The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 18, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 MART M’NISU BURROUGHS, Editor. MORNING GLORIES. Scrapiof sky that earthward (dipped When peepholes for the stars were clipped, Bits of beauty drifted down From Aurora’s shining crown. In their iridescent dyes Glows all the light of summer shies. All the changeful glories drawn From the sunset and the dawn. While the sombre shadows lie Dark upon the earth and sky And wrapped in slumbers deep Bird and bee and south wind sleep; Spirits of the night unseen Labor silent and serene That those petals light unfurled May surprise the waking world. See, yon eager hummingbird, Early from hiancst has stirred. Sipping from each dainty cup Nectar ere the sun is up, Hastily, for well ho knows, That those chalices will close And that w ith the rising day All thoir sweets will pass away. With their short lived charms they seem Fairy creatures of a dream, Hits of broken rainbow caught Bay toosc spirits and wrought Into garlands to adorn Some sweet sunny summer morn, Fading with the fading dew Back into theboumlloßs blue! -MONTGOMERY M. FOLSuM. Brunswick's tluw.r garden, are more beautiful tills summer than ever before, roses, geraniums, asters, verbena*, hon eysuckles and morning glories just run ning riot over everything in roaoh. One of the most beautiful gardens, and one which attracts much attention, is that surrounding the pretty suft gray home of the Misses Ilazluhurst on Hanover square, where • everything sweet and dainty, and where the deep red of the blooms on the coral vine, which runs pver the porch, is a gorgeous contrast to the green and gray sum unding, while tho tall yellow cannas, with their deep leaves and g orious flowers attract atten tion from all who pass. Another garden long remembered by all who see it this summer is that of Mrs. Chas. 3, Wylly on where the cool green grass of the lawn is back ed by a charming array of summer’s sweetest flowers, conspicuous among whioh are the white butterfly lilies, which open every afternoon, exhaling their rare delicate fragranco on the twilight air. The garden of Mrs. K. A. i’enniman on Union street is one of the gardens such ae one reads about and which lin gers long in tho memory as a pretty old picture night with an odor of the sum mer time about it. In this garden, where there arc roses, lilies, geraniums, palms, honeysuckles, crepe myrtles and all the things that grow upright and those that creep, there are birds nests, where the little feathered people build their annu al homes secure from prying eyes, and Where the little families are reared, add ing a prelly touch of nature to the place. There is sunshine and shade In this gar den all the day long, and the first beams kiss it lovingly In the mornings and the last beams linger around it In the even ing time, loath to leave. Under the branches of the trees in this little place thre are spots where the sun never comes, and an ideal rustic bench or two here adds greatly to tho charm. Around the beautiful home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Uowning, on Halifax iquure, there is a charming tropical ef fect, rare trees and shrubs and flowers ending grace to the scene, and the soft grass under foot stretched as a deep, rich carpet yields lovingly to the light tread of *my little lady” ae her dainty feet wander here and there among the flowers and as she plays with the golden butterflies who know her and await her coming. An ideal garden is that of Mrs, Ed win Brobston, out at. Pine Crest, where there is a carpet unrolled of St. Augus tine grass with a border of sweet flow ers, such as one remembers from child hood. There are four-o’clock b, Indian shot, honeysuckles, morning glories travelers’ delight, roses and other things ol that kind scattered about and grow ing in happiness and fragrance together, and many times slyly creeping and peeping through the dividing fences, on the other side ol which there are or chards of rare fruit trees and gardens where that which is the most tempting of vegetables is luxuriously growing. Mrs. W. U. Berric, around her home on E street boulevard, has a daintily Bweet garden where there is always a welcoming nosegay of brightiposies for all who come. In the early spring there are violets and snowdrops, after which there are primroses and poppies, and then all of tne roses and other sweet flowers which come with the sum mer time, nud then the chrysanthemums that last until the frosts of the Christ mas tirno fall over them in winding sheets of delicate transparency. Another garden where there are love ly flowers of all kinds, and where they are given to all as freely as the kind words