The Brunswick times-call. (Brunswick, Ga.) 1900-1902, August 30, 1900, Page 3, Image 3

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By dofoetlcg ttn> oiusir t.f th. iu teroatiotal lonuis touruaaißEt at Ninu&r-ivu-tb. L.k*, K, D. Li*-t!o, of Pfiooeroo, liz, reteiiied ttia chamyion ship ti U. 11. Ii H.oke o P.iu ton, ws bis oppco nt, Li.tie winning in (our eeis. The rsgitta committey of (be N York Ysclii. olub baa f-cuouoosd (hat tbe rroe for Sir Tuouias Lisi'j* , i recen y donated SI,OOO cup will be sailed iff Sandy liook on September 13. Tins is a race for 70 footers. The course is tbir j mil-s, with a time limit o' six and a half bcurs. There has been a chailinije for a wocitu’o automobile race from Phils de'pna to Atlantic City issued by Miss Heilborn, daughter cf Theodora Hei!r;rn, a noted engineer. A puree of SSO and a cup will be (he pnzse of~ fartd. Several women of Philadel phia will accept this challenge and a not 1 race is expec’ed. About this time .of the year it Is i teresting to look over the pitchers of tbe Yationii League and ess haw they etai and. Fellovring ia a table showing all toe pilcbsrs who have a percentage of 3 ;0 or mere : Pitchers. W#b, Lest. Pat. McGinnity, Broeklya .31 4 840 Tannehlll, PlUeburg. . .15 5 .750 Cunningham, Chicago.. 3 ] 750 Seymore, New Yark— 2 1 750 D.noon, Bestoa IS 9 .840 Kai nedy, Brooklys 16 9 G4O Ph !ipii, Pittsburg 14 9 009 M • -c >f*a, Chicago 3 2 .000 Bernhard, Philadelphia. 13 9 .59 Hew all, Brooklyn 4 3 571 Grilll h, Chicago 12 9 7l Pittburg 12 9 *7l Pia l l, Pillladelpai* 10 S .556 Hughey, dt. Louis.... . 5 4 556 Callahan, Chieego 12 10 546 Soolt, Cluoinnall 15 10 *45 Carriek, New Turk 16 IS .536 Here are Tuesday's eisnn; horses at Shetphetd Bay rase course First —KillishmJra, Ssndsrs, Kiaoi kinnio. Second —Dissenter, Dally Wslihsff Fonso Lee. Third—King Left, Tern ifs*Dy, Janice. Fouth—Vu'eiD, Knight of Rhodes, Hesper. Fifth —Prima 11, Farmer Bennett Minlsn. Sixth —Mollej, Adrenisui, Dessn tc. fv^- New Y-rt, Aug. 29 —J mee J. Cr bt t and Kid MeCay are bath ib first class oenditioa for their light tonight in if uiiaon Sq j s s <Jarde. i.ort e'-! h .*a trtir af faHbfulljr a* Ba h Batch, L I,,aad ss;t lit it oo&fldent of kb eat; viator;. II t trtisart trt I)ta W.tkim, Chtrlit U ff, Spider Kail; in Artkir Kttlt;. MaCoy bat beaa trilling tt Btratagi, toi the** win have tail him reetntl; Sour Stomach "Affr I w*l lat Hit u try CAICA IHV> I will attar ba wltbout In tut kouaa. Mr liter wat In t ttrr Dot ihtpt. and my kIM tcbad and I had tuimatU troakla. Now, .luce tak lnr Catoartta. I fttl lat. My wife Hat also utaa tttrn with bant total rtaulta for tour ttotuaob," Jo*. KKiiuxa, Ull Couaraaa la. It. boat*, Ma [ Flwul taMM. Tkklk Gkf fJk ■Gooi, Never Slcaen. Weaken. or Gripe. 10c, 3tc,C9e. r ... CURE CONSTIPATION. ... Sttrllaj KK*d; Coapaa*. I Matrui. 5 Terk. Sit MfI.TA Dlf* Sola ami guaranteed l>y *ll dreg n" I v*DffVf gists to CVK£ Tobacco Bsbtv CATARRH The Mother of Consumption. Mow this Dread Disease May bo Prevented and Cured—The Greatest of Specialist# Write# •n the Subject. Catarrh la the mother of consumption. By this I do not uiuan that every case .*? catarrh de £v elopes luto consumption, but I do musa that catarrh when un checked, aiid when given the proper opportunities for exten sion from it* place of beginning, which Is the nu<*l nusoages, deeper and deeper along the breathing tract, Invariably ends In Consumption of the Lungs. Catarrh seldom duhtrojs any considerable part of the mucous surface u l the upper air pass ages; It luflaxuee and conge?*vs them.