The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 17, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 MARY M’NISH BURROUGHS, Editob. Judge F. \V. Dart has returned to Douglas. Mins Felicite Davenport lias returned from a visit to relatives in Savannah. —o — Mrs. L. A. Miller and ohildren are •pending lome time on Cumberland. —o — Miss Ernie Hall, of Edgefield, 8. C., is the charming guests of friends in the city. Mrs. Waller Brockington returned some days ago from a pleasant visit to Albany. Mrs. James it. Haley and Miss Irene Haley leave in a few days for Chatta nooga. Many friends will regret to learn that Mrs, W. B. Burroughs is quite ill at residence on C street. Mr. Alex Livingston came oyer from Bladen yesterday to attend the meeting of the board of education. Mrs. J. W. Watkins, little Moye and Leslyo returned to Brunswick last night from a pleasant trip through North and South Carolina, where they have been visiting Mr. Watkins’ rela tives. The temperance lecture of Mrs. 8. M. Wells, of Washington, which will be de livered here at an early date,will doubt' less he]heard by many. Mrs, Wells has been engaged in W. C. T. U., work some years, and is said to bean excel lent speaker. The ladies of St. Judes church will give an ice cream festival in the yard of the church on August 21, to which the public is cordially inyited to be present. This promisee to be one of the charming events of tho week, and a large crowd will be pre;eut- to partici pate in the happy event. Miss Jul.a Powell, of Quitman, who has been Visiting her aunt, Mrs. Con stance Miller, has been called home by a telegram announcing a serious acci dent to her brother. A spec al from Quitman telling of the accidun', reads ns follows! ‘‘This afternoon little Paul, the 0 year-old son of Mr. W. J. Powell, fell from a wagon, crushing in the top of his skull. The depressed bone is press ing on tho brain, and wilt have to be trephined and raised. He is uncon scious and is considered dsngerousiy hurt.” RETEUBUriON. AN OCEAN FIEB KI’ISODE. Brookwoop, Ai.a , Aug. 12, 19(X>. Epitob Timks-Cau.— One night last month, while on a ihort visit to St Si mon's beautiful beach, 1 procured a box of “fiddlers,” got into a row-boat abd pulled up under the shadows of Ocean Pier to try my luck with the sheephead that gather there to nibble the barnacles on tbe piling. Everything was favora ble, as perfect quiet reigned and only tbe gentlest ripples disturbed tbe placid waters of tbe moon silvered sound, The wary sheephead were beginning to respond to my overtures, and more than one belted beauty already lay gasp ing in the bottom of my boat, when two lovers came strolling out ou the pier and I seated themselves almost directly over me. Evidently they fancied they were entirely alone, judging from what fol lowed, which is described in the accom' panying verses. You see, the romantio occurrence and surroundings stirred a chord thatprompt ly responded, bringing to mind some moonlight experiences of—of—certain persons of my acquaintance. Hence, this rhyming: They were sitting on the pier— Not another soul was near— Uo was holding both her little hands In hls’n; The shadows of the night Had fallen ont of sight. For a areal big moon was from the ocean risen. Jlig ships at anchor rode, A porpoise puffed and blowed, A great sea turtle crawled upon the beach; But of these be took no heed, He was busy—yes, Indeed- Trying ’round her slender waist his arm to reach. He succeeded in so doing, And to help along his wooing Her rosy, pouting lips he did attack, He pressed his lips to her'n, And she, too, pressed in turn, Which resulted in a loud resounding smack. Came a voice from ’ucatb the pier, And it tilled them both with fear— The maiden to her lover clung with fright. Said the voice, “Youv’e spooned enough! I wish you’d cheese that stuff, Ami stop your noise, so these sbeephead will bite.” All, the changes in the sceno— It was awful, awful mean To spoil that little earthly paradise. Soon the lovers disappeared, And a wandering sea bird Cried out In protest with discordant cries. Then a person in a skiff, Feeling somewhat tired aud stiff, Sought to change his cramped position jn the boat— I,oit his balance and did fall! Overboard he went with all— Hat, shirt and pants, and shoes aud vest and coat. Ah me I Yours very truly. Wji. Emory