The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 24, 1900, Page 6, Image 6

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6 flic Brunswick Times. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 1892. The Brunswick Times-Call. CONSOLIDATED 1900. J’ubllHbed K/KKV MOKNINb EXCEPT MONDAY ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor ROLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager ~ &irti . u< I in Oglethorpe Block, 211 K Btrec*i 9 1 * 1 IKLKFHONK NO 81 TO BUBSC IUERS: Rhbecribers are requested trr notify the office when they fall to get any issue of tiro Tlmcs- Cail. .Attention to title matter will he appre ciated bv the publishers. Tho T.mss-L'nll will be Delivered by eenier or mail, per year. *5.00; per week 15 cents Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Real name of writer should ac company same Subscriptions payable in advance. Failure to receive paper shoald be reported to tho business office. Address all c mmunications to THE TIMES-CALL, ltruuewiek,Ga. I Business politeness Is as cheap as any other kind. China seems to be without any kind of a govei ntnent at present. A vroodeuware factory ißthc latest en terprise promised Brunswick. And now the populists have told Mr. Bryan that ho is their nominee. It looks as if the republican parly had decided to shake their colord friends. The Hood gates were opened ye teuiay and we were treated to some real pleas unt weather, Mr. Bryan is a very nice man hut he is keeping some had company. General Weaver, for instance. The shill waist man is having all kinds of trouble. They ate being ejected from theatres, hotels, clc. r.- 1 "-"*.—.'- Brunswick would support another bank, and we hope the day will soon come when one will be organiz and here. The whole of America will relegate politics, the Chinese trouble, etc ; for a short time tonight. There will be a prize tight. ti docs very well lor a gentleman to attend to business in Ms shirt sleeves, but when the dining room of a fashiona ble hotel is entered the coat should be remembered. A race riot in New York, a ‘ nigger hunt” in ( b cago amt an attempt to lynch a negro in Akron, Ohio, Won dor will the New York Trii uue keep its mquth shut about the s. uth now. At a recent speech Hanna told the crowd that the republicans needed moil ed money. He seems to think that with a good supply of this on hand he can win, hut there are some Americans who arc not purchasable*. An interesting suit lias just been filed in the city court of Tnskaloosa, Ala. 'J he suit is brought against the Bell Telephone Cos , for $25,000 dam ages for the death of the late Key. t>. h, Wilson, wbo was killed by a bolt ol lightning while talking over the t le phoue last April. The suit is brought by a kiusmau of tho lament'd young minister and his executor. The Albany Herald very sensibly re marks : ‘‘This is a free country and ev ery man in Georgia has a rigut to run for governor or United Slates senator Who desires to do so, but it is entirely too soon to be trying to lay the hand of suecessoiship on the seat of either Gov ernor Candler or Senator Clay, Al though It Is said that ‘the early bird eatohes the worm,' there is such a thing In politics as being too previous," NO MORE ARRESTB. The Times Call is glad to note that Mr. Krause has discontinued swearing out warrants for Sunday soda water sell ers It is true that there is a law against business on the Sabbath, but that taw must be treated In a liberal manner, A close observance of it would cause many hardships, and if one is arrested every man who does the least amount of traffic should be pulled. In that care the rail* roads, hotels, etc., would have to shut up shop. No law, be it ever so good, can be en forced when public sentiment is against it, and in the arrest of those who sold bread, soda water, cigars, etc., one could plainly see that nsarly the entire popu lation of Brunswick severely criticised those who were at the bottom of this movement In discontinuing his warrant swear ing tactics. Mr. Krauss has displayed good judgment. THE PROBLEM IN CHINA. The Chinese situation presents one of the most pecui ar y difficult problems that ever confronted the world as a whole The armies of half a dozen great Powers are in China today fighting in a sort of quixotic fashion, The prime objective was the safety of the pent-up legationers at Pekin. This has been secured, temporarily at least, at considerable cost. But the end Is not yet. Even now the yellow wat ers may surge back on Pekin and sweep legationers and soldiers out of exist ence by the mere force of numbers. Minister Conger’s message advising this government that the Qneen and the ruling Powers in China were really be- hind the anti-foreign demonstrations, that her confidential advisor had charge of the troops that aentthe deadly bomb into the retreats of the foreigners and that the Boxers furnished convenient scapegoats upon whom the imperial government could cast all blame for the recent atrocities opens the eyas of the world to the immense cloud of difficul ties that enshrouds the situation. Were the Chiucse nation a homogen eous race, actuated with hatred for the foreigner and willing to go to any length to expel him from their sphere, these difficulties might he deemed prac tically insurmountable. Eyen