The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 26, 1900, Page 4, Image 4

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4 fhe Brunswick Times. Established 1889. The Brunswick Call. Established 1892. The Brunswick Times-Cal! | CONSOLIDATED 100>. Published E/HRY MORNIHG EXCEPT MONDAY ARTHUR H. LEAVY Editor ROLAND A. MULLINS, Business Manager I in i>Klet)inrpe 810ck,211 F Street OrrICE j uslkFHOH* NO 81. TO SUBSC. 1BER8: Subscribers are requested to notify the oftlcc when they fell to get any Issue of the Tltnee- CalL Attention to this matter will be appre ciated by the publishera. The Tlmes-Call will be Delivered by carrier or mail, per year. 86.00; per week 16 cents. Correspondence on live subjects solicited. Real nama of writer should ac company same Subscriptions payable in advanae. Failure to receive paper should be reported to the business office. Address all c immunications to THE TIMEB-CALL, Brunswick, Ga. Tom Sharkey probably realizes the fact now that he is no prize tighter. Roosevelt’s St. Taul speech Is becom ing very paramount, personally speak ing. It is so hot in Burlington, lowa, in the sun, that umbrellas catch afire and burn up. The Empress of China can never hope to beat the sprinting records of Oom Paul or Aguinaldo. Spellbinders are hurrying to Maine. The Tom Reed ttate is considered very apathetic to say the least. Mr, Bryan will bj able to show in November that he is a true expansion ist in both territory and votes. In order to keep cool in Chicago Us people arc compelled to abstain from a study of Director Merriam’s state ment of its population. The republican papers are trying to ekplain why there is such a rapid de crease of the betting vote on McKinley. The decline goes on, however. The Columbus Rodger enters a protest against the cruel and Inhuman treat ment of the poor coloied man by the brutal tnobs of New York and Chicago. A g’.rl baby has been born to Mrs. Geo. Vanderbilt in Biltmore bouse. Mr Vanderbilt announces that her name will p, Cornelia otuyvesant. The lit tlestranger is heir to a fortune of S3O 000,000. Congressman Brantley will begin a canvass of the Eleventh district about September Ist. This is not necessary, though of course the people would like to ht ar the brilliant young orator and statesman discuss the issues of the day ■—Ocilla Dispatch. Mr. McKinley, it is stated, has de cided to remain in Washington until after the Chinese muddle has assumed more or less definite shape. A govern ment official made ihe statement to the press yesterday that the president de Cided to give his personal attention to everyihing that may develop in China from now until there is a settlement of exiatiug conditions, and in lino with that resolve would probably cancel his appointment to participate in the ap proaching exercises of the G. A. 1J , at Chicago. "THE MOB IN AKRON. The mob in Akron seems to have been ths genuine article. It did not have even a definite purpose. Starting out to lynch a negro accused of assault upon a young girl, the mob presently found it self destroying public pro,city —an act ion that could not by the greatest stretch of the imagination be made to line up with the original purpose. A million or so dollars worth of yalual'le city property has been destroyed, the police force cowed and put to flight, the' fire department men driven from their I machines and prevented from doing ilieii work, then the mob dispersed, each member probably asking himself what good bad been accomplished and bow in thunder he happened to be mixed up in such a foolish affair. Mostly boys and young men, says the report of the occurrence That phrase is significant. The matured citizen is slow to take part in lawlessness. He knows the futility of it, and besides, he is aware that respect for law Is the best guaranty of the safety of lives and property. The youth, however, has neither experience nor self-interest to guide him. He allows the fancy of the moment to influence his conduct. An other important point is that the young men of the day are far less patient with the negro than the elder whiles—and this is true in all parts of the count y Tho mob in New Orleans was mostly composed of boys; in New York many youths were seen taking part in the pro ceedings These young men havo no knowledge of old-time troubles, old time relations, and nothing but an aca demical acquaintance with the issues that led up to the war of 1861 60s. They regard the colored man as something apart, and they are fierce in fomenting discord between the races, i’ossibly al so the character of the negro is change lng. There is certainly visible a great er readiness on the part of the negroes to be offensive, to be on the lookout for ■lights, and to demonstrate that they are “as good as other people,” and perhaps just a little bit better. EX-SPEAKER REED. • Mark Hanna when asked why the Hon. Thomas B . Keed declined to par ticipated in the Maine campaign vouch sated the explanation that the distin guished ex-speaker of the national home of representatives was “a very busy man.” And et it develops ttat Mr. Reed is speuding the summer at his cottage near Grand Beach, Me , enjoy ing the delights of old ocean and throw ing dull care to the