- causing usually a super abundant and offensive dis charge; out whan It reaches the Intensely delicate lLuiiurttf thehair-lLke lung tubes and little lung ceila, the Tbllumutiun and congestion which it causes, uluses these small ulr pussagee and, allowing the putrid discharged mutter to accumulate, causes a rot ting away of the membrane, ruulUn# In what w call OousuiiipUou of the Lungs. THE TENDENCY OF CATARRH. Tho tendency of catarrh, when It hits once obtained a foothold in any portion of the mucous membrane which linos every cavity of the bod*, Is to constantly extend in overy direction. . ....... Catarrh iu almost every Instance starts with what Is commonly known a# cola iu the head. This cold Is added to by another, because of some extra exposure or weakening of ti e system and becomes chronic. Nasal cularab is the result. Unless a radical cure of this condition Is effected, the disease passes rapidly to die throat, to the brou chlul tubes, and then to the lungs. . * NEW LUNOS. Consumption cannot be cured. New lungs cannot bo made for a man ny more than new Ungers or a newrj'jso; but catarrh can be cured la all Its stage# except this dual and always fatal one. . A CERTAIN CURE. ** ' Iu au osperieueo of twenty years, during which time I Lave treated many thousands of cases of alt forma of catarrh, I have never yet failed to effect a radical aud permanent oure. The method I employ Is one GJicinaively my own, aiid the remedies which I use are prepared under my personal dlreotlon In mi otvo Üboratorlea. Many people imagine (hey haTe Consumption ween tn reality the disease has not quite reached that statra. 1 am treating and cu.lng cases of this sort every day. So lona as the process of decay has not lotrnn in the lunpe themselves. loan malt* the patient perfectly well and stroutf again. BEGIN AT ONCE. me once more urge all catarrhal sufferers to treatment at once, for a mouth of treatment not, is better than the three months later on. I shall make for the next mouth a specially low fee for the treatment of catarrh not complicated bv other diseases, mat.op no extra charge lor ell men iclncs, etc., that may he required. J. NEWTON HATHAWAY, M. O. Or. Hathaway A (Rl. XS Bryan Street, Savannah, Ohs aaarriojr this paths whek wam*a. say tlisl hs weigh. 164 pound, end is id cuujiiiua t (IgUt lha betil. of his li.'s. Maajr or his aduirsra are oi>uftJ,Dt that ha will defeat Corbett. His priaaipal traUar is Jack O'Hrtaa af Philadelphia. He t*k, a daily ride of twalvs unit, sa herse hack. Fairy Davis’Psla-K U*r.- Its valu able properties ss a ,asesy curt for pia oaaaot fail to be generally ap preciated, end tto fatuity should b vnthout It la cats of aooideut, or sud- den attack of dysentery, dtarrhose or ahelora taorbui. 9!4 sverywher*. Avoid anbstitu es —(Bure ia but oae Pain Killer, Ferry Dsvis’. Frice 355. 50a. UNION NO ’ ICK Ail lasmbers f Uaies No 5334 ara arg.atly requsstsd to attend lbs in s t >g ioaigkl at Ltbsr Ha 1 at 7 o’ttiosk. Vikcient Joxas, Free. Gao. P. Jaqcss, Secy. MALARIA IB COMMON THESE DAT 4. Malaria favsr appears to ba very P'sralsnt these days :1 over the Seutb. This means an ep Jsntic af Is grippe la the wirter and spring, n a less steps are taken to conquer tbe msisria! ssrd. VVs ca!i attsntion to the adverFsetneat af Johnson’. Obill and Fever Time, a med oins vrut,b i mads In tds Souib by a man who un derstand, tas disease and condition,; who yaarißifle. a our., or ba. your ci -noj refunded. TIE IRDIANA CAMPAIGN. Columbus, led , Aug, 29 —Cougrasa man Lentz opened the campaign in this •lata today by addressing a mass meet ing hare. A large number of