of eyery-day life, is that of Mrs. G. W. Blautou at her homo on Norwich street. Here there arc the delicate vines and ferns and palms which grow most luxuriantly and reach out their tendrils and sprays of blooms in all directions. Around tho home of Mrs. J. 11. Mc- Cullough, on Union street, the deep, wldo garden is running riot with beauty, and the long arbors of wisteria, trailing over the rustic benches are most popu ular retreats these summer days. A wilderness of sweetness and beauty is tbo wide, old-foshioned garden of Mrs. R K. Holtzendorf on Ocean Ave uue, whore every flower that one can think of grows in careless abandonment ami natural grace and beauty. From wild woods there have been many flow ers and terns and shrubs transplanted to this ideal spot, where everything grows almost, it seems, by magic, and where the wild morning glories twine their delicate arms around their sturdier compatriots, and thus supported bloom from early spring until tho last days of the golden autumn, and over this garden there comes the flit of a seabird’s wing many times, for the blue Atlantic with its St. Simon island, and its light house, and its many white-winged ships, and its deep green marshes Is just to the sida of it. The garden of Mrs. Bolling Whitfield, at her home on Gloucester street, is one which passershy stop and look at sever al times before going on, for there Is an air of gentle refinement over the whole and every flower and rose vine which come and go with tbe seasons tell their little story of love and happiness to those who live among them. There are other flower gardens in Brunswick, many of them, just as dear and sweet as these, and maybe some day their graceful inhabitants will smile on many who have not seen them, just as these have done, through other eyes. TH£ BRUNSWICK AUGUST 18,1900 The many friends of Mrs. L. Green wood will regret to learn that she i uite ill at her bomeon G street. Mrs. William Berrien Burroughs is lightly improved from her recent ill - s ness, at her home on C street. Mrs. A. T. Putnam has returned from a pleasant visit to friends in Florida. An average crowd of Brunswickians were present, at the fair grounds yes terday afternoon, to enjoy the many amusements offered to them by Capt Newman, of the Fair Ass ciation. Branswick social and Brunswick other wise, was present, and all spent a pleas' sant afternoon. The S s ers who will come to Bruns wick [shert'y to conduct the Catholic Convent here, will be welcomed by many, and their preoence prom ises to he a charming aldition to the church. Misses Mary and Bessie Atkinson, of Camden county, spent several dayß of this week in Brunswick, the guest of friends, and left for Marietta, where they will spend the summer, going to Lucy Cobb in the fall, where they will spend several terms. The ladies of St. Juees church will give a charming ice cream festival in the yard adjoining the ohurch on the afternoon and evening of the twenty first, to which everyone is given a cord ial invitation to bs present. WANTED. Artesiau wells to drive at $250 each. Rise and capacity guaranteed will also guarantee to complete wells in 15 days. Call on or address A. H. Baker, 205 Gloucester street. WE MAKE ’EM DAILY. Pure Lemon Drops. Pure Lime Drops. Pure Stick Candy, New England Peanut and Cocoa Brittle, All at 15 CENTS PER POMP We use only the tießi granulated sugar and have everything scrupulously clean. HUH OF SWEETS, Next door to Fleming & Waff’s. [Pyoy-Pectorali l A QUICK CURE FOR ; \ COUGHS AND COLDS! £ Very valuable Remedy iu aU < affections of the j l THROAT or LUNGS! I Large Bottles, 25*. j j DAVIS & LAWRENC E CO., Limited, ] Prop’s of Perry Davis’ Pain-Killer. j Administrators Notice, GEORGIA— GIynn County. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has applied to ihe ordinary of said county for leave to sell land belonging to the estate of Amanda Hughs and for the payment of debts of said estate. Said application will be beard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to be held on the first Monday in September, 1900, This the 6th day of August, 1900. J. K. KNIBB, Administrator Estate of Amanda Hughs. GEORGIA—GIynn County. All persons having claims or demands against the estate of Mai ion Robinson, de ceased, are hereby notified to present and file them w ith me, properly verified, as required by law. This July 27,1900. BDWIN BROBSTON, Administrator Estate Marlon Robinson. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn county— Will te sold before the courthouse door of said county, on the first Tuesday in September next, within the legal hours of sale, the follow* ing described property, to-wit: All that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being in the city of Brunswick, county of Glynn, *tnd state of Georgia, and described according to the map and plan of said city made by George R. Bald win, A. I). 