The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 22, 1900, Page 2, Image 2

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2 GORDON ISSUES A SIAM Answering llie Recent Criticisms. HIS CONSCIENCE HIMES The General States That He Did Not Accept the Grand Army Invitation. Criticism of Genera! John IS. Gor don by the Confederate Association of the Army of Tenneseee for hie partici pation in the recent Blue and Gray reunion in Atlanta and his acceptance of an inyitatiou to attend th G. A. It. Encampment, in Chicago ia answered by G.neral Gordon, lie declares that h alone ie the Judge of what tie seye and doee, and he must continue to exercise that freedom of mind. This criticism of General Gordon was in the nalure of a resolution paesed by the association of the army of Tennessee in session recently In New Orleans. It declares, in view of ths sharply criticised utterances of Gen. Shaw, commander of the G. A. R., at tha Blue and Gray reunion in Atlau ta the association repreoates the parti cipation of Qn. Gordon in Bine and Gray reunions and protests against him accepting an invitation to the G. A. R encampment ia the orpicliy of cimmatider of ths Confederate Veler ana. OrNkraL'Oobdon'ii answku. “Kirkwood, Ga. Aug 21, 1900. ‘‘To the Confederate Association of Army of Tennessee— “ Comrades: A resolution recently adopted by your aaaociation at the in stance of Gan. Chaleron criticising certain aots or supposed aots of mine entirely escaped my attention at the time of ite appearance in the public press, and 1 have just seen it for the first titna. I understand this action of your association to mean a formal and public notioe that you disapprove of my participating in the Blue and Gray ineetiug which recently occurred in Atlanta, and alio that it means a formal and public protest by your as •notation sgaiust my acosptanos of an Invitation extended to me by the The Quakers Are Honest People. jSN The Quaker Herb Ton- VeMaw * c * s not only a blood purifier, but a Blood in a k or for l’ale, Weak ~® t‘\ fln, l I debilitated people ' w,1 0 l |ave not strength yßtojaJaC nor blood. It acts as a Y tonic, it regulates di- V ffostlon, cures dyspepsia % \'V 11 "'1 lends strength and i tone to the nervous sys tem. It is a medic.ine for weak women. It is a purely vegetable medicine, arid can be taken by the most delicate. Kn,ney disease, Rheumatism and all diseases of the Blood, Stomach and Nerves soon succumb to its wonderful effect on the human system. Thous ands of people in Georgia recommend it. Brice #I.OO. QUAKER BAIN BAUM is the med icine that the Quaker Doctor made all of his quick cures with. It’s anew and wonderful medicine for Neuralgia, Toothache, Backache, Rheumatism Sprains, Bain in Bowels; in fact, all pain can be relieved by it. Brice 23c and 60c. QUAKER WHITE WONDER SOAP, a medicated soap for the skin, scalp snd couiplexioD. Price 10c a cake QUAKER HEALING SALVE, a vegetable ointment for tiie cure of tetter, eczema and eruptions of the skin. Brice 10c a box. FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS. F. A. DILLINGHAM, Proprietor, Cincinnati. Polhill's Drug Store Grind Army of the RspubMo "and by executive committee of the oitie ns of Chicago. “The übj ct of this to your resolution, which you failed to <e and me, is not toe ll in question the right of your association to criticise sn> official aot of mine which does not meet with your approval. I do wish, however, to state, kindly, blit frankly and plainly, that my own conscience and my own conception of duty must be my guide in the future as in the past. ‘ As to the oourteous and cordial in vitation of both the Gr-nl Army ol the Republic and of the executive committee of Chicago's citizrn-., I have to stale that I greatly appriciated the compliment paid nr- by Ibat invl ration, and the spirit wh ch prompted it. C rcums'ances, however, rendered it impossible for me to B'toept, and I notified thi officers and committees nearly two months ago when that invi tation first reached me. ‘■ln order that there may be no possible misunderstanding of my position on these and all kindred matters, 1 repeat that my sole guide must be my own oonv c'ions of duty to th s whole country, and to the southern people, whose glorious re cord in all the past, whose traditions, dignity and honor I have endeivored to defend and uphold at all times, in all seotions and under all conclusions. “I am as ever, fraternally yonrs. “J. B. Gordon." “Hanger is the Best S&uoe,” Vot some people are never hungry. Whatever they eat has to bo “forced down.” There la, of course something wrong with these people. Ily taking Hoot's Sarsaparilla a short lime they aio given au appetile and then they enjoy eating, and food nourishes them, if you lind your appetito failing, Just try a bottle of Hood’s, it Is a true stomach tonic, and every dose does good, 1 he lu st family cathartic is Hood’s rids. TO SEE THE GAME. Quite a large number of Brunswick lane will go le Savannah tomorrow for the purpose of seeing the games be tween Fernandlna and Brunawiok, The olubswill play Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Woman Is often referred to by man “doubling his Joya and halving bis sorrows.'