The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 25, 1900, Image 1

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THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL. VOLUMEXI. NUMBER 9. I AGAIN Hi Defeated Starkey id New "York Last Ni|M. IM ONLY TWO ROUNDS '# Bob Puts the Big Sailor Out in Short Order —The Fight By Rounds. Seaside Club, New York, Aug. 24. — Seven thousand people saw Robert Fitzsimmons defeat Tom Sharkey bare tonight in two rounds. The figll was one of the quickest fought battles ii the history of prize figbtirg. Both men went at it from the first lound of the gong, at.d fought like lemons until it ended. THE FIOHT IN BOUNDS. Hound I—Sharkey starts, leading mb left Both side step, and keep iff lands. Tom rushes. Fitz puts ig.||on neok. Tom misses good swing Bob’s right goes around the sailor’s staggers Fi;z with left od jaw. Boh hits T.m on jaw with right. They clinoh. Tom hooks Bob 4>*ok of ear; Bob upperouts with right end sends left to stomach. Tom reaobes Fitz stomaoh with hard left. Bub staggering with heavy lsft on eye Blow maddensFuz,who rushes in with left and right. Sharkey rather, drops Fi z wish left on jaw, and right on heart, Sharkey fell on Fi zin uproar. Bell unheard. Round 2,—Tom rushes, Filz drops him with right on chin, Tom rushes Bob to ropes, but fails to land. Bob ehif a out in oeoter of ring and stag gers Tom with right oo jaw and fol lows with left, on jaw and wind. Sharkey rushes ineffectively, Fiiz lands left oo jaw and right on ear. He dt3|s T mwitb left on stomach; Tom rleejLgroggy, and swing aimless ly; Fitz steps in close and throws off Tom’s ewing and pats corking left on jsw, sending Sharkey down. Fitz wins. Sharkey falls od boards on tide with bead turned under; Referee White starts to count, whie Sharkey never beard it, he is out and Lanky Bob deolared the wioier. Time of round, ’wo inmu'erjand tlx seconds. Soene at finish iodesoribable. Fi'a’s Admirers yells themselves hoarse, ‘making wild breaks far the ring. ( Police stop iherusb. Crowd starts to leave the building. Sharkey lifted to garner, riviying quickly. Fitz orosses ■ to sailor’e corner, shaking bands tel • ing Tom be put up a great battle. Sbarkay nods pleasatnly. Tnen be tivet the ring. Neither man bears irke.tiave a scratch o S.a key’s ; utb, from which blood trickles. A Temple Burned. faebiigtoo, August 21.—Consul Amoy, China, cabled this ton that the Japanese temple at slace was burned by a Chinese : Marines landed to proteot Japa , .4 * tfficeri, while order was beiDg g*d. CHAFFEE THINKS THAT THE FIGHTING IS OVER A Batch of News Notes from the Seat of War—Sev enty-Five Killed. London, Aug. 24 —Additional Pekin news contained in the dispatch received at St. Petersburg from Manager Dusso of the Chinese bank, dated Pekin, August 14, says casualties during the siege were 75 killed and 120 wounded. Fighting at Tien Tsin. London, Aug 24. —Dispatch Tien Tsin says fighting is resumed in that vicinity. The Chinese attempted to cut the allies’ communication but were repulsed. Losses to allies slight. Official dispatch from Pekin received at Tokio says the allies have burned the residence ot Prince Tuan. * iTissionaries Suffered. London, Aug. 24, —Dispatch from a Shanghai news agency says eight of fourteen English missionaries who started together from Shnassi have reached Kanow after suffering frightful barbarities. Waiting for Orders. Pekin, Aug. 16, via Shanghai, 23 —The allied troops have sur rounded the Imperial City and stationed sentries at the gates. They refrain from entering, pending instructions from their governments. Chaffee says fighting is ended. Captain Reilly was buried at the lega tion grounds. Gen. Chaffee, British and Japanese generals and many civilians were present. THE CZAR NEXT- Prediction of a Rabid New York Anarchist New York, Aug. 24.—Mme. Jennie Tannler is a rabid anarchist who has been selling Bressi but ons for the past several days. "I realized $7.40 trom this sale,” she said, 1 all of which will go to the ‘group’ to aid Bressi’s wife. Bressi wan a great man. Humbert was a tyrant and de served death; the czar is the same. Vic tor Emanuel 111 is safe; he will not and cannot live more than two years. The emperor of Germany is bad, but not so bad as the czar. He will be the next to go.” Mine. Tannler is a French woman. A Young Hero. Washington, Aug. 24.—Calvin P. Tit us, who scaled the wall at Pekin and secured for the United States ihe honor of first planting its standard thereon, is an lowa boy. He is only 19 years and 0 months old. Must Die. Pretorls, August 24 —Lieut. Cordua was fouad guilty of complicity in the plot to murder the British officer* and abdnot Lord Roberts. He baa been sentenced to death. BRUNSWICK, GA., SATURDAY MORNING, AUGUST 25, 1900. EXTRA SESSION PROBABLE McKinley Has Been Sounding Promi nent Republicans. Washington, Aug 24.