts, each 500 Nickel and Black Rings, suitable for making Pulley Belts, per pair 3c. The Bee Hive, j The Bee Hive. Phil S. Farmer, Proprietor. 213 Newcastle st„ Brunswick, Ga. J. J. LISSNER, WIIOUMALE Groceries, Tobacco, Flour, Bacon and Provisions, GRAIN, HAY AND BRAN A SPECIALTY. 216 Bay Street, Brunswick, Georgia. BOYS’ Shirt - Waists Any Boys’ Shirt Waist in the house This Week 45c. EACH. Goods that formerly sold for 50c, 75c and SI.OO. LEVY’S THE [BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 16, 1900, LEFT FOR HOME. Bryan Is on the Way to Lincoln, Nebraska. Chicago, Aug, 15.—W. J. Bryan let tonight for bis home In Lincoln. He will remain there for about ten days and then go to Topeka, where li will be no tified by the populists of his nomination for president. He will begin work on his letter of acceptance of the demo cratic nomination as soon as ho reaches home. lie will probab’y withhold the letter unt.l after President McKinley’s is given out. This afternoon Bryan addressed the United Irish societies at their picnic at Sunnyside park. BIG GAINS. Atlanta, Aug. 15.—The returns from 103 counties are now in tbe comptroll er's oflise. These counties show a net gain over last year’s returns of $10,134,- 800 Republican Convention. Tacoma, Wash,, Aug. 15, —The re publican state convention opened here today. i JllSt !gp Try It | And you will have no i other. Libby’s Wafer Chip ped Beef per can 15c' Rhone 158. The Hustler, LABOR DAY COMMITTEE. Extensive Preparations Are Being Made For the Celebration. The committee in ebarge of the La bor Day oelebration held an enthusi astic meeting in Federation ball last nigbt. AU arrangements have been about completed for Ihe biggest celtbration of the kind that Brunswick bss know n in recent years, and the committee expressed itself as being well satisfied with the progress reported. A number of applications have been reoeiyed from prominent merchants for positions in the parade, and the floats will be handsome. The committee Is very muob grati fied at tbe interest the merchants and business men are taking in the cele bration. A CIGAR FACTORY. Mr. Frank Perez, of Tamps, May Start One Here There is no doubt but that Bruns wick would support a flrst-cLsi c'gar factory and now if three or four busi ness men will interest themselves a little a plant will be (stabile! ed be e. Mr. Frrnk Perez, a prominent cigar manufacturer of Havanns, Cubs, is bere for tbe purpose of ascertaining Brunswick’s advantages for such an enterprise and tbe Timbs-Cai.i. eincer ly hopes be will locate here. TIRED OF WAR. Commander Prinsloo Says Boers Ate Disgusted With Kruger. Cape Town, Aug. 15. —Commander Prinsloo, who has arrived here, fays he is tired of war and weleom. s w ilh de light the prospects for peace. He furth er states that the Boers are disgusted with President Kruger, Cuban Schools. Havana, Aag 15.—An average cut of $lO a month lias been ordered in salaries of all school teachers AU the profes sors in the university and in the insti tutes have been decapitated. The ex amination tor reinstatement began yes terday. COLORED ODD FELLOWS. Rome, Aug. 15.—The state convention of colored Odd Fellows is in session here V this week, and from three to five hun dred visitors are present. Heavy rain this morning broke up parade, but the exercises in the court house were int r esting. KE-LOADING MACIHNE. The Brunswick Riflemen yest rdsy received from tbe state a re-loading maotnne wbioh tbe company is very grateful lor. This machine will make tbe cost of target practice considerable less, ICECREAM FESTIVAL. St. Jude’s church will give an ice oream festival at the yard on E street Tuesday evening, August 21st, and tbe public tnoold liberally patronize this entertainment, COURT IS OVER. The August session of the city court is now at an end, the docket having been cleared with yesterday’s work. Tne old Hopkins case was d.smissed. and J. M. Hoodenpyle found not guilty. Tbe many friends of Mr. Dedusi will regret to learn that be is to lo cate in Birmingham. Mr. Dedusi has been a resident of this city some time and has always been an bi nest, upright oitlzen. Judge F. W. Dirt will return to Djuglas tonight. Eastman kodaks... ANI) ALL K.NDS OF Photographers Supplies, SEETHE “BROWNIE CAMERA,” COSTS SLOP. W J BUTTS, The Druggist. “On the Corner.” D Ffl DR. MOFFETT’S s Allans Irritation, Aids Digestion, r ——f 9 Ic” r* f)!E II M Regulates the Bowels, L- B S► ! H 1 ft] 11 Strengthens the Child, WjT f WlU*!r ] I LLI 11 111 f-\ Makes Teething Easy. BAB* £ A , 1 M (Teething Powders) I 1 TEETIIINA Relieves the Bowel ASA^ 6 / Troublescf Children of \\ Costs only 2a cents at Druggists, any age. Or mail 25 cents to C. J. MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOUIS, f' We Owe Money and must have money to meet our bills, therefore it behooves us to push collections with a ven geance, which we propose to do on the first. No more CREDIT. 10 per cent off foi cash. BROWN DRUG CO. Keep Cool These Hot Summer Nights Our window suggests how. It is filled with a beautiful line of Pyjamas and Night Shirts From 50c to $1.50. See Them. THE PALMER SHOE CO We know it—-Thousands know it. But do you know w§ii ,l “n *r whisky^ the peer of all whis- Because it has a very fine aroma and llavor. o. f lire ruse it is THE WHlsKlf for Medici- Look for our Trade Mark on the label. j 1. TRAGER & CO., Distillers, Cincinnati, Ohio. R. V. Douglas, 2UB Bay street, General Agent.