The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 24, 1900, Page 5, Image 5

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fflON If 111 Cily Fathers it Last m ALDERMM BRANHAM IT The Council Abolished the Office of Harbor Mas ter-Other Busi ness. OFFICIAL. REGULAR MEETING, Brunswick, Ga., Aug, 23, 1900. Present—Hon. Dean D. Atkinson, mayor, and Aldermen Mason, Krauts, Dart, Bloodworib, Thomas and Ab rams. Absent Aldermen Branham aud Briesenlck. f Minutes of the previous, regular and called meetings were read and confirm ed. PEtITirONS. From the Bay Iron Works and others, urging the election of Capt. B. A. Fahrn to the office tf haibor master Tabled, From G. H. Slerrifleld, chaiiman Labor Day committee, asking that coun cil grant an appropriation to help de fray expenses of the labor day's cele bration. Tabled. From Hev. J. J. Perry, asking per mit to erect two cottages on the Eastern half of O and Town lot No 374. Grant ed From T. B, Goodbread, asking that taxeß paid by him on Old Town lot No 453 be refunded, having paid by him in error. Taxes and Revenues. From Th, F. Winter and othirs, ask ing that night soil carts p'aced in their neighborhood be rsmoved. Received. COMMUNICATION. From H. M. Branham, resigning as an aldaimen of the city of Brunswick. Referred to a special commit'ee compos (d of Aldermen Krausa, Dart and Mas on. RESOLUTION. The following offered, passed and adopted: By Alderman Kraus : Resolved by the mayor and council of the city of Brurswiek in council as sembled that the Times Caii, b-, and the same is hereby declared to be, uutll further action of this council, to the contrary, the official organ of the may or and council of the city of Bruns wick, Ga. ORDINANCES. The fotlowing was placed on its seoood and third reading', and paired ted adopted on v > e as follows : Yeas, Ald-rmtn Mison, Bluodworlb and Tb ron. Nsys, Aldermen Krause and Dart. Ad ordinance tbs offloe of Harbor Matter and vest the powers row sxsroia and by that efflner In the board of pilo'age commissioners and "He That is Warm Thinks Ail So Thousands are “cold” in that they do not understand the glow of health. This implies disordered kidneys, liver, bowels, blood or brain. Hood ’s Sarsaparilla gives all who take it the warmth of per fect health. Get Hood"s because Pvay-Pectorali A QUICK CURE FOR j COUGHS AND COLDS ; Very valuable Remedy'in all ] affections of the < THROAT or LUNGS! Large Bottles, 25c, J DAVIS & LAWRENCE CO., Limited, I Prop’s of Perry Davis’ Pain-Ktller. i for other purposes. Sjo. 1. Ba it ordained by the mayor and alderu an of ths oily or Brun - w ck, in couootl assembled, sod it is hereby ordained by the authority of same, that the 1 fine of harbor master of the Port of a unsvrick, and the fees and p quisiles thereof, be and the same are hereby abolished. Ste. 2 Be it lu her ordained by the authority aforesaid that the powere hereto'ore exeroised by the said bar bor master b-, and the same are here by vested in the board oft Dotage commissioners of this port, and the said powers sha'l b ex’rclsaols by tte chaii man of said board when ths board happens not to be in session, SO. S Be it further orda n-d by the ordained by the authortety afore said that all ordinances and part* of ordinanoss in oor flicc h> rtnitb be and the the same are hereby rrpealed. Passed and adopted by tbe mayor and council on the 23-d day of August, 1900. Attest: D. D Atkinson, Mayor L. C. Bodet, Clerk, Anjourned, Clerk. Pain. Killer, as an interncl remedy, has no equal in oasee of colio, rummer complaints, dyspepsia, dysentery and rheumatism. It is the best lineament in the worll. Its action is like magio when applied to bad seres, burns, soslds and sprains. For tbe siek headache and toothache, don’t fail to try ir. Avoid substitute!—'here is but one Pain-Killer, Parry Davis’. Prtc * 25c. and 50s. WANTED One large furnished room by a single gentleman; prt fsr room in private residence; references lurniahed, Address D, care Timss- CaP. What most people want is something mild and gentle, when in need of a physic. Cham bcrlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets fill the hi to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant in effect. For sale by Bishop’s drugstore. FOR SALE—Cheap, handsome fur niture. L. Times-Ca'l. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought iz.™ Fine lot of sun dried peaches just received at P. G. Busbees, 423 E street. Il’s s doctor's business to study beaitb. Doctors confidently recom mend HARPER Whiskey. Sold by T. NEWMAN, Brunswick, Gt. Some people fish for oompliments with bsted breatb. It will surprise you to expiriince the benefl obtained by using the dainty and famous littla pills known as DeWitt’s IJUIe Early Risers W.J. Butts. WANTED : Gentle burse fur f tmily use. Apply to J. W. Watkins. CASTORXA.. Bears the sgTto Kind You Have Always Bought *“7" THE BRUNSWICK TTME W -CALL, AUGUST 24. 1900 Sill B #i nil A Tie Gounty Breals ill Former Records. VOTERS I DISFRANCHISED Some Eight Thousand Must Pay Up Before Voting. Tough on Augusta Politicians. A l.nta, G orgia, August 23.- Tub ttx digest of Riohmoud county, received at ibe i ffioe of Cumplro ler Gsneral Wright yesterday mjn.i g, presents soma of the moat un que feat ures in tbe way of figures ever teen id com action with a cuuniy digest. The statement is nude by Tax Rt-ce ver W J. Stead, of Riebmond, aid b s di gest bears him out, that less tbsn one half of tbe tax payers of the county failed to miks return of their proper ty, Tbia lowers all formir records and places Riot, men J in a ilnss all to itself. Tbe book shows • hat tbe single value of tbe property of defaul ers ii the oouoty la $670,650, which, being dcu bled, according to law, reaches the sum of $1,340,000. Tbe nao6t remark able showing in the digest, hows ver, ii that there are 3,615 defaulting poll taxes, wbtob amounts to almost the total vote Richmond is capable of pe 1- ing In an eleotion. Of this number 3,792 ara wbue de faultere, and Ihe remaining 4,823 are onlortd. These 8,615 citizens must pay their poll tax before they can reg ister and vuti in tbe coin irig sta’e elec tion. The H cLmtod and geit shows on it. face a gain in value over laet year of $1,368,220, but when the d.ff renoe be tween the default list of 1899 is sub traded from that of 1900, it is seen that the aetutlgain in properly vanes in the oouoty is only $673,316 Tbis in itself is looked upon as a remark able gain, and goes on record, in fact, as the largest made in any county for the year. W rite Dr. C. J. Moffett, St. Louis, Mo., for his valuable little Text iiina Wash-List Book, free For Bladder Troubles use STUART’S GIN and BUCHU. F Iz immune Sharkey fight. Returns from the ringside by (uuac’g at Kit aaloon Friday night, HORSE SUNSTROKE. A horie belonging to Jim Ryala was ovsreon e by tbe heat yesterday after noon and fell, Tbe drivea immediate ly got to work od tbe aoimal and •aved iia life. Hard driving was not he otua*. PIMPLES “My wife had plmplea on her face, but she has been taking CASCARETS and they have all disappeared. I had been troubled with constipation for some time, but after tak ing the first Cascaret I have had no trouble with this ailment. Wc cannot speak too high* ly of Cascarets.” Fred Waktman, 5708 Germantown Ave.. Philadelphia, Pa. M CATHARTIC \OOCM) TRAOi MARK PBOiaTfßro a Palatable. Potent, Taßte Good. Do Good, Never Sicken. Weaken, or Gripe. 10c. 2eC. Me. ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sterling Tub...,, tblc.., Ho.trr.l, lit. Vork. Sl4 M.TD.RIP Sold and iruaranteed by all drug -IU-DAU giau to OIKE Tobacco Ilablu WHY DR. HATHAWAY CURES. Reasons for Ills Marvelous Success— His New, Free Book. nr. nathaway's method of treatment Is noexpert ment. It Is the result of twenty years of experi ence In the most exten sive-praetteo of any specialist In Ills line In tho world. He was grad uated from one of the best medical colleges In the country and perfect ed his medical and surgl- I cal education by exteu- J sivo hospital practice. Early in Ills professional career he made discov eries which placed him at the head of his profes sion as a specialist in treating what aro generally known as private diseases of men and women. This system of treatment he has more and more perfected each year until today his euros are so invariable as to bo the marvel of the