—There is a strong probability of congress being called together in eztraordioary ses sion. For some dsys the president faae been oonetdermg this and has,through letters, been sounding prominent re publican leaders. Tne views of a num ber of these have already been receiv ed, but it is probable that ne final de cision will ba reached for a few days yet, within which lime others be heard from, There Is * division of op nion in the repli e which hive teen received in response to the presidents Irquirles, some republicans being strongly of t e opinion that the prssident should summon ooogress and place upon lbs shoulders tbs responsibility for the $ future policy of the government In Chine, while others are strongly op posed to an extra session on pcliiicii grounds. The President ie understood to incline toward the extra sension idev, while S-netor Hanna and some of the other aotlve politicians taka the other view of it. AKRON, 0.. MILITARY CAMP. The City is a Mass of Bine Uniforms. Akrou, 0., Aeg. 24.-Akron look* verj much like a military oamp today, re patrolling every part the city. Twelve companies art now bert. Wrecking Missions. London, Aug. 24.—A despatch from Uoog King says the Chinese wracked the missions at Fukinkiangsi province. French mission at Rwantung was at tacked by a mob, but were repulsed by marines and the French gonboati Cornette. , MADAME DREYFUS. Her Efforts at Last Crowned With Success. Paria, Aug. 24.—The elf rrt tot Madame Dreyfus to secure a com piste vindication of her husband has at last borne fruit. President Louhe' Is preparing a message asking for general amnesty for Dreyfus, P qart and five persons sentenced by high ourt. Afterwards It is stated that *e President will retire. From Remey. Washington, August 24 Remey tsrfbles frem Taku, under date of Aug ust 22: ‘‘Cables open to Pekin, and all troops under Hancocx landed. Marines gone Tien Tsin. Private Woods, Sla rine corps, accidentally drowned. Han cock carried four companies Fifteenth infantry and lour batta'ions of the third artillery and about five hundred inar.nes’ Bryan’s Dates in New York New York, Aug. 24 —Chairman Frank Campbell, of the Democratic State Committee, announces tba William J. Bryan will speak in tbi* city on Ootober 16th; Aloaoy, October 17tb, and Rochester Ootober 18th Ex-Senator Hill will preside at the Albany meeting and make an address of welcome. PRICE FIVE CENTS. POIB MAY NIJNIfI America Will Ask for M International Conference REPORTS FROM CHAFFEE Russia Seems to be Going It Alone in Pekin—The Chinese Troops De * moralized. W ashington, Aug. 24.—The cabinet decided at a meeting this afternoon to invite a conference of the powers to de termine the future of China. Two dis patches from Chaffee sent in reply to this government's request on "opera tions, situations, requirements," were considered as a leport. Russia is taking a couise in I‘ekln in dependent of other nations. London dispatchss from China show a military administration, consisting of a repre sentative of each of the allied powers established u I'ekin. London’s Indian government lias given extensive con tracts to Canadian manufacturers for use of troops In China. A Shanghai telegram reports that Tuan has been captured. The empress, after journeying from Pekin and finding Tung Fu troops uncontrollable and burning and ravaging the countiy, be came terrified and turned back. Chang confirms the report regarding the de moralized condition of the Imperial troops. A SHIPWRECK. British Vessel Is a Total Loss. Crew Picked Up, Aden, August 24 The British steam er "Ingra" bound for New York, is ashore near Cape Guasdqua, Africa, the ship is probably a total loss Capt. Bui kel!, eight Europeans and twenty blacks, all members of the crew, were picked up. The rest era musing. The missing took boats and may have reach ed the coast. African savage s are plun dering the wreeg. HUNTINGTON’S WILL. It Was Filed Yesterday Morning In New York. New York, Aug. 24.—The will of the late Coliis P. Huntington was Hied to day. The dead railroad magnate left the'bqlk of his great wealth to his wid ow, adopted son and nephew. Mrv Huntington bus the largest shire. The Hampton institute got $: 1,000, Princess II a Isle Idt g-is an income of a million during her lifetime. Kettler’s Body. Berlin, Augm 24. —A Pekin despa’ch says the body of Baron Von Kettelcr has been found in the Chinese cemetery near where the. assassination occurred. It was found on examina ion that death was exuaed bv a bullet in ths head. The body will be rcintemd in the Chri.tian cemetery.