ealhusi a.ts were aa head aad the event will wind ip la a grand torchlight demon stration tonight. Tbs greatest ski a speoislist ia Ameriaa nriginatha (ha formula far Banatr Halva. Fotall skiu diseases, all cuts or ears., aad fur pile*, it’s the mart basing oi-die it,. W, J. Batts The laaat grades af aad teas, ta ba faaad at DeV^e'e. CASTOR IA for Infants and Children. Tbi Kind You Have Always Bought 4VANTED: -Gentle boree for family nee. Apply to J. w, VTa-k'n*. THE BRUNSWICK TIMES-CALL AUGUST 30. .900 i n in Mr. J. P. Bray to Examine City Records, The Work Will be Pushed as Rapidly as Possible. Sir. J. F. Biay, an expert aaosunt aut from tbe Usited States Casualty and Fidelity Ct,, of Bsll.imora 1 reach ed the city yeuterday, for tbs purpose of examining the books of Treasurer Harvey, and the work has already started. There is no telling haw long it will Mr. Bray to fiuish the work, but it w 11 be pushed as rapidly as possible, K you have baby iu tho house, you will wish to Auuw tan heal way to ohec-k ay unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrbma so com mon to children. O. P. M. Holliday, of Demlng, ltd., who has at eleven mouths- old child, says: -Through the months of June and July our baby was teething an l look a running of the bowels and sickness af the stomach. His bow ols would move from Ove to eight times a day 1 hud a bottle of Chamborlalu's Colic, Cholera aud Uiarrhcea Remedy In the house, aud gave him four drops In a teaspuonful sf wa ei and he got better at once." For sale by Dr. Bishop's dreg store. ON A JEWISH HOLJDAT. A rather peculiar olrcumetanoe con earning the slate election this year Is that it fells on a Jewish holiday, and in consequence the Jewish vote will be rather light. ' October 3 Is tbe Jewish day of atonement,’’ said a prominent Jew. ish citizen. “It is a general holiday with us, and nearly all the Jews will stay at home that day. Very few will go out to vote.” The Jews are very devout in their religious views and acts, and very few of them will vote this fall in the state election The Dread of people with weak lungs wlie suffsr with stubborn coughs is consumption. Foley’s Hoaey and Tar, t taken in timt, cures the cold , heals the luugs and always ours, incipient Consumption. W. J. Butts. It oosts only ens dollar te Savannah and return via Ssuthera Kailway every Sunday. OA9TOXIX*.. Bears the Tha Kind Yen Hr* Always tag!* ““T (Zs-Atftktu The quicker you 8 top that cough the lew danger thero will be of la‘.ai lung .troublo. Cn On© Minute Cough Cura is th# only harm lea# remedy tbit give# immedint# result? Tou wii! like it. W. ,T. Butts. Fortify the body to resist malarisl germs by puttiug tbe system in perfect order. Piiioki.y A sic Emeus is a won derful system regulator. W. J. Butts- OJkSTORXA. Sears tke i M Km* You Ka Always Baigit J. W, Watkins will loan you money on personal prop erty and real estate. FOB SALE -Two fiaa milch cows Apply 412 B street. Cotton Marxet. New Ysrk, Aur. 29.—August 9.11, October 8.52, December 40, Jonusry 41. , ALWAYS KEEP ON HAND 1 I’PdinKrtlevi ■ Thera Is no kind of pain* or ache, Internal or exter-' nal, that Pain-Killer .will( * not relieve. < (LOOK OUT FOR IMITATIONS ANO SUB STITUTES THE GENUINE BOTTLE .BEARS THE NAME, < I PERRY DAVIS & SON. , TRY IT troubles and 9 weakness, and -.