medical profession. Enjoying the largest practice of any specialist In the world he still maintains a system of nomi nal fees which makes it possible for all to obtain his services. Dr. Hathaway treats and cures Loss of Vitality, Varicocele, Stricture, Blood Poisoning in its dif ferent stages, Rheumatism, Weak Back, Nerv ousness, ail manner of Urinary Complaints. Ulcers, Sores and Skin Diseases. Brights Disease and all forms of Kidney Troubles. His treatment for undertoned men restores lost vitality and makes the patient a strong, well, vigorous man. Dr. Hathaway's success in the treatment of Varicocele and Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery Is phenomenal. The patient Is treated by this method at his own home without pain or loss of time from business. This is positively the only treatment which cures without an operation. Dr. Hathaway calls the particular attention of sufferers from Varicocele and Stricture to pages 27. 28,29, 30 and 31 of his new book, entitled, “Manliness, Vigor, Health,” a copy of which will he sent free on application. Write today for free book and symptom blank, mentioning your complaint. * J • NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. Dr. Hathaway A Cos., 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga* MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WMTINU, SHIPPING REPORT. CorreoUd Daily by Cspt. Otto Jcbaniritn Port of Brurs ioi, Aug 22, 1900. ARRIVED Sc hr. John C. Smith. Kn 'elar and, Nw Yoik, CLEARED. Sir. R o Grande, Johnston, N-w Yerk, merchandise and ptaseugera. POWDER MILL EXPLOSION Removes everything in stgh' ; so do drastic mineral pills, but both are mighty dangerous. Don’t dynamite the delicate machinery of your body calcine', croton oil tr aloes pills, when l)r. King’s New Life Pills, wMoh arc gentle as a summer bred”, do the work pirfeoily. Cures headache, c>n stipation. Only 25 c nts, at ail diug Our Greatest Specialist For 20 years Dr. J. Newton Hath away has so successfully treated chro> lc diseases that he is acknowledged tot ay to stand at the head of his profession in this line. Uis exclusive method of treatment for Varicocele aud Stricture without the aid of knife or cautery cures in 90 per cent, of all cases In the treatment of loss of vital forces nervous disorders, kidney and urinary complaints, paralysis, blood poisoning, rheumatism, catarrh and diseases pecul iar to women, be is equally successful’ Dr. Hathaway’s practice is more than double that of any other specialist. Oases pronounced hopeless by other physicians, readily yield to his treat ment. Write him today fully about your case He makes no charge for consul’ation or advice, either at his of fice or by mail. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. D. 25 Bryan Street, Savannah, Ga Fi'z iuinumt Sharkey fight. Returns from the ringside by minds at K k saloon Friday uigl t, Cheap Kates Via Son’hern Railway. Chicago, 111. National Knccmj inent G. A. R August 27-Sept. 1 Tickets wilt be sold August 25,26 and 27, with final limit Sept. 1, at rate (f .5 for ihe round trip The D.-ead of people with weak lungs wh i suffer withsiubborn coughs is consumption. Foley’s HoDey and Tar, if taken in time, cures the cold , heals rhe lungs and always oures incipient Consumption. \V. J. Butts. Keep the body healthy at this season by Using Prickly Ash Bitteiis. It is a necessary condition to auccesefuily re sist malarial germs. W. J Butts. TIMER-CALL JOB OFFICE. Those who want Ihe best work, at the lowest figures, should bring it to (bis i dice. On ltrge dodger-, our prices and work wi 1 make you a con stant customer, if you will give us lbs first j)b. Ring up 31, aud a solicitor will call. SHERIFF SALES. GEORGIA, Glynn county— i Will o hold he lore tho court hou e door of J said county, on the Tuesday mi September ne\, within the legal houis i s.ile, ihe follow tugdescrihid property, 10-wit: AH that ccr.'uin tract or parrot of land ying and being nt ih< city of Itiunsw iek, couii.n ofGvun, ml t.uo < f Georgia, and and scribed a.ending t > the map and plan of said ci y made by (icorge K. Bald win. A. I). 