Wkvk. CHEAP RATE TO CHICAGO. Acoount national encampment G. A. R., to be beld in Cbioago from Au gust 27 to September 5, the Plant System will sell tickets at rate of $24.75 tor round trip. Tickets on sale August 25, 26 and 27, limited for re turn up to and including S*p’ember 3, An additional extension may be ob tained by depositing ticket with joint agent prior to noon September 2 upon payment of fee of 50 cents for eaoh ticket presented. Very Low Rates to Chicago and Return. National Encampment, u. A. K„ Chicago, ill., August 27th—Sept. Ist, 1900, Ou account of the nbove occasion, SOUTII ERNK RAILWAY Will soil round trip tickets from all stations ou its liue to CHICAGO, ILL.f and return, at ESPECIALLY REDUCED RATES. The following rates will apply points named: Athens, Ua„ 421 55 Atlanta, Ga., sl9 35 Augusta, Ga.,523 >0 Brunswick,GA,s24 26 Columbus, Ga.,s2l 70 Elberton, Ga., S2O 35 Fort Valley,Ga., $22 50 Gainesville, Ga., S2O 95 Griffin, Ga.,s2o 65 Helena. Ga, $24 25 Jesup, Ga., $24 25 Macon, Ga„ $22 00 Savannah, Ga., $24 75 Ticket will be sold from points in the State o Florida on August 24th and 25th, and from points in all other States on August 25th, 20th and 27th, with final limit Septembor 3rd, 1900. By deposit of tickets with joint agent of Cen tral Passenger association, at Chicago, prior to 12 00 noon, September 2nd, 1900, and on pay ment ot fee of fifty (50) cents in connection with each ticket at time ot deposit, the return final limit may be extended uutil September 20th 1900. Perseus located at nou-coujion stations should notify ageut several days in advance of date they contemplate leaving, in order that he may supply lilmselt with proper tickets. For detailed information relative to rates schedules, reservations, etc„ call on or address any agent ot the Southern Railway or its con nections. S. H. HARDWICK, A. G. P. A„ Atlanta, Ga THE?BRUNSWICK AUGUST 17. 1900. [IMPORTANT BILL. One Calling for a Constitutional Convention to be Introduced, A bill asking the governor to call a constitutional convention will be intro duced at the uext session of the senate, and it is hoped by those who favor dis-. franchising the ignorant voters that the results ol the election in North Caro lina wili strengthen the sentiment in this state toward the Hardwick bill, which was framed last year. Mr. Boland Ellis, of Bibb, was one of the firm supporters of the Hardwick bill, and would have fought for it in the last house had it reached the senate. It was found, lioweyer, before the bill was eyer put on the calendar that there Were not enough members favoring it to justi fy a fight for its passage. Mr. Ellis said that the bill would be introduced at the next sessioh of the senate, and that he would probably pre sent it, and would certainly give it his earnest support were it introduced by any one. The bill that will be introduced will be the same as the Hardwick bill with very few changes and will provide for the calling of a convention to amend the constitution tiiat an election can be held by the people for the disfranchise' ment of the ignorant colored voter. WE MAKE ’EM DAILY. Pure Lemon Drops. Pure Lime Drops. Pure Stick Candy, New Eng’and Peanut and Cocoa Brittle, All at IS CENTS PER POPUP We use only the best granula’ed sugar and have everything scrupulously clean. PM OF SWEEPS, Next door to Fleming & Waff’s. PEIFFER & COMPANY, Hay, Grain, aud Provisions. Baj near Mansfield St. Ice Cream. Soda Water, Milk Shakes, Wine of Cocoa —go ro— EH ZISSIMAI O 302A Newcastle St. Bloodworth&Jones New Livery Stables New Buggies Fine Horses Prompt attention given all orders. Drayage a spec ialty. Phone 24-3. E St. j ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND rPofm-Kittev . There Is no kind of pain or ache, Internal or exter nal, that Pain-Killer will •not relieve. (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS AND SUB STITUTES. THE GENUINE BOTTLE | BEARS THE NAME, i PERRY DAVIS & SON. Breakfast Foods for Pol Weailor. Breakfast is the most im portant meal of the day to many business men. The day starts w<th it, and if thiugsgo wrong at break fast they are apt to go wrong all day. Buy your breakfast foods here and you will be sure of a good metlaoda good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, Pettijohn’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. NEWEST