winds generally. A committee of his old fellowcitizens of Maiuc called upon him not long ago and urged him to enter the but they were unable to move him out of hil re tirement. Mr. Keed cannot consistently support McKinley. While speaker of the house lie was the lion In the president's path He would not agree to the administra ion’s policy of reckless territorial ag grandizement, and retired from congi ess on that account, lie has been most se vere in his comments upon the policy, and he could not now In good con science recant and seek to vote for a man whom he believes to be an absolute dcstrive to the country’s institutions. It he should take the slump in McKinley’s behalf his owu utteranc.s would return aud plague him. SHOULD APPRECIATE IT. The Times-Call of Bruuswick came out as an eight-page folio on August 10, which improvement is remain perma nent. Comrades AluTius and Leavy, publishers of this most excellent papier, made a long step forward iu this pro gressive move. The business men and citizens of Brunswick and Giynn coun ty appreciate this effort and will sustain it by bestowing upon the Timks-Cali. the liberal patronage the editors and publishers richly deserve.—lluskin Com ing Nation: DESERVES CREDIT. The record of the Glynn county com missioners is one that the taxpayers # of THEJBRUNfIWICK'ji’IMFS-OALL, AUGUST 26, 1900. thii county should feel proud of Chair man Ogg devotes a great deal of his time to the cause of the people, and the Times Cali, takes this occasion to in form him that the good work is appreci ated . A tew more yeirs of Mr. Ogg and his able board will put Glynn in an envia ble financial condition. IS IT SO? Brunswick baseball club, assisted by an umpire, won a twelve inning game from Waycross a few weeks ago by a score of 4to 3. The Magic City boys are of the opinion that they can wipe up the diamond with Brunswick, and would like to get a return game from the City-by-tbe-Sea.—Waycross Journal, Brunswick has a strong boys’ team and the Waycross people may arrange a game with them. SUNDAY THOUGHTS. Cannon Farrar. Yon who will go forth on the path of life to meet the Lord Jesus, the bride groom, beware but of one conscious,one admitted, one unresisted Bin, Nothing quenches so surely the holy lamp. You may try to think of the sin as venial; You may try to hold each fresh conver sion thereof light; but it is even thus that star he star, the whole heavens fade away from tho human soul: even thus that one by one its excellences vanis 1 , its virtues faint, its graces cease to shine. As when a man descends slowly into some dark mine and carries a taper in bis hand, and knows tkat so long as the flame of that taper burns bright and clear,so long the atmosphere he breathes is sale; but as be gets lower the flame begins to contract and to grow pale, spd then to waver, and, at last, as the foul 'og damps surround and imprison it ex pires with a sickenfng fume; even sj ii is, alas. With him with, from the sun light of God's countenance, descends deepe r and deeper—with coubcwus stlf surrender, with willing guilt, with un resisting will —into tne deep, dark un derground of a besetting sin. Never let us despair of ourselves; never let ue despair of others. There is a light that lighteth every mau that cometh into the world. We may aim it as with the darkness of the mine; we may make it bum low, as jn the yapors of the charnel house—but quench it quite finally and utterly we cannot. ,'Our lamps are gone out,” ssy the fool ish virgins in the parable, but it is in the original, not "our lamps are gone out,” but “our lamps are being quench ed. are going out.” Therefore I bid you take courage. Even if iu your slothfulness the lamp has burned too low, even if in your sinfulness it has been all but smother ed, yet. oh believe that even now there is One who will not quench the smok ing llax, there is a breath of God which even now, like a stream of fire, can re kindle the smouldering flame. Deafness Oannot Be Cared by local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to cure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by an inflamed con dition of tbe mucous lining ol the Eus tachian Tube. When this tube gets in flamed, you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing; and whin it is en tirely closed, deafness is he result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal con dition, hearing wi’l be destroyed forever. Nine cases out of ten are caused by ca tarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed ' condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. CHENEY & Cos , Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall’s Family Pi!ts are the best. Tilt JBiiy Girl Often changes to the jaded woman. "I ern’t see what’s come over Mary • she used to be such a jolly girl,” wa£ the remark of a young woman visiting a _ . married school mate. Marriage changes a wom *&&& sequence of marriage rob weakness. It L.. . makes weak women strong and sick women well. <i For two years I had been a sufferer from chronic diseases and female weakness.” writes Mrs Allen A. Bobfon. of 1135 Rodman Street, Philadelphia. Pa. "I had two different doctors, and they gave me medicine which only relieved me for a time, Mv niece advised me to take Dr Pierce’s Favorite Prescrintion. I con cluded that to open a correspondence with yon for your advice would be safest, so I did, and have tarn highly benefited. I find that after taking sis 1 .