■* or painful uien ought not! doc tors cannot | sicians ara so diseases th a t * R rnents and the delicate organism of woman. _ What the sufferer ought to do k to give a fair trial to BUZMOrfiEUS’S FessssJ& iß®ssiifator which is tha true cure provided by Nature for all female troubles. It is the formula of a physician of the highest standing, who devoted his whole life to the study of the dis tinct ailments peculiar to our moth ers. wives and daughters. It is made of soothing, healing, strengthening herbs and vegetables, which have been provided by a kindly Nature to cure irregularity in the menses, Leu corrhoea. Falling of the Womb, Nerv ousness, Headache and Backache. In fairness to herse.lf and to Brad* field’s Female Regulator, every suffering woman ought to give it a trial. A large $i bottle will do a wonderful amount of good. Sold by druggists. 4 A Sun, f, X IHwlrateS free t,,k o. t!. sul-Jcc,. The Bradfleld Regulator Cos., Atlanta, Ga. Breakfast Foods for Hoi Weailier. Breakfast is th* most im portant of tha day t many business man, Tbe day starts with it, and if thiugs go wrong at btsak fsst they *ra apt to ge wrong all day. Buy your breakfast foods br. and you wll bo sura of a good me.l and * good temper. I have Cream of Wheat, Wheat Farina, Wheatina, P e 1.1 i] o h n’s Breakfast Food. THOMAS KEANY, FANCY GROCER. 312 Newcastle Street. Southern Railway Cos. J Olfica 'd' Genei al Agent, Brunswick, Ga. SCHEDULES. For Savannah, Washington and Nev; York. I.v Brunawick .. (HO am 905 pm Ax- Savannah . .10 io an ] 50 am Ar Washington 7 55 am s 50 pm Ar New York 20 V pm (i 2* am For Jacksonville. Lv Brunswick 500 am ?, *5 pm jOS pin A r Jack sen yille.. 925 am 740 pin IHo sn For Macon. Atlanta, Louisville and Cincinnati Lv Brunswick ;40 am 9 oJpm Ax* Macon ... .115 pm 50j am Ar Atlanta. . . 359 pta *2l am At-Louisville. 7 50 am 7 to piu Ar Cincinnati ....7 4." am 7 40 pm From New York, Washington and Savannah, hr Not York X pm 12 !o am Lv Washington.. 955 pm Jl 15 am Lv Savannah ... JA 020 am iOO pm Aritrunawlck <5 25 pm stlani gg* pin From Jacksonville. Lv .Tack son villa 1 85 pm Ar Brunswick 25 pra from Cincinnati, Louisville, Atlanta aad Mason. Lv Cincinnati S SO am 8 04p>a Lv Louisville . 74i aaa 74* pin Lv Atlanta 10 45 pm lSttfpiu l.v Macon ... 1 00 am it no pm Ar limns*ink 710 am 6pm ! j 1 Those ’Blit&pjl > *Wh; don't 700 Ul t hen* Daisy Fly Rind Knrt<* tnd kffla fUES to 7i ' -Hu million. * —*, -'* nma re. 15 Cents!; Russell’s Chill and Feyer Tonic is acknowledged to be the Best on the market, every bottle guaranteed. For sale by all druggists SHERIFF SALES. GKnKGtA,Gl}#u countv— Will be koul before tho courthone# door of •nid county, ou tho ffr#t Tueiday in September next, within the lugal hour# of ##le, tho f< llow tug described i roportf, to-wit: All that cer tain tract or parcel of land lying and being m the illy ol ]Srunwlck, couniy of ttlynn, and • lato of Georgia, and described aeoording io the iuai> and said plan of *aul city lmtdo by George K. Raidwtu, a . I>. IS.H7, •* follow#, to-\vlt: The northw *#t oue*f.>ui'tn of Old Towu loi No. *b\ coutuiuiug 4f by UU feel, and bounded a# fol low#; Ou the uo’rth, UU foot, by a portion of Old Tow a lot No. .*#47; on tho east, 4.’> fact, by a p i ktou if Old T#wn lot N>. fKS; on lha south yj feel, by a poriiou of #*id Old Town lot No. 545, aud uu t# wel, 4 * fe#t. by Amherst #vrct i •rlmi upou 9 tha pro; erty of the defendant. Char los .4ornfc uuder and by Tiriue of an ex cation is#usd fitiui the Superior court of aid co’.uty, in fi*VA-r ef the Atlantic luvestmeut Compaay and agai##i (he said Charle# Morris, iu (lie priaciusl t-*ui of s7tK4o, iieaidaeiutercNt sud cost#. sSotice of levy given tenant ia poa sonssob, us requtrovl by law. Also, at the asms time and pUco, tlint ce- tain tract or parcel of land, situate, lying and being lu Glynn coun y, Georgia, in the city t