* That may be complimentary, but it would seem to be rather hard on the woman. For in plain terms it means that where things are going weli with the man, hia wife makes them go better. But when things are going ill with him, ho eapecta iho Wife to share half hia burden. And there's more truth than poetry in this presentation of masculine selflshnesa. Men don’t appreciate the fuct that the strain of motherhood alone is * burden bigger than all the loads that rest upon male shoulder*. They see the wife grow th'n, pale, nervous and worn without a thought that she is over-burdened. Among the pleasant letters received by Dr Pierce are those from husbands who have waked up before it was too late to the crushing burdens laid upon the wife, and in the search* for help haro found in Dr. Fierce's Favorite Proscription a restorative which has given back to tho mother the health of the maiden and the maiden’s happiness. “Favorite Prescription*’ always helps, and almost always cures. It las porfoctly cured ninety-eight out of every hi n dred who have used it when afflicted with and - peculiar to women. Money loaned on personal property and real estate. Ap ply to J. W. Wat Kins. Soutoero Railway announce, rate of ont dollar for round trip to Saran nah every Sunday tiokets limited to date of sale. Notice is givsn that no baggage will be checked on excur sion tiokets sold at rate of $1 for round trip via Southern Railway: OASTOma, Bears the _/> The Kind You Have Afros Bou£tr. -r- Jim Carter represents Wanamaker & Brown Examine their goods. THE BRUjnsWICK TIMES-CALL, AUGUST 22, 1900. w THE 1 I HARDEST ' WORKERS I Have spells of “tired I feeling” now and then. I This feeling is caused I by some derangement I in the stomach, liver I kidneys or bowels, and must be removed before the natural vigor and buoyancy of be restored. PRICKLY ASH BITTERS quickly corrects the dis | turbance, purifies the bowels, helps digestion and sends the blood tingling through the | veins, carrying life and renewed energy throughout.thev system, j SOLO BY ORUCCIBTB. L PRICE,BI.OO. i W. J. Bntts. Special Agent. THE TREATY CONCLUDED. Minister Storsr So Notifies the S‘te Department. Washington, August 31. — Min ister Bellamy Storer, to Spain, notified the State Department today that be had concluded tbs treaty of peaos, amity, commerce and naviga tion, with Spain, subjeot to the ap prov&l of the United States govern ment. HIS LIFE WAS SAVED. Mr. J. E Lilly, a prominent citizen of Hannibal, Mo., lately bad a won derful deliverance from a frightful death. In telling of it, he says: “I was taken with typhoid fever, that ran into pneumonia. My luoge be came hardened. I was so weak I ooulJnt even sit up in bed. Nothing helped me. I expected to soon die of consumption, when I beard of Dr. King’s New Disoovery. One bottle gave great relief. 1 continued to use it, and novr am well and strong. I can’t say too much in its praise.” This marvelous medicine is the surest and quickest oure in the world for all throat and lung trouble. Regular sixes 50 cents and fl.oo. Trial bottles free, at all drug stores; every bottle guaranteed, NOTICE. Dr. C M. Gowen will be absent from the city for a month. Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists. WANTEDGentIe horse for family use. Apply to J. W, Welkins. SHIPPING REPORT. C orreoted D. ily by Cspt. Otta Jtbstmssea Port af Brats isk. Aug 21, 1900. WEATHER Ofc; DW duvgday, shower’. Light to fresh sou'll westerly winds. TIDE High water on Brunswick bar, Au gust 21, 1900,11:18 a. m , rise 0.2. CLEARED. Scbr. Goodwio S oddard, Miller, New York. SAILED. SS. Ca ib, Ingram, Boston. Sibr. Frank W. Howe, Wdi>m, Boston. 3ahr. Robert MoFsrlind,Sweetlaud, PortUnd. Sohr Waltham, Barter, Noank. Bohr Harry P.eacott, Gray, New York. Schr.HitueC Luce, Neal, Dari’o. NO RIGHT 70 UGLINESS. The womau who is in face, form and temje', will always have friends, but one who would be attract ive must keep her Lealib. If she is wesk, siokly and all run down, she will b nervous and Sirritsble, If she baa constipation or kidney truubie, her impure blood will oau a e pimples, blotches, akin eruptions, and a wretch ed oomph xion. E'eotric Bitters ia the beat mad cine in the world to regulate stomach, .liver aod kidneys, and in purify the blood. It gives strong cervts, bright eyes, smooth, velvery akin, rich complexion. It wll make a good-1 lokitig, charming woman of a run-down invalid. ODly 60 oeii'.s *i •ll drug at ret. GENERAL DEAD London, August 21 -Gn r l O C. Stbu zec, a leading Boer oommsnder, died today at Krugersdo p of w u da received in battle. If you have a baby in the house, you will wish to know tne boßt way to check any unusual looseness of the howels, or diarrhoea so com mon to children. O. P. M. Holliday, of Doming, Ind., who has an