18117, as follow-, town; Thonoith wert one fourth of old Town let No, 548, eon taining 45 by IM feet, and bounded ns follows: On the north. IM) feet, by a portion of old Town lot No. 547; on the cast. ♦* feel, by a portion ol ►aid Old Town lot No. 545; on tin* south, tin feet, b> a portion of said Old Town lot No. .vis, ami on the west, 45 iet t,hy Amherst si root. Levied upon as ihe property of the defendant, Cha les Morris under and by virtue of an < \ cuiion is sued from me Mipei ior court of sai i county, in favor or the At Im.tie li.vestment (’onipnn and against the said C baric-. Morris, in the princi pal sum of sriK4o, besides interest and costs. Notice of lew given tenant in p •-i-os.-Jon, as required by law. Also, at the s in-- lime ami place, that ee tain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in Glynn coun y, Georg a. in (lie cily of Hi uus wiek therein, in the southo'ii portion of said city, in that tract of land known as iheThirty thiee Acre tract, and known, designated mid described on ad in tho map and pi nof .-uni Thirty-three a re tract, as made by K. A IVn niinun, city surveyor, \\ hi li mao is recorded in hook E E. folio 25ii, of the g* no ml records of said county, reference to which is had for ali purpo-cs. as the northern oue halfot lot mini her four (4). Levied on and so and as toe property of John I). Lang, under and by vi tueot an exe cution issued from Glynn Suj erior court in fa vor of ILtrrv Tattnall ami against John I>. La' g, lo $li;0t0 principal. cost and imo e-u. W. 11. BLltUlE,.sheriff Also, at the same time and place, tho north oaattrn one foui th of Town commous lot, num ber revet) ty-nine (79), between Amherst, street and Cuchruu avenue. Levied on and sold as ihe property of Rachael Harmon, under and by virtue of an execution issued from the Superior court of Glynn county ami against Rachael ILtnnon Hassle, i’ and John C. Moore and in favor of A. D. Candler,Governor,for $l5O principal and $40.25 cost. # W. 11, HERIUK, Sheriff. Also, at tho same lime and place, one Peerless job printing press, chases and rollers. Levied on and sold as the property of Mrs. C A. Leavy, under and by virtue of an execution issued from Glynn Superior court in f tvor of A. Kaiser & Brother an.l against Mrs. C. A. Ivoavy, princi; al, ami It. R. Hopkins and H M. Harvey, security on replevy bond, for $74.00 principal, $7.25 interest, and $21.25 cost. Also at the sam° time and place ihe following described p operty to-wit: Thai certain two lots or parcel* of laud, situate lying and being in the citv of Brunswick. Georgia, known aud described on Simmons’ map of said city as Dixville lots numbers one (1) and two (2) east or Gordon, betw. on London and Prince streets. Levied on as the property of the estate of E. C. P. Dart, under ami by virtue of an execution issued by H. J. Read, tax collector, for state ami county taxes due for tho year 1899. Amount of tux sl.Bl with interest and all costs. Levy made and returned to me by R. S. P\ les, deputy sheriff Also at the same time and place, tbe following described property, to wit; That cert un lot or parcel of laud, sit uate 1 ing aud being in the city of Brunswick. Glynn county Georgia, known ami <i signa ed <ni the map of the cily Brunswick, m ido by George R. Bald win A I>. 1887, as the southeastern oue-huifof Old Town lot number 2(54. Levied on as the property of W. t*. Penniman under ami by vir tue of an execution issued by H. J. R-ad, tax collet tor for state and county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of tax $22.44 wit h interest and ail costs. 1 /©vy made and returned to me by R. 8. Pyles, deputy sheriff Also at the same time and place, the following dtscrilud properly io-\vii: That certain lot, traci oi parcel of lan 1 situate lying ami being m the city Brunswick and known aniL designa ed on the map of said cily, made by George It. Bald* win, A. D. 1887. as the eastern one- air of • Id Town lot number 466. Levied on as the p on erty of John H. Buggs under aim by vinuuof an execuiion Issued by 11. J. R ad, tax collec tor. for state ana county taxes due for the year 1899. Amount of ax $19.88 with interest ami all cots. Levy made and returned lo n.e by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. Also