f Htun \vi#k therein, in ihe sutheiu portion of said city, in that tract of land known na thoThirty tliiee acre naol, aud known, dtalgnated aa i dccribetl ou nl lu the map .nnd plan of said Thirty*tUree at-re tract, a# made by K. A Pen niiuau. city surveyor, which map i# recorded in book k hi, folio li'Fi, of tha gi'iieral reoerds of said county, reference to which 1# had for all purpose#, as the uoriharn one half of lot uum - bar four (4). Levied on nnd sold a# tho property of John Vi. Lang, under and by virtue of an exe cution issued from Glynn Superior court iu fn vor of Hurry Tuttuall aud auuiuut John l). Lang, for SIOOcU piiuolpel, cost and inletost. W. U. BhßUlK,Sheriff Also, at the same time aud pUce, the north eastern oue-fouitb of Towu commons loLnum bor *cvoiuY-uim* (70;, between Amherst Street aud Cochran avutKiu. L*vitid ou and sold a* the property of Rachael Harmon, uuder und by virtue o' au execution is#ued from the Superior court of Glyun jouuty aud against Uachucl ilarmou. kiassie, i'atnuk and Johu (J. Moore, aud iu favor of A. I>. Gaudier, Governor, for $l5O priucipal and $iU.2.7 cost. W. 11, HE KillE, Shoriff. Also at the gams time and pluco the following described p operty to-wit: That curtain two lots or parcels of land, situate lying and beiug iu th* citf of Uruuswick, Georgia, known aud described ou Simmou#’ map of paid city hs IH'vVilie lots numbers ouo (1; and two (2) "oast of Gordon, between London aud Prince streets. Levied on a# ill# properly of thu osutlo of L. C. P. JJart, under and by virtue of au execution issued by li. J. Head, tax col lector, for state and county taxes duo for the year IK'*U. Amouut of tax sl,3# with iutret and all costs. l evy made aud retnraed to me by 11.S. Pyles, deputy sheriff Also at the same time aud place, the following described property, to-wit; That certain lot oi parcel or land, situate lying and being iu the city of Hruuawick, Glynn county Georgia, kuown and designated on the map of tho city Hruunwiok. mad# by George it. Hald wln. A. I). I V H7, as the southeastern one-half of Old Town lot number 2f>4. Levied on as the property of W. F. Pennimau under and by vir tue of an execution issued by H, J. Rend, lax collector for state and county taxes duo for the year lsyy. Amount of tax $32.44 with interest and all costs. lAvy made und returned to me by It. 14. Pyles, deputy shore!!’ Also at rtie eame time aud place, th# following described property to-wit; That certain lot, tract or parcel of land situate lying and being in the city Brunswick and known and design© od on the mop of said city, made by George It. Ifald win, A. I>. 1887, hs the eastern one-naif of old Town lot number 40©. Levied on hs thop op eriy of John 11. Huggs under and by virtue of an execution Issued by 11. J. U*ad, tx collec tor. for aisle aud county taxes duo for the year IKU9. Amount of ax SIU..IM with interest and all cols. Levy made and returned to me by K. S. Pyle, deputy sheriff. Also at Ihe saint time and n’ace, the follow ing described property, ut-wt!: Tho Paso hold inte.-e-t in anti to the n rthwostoru one-fourth "f town uenimon lot number 127, between Lee and Stonewall irt.ets, in the ity of Jiiuns wiek, Georgia, as per Si mm ms map. levied on as the propei ty of Ja cr Adams and by vir tue of an execution issued l.y H, .1. Read, t*x collector,for gtato and county taxes due for tha v ear ism*. .Amount of tax s2.B>i with inter est and all ost. I.vy made snd returned to me by R. S. f'ylas, deputy sheriff. Also also at the saute and place, tha follow ing described pronerty to-wit: The la,via hold in'.arast