SHAPES; LATEST STYLES oliiliierr Goods Just Receirei AT E. EAIILES, 203 Newcastle St. Also a larg assortment of children’s ha,tsand bonnets, laces, zephyrs, worst ed hair goods aDd switches made to order a specialty. ADMINISTRATOR’S SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn County. Will be sold in said county on the diet Tues day in September, 1900, between the hours of 10 o’clock a. in. and 4 o’clock p. m. f at public out cry, before the court house door (Grunt Street side), of said county, to the highest bidder for cash, certain personal property of the estate of Marion Robinson, deceased,consisting of wear ing apparel, trunks, books, one zither, two pair opera glasses and one field glass and other per sonal effects. Said sale will he continued from day to day until completed. Sale made in pur suance ol an order of the court of ordinary granted August 9,1900. This August 0,1000. EDWIN BROBSTON, Admr. Estate of Marion Robinson. Slate of Georgia County of Glynn. Janies S. Wright et al, and Injunction and Rc- Foster & Lang, ct al cower pending in vs. Glynn Superior Court Merchants and Traders' May term,l9oo. Bank, et al. All persons interested in this case desiring to file interventions therein are requested to do so within ninety days from this date. After the expiration of sai time no other interventions will be entertained. Let this be pub-isbcd twice a month for three months in the Bruns wick Call and also in the Brunswick Times. This in open court June 7th, 1900. PAUL K. SEABROOK, Judge Atlantic Cir cuit, Piesiding* Service By Publication. STATE OF GEORGIA—County of Glynn. John Rogers, ) In Glynn Superior Court, May vs. J ' Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIVORCE. To the Deieudnnt, Susie Rogers; You are hereby commanded to be and appear at the December Term, uext, of Glynn Superior Court, to be holden at .the court house in Brunswick, Glynn County, Georgia, on the First Monday iii December. 1990, and by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said date, then and there to answer the complaint of the plain tiff in the above stated case in his Lioel for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennett, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, this the loth day of July, 1900. H. F. duBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn ounty, Ga. GEOBGIA—GIynn County. All persons havinS claims or demands against the estate of Mai ion Robinson, de ceased, are hereby notified to present and file them with me, properly verified,, as required by law. This July 27,1990. BDWIN BROBSTON, Administrator Estate Marion Kobinsou. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. The Federal Transport and'l In Equity in the lusuraiice Cos., et. al., Superior Court of vs. l of saidcounty The Atlantic Cotton Cos., ; Suit to enforce et. al. | payments to capi ) tal stock. The defendants, J. H. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher A Cos., a copartnership A. Norden & Cos., a copartnership, H. W. O. Edge. William O. Allison and J.S. Thomas,are hereby notified and required to be and appear m person or by attorney at the next December, 1900, term of the Superior Court of said county, to be held in tiie court house of said county, at Brunswick, on the first Monday in December, next, and by lo o’elock, . m., of sai 1 day, then and there to answer the plaintiffs in this in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain W itness the Hon Jos. W. Ben net* Judge of said Court. This 2Tth day of July, 1900. H. F. nuBIGNON, , Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. Advertisers lways PPRECIATE REAPIJNG ICH ETURNS AND THAT IS T! —I 6=Z Regular eturns EPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Ouantiy and {unity of Circulation fives Quantity and Quality to Advert's rs And We Give Both —WE ALSO GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOB ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS ETC., When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the price of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours. ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL. The Times=Call, 209, 2091-2 and 211 F Street. NOTE. If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you. That’s our business, and we only charge you for the space.