at the same time ami place, tbe follow ing described property, to-wti: The lease hold inle. est in and to the n i thwestern one fourth •f own bommoii iot nuinbci 1.7, between Lee and Stonewall streets, in tho city ‘if Iti uns wick,4*eorgia, as per Simm ns map Levied on as the propci ty of Jack Adams and by v ir tue of an execuiion issued by H. J Re ad, I x collector, for state and countv tixes due for toe ear 1899. Amount of tax $2.5 • with mer est and all cogts. Levy made mid returned to me by R. S. i yles, deputy sheriff. Also also at the same and place, the follow ing described property to-wit: The base hold interest in and to the northern one-half of Towns Common lot number 105, between Gordon and J< hnstou streets, in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, as per Simmons map. Levied on as the property of Win. McKinzie under an i by virtueof an execution issued oy U J. head, tax collector, for taxes due for the j ear 1899. Amount of tax $11.25 wit h interest and all costs. Levey made returned to me by R. S. Pyles, deputy sheriff. W If BERRIH’, Sheriff Gly: n County, Georgia, SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs, Ella Markham ILi hoi for divorce; in tho Superior court ol Glynn vs. I county. May torm, i960, Order to perfect service Mart.n B. Markham | grunted at raid torm. To the Defendant, Marlin B. Markham. You arc hereby lequircd. In person or by at torney, to bo and appear, at tho December Term, 1900. of Glynn Superior court, to ho liold en in and lor suid county, at the court house,in Brunswick. Giyun count , Gtorgia, on the first Monday in De. ember, 1900, and you will hu there by ten (10) oclock, oi the forenoon *<f said day, then ana there to answer the complaint of the plaintiff Mrs Ella Markham, m the übove staled cttHO, In her libel for divorce. Witness tho Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge of the Superior court of Glynn county, this the 21th day of Augiiat, 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, GL-nn Gounty. Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Lizzie Long I Libel for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, Mav term, 1900. Order to perfect service, Thomas A. Long. | granted at said term. To the Defendant, Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney. to he and appear, at the December term, 1900,0f the Glynn Superior court, to he holder) in and for said county, at tho court house in Brunswick, Glynn county, Georgia, on the (list. Monday in December, 1950, and you will be there by ten flf) o’clock of he forenoon of said day, then and there to answer the com plaint of the plaintiff. Mrs. Lizzie Long in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph W. Bennot, Judge of the Superior court of Glynu county, this the 24th day of August, 19(0. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn County. Georgia. ERNEST DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. State of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. Edna Wylie Libel for divorce; in the Superior court of Glynn vs. county, May term. 19*'0, order to perfect service, Jotnety Wylie. granted at said term. To the Defendant, James Wylie. Tou are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to bo and appear at tho December term, 19 )0, of Glynn Superior court, to ho boid en in aud for said county, at the court houso, in Brunswick, Glynn county. Georgia, on the first Monday in December, 1900, and you will he there by ten (10) o’clock of the forenoon of said day, then and there to an wer Iho com plaint of the plaintiff,Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the above stated case, in her libel for divorce. . wiinossthe Honorable Joseph W. Bonnet, Judge of tho Superior cohrt of Glynn couniy, this the 24th day of August, 190'). A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court, Glynn Countv. Georg a. LItNKT DART, Attorney for Plaintiff. Administrators Notice, GEORGI A -Glynn i oUnty. Noti. * is hereby given that tho undersigned has applied to be.