ir. etui to lha northern one-lialf of Towns Common lot number 105, between Gordon nnd )ohnaton s reels, in the city of Brunswick, Georgia, at |>er Simmons map. Levied *n as the property of Wm. under aal by virtue of au execution Issued Gy U.. 1. Read, tax collector, for taxes due for tho year 1 MW. Amount of tax $3.25 with interest sail all eo*te. L*?ey aiada leiunted to me by K. f. I*ylas, deputy sheriff. w. h. HEitnr*, Hheriff Glyun County, Georgia. SERVICE BY PUBLICATION. •Stale of Georgia—Ceunty of Glynn. Mrs. Kiln Markham I Libel fordivorce; in the Superior court of Glynn va. | county. May uriii, i9M>, Orlsr to perfect toi vice Martin It. Maikhaia j granted at r- aid term. To the Defendant, Martin B. Markham. Y u are hereby required, in person or by at torney. to be and appear, at the Dm.-cmber Term, 1900, of Glynn Superior c urt, to be hoM n in andlior said county, at. the court h<use,in Brunswick. Glynn count >, Georgia, on theilral Monday In December, 1900, and you will 10 there by ten to; o dork, of the forenoon of said day. then and there to answer the complaint of tne plaintiff Mr*. Kile Markham, in ttie above stated uatto, in her libel for divorce. Wltoeaa the Honorable Joseph W. Ilennot, Judge of the superior court of Glynn county, this the 24tli day of August, 1900, A. U. TOWNSEND, Deputy Clerk of the Superior Coart. GDnn (fouaty, Georgia. KILN HIST DART, Attorney for fbaiutiff. 81KVJCK BT PUBLICATION. Stale of Giorgio—County of Glynn, lira. lAix.ts Long | i te for divorce; In the Superior court of Glynn vb. county. Met term, ‘WOO. Order to perfect service, Thomas A. Long. 1 grained at aaul term. To the Defendant. Thomas A. Long. You are hereby required, In person -1 by at t*rnev. to 1* aal appear, At the December terai, 19u0.0f tiie Glyan Superior coart, to be bohlen in aad for said county, at the court b uar tn Brunswick, Glyna couufev, Georgia, on tke flrat Monday lit I lecembcr, Jjri), nn and you will be tke: elf ten 10) o’clock of the forenoon ef satd day, then aad there L answer the coin plsint of tke plaiatiflT. Mrs. Llaale D>u iu the above abated case. in her libel for divorce. n lUiOfci the Heaorsble Joseph W Ben not, Judge ef the .^aparlor court of Glynn county, this ike 24th day ef August, Ilf*}. A. O. TuWMSfSND, Deputy Clark of the Superior Court, Glyan County. Georgia. EBSKSI DART, Attoruey far lMaintiff. Servio# By Pablicstion. STATR OF GBoItGI A--(Jounty of Glynn. John Rogers, i In GR nn Superior Court, May v*. 'Term, i • Susie Rogers. ) LIHBL Full DIVORCE. To the Defeudaat, Susie Roger a. You are hereby nueandod to be and apt<aar at the Decern tier Term, next, of Glynn Superior Court, to be holdeu at the c>un house ia it-uiiHWick. Glynn County, Georgia, on the Fiist Monday m December, 1900, and by Ten (I<>) o’clock of the forenoon of said datn, then in and the 1 e to answer the eomplalnt of the plaio tih in the above uiated caae in his IJnel for Divorce. 'Vltnoae the Honorable Joeepli W. Beanett, Judge of the Sup rior Court of Glynn County, thin ihe loth day of July. 1900. 11. K. duBIGNON. Clerk Superior Court, G lynu ounty, Ga. ADMIMSTBATOB’4 NOTICE. GLOKGI A—Glynn County. Notice ia hereby given to all credltora ol theoHtat lof John Mahoney, late of Hillehor ough county, Florida, and formerly of Brunswick, Given oounty, Georgia, toren dor an account of their demands to me within the tune preecribed by law. properly made out. And all peraong indebted to said deceased aie Ih i eby ft quetded to ntak* iu.mediaio paymanl !-• the niiderfttgced. Thi A uviiat *2/. 