all the military Bowers in the world, in combination, would find it difficult to kill oiT more people in China than the natural iucreaae In the popu lation. But the bright ray of hope in the si’.u atiou Is iu the fact that China is far troin a homogeneous nation. Probably millions of natives do not know who it is that rules, or misrules, the land. Their Viceroy stands to them, as his name implies, in place of the King or Em peror. Consequently there is no espec ial love lost for th fleeing Dowager Empress or her Manchu supporters on the part of the vast majority of her pet pie. Cliiua is an empire of Nations. There is no common language, but hundreds of dialects. The great cities are as different as th capitals of Europe. Many of the tribe will undoubtedly be influenced in favor of the white civilization. Through the mist of war it will soon be found, it is hoped, exactly what tribes are friendly and what Inimical to the troops of the allies. Then ibe difficulty will he solved in great part, for as soon as a Chinaman Is proeforeigu his aid may he expeoted in putting down the w-arfare which is be ing mads against ths world. Au attempt to Introduce while socks with low shoesjas part of the evening costume of the dainty and distrustful young man of the exclusive walks East has received a staggering blow by reas on of the earless and unsteady hands ot the average New York bootblack. THE’BRUNSWICK TIMFS-CALL, AUGUST 24, 1900. IN M’KINLEY’S STATE. The Associated Press dispatches of yesterday told of a wild mob after a negro in Akron, O. The negro bad committed the tame crime for wbion they always meet death in the eoutb, but unfortunately the offloers spirited him away, and so far he hae not been captured. Following is the press story of the affair: Between 1 and 2 o’olock this morn ing, Officer John Daffy arrested a oolorad man who, during the day, con tested to having attempted to aseault Christina, the 6 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Maas, industrious tod respectable people who live on Perkins’ Hill. The story of bis confession spread like wildfire through the oity, and offi cers learned that an attempt would be made tonight to lyooh him. Several thousand people were ready tonight to lynob Peok. A large orowd gathered about the city prison at 7 :30 o’clock and forced the doora. The prleon wet soon paoked with the mob, <nd the offloers offered no resistance, as Teak earlier in the evening bad been quietly taken away to Cleve land. To satisfy the mob, the officers sug gested that a oommlltee of six be ap pointed to search all the otlls, and go through every part of the building. This was done, and as the nrgro was not found, a yell was made: “Now for the county jail. Give ua the nig ger and we will deal with him,” A mad rush follow ed for the jail, and soon It was to the hands of ths mob. After going through the private epart menta of the jail the orowd started to better down the big iron doors. Dep uty ril.eri If Stons stood Id front of the prison doors and made a speech. He informed the orowd that Peck could not be fonnd In there, and he told the people in the mob to seLot a committee end he would allow the committee to searoh the jail from top to bottom. A committee wr.i quiekly selected, and tbs jail was searched, every osll tiring examined. Satisfied that the negro was Dot there, the mob (ben rushed acrose the street aid foreed open the doora of the oounty eouil bouse The old oourt bouse waa soon packtd and all rooms saarehtd, exoepl the rooms in the treasury department. The oily prison was again surround ed, and hundreds of people forced their wey into the prison for the •econd tints, insisting that the otgro was there. Mayor W. E. Young at this time appeared at one of the win dows in the upper part of tbs building. He addrsssad the mob at best he oould, saying that the prisoner had been taken out of the prison at 4:00 o’clook by Sheriff Kelly and driven out of the oity in a doted carriage. After the mayor spoke a fight ba twsen the police and tha mob occurred in which a number ware injured. Dskfnsss Oannot Bs Oursd by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to care deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an intlamed con dition of the mucous lining ol the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing; and whtn it is en tirely dosed, deafness is he result, and unless the inflammation can he taken out and tbißtube restored to its noimal con- dition, hearing wi’l he destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh. which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY A Cos , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pills are the best. gP§ Baby’s fß^lranire. The fond mother dreams great dreams of baby’s future as she holds the sleeping little one in her arms. But the dreams will never come true unless she has given him a 9trong body and a healthy mind. Children die in hosts, or live to struggle through life feeble of body and dull of mind because the mother was unfit physically and mentally for moth erhood. Women who use Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription endow their chil dren with .strong bodies and bright minds. It is every mother’s duty to give her child the advantages of a healthy body and mind. A weak