eleven months’ old child, says: “Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took a running of the bowels and sickness of the stomach. His bow els would move from five to eight times a day t had a bottle of Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the house, aud gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of wa er and he got better at once." For sale by Dr. Bishop’s dreg store. It’s only natural for a fellow to feel cheap when hia salary baabien re duced. VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS Are grand, but akin eruptions rob life of joy. Buckleo’s Arnica Salve ourea them; also, old, running and fe ver sores, nloers, boils, felons, corns, warts, outs, bruises, burrs, scalds, chapp'd bands, chilblains. Bast pile curs oa earth. Drives out pains and aobes. Only 25 cents a box. Curs guarantied. Sold by all druggists. Now is the time to make the old suit do its best. See Jim Carter. A woman says the rain is toofamil iar when it begins to patter on the back. The wolf in the fable put on sheep’s clothing because If he traveled on his own reputation he couldn't accomplish his purpose. Counter feiters of DeWitt’s Witch H&iel Salve couldn't sell their worthless salves on their merits, so they put them in boxes and wrappers like De- Witt’s, Look out for them. Take only De- Witt’s Witch Hatel Salve. It cures piles and a'l skin diseases. W.J. Butts, When in need, call on J. W. Watkins. He loans mo ney on personal property. Finest line of groceries to be had, at W. H. DeVoe’s. CASTORIA The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias beea in use for over 30 years, has home the signature of /p and has been made under his per- SjP sonal supervision since its infancy. Allow no one to deceive you in this. AU Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-as-good” are hut Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTORS A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Naraotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation and Flatulency. It assimilates I lie Food, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy aud natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Fi-isml. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears th.3 Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, 77 MURRAY STREET, NEW YORK CITY. T. O’CONNOR G. L. PITCHER RiANCE. FIRE. STORM, ACCIDENT, MARINE- T O’CONNOR & CO 310 NEWCASTLE STREET. A “•SEKJS SHORTER COLLEGE, S„ A . i ■■ ' Situation beautiful. Climate delightful and invigorating. Health record ' i i 4 unparalleled. Home comforts, careful supervision. Young girls received. All I > live with the faculty in llie college. Building worth $150,000 Equipment 1 1 i / ,i *• excellent, well appointed laboratories, good gymnasium, etc. Faculty, large, 1 1 I *’*''feJra&r ESt* an ' l composed of aide and experienced professors, <'oure* extensive and i i *■ -jgfV A thorough, in line with those given in the leading universities. A large Endow- I * 77A£CTLWbjT -fed ment, ensuring students superlative advantages at moderate cost. The Trustees 1 ' jffFffikff | |,T ini l i gf ' ;Sa iT grants mini her of scholarships to deserving young ladies. Art and Elocution i i" I 1 it r7 l ~T l l departments ably conducted. Muale Faculty unsurpassed in America; musical 1 1 iiMlHWlTf.Wtjfl SfflWSSgljvv equipment excellent. A PRIZfc PIANO (gift of a generous friend of * "“’fTns-H •: '*■ a " r, lcd for the best work 11,is is n t wo-t lioiimmd-dollar 1 1 . 1 t*v Ihn U I luiio perhaps the grandest musical prize ever offered i 1,1 nn Y college in the world During the past term all space was tilled. Young 1 iladies would do well to make early application for admission in September, i - ■ ■ - Write President Simmons for a catalogue, which will be sent free, postpaid. 1 , PLANT SYSTEM PASSENGER DEPARTMENT. BEAD DOWN ‘ ' ' BEAD Up no. 87 no. 8 Time .ab e no. ss. no. o Passenger Mixed NO. 35 enger j Mixed '.!!!!!!!...* Effective Sunday, Daily. Daily Daily. Daily. May 27 12:01 am V* A VV A. YOKOfiiJJ A aVIOaN rGUAIiiiKY. " VIA SAVANNAH AN D CHARLESTON. 822 am 7 25pm.. Ar Richmond Lv 6 48pm 9 05am . .. 820 am.. 103 am.. Ar Baltin ore Lv 146 pm 266 am Direct connection made at Wavcross with throi n Pullman 81e ping Cars roi Savannah Charleston, and all points North; also foi Montj.< msry, Birmlngh t n, Nashville, St. Louis and all points West, Reeling chair ca s between Waycrose and Montgomery via Thomasville. Between Port Tampa. Key West and Havana. GOING. I RETURNING. Lv Port Tampa 10 00 pm Mon. Thors. Sat. I Lv Tlavana 2 80 pm Mon. Wed. and Sat Ar Key West 30) pm Tues. Fri. Sun lAr Key West 900 pm Mon. Wed. and Sat Lv Key West 900 pm Tues. Fri. Sunday ILv Key West 10 0j p. m. Mon. Wid. and S*t Ar Havana 6 00 am Wed. Sat Mon I Ar Port Tampa 2 30 am Tues. Thar.and Sun.. 8. R. KNOTT, Vice President, Savannah, Ga. W.B. DENHAM, GEO. W, COATES, B. W. WRINN General Supt Division Pass. Agent. Pass. Traffic Mgr savannah. Ga Brunswick, Ga. Savannah, Ga