The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 19, 1900, Page 7, Image 7

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THE { BEE HIVE IDm Goods Store. * FHIL> S. FARMER, Prop. 213 NEWCASTLE ST. • - - BRUNSWIGK, Gfl. * x We confess this season of the year is K ‘“the season of onr discontent,” —dull i [ business, big stocks -but we intend to | offer price inducements that attract our customers and will be some compensation for shopping this warm weather. Note these prices. UNLOADING SALE-^\ i A RARE BARGAIN—White India Linens. ( ' We have about 500 yards White India [Linen and Victoria Lawn Remnants or ! | mill ends, running from 1 yard to 6 yards in length. Every yard is worth 12 £ and 15 cents per yard; unloading sale Qp price per yard /U 200 yards White Lawn, regular 10c value, unloading sale price 8 1/3 Goods delivered prompt ly and every convenience possible for your comfort while shopping. Unloading Sale. Aluminum hairpins per doz. 5c Mourning Pins Per cube 5c Colored Featherstitch Braid 6 J&rd pieces Each 5 cents Pearl Buttons Good (Quality Worth he Per dozen 5c Torchon Laces Worth 6 to 12c yd Per yd 5c Hooks and Eyes 5 papers for 5c Beauty Pins 6 for 5 cents. 11l McCall’s Fashion Sheet FREE. THE BEE HIVE. Agents for McCall’s Paper Patterns. Unloading Sale Men's sums Not all sizes in all styles, but all sizes in some styles. Men’s stiff bosom, Percale Shirts, worth 75c on sale 49c Men’s Percale Shirts —collar and cuffs at- tached—wortli 85c on sale 49c Men’s Golf Shirts made of good quality Madras, soft bosom, pair cuffs, worth 98c on sale 69c Unloading Sale- Ladles’ White Aprons Made of good quality white Lawn with ruf fle of embroidery at bottom and two rows tucks, usual price 60c on sale 39C 40c quality made of white lawn one row of insertion at bottom on sale 29c 25c quality, well made, hemmed at bot tom on sale I9g THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 19, 1900. in UNLOADING SALE! For the Entire Week Commencing MONDAY. AUG. 20 And Ending^^fc^ SATURDAY, AUGUST 2£th. Monday morning there will commence here a most important sale, embracing va rious departments. You know the story. W e annually hold such a sale This time we will offer you particularly good values as we want to reduce stock all possible. Modern methods emand that stocks be adjusted regularly; goods must be disposed of before they have ime to get old- That’s why we are going to sell such good desirable merchandise at these low figures, Unloading Bale Wash Fabrics. eJI tell of this stock first. All the Wash floods we have will be gteatly reduc ed Just now when it is so warm and one needs a “change” we offer desirable goods at a big saving for you. We have about 25 pieces of pretty figured lawns and organdies worth in a regular way 12£ to 15c Unloading sale price per yard 3 |-3 C You can choose from about 30 pieces Dainty figured Lawn Have sold 1? to 19c per yard unloading Xew Effects in Organdies I sale price per yard 12 12c Prettily Colored Tissues J Handsome figured Silk Organdies 1 Silk Mousseline de Soies i Not a y aid worth l ess than 50 to 75 cents Pretty French Organdies 1 unloadin S sa le per yard 25c INFANTS JEAN UNLOADING SALE, find we have a big overstock Infant’s Short White Dresses. Made of Nainsook, pretty styles, well made. 81.15 quality on sale 75c 98c quality on sale 69c 49c quality on sale 39c Infant’s Short White Skirts. 65c quality on sale 39c We have half a dozen plain short white muslin skirts worth 25c, on sale 10c Children’s Guimps Made of Lawn. 85c quality 50c 50c quality 35c We have gone through our Infant Wear Department and which we want to reduce, hence these prices: Infant’s Long Dresses. Made of Lawn and Nainsook $1.98 quality on sale $1.25 1.00 quality on sale 75c 75c quality on sale 49c 50c quality on sale 39c 40c quality on sale 25c 25c quality on sale 10c Infant’s Short White Dresses. $1.15 quality on sale . 75c 98c quality on sale 69c 49c quality on sale., 29c CENTRALLY LOCATED IS OUR ICE COOLER Help Yoursell to Ice-Water F R R R! INFANTS JEfIR. Infant’s Cream Flannel Shawls Nicely Embroidered. $2.25 quality on sale ..$1,50 1.75 quality on sale 98c 75c quality on sale 59c Infant's Flannel Sacques Well made and nicely em broidered 98c quality on sale 69c 65c"quality on sale 49c SH&LP OIL GLOTH Worth 10 cents yard, on sale 7 Cents, THE BEE HIVE Dm Goods store. PHIL S FARMER. Prop. 2l'i NEWCASTLE. ST. - - - BRUNSWICK, Gft. | We intend to make dull days bright! By |inaK ng extraordinary inducements. Our [expenses for clerk hire, rent, lights, etc., go on just file same month in and out; we must do business: i Note 1 hes Prices. Unloadino Sale! m ~ by actual count I rfvcSk we have in stock ' if it 0110 hundred and j twenty-three Rest Grade 46x30 Defen der Manufacturing Company’s bleached Muslin PILLOW CASES. The value of the material by the yard is tyc our regular price for the ready made pillow cases is 16c we place these pillow eases on sale, at unloading sale price each II 1-2 Unloading Sale._ Genuine 36 inch, bleached Lonsdale Muslin Which must not he confused with any im t itation as so cal lied Lonsdale finish, etc. We offer 15 yards For li.oo of genuine Lonsdale Muslin, Only 15 yds to a customer. UNLOADING SALE, Ladies white ribbed cotton vests, made h*w neck, shoulders and neck taped. l2c quality on sale 9c 1 £C quality on sale 12-Jc 19c quality on sale 1 7c. 25c quality on sale J7c 50c quality on sale 3t)c If your purchase is not entirely satifactory, rest assured your money will be cheerfully refunded, Unloading Sale_ SILK ELASTIC. All colors worth 19c on sale 15c W. B. Summer Corsets. Worth SI.OO each on sale 59c Sizes 28, 24, 25, 20, 27 34, and B 0 to select from. Bedspreads. Good size bleached honey comb spreads on sale 47c Like above but heav ier on sale 49c 12-4 hemmed spread worth $1 00 on sale 89c Regular .$1.25 value splendid spread, 12-4 size on sale 98c 7