1900. TV I GLIA Id M A ItONET, ‘ Adumivu atur of Jtilm Mahoney. Administrators Notice, GEORGIA— GIynn County. Notice i# hereby given that tho undorHigncd has applied to the ordinary of said county for leave to >©ll lnml belonging to the estate of A mania Hugh# aud for Hit; payment of debts of said eatato. flaid application will be hoard at the regular term of the court of ordinary for said county to he hold ou tha first Monday in September, iueu. This the tith day of August, lUOU. .1. It. KNI all, Adasiuistrator Estate of Amanda Hughs. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. GEORGIA—GIynn Comity. Will be <dd m axbi county on ihe flint Tues day lu September, iUi 0, het© oen ttio hour# of 10 e'alock a. m. aud 4 o’clock p. n., at public out cry, before itin court h *u#o door Grunt Street aid©), of said county, to the k ghem btddor for ea*h, certain portional property of the (Mtate of Mar.ou Koblnsoii. decoaHud, eou#i#ting t wear ing apparel, ti unk#, h ok#, one zither, two pair epera glat-aes and one liald ala#a aud other per sonal effect#. Said sale will ba continued from day to day until completed. Sale mu io iu pur suance of an order of the court of ordinary granted August , 1900. Thu August 9, lyuu. EDWIN HROHS'iON, Adrnr. Estate of Manou Robinson. PROCLAMATION.—SIate of Georgia. Ex ecutive Office, Atlanta.—Submitting constitu tional amendment regarding pension# fur the widows of confederate soldier# to a vole of the people a ttlic next gouoral election. Wlioroaa, thu geuci al a*HCinldy of IS9M passed by a constitutional majority the* following act towit: ‘•An act to amend section 1, artlclo TANARUS, para graph 1. of tin. constitution or Georgia, no aa to extend tho provision# of said section, article aud paragraph u tho widow# of confederate soldiers, who, b* rmieonofuge and poverty, or infirmity and p .\ur jr. or bltndnoM) and pover t-y, arw uuablu to piovlde a living for them •elves, and for other purposes." j Sou. l. l*u It enacted by thu general atwem -1 bly of Georgia, nnd it D hereby enacted by au- I •borlty of tti* same, that socii.m l, nrtlole 7, j paragraph 1, of thcooustit’ tiuti *f Georgia, b*i aud th* same is hereby a nomlcd bv inserting alto! tbo word “#ci vioo” ia th* 13r.h lino, the following words: “or who, by rcs.o*i of age aud poverty,or iuflrmiiy ami poven- ncnlind lies# snd poverty, aio unaldo io o.t n u living for iliouuulve so that gal l scot ou vhon so uiuuu led, wl l r*ad as fallows, t.*wlt; “To sup pi; thu soldiers who lost a limb, or llm’ # in the military aorvlca of the confederate ctan a, with suhstautlal artificial Liuhs during !iro; and to mako suitable pro\ islon* tr -u h confederate soldiers as may have been . th rwiso dbabled or pcrtnanontly injured in stu-h *: icc, or who may, by iesi/u of sg and poverty,or infirmity and poverty, i>r olind.icss aud poverty, art un abls to pr./vidu a living fur th-mswlvcH, aud for thu widow . of uch btvedied iu ih-. service <>f *!;• jou'oderaU #t#to% or siuou, fio:a wounus received therein, or discas* contracted iu the sorvioc, or who by rerson of aud poverty, or iufirmlty aaa poverty, or bilnunete and poverty, are unable to provide a living fur tliaiusulvus; provided that the aot shall only apply to such widows a? wer# married at the time of such service, and bav remained unmarried since the death of sucli soldier huidaud.’' 