-tiles of ’Favorite Prescription’and five of ' Gold.!; Medical Discovery ’ and follow ing yoi-r advice t r*Krd to local treatment, I am now a strong woman Accept my sincere thanks fot tile interest rn iahested in my case and the happy results obtained,” Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter free. Correspondence pri vate; Address Dr. R. V. Pierce. Buffalo, N.Y. ROCKHILL ARRIVES IN CHINA. Shanghai, Aug. 25.—W. W. Rock bill, special commissioner of the United States to China, who was appointed by President McKinley to personally in spect and report on conditions in China, arrived here today. Mr. Rockhil has signified his Intention to proceed north ward to Tien Tein at ones and wi Ibe gin his investigations without delay. The Remedy forScemaoh and Bowel Troubles “I have been in the drug business for twenty years, and have sold most all of the proprietary medicines of aDy note Among the entire list J. have never found anything to equal Chamberlain’s Colic Cholera and Diarrhoea Remeey for all stomach and bowel troubles,” says O. W. Wakefield, of Columbus, Ga. “This remedy cured two severe cases of cholera morbus in my family, and I have recom mended and sold hundreds of it to toy customers to their entire satisfaction. It affords a quick and sure cure in a pleas ant torn. No family should be without it. I keep it in my house at all times.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store, DeVoe can please you with the best groceries to be had, Tbe lack of energy you f,e! the backache and a run down condition generally, all mean kidney disorder. Foley’s Kidney Cure will restore your 6trergth and vigor by tusking the kidneys well. Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. Blessed is tbe man who is unable to ob’ain oredit- for he will have no debts to pay. V. B. Conklin, Bowersville, 0., gays: “I re ceived more benefit from FOLEY’S KIDNEY CURE than from months of treatment by phy sicians.” Take no substitute. W. J. Butts. A dry goods cleik dtflnes a counter* irritant as a woman who insists upon examining the entire stock, and dees not buy anything. A Minister’s Good Work, “I had a severe attack of bilious colic, got a ’ bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy, took two doses and was en tirely cured,” ssys Rev. A. A. Power, of Empo ria, Kan. u My neighbor across the st eet wag sick for over a week, had twoor ihiee boitles o medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or four days without relief, then called iu another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him uo relief, so discharged him. I went over to see him the next morning, Me said his bowels were in a terrible fix, that thej ! had been running off so long that it was almost blood y flux. I asked him If he had tried Cham berlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, and he said, ‘No.* I went home and brought him my bottle and gave him one dose; told him to take .another dose in fifteen or twenty min utes if he did not find relief, but he took no more, and was entirely cured. I think it the best medicine I have ever tried.” For sale by Dr. Bishop's drug store. $47-50 Willi buy a Model 59 Columbia Chaiuless Bicycle, $37-50 Will buy a Model 51 Ladies Chainless Bicycle. $25-50 Will buy a Ladies Cushion Frame Bicycle. This is something nice. Try one —buy one! sls 00 to $20.00 W ill buy a good Ladies’ or Gents’ Bicycle, at the downing co. W. H. BOWE>I. J. N. BKADT. BOWEN & BRADT, OOISJTRAOTORS A CD E3l Ij I E£T F 2 ? S=3 Of Stone. Brick and Frame Buildings Manufacturers of Cement, Tile and.Artificial Stone. Summer ' bargains in Furniture, A clearance sa'?? to make room for nevv goods. ' { t Uit ’ 5 WoH b S4O, now $29. I u o fr, *‘ rafor ’ WOr, M-0 OoW sls. " and Room Simp, 3 pipcee, worth $25, now $lB Bed Louigpg, worth $lO, row sl2. Centre Tables 50 cents to $6. Eoe Cream Fnoz-rs wor:b $2.50 at $1 98 j mdl.’haifs' a,Bortine,,l; of Sideboards, Cupboards Bp Prices Belowllie Market. WSm‘ C, McBAHVEY, CHINESE RESTAURANT, ESTBLISHED 1889. CHUE HALL, Proprietor You can get tue best the market affords by eating here 215 grant st. /pyfp FT! DR. MOFFETT’S * Aliays Irritation, Aids Digestion, I jITCT USM /l * e S ulatcs Bowels. I tt I HIN/l pig j -JL- (Teething Powders) XJL TEETHINA Relieves the Bow.* fosts on 'y 25 cents at Druggists, Troub ANY age!™ * °rma aScontsto C. J, MOFFETT, M.D..ST. LOU is, r.' - HUHUU.D I> kpi'Uii i im ...... n iim tip to 'he required standard means failure to form part of our stock of Wines and Liquors. Only that which is good value for pioney is offered. V- CD CD I—ICS I AS, 206 Bav Street. pill SEMINARY SSSSSi Macon auu IjHiiitnute uu.n’s College. Primary, Academic, Music, Art, Elocution and Business courses. Small classes. Individual work. New buiiding. Horn-life. Pupils enter Vasssr, Wellesley and Randolpb-Macon xr* xV-^' eM . ,on b, ‘* :iDB e P t,,m ber 6th. For illustrated catalogue' address Mrs. T\ , I. Chandler, Principal,Llewllyn D. ouutt, Associate Principa