1887, as follows, to-wit: The north went one fourth of old Town lot No, 548, con taining 45 by 90 feet, and bounded as follows: On the north, 90 feet, by a portion of Old Town lot No. 547; on the east. 45 feet, by a portion of said Old Town lot No. 518; on the south, 90 feet, by a portion of said Old Town lot No. 548, and on the west, 45 leet, by Amherst street. Levied upon as the property of the defendant, Charles Morris, under and by virtue of an execution is sued from tne superior court of sai l county, in favor of the Atlantic Investment Company and against the said Charles Morris, in the princi pal sum of $798.40, besides interest ana costs. Notice of levy given tenant in possession, as required by law. Also, at the same time and place, that cet tain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Glynn county, Georgia, in the city of Bruns wick therein, in the southern portion of said city, in that tract of land known as the Thirty three acre tract, and known, designated and described on and in the map and plan of said Thirty-three acre tract, as made by E. A Pen niman, city surveyor, which map is recorded in book E E, foil 256, of the general records of said county, reference to w hich is had for all purposes, as the northern one half of lot num-1 her four (4). Levied on and sola as the property I of John D. Lang, under and by virtue of an exe- * cution issued from Glynn Superior court in fa vor of Ilarrv Tattnall and against John D. Lang, for SIOO c 0 principal, cost and interest. W. 11. BERRIE, Sheriff Also, at the same time and place, the north eastern one-foui th of Town commons lot, num ber seventy-nine (79), between Amherst street and Cochran avenue. Levied on and sold as the property of Rachael Harmon, under and by virtue of an execution issued lrom the Superior court of Glynn county and against Rachael Harmon. Massie, Patrick and John C. Moore, and in favor of A. D. Candler, Governor, for $l5O principal and $20.25 cost. W. H, BERRIE, Sheriff. Also, at the same time and place, one Peerless job printing press, chases and rollers. Levied on and sola as the property of Mrs. C A. Leavy, under and by virtue of an execution issued from Glynn Superior court in favor of A. Kaiser & Brother ami against Mrs. C. A. Leavy, principal, and R. R. Hopkins and H H. Harvey, security on replevy bond, for $74.00 principal, $7.25 interest, and $21.25 cost. Also at the same time and place the following described p operty to-wit: That certain two lots or parcels of land, situate lying and being in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, known and described on Simmons’ map of said city as Dixville lots numbers one (1) and two (2) east oi Gordon, betw- on London and Prince streets. Levied on as the propel ty of the estato of E. C. P. Dart, under and by virtue of an execution issued by H. J. Read, tx collector, fot state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tux $1.84 with interest and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff Also at the same time and place, the following described property, to-wit; That certain lot or parcel of land, situate 1> ing and being in the city of Bruuswick, Glynn county Georgia, known and designated on the map of tho city Brunswick, made by George R. Bald win A. D. 1837, as the southeastern one-half of Old Town lot number 264. Levied on as the property of W. F. Penniinan under and by vir tue of an execution issued by H, J. Read, tax collector for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax $22.44 with interest and all costs. Levy made and returned lo me by R. 8. Pyles, deputy shoreff. Also at the same time and place, tbe following described property, to-wit: The lease hold interest in and to one-half of the western one-half of Towns Commons lot num ber 151 between Wolf and Albany streets, in the city of Brunswick, as per Simmons* map. Lev ied on as the propty of J. T. Abiams under and by virtue of an execution issue by H. J. Read, tax collector. Amount of tax $5.‘13. w ith interest and ail costs. Levy made and.returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the following described property to-wii: That certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the city Brunswick and known and designa ed on the map of said city, made by George K. Bald win, A. I>. 1837* as the eastern one-naif of <ld Town lot number 466. Levied on as the p ou erty of John H. Buggs under and by virtue of &n execution Issued by H. J. Read, tax collec tor, for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of ax $19.38 with interest and all cots. Levy made ana returned to me by R. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time and place, the follow ing described property,to-wit: The lease hold interest in ana to the n rthwestern onc-fom th of Town Common lot number 127, between Lee and Stonewall streets, in the city of Bruns wick, Georgia, as per Simmons map. Levied on as the property of Jack Adams and by vir tue of an execution issued by H. J. Read, t*x collector, for state and county tixes due for the v ear 1899. Amount of tax $2.50 with inter est and all costs. Levy made and rptprncd to me by R. S. Lyles, deputy sheriff. Also also at the same and place, the follow ing described property to-wit: The lease hold interest ip and to the northern one-half of Towns Common lot number 105, between Gordon and Johnston streets, in the city of Bruuswick, Georgia, as per Simmons map. Levied on as the property of Win, McKinsie under and by virtue of an execution issued by H.J. Read, tax collector, for taxes due for the yearJß®9. Amount of tax $3.25 with interest and all Levey made returned to me by R, 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the time and place, the following de scribed property, to wit: That certain lot or porcel of land, situate lying and being in the cify of Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, known an 1 designated in tbe map of said city made by George R. Baldwin, A D. 1837, as the southwest one-fourth ol Old 'i*own lot number 543 Levied on as the property of liegina ’Tjl lis under and by virtue of an execution issued by H.J. Read, tax collector, for taxes due lor thp year Amount oi tax si.oo with inter est and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by R 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at tbe same time and place.the following described property,to-wit: Those certain two lots.parce’s of land situate and lying in the city Of Brunswick, jjj the Evansville addition,there to and known a 8 LvansyilJc lots numbers 35 and 36, Levied on as the property of R. H- AlstoD, under and by virtue o an execution is sued by H J. Keed, tax collector, fop state and county 'axes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax 11f.76. Levy made and returned to me by R.. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff, W. H. BERRIE, Sheriff G’ynn County, Georgia. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIynn Countv. The Federal Transport auaT In Equity in the Insurance Cos., et. al. f Superior Court of vs. { of said county The Atlantic Cotton Cos., 1 Suit to enforce et. id. I payments to capi j tal stock. The defendants, J. H. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher <& Cos„ a copartnership A. Norden & Cos., a copartnership, H. \V. O. Edge, William O. Allison and J S. Thomas,are hereby notified and required to be and appear in person or by attorney at the next December, 1900, term of tbe Superior Court of said county, to be he’d in the court house of said county, at Brunswick, on the first Monday in December, next, and by 10 o’elock, h. m., of said dav. then and there to answer the plaintiff sin this in default thereof tbe Court will proceed as to justice may appertain, w itness the Hon Jos. W. Ben net, Judge of said Court. This 27th day of July, 1900. H. F. DUBIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos.. Ga. G EoRG 1 A—Gly n County . To w horn it may concern: John J. Spears has applied for permanent letters of administra tion upon the estate of John Campbell, of said county, deceased, ndsaid matter will be heard at the September term. 1900, of tbe court of or dinary of said county. Let objections, if any, be filed on or before Monday, September 3,19u0. August 6. 1900. HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, 6a, Advertisers lways PPRECIATE Reaping ich ETURNS THAT IS3 T! —1 1=2 Regular eturns EPORTED By Advertisers Who Use These Columns. Quantity and Qnvllj of Circulation gives Quantity and Quality to Advertisers And We Give Both —WE ALSO——. GUARANTEE TO GIVE SATISFACTION IN JOB WORK. DON’T SEND AWAY FOR .£. ENVELOPES, LETTER HEADS, BILL HEADS, SHIPPING TAGS ETC,, When you can get them at home for the same price and besides you save the cost of freight and drayage. OUR PHONE IS 31, and a message will receive prompt attention. We don’t mind calling and talking the matter over with you and giving you our estimates, and if we fail to get your order that is our fault, not yours, ALL WE WANT IS A TRIAL, The Times=Call, 209, 209 1-2 and 211 F Street. NOTK If you haven’t time to write your “ad” let us know and what you’ve got to sell and we will write the “ad” for you. That’s our business, and we only charge you for the space.