or sickly woman cannot do this. ” Favorite Prescription” makes weak women strong ana sick women well. Mrs. Orriu Stiles, of Downing, Dunn Co.,Wis., writes: "I have been intending to write to you ever since luy baby was born in regard to wiiu your ’ Favorite Prescription ’ has done for me. I cannot praiae it enough, for I have not been ns well for five years as I now am. In July la*t I had a baby boy, weight n pounds, and Iv/anoxily sick a short tune, and since I got up have not had one sick day. I have not had any womb trouble since I got up. I was not only surprised myself but all of my friends here are surprised to see me so well.” Dr. Pierce’s Pellets cure biliousnesa. CIIOWD STILL THERE, Some of the summer resorts are now closed, but the hotel on fit. Simon will remain opsn the entire year, end this is probably the cause of a large party remaining on the island. Qui t a s number who want to e-cape ths warm September weather have en gaged quarters for the next m inth, and it is safe to say the place be cjmfortably crowded until October. “I am a switchman,” write. A. J. Jennesse, ot 9201 Butler St., Chicago, “and am out in all kinds of weather. I took a cold which settled in my kid ney and wis in very bad shape. 1 tried seveaal advertised ined>c nes with no benefit until I was recom mended to take Foley’a Kidney Cure. Two-thirds of a bottle oured me.” W. J. Butte. BALL GAME TODAY. The colored baseball club of Albany will play the team of this city at the fair grounds today. The gime will begin promptly at 8:30, and those wlo go will see some good ball p’aylng, as both teams are good ones. DeVoe can please you with the best groceries to bs bad, V. B. Coukliu, Bowersvillo, 0., any a: “I re ceived more benefit from FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE than from month* of treatment by phy sicians.” Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. Tbe lack of energy you feel the baokacbe and a run down ooodition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore your strength and vigor by tasking the kidaeya well. Take no substitute. W.J. Butts. If yon wish to cure scrsfula or elt eheum permanently, take Hood’s Sarsaparilla. It ex pels sit imparities from the blood. A dry goods clerk defines a counter irritant as a woman who insists upon exttnining tbe entire stock, and does not buy anythiog, A Ministsr’i Good Work, “I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Piarrhwa Remedy, took two doses anil was en tirely cured,” says Rev. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. “My neighbor across the st eel was sick for , ver a week, bad two or thiee boitles o medicine from the doctor. He osed them for three or (our days without relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning, He said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that they had been running off so long that it was almost bloody flax. I asked him If he had trijd Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Dlarrhms Remedy, and he said, -No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dtse; told him i to take another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but bs took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. FOK SALE—A good gentle buggy horse, also nioe buggy and harness, Apply “M” care of Timis-Call. $47-50 W illl buy a Model 59 Columbia Chain’ess Bicycle. $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Cbainless bicycle. $25.50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle- This is something nice. Try one—buy one! sls OO tO $20.00 W ill buy a good Ladies’ or Bents’ Bicycle, at the DOWNING CO. W. 11, BOWEN. j N. BRADT, BOWEN & BRADT, AISJO Of Stones Brick and Frame Buildings Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and Artifieial Stone. Summer * ityfi. , bargains in Furniture, A clearance sa’e to make room for new goods. I Parlor Fuif, 5 pieces, worth $lO, oow $29. 1 Oak Refrigerator, worth S2O now sls. l Oak Bed Room Suite, 3 piece*, worth $25, row $lB Bed Loung-s, worth sl6, now sl2. Centre Tables s'l oenls lo $6. toe Cream Frrezsrs worlb $2.50 at $1 98 * ' A large assortment of Sideboards, Cupboards j|t_ j|| Prices Below the Market, fsif c, umi pUj. CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get the best the market affords by eating here 215 QRAINT ST. frp nri DR. MOFFETT’S fl Allays Irritation, Aids Digestion, Itr r T 111 *1 /a Regulates the Bowels, I EETHIN/I =£££ -JL (Teething Powders) .UL TEETHINA Relieves the Bows> ASA J- r , ,as ssn • , Troubles of Children of Costs only 25 cents at Druggists, any age. Ormail Q. J, MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOU 13, f,- ■ ■— nr EVERY BARREL SELECTED has s ood our quality test. Failure to come up to 'he required standard means failure to form part of onr stork of Wines and Liquors. Only that which is good vaiui for money is offered. I —( . V . OOU C3 LAS, 206 Bav Street WASHINGTON SEMINARY M .con ana ijsiuinuio vv onion’s College. Primary, Aoadrmie, Music, Arf, Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. Individual work. New banding, Horn** Hfe. Pupils enter Vassar, Wellesley and Rsndolph-Maoon. on certificates. Next session begins September 6cb. For illustrated catalogue, address Mrs. W, T. Chandler, Principal,Llewllyn D. Boott, Assooiate Principal