2. Its it further enacted, that, if this amendment shall ho agreed to by two-thirds of the general uHsumlly, of aacli house, the same shall le surer* and on tucirJournals with the vaaa nav# taken thereon, and the governor aha! oaima the amendment to be published In one or r h ® 110w *PI** r- in *-#ch congrsssional district f>ii two m-.iiths limuedintely pjucedinv the next general election, ami the #anTe shall he submitted to the people at the next genera’ ♦iloctl n, and the voters thereat shall hav* writ ten or printed on their ticket#, “For ratifica tion of section 1, article 7, paragraph i of the constitution of this state,” or “Agan-st ratifica tion of section 1, article 7. paragraph 1, of the constitution of this state,” a* they ma* choose , and if a majority of the electors qualifled to vote for mein her# of tha next general assembly, voting, shall voto iu favor of ratification, then *#id amendment *hail become u part of .’-aid ar ticle 7. noctioa J, paragraph I, of tho constitu tion of till# etat*, and the governor shall make proclamation thereof. i l * r ri K '!’ i;i conflicting law?. Approved December 21, J 899. Now, therefore, I. Alim J>. ('amllcr, governor n.. S i ,rf * uo my proclamation •lOreby declaring that the fo cg*ung proposed amendsieni of liio constitution is hereby sub mitted, for ratification or rejection, to the voters of till# atate, at thu gunural elec Lion to be bol lon ednesday, October 3,1900, a provided * Ct * ALLEN 1. CANDLER, liy tli#Governor Govtauor, J.W.WAURKN, Seorstary Executive Dopartment. SERVICE MY PUBLICATION. Vlis. Cl>da Freeman, Libel for Divorce. Re turnable to December ▼s- Term, 1900, of .Superior _ _ Court af Glynn coun (). J. rreeman, ty, Georgia. I o the said defendant, O. J. Fi ceman: You are hereby required* penonally or by attorney, to he and appear at the next term of the Superior Con it of said count*, eon veiling oh the first Monday in December, 1900,than ami there to answer in* plaintiff. Clyde Freeman, ui>oa th merits of her petition for divorce Iliad agalnvi you; as in default of sucli appearauc* l ihe Court will proceed as to juaiice shall apper tain. Witne*H the lion. Joseph W. Kennel. •I udgu of said Superior Court, th # 22d day of August, IWW. A. O. TOWNSEND, Deputy ( Work Superior Court. Glyun Cos., (4# D. w. KKaUS>, ritirv A tty. • KOIUII A -<LTVN’ CoUJtTF. To w bom it may eunrcni: John J. Spcara haft applied f #r pcrmemjnt letttir.s of adniiniiira tlon upon the t state of John Campbell, of ahl <-.oiiuty, deceased, ml said mailer will be heard at the .Septornbm-term, 1!J0, of the courtofor 'linary of said count v. objections, if anv, bo lllfd on or before Monday, September 1, J - 6. August tf, 19(M. lIOKACK DART, Ordinary Glynn County, a. sT.'-TE OF G EOUOIA—GIynn Countv. The Federal Tranfiport and | Iu IhjiiUy in the lnstn-ft *-c Cos. # et. ab, j Sifporior Court of vh. of Maid,county Tlic Ailautb-Cotton Cos., ; Suit to enforeo et. al. | paymontwto oapi* ) t ti 1 Aleck. The defendantu, J. 11. Ernst, Carlo Erast, C. Schumacher A Cos., a copartnership A. Nor den A Cos., a'-opaitnerehip, H. VV. <). Edge. William U. VUhoii and J.B. Thomas,aro hereby notlfled and required to be and appear 111 person or by attorney at the next December, 1900, term of the Superior Court of aald county, to be held in the court, honso of said county, at Brunswick, < the first ia December, next, eud by 10 o’clock, a. iu., of said day, then and thereto answer the plaintiff* in thl.aaciion.aa in deTault thereof the Court will proceed as to justice may appertain * Hues* the Ifou Jo*. W Ban. net. Judge of said Court. This 27th day of July. lifcKi. 11. F. imiBTGNON, Clerk Superior Court, Glynn Cos., Ga. we— ——■■■■ 'wwv CITATION. Georgia—Glynn County. To a l l whom it may concern: R. It. ffopkins having In pro|W)r form, applied for permanent adiMinletraiion 011 tb< a estate of i. D. Jones, lute of said county