-rdm 1 of said f r leave to ell land belonging 10 the estate of Annin In Hughs and lor the payment of debts ol said estate Said application will be heard it tne regular term of (lie court of ordinary lor said county to lie held on the first M* nlav in September, .9uo. This the 6th day of August, hhw. J. k. km .it, Administrator Estate ol' Amanda Hughs. ADMINISTRATUR\s SALE. GEORG 1 A—Glynn Gounty. Will tin sold in saiu county on the Hist Tues day in September, 19' 0, betw ecu the hours of 10 o clock a. m ami 4 o’clock p. in., at public out erv, before the court house door (Grant Street, of mim county, to the h ghest tudiler for cash, certain peri led property oi the estate of Mar.on Robinson, deceased, consGtiug ol wear mg apparel, ti link.-, b. oks, one zither, two pair opera k'lu-scs and one lietil gia-s nod other per sonul effects. Said sale will ho continued from day to day until completed. Sale made 111 pur suance ol on order of the court of ordinary granted August 9,1900. This August 9. 19(H). EDWIN BRUBSTON, Ailtur. Estate of Munou Robinson. PROCLAMATION.-—State of Georgia. Ex ecutive Office, Atlanta.—Submitting e institu tional amendment regarding pensions for the widows of confederate soldi* r- ,o a vote of the people a ithe next general election. Whereas, tho general iissemiily of 1899 passed by a constitutional majority the follow ing act to wit; *‘Au act to amend sect'ou 1, article 7, para graph 1. of the constitution of Georgia, so as to extend tho provisions of su'd section, article and paragraph to the widows of confederate soldiers, who, by reason of age and poverty, or l dlrnniy and poverty, or blindness and pover '.v. are unable to piovide a living for them selves, am’, for oilier purposes.” St c. 1. Be it. enacted by tho general as-em b.y oi Georgia, and it is hereby euacied iv iiu - iliorlty of tne tame, that section 1. article 7. paragraph l,of the constitution of Georgia, be and the same is hereby amended bv in-erting aiter the word “hoi vice” iu the Kith line, the following wolds: “or who, by reason of age and poverty, or infirmity and poverty or nlmd noss aud poverty, aie unable to earn a living for theinsvlvu , so that said sect on when so amended, will read as follows, tow it; “To sup ply the soldtorg who lost a limb, or limbs in the military serv cc of the confederate states, with substantial a.tillcial limbs during life; and to make suitable provisions for null confederate Hohtiois as may have been otherwise disabled or permanently injured iu such service; or who may, by i canon of age and poverty.or infirmity and poverty, or nlindness and poverty, are un able to provide aliving for themselves, and for tin) widow - a of l•uchcoulcdorale soldiers as may have dud iu tho service of the confederate states, or since, from wounds received therein, or disease contracted iu the service, or who by rerson of age uqd poverty, or infirmity and poverty, or blinune.'-s and poverty, aro uuah e to provide a living for themselves; provided that the not shall only apply to such wiaowsas were married at the time of bucli service, and have remained unmarried since tbe death of such soldier iiusdaud.” See 2. Beit further enacted, that, if this amendment, shall be agreed io by two-thirds of the general assom' ly, of each house, tlm same shall be emend on tneir journal- with the yeas and nays taken thereon, aud tin* governor shal cause the amendment to t.e published in one or more of ihe newspapers mi each con. res.-tonal district for two months immediately preceding the next general election, and the same shall he submitted to the people at the next general election, aud the voters thereat shall hav. writ ten or |iilutedou their tickets, “For ratifica tion of section i, article 7, paragraph l of the constitution f tin state," or “ ratifica tion 01 scciion 1, article 7 paragraph 1, of he constitution of 1 lii-. state," as they ma choose; and it a majority of tho electors qualified to vote for members of the next genera' assembly, voting, shall vote in fuv.n* of im(. fleation, then said amendment shall become a pan of said r -licio 7,secuon 1, paiagrapn 1, of the constitu tion ol this slat'-, and ihe governor shall make proclamation thereof. M*e. 8 repeals coufiicliug laws. Approved December 21, 1899. Now, thereloie, L Allen D. Candler, governor of said state, do issue this, my proclamation hereby declaring that Ihe 10 egoing proposed amendment of the cou-iuution if* hereby suti m tied, lor ratification or rejection, to the voters of tnis stale, at tho general election to be held 011 Widnesduy, October 8, l(MM), a p ..vided in said act. ALLEN D. GA DLEIt, By the Governor, Governor. J. W. WARREN. Secretary Executive Department. Service By Publication. STATE OF GEOUGI A--County of Glynn. John Rogers, l In Glynn Superior Court, May vs. S Term, 1900. Susie Rogers. ) LIBEL FOR DIN ORCE. To the Deicudant, Susie Royers: Y< u are hereby e mmanded to he and npi ear at the in cem er Term, next, of Glynu Superior Coui t, io oe hidden at the court house in U iiibWick, Glynn C’linty, Georgia, on the Fii gt Monday in December, 1900, ami by Ten (10) O’clock of the forenoon of said dale, then aid the e to answer the coiiiplalut of the plain tiff in the above siated case tu his Lioei for Divorce. Witness the Honorable Joseph NV. Bennett, Judge ol the >up rior Court of Glynu County, this the loth day .f July, 1900. H. F. duIIIGNO v . Clerk Superior Court, ulynn ouuty. Ga. GEORG I \ -Glyn Count v To • horn it mav c iicl-i ii: JohnJ Spears has applied for permanent letters of .'dmniis ra lion upon thc.hU.eof John Campbell, ol said couu.y, deceased, ml said matter will i.-- hear I at t:.e Sepion he 'crui, h>oo, of i tie court of or dinary oi m and cou. ty. Let objections, if any, be ill. .. on or beio.e Monday, September 19 0 August 6, 19N . HORACE DART, Ordinary Glynn County, oa. GEOBGI —Glynn County. All persons k.ivmX claims or demands ag dust hestate of Mai ion Robinson, do ceased, are hereb ; not Ilea to present and file them with me, i ronerly verified, as required by law. This July 27,19 0. BDWIN BROBSTOV, Administrator Estate Marion Robinson. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. Mis. Clyde Freeman, I Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December VH. I 1 orrn, 1900, of Superior Court of Glynn coun- O. J. Freeman, | ty, Georgia. To ihe said defendant,C J. Freeman: You are hereby required* personally or by attorney, to he aud appear at the next term of the .Superior Court ol said county, oonvaidug on the first Monday in December, 1900, then ana there io answer tne plaintiff, Clyde Freeman, upon the merits of her petition for divorce filed against you; as in default of such appearance the Court will proceed as to justice shall apper tain. Witness the Hon Joseph \V. Bonnet. Judge of sal 1 Superior Court, tins 22d day of August, 1900. \. O, TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk Superior Court. Glynn Cos., Ga, D. W. K It A UsS, PltlV’s. Atty. CITAIION. Georgia—Glynn County. To ail whom it may concern : R. R. Hopkins having in proper form, applied for permanent administration on the estate or J. I)..Jones, late <f said county, this is is to cite all and singular the creditors and next of kin of J D. Jones to he and appear at my office within the time allowed by law. and show cause,if any, they can, why permanent ad ministration should not be granted to It. It. Hopkins on J. D. Jono*’ estate. Witness my hand and ollicial signature this Oth day of August, 1960, HORACE DART, Ordinary. STATE OF GEORGIA—GIvnn Coun tv. The Federal Transport andln Equity in the Insurance Cos., ct. al., i Superior Court of vs. of said county The Atlantic Cotton Cos., ! Suit to enforce et. al. | payments to capi- J tal stock. The defendants, J. 11. Ernst, Carlo Ernst, C. Schumacher Jt Cos., h copa r tnership A. Nordon & Cos„ a copartnership, H. W. O. Edge, WUUam O. Allison and J 8. Thomas,are herebv notified and required to be and appear in person or bv attorney at the next December, 1900, term of the Superior Court of said county, to be he'd in the court house of said county, at Brunswick, on the lir-t .Monday iu December, next, and by 10 o’clock, a. m., of sail dav, then and thereto answer the plaintiff in this act ion.a* in default thereof the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain w itness tbe Hon Jo-. W Ben net, Judge of said Court. This 27th day of July, 1900. H. F. duRIGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Giyun Cos., Ga, 5