The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 24, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUME XI. NUMBERS. Mil Hill! Mcatel tif a Score of Seven to Two. PLAYED WELL. HOWEVER A Rotten Decision Demor alized the Brunswick Players —Game Today, Savaunsb, Aug;. 22.—The Brunswick baseball olub was defeated by Fernan dina this afternoon by a score of 7 to 4. Thar, tbe local team played excellent b ,ll there was no doub', but a rune! bad luck and a rotten decision got the club demoral zed and the result was viotory for the Floridiunr, Quito a large crowd w the guile, and all seemed to think that both clubs[layed the real article. If Brunswick wins tomorrow the grounds will be too sra-.1l to hold tbe people who are sure to come out on Saturday. Odds are of course being offered I hr B'unewiok team backers, but they are k-eping lheir money in their pocket. Brunswiokiins who went over to ■ee the game yesterday were compelled to leava Savannah before Um game was river in order to get here last nigbt. They were surprised to bear that our team bed been defeated, as wben they left after the fifth ion ng, tbe score Mood one and one, and they oouid hardly account for the other runs made. Manager Hirscb was readied bj telephone last night by the 1 imes Cali. and be aa'd tu nn to i< quires: •‘Brunswick lost a very pretty gam to Fsrnandtna today. I* is very sel dom that I make sntxeusetor a de feat, but tody’ gam- we were cheated oat of by the umpire. “Butier, of the FernanJiua teem, was put out on third bj Garrett by at least three feet. The umpire raid stfe. The grand stand h'.seeil him and the •ntire crowd was crying out out, out, but It did not go and the Florida te m made four tuns in '.bis inning, winning the gam*, as two men were on'. “After the game, Mansger Bordan, of the Feruandina team, Bankston. Who pitched for Fern ac din a, aid three more members of the olub came to me sod admitted that Butler was out. ‘•Hot ao eiror was made by either aide, and it wan one of the prettiest games played tt is season. Bi leu'.yr.e and Villiansu both made three bag gers . On account of a wet ba 1, nei h of the pitchers could do g od work. “Wolff pitches tomorrow’s against Hooker, who was to have pitched tedey, but. while practicing before the geme, be was hit in the mouth wltb the ball and could not play.” Ring up phone 109 when in need of the finest goods. W. H. Devoe. nANY WARSHIPS ARE NOW AT SHANGHAI International Jealousy Said to Be the Cause of the Assembling. - ' London, Aug. 23. —A Shanghai dispatch says there are twenty-seven warships ot various nations are there and at Wu Sing. The combined displacement is about 77,000 tons, and the crews aggregate seven thou sand. More vessels are expected today. It is believed here that inter national jealousy is the cause of this great naval assemblage. May Have Cut Communication. London, . —Foreign consuls at Shanghai, not having re ceived anything rom Pekin other than dispatch of August 17, fear that Chinese troops are opearating along the rear, cutting off communica tions, Rockhill Reports. Washington, Aug. 23.— -Special Commissioner *W\ W. Rockhill re ports his arrival at Yokohoma. He will proceed to Pekin unless oth erwise instructed. BACK TO DOVER. Wilkinson Goes to Face Charge of Deserting His Wife. Atlanta, Aug. 23.—Dr. Howard M W.lkicaon, in charge of Detective Bernard J. McVey, of Wilmington, Del., boarded a soutbeun train last night at 15:50 o’clock for Dover, and left Atlanta and Georgia without requisition papers to face the ohjrge of wilfully deserting bis wife Dr Wi kinson expressed pleasure at the prospeots of returning to Dela ware. He was in sood spirits as he wtlked from the police barracks last night, and bid farewell to ihe officers thanking them for the courtesies they had shown him since hit incarceration in the station. Detective McVey, who was detailed to take charge of Wilkinson, reached the C'ty yesterday sf'ernoon at 3:50 o’clock an 1 went immediately to the Kimball houte. As soon as be bad registered be w°nt to the police bar racks, He is a tall, well-built man, with short stubby moustache, and is a typical locking dttseiive. He conversed fraely and told of his trip south. Mr. McVey says there is considerable feeling in Dcv-r against Wilkinson, and the pe. p ! e are entire ly in lympathy with his wife. BROKE ENGAGEMENT. Washington, Aug. 23 —The Chinese situation has reached such a critical stage that President McKinley has post poned his tiip to Cb cago. He wired canceling his trip yesterday. SEVERAL LADIES DEAD. Shanghai, Aug. 23 —lt is reported that a number of the legation ladies have died from the effects of the hard ships while besiegtd, BRUNSWICK, GA., FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 24, 1900. ns if i is i in as The Mob Is Still Much Excited and All Citizens Are Uneasy. Akron, Ohio, Aug, 23.—Although banks, stores and places of busine s generally, opened as usual this morniDg, the situation is precarious, but it is hop ed that the presence of the troops wil prevent further violence, New York, Aug. 23. —Mayor Gang was called up by lung distance tele phone this moraing at ten o’clock and said: “The situation seems more satis factory, The militia responded very promptly to my request last night and with fixed bayonets they marched through tho stree sand dispersed the tnob. The chief of police escaped from bis residence last night and is now in my house. The other officials are here too, and we are being protected by the military. We will have a conference and devise means to protect the city. RATIFIES PURCHASE. Lawrence, Mass., Aug. 23 —A sp-cial msetirg of the stockholders of the Boston and Mitr.e was hell here iuday for the purpose of ratifying the purchase of 3(>,000 of preferiod .took of the Central Massnofu efts railroad compiny at $65 a share. ’The agreement, under the above purchase cal's for payment by October 1, and it is likely by that date that the railroad con missiorsrs will have and cided what price sta'l be psid for ibe additional 10,600 sheres of minority priferred stock and 35,000 rhartsof common stock. It is feared that there will be mote trouble tonight. A detachment of military are at the city hall si;e. The building was de stroyed by fire and dynamite.” Akrou, 0., Aug. 23.—The Fourth reg ment arrived here early this morn ing and the presence of the military no doubt kept the mob in check. The property destroyed lasr night will run up to something over two million dol lars, the city hall aione wa9 worth half that amount. Cleveland, Aug. 23 —Peck, the other negro the mob searched for last night, Is in jail here Another negro named Howard, was also brought here, as the mob in'ended lynching him. OUT FOR A RECORD. New York. Aug. 23.—The new French line steamship La Lorraine, whose fast trial a short time ago astonished the whole watsr front, makes bsr initial trip eastward today. It is given out that she will attempt to lower all exist ing records. The vessel Is of 15,000 tons register, 23,000 horse pow. r, and is of the twinescrew pattern GONE CRAZY. Akron, Aug. 23.—Chief of Police Harrison went crazy last night. He thought the mob would murder him and this deranged his mind. THE INDIANS’ OBJECT. Anti-'Curtis Bill Resolutions Were Adopted Mußcogec. lnd„ Aug, 23. —A conven tion of the business men of the Indiau Territory is in session here today to frame resolutions objecting to the Oar tis Bill. The Creek Indians have manifested a deeided objection to the bill, and representations liave besn made to the business man of tho surrounding states, a large number of whom are in attend ance at the convention. J Fishmuau, of tine city, has been most aciiye in bilnging about a move ment, having visited the prominent citi ies of Kansas and Missouri in behalf of the merchan sol this section. At the meeting today, the bill rfas condemned and resolutions to be placed before Congress urging a treaty with the Reda to take tho place of the bill were adopted. Bad Time for the Petition. Detroi>, Mich., Aug. 23.—'Jhe Stale Federation of Colored Women yester day afternoon adopted a memorial to President McKinley petitioning him to ask congress to pay to the widow of tho late Postmaster Baker, of Lake City, 8. C., $40,000, her husband having lost ills life during a race riot in that place The memoaial also states: “We would like to ask for a law to to be enacted to this effect that should any state be found guilty of mob laws and lynching it be expelled from the union. The biscks could then evacuate and all the negro haters could have a state of their own wherein they need not see a black face. Thus we solve the negro problem." PRICE FIVE CENTS. 11 IIS Id fill Tula Was a.lass of Hiiniamiy. 11! THOUSAND POTSENT The Speech of Acceptance Was a Uraml One and Brought Forth Much Applause. Topeka, Aug. 28 W illiain Jennings Bryan was today fotmaby notified of bis uominallon for president of the United Stateß by the populist party. Ai ear y as Tuesday every train reach ing this cty was packed with visitors anxious to see tbe gieat leader and nom inee of three powerful parties, and today they were here by the thousands. Mr, Bryan’s speech was great, grand and glorious. Enthusiasm reached tliu highest pitch possible. AN Il FOREIGN YE l’. Chinese Governor Has Exitrmntted Many foreigners, Shanghai, Aig. 23 —I he Chinese re port that the al ies at I’ekin have de* manded the execution ot Prince Ching, the foremost. leader of the anti-foreign movement. The governor of Hunan prov ince has posted placards announcing the extermination of the foreigners in north China and u-giug all Chinese to do like wise. FHOM ROBERTS. Ills Report Encourages the English. LondoD, Aug. 2.H. —Roberts cables that it se ms certa n that DeWct is finding it hopeless to continue his way eastward and lias recroseed the Malieslierg, few S' wounded, with the Intention of return ing to the Orange river colony, liis guns are mostly buried, and Li* personal following is not mure than three hun dred men. HE PLAYED BALL. Hot Mr. Henry Pearson Will Hardly Play Any More This Season. Sir, Henry Pcarsou was out yesterday playing an exhibition game of base ball. He was catching the ball in every way, but someone threw him un “upshoot” and instead of catching it in his hands, he used his mouth, and quite a neat lit tle gash is left aB a mark. Ho has de cided not to catch for the Brooklyn team next season. A FIRE AT DOUGLAS. Douglas, Ga , Aug. 22. -A house be longing to Buck & Downing and occu* pied by Ella Moore, a negro woman, waß completely burned, with nearly all its conten’s, at 9 o’clock Tuesday night. For the finest grades of Pickles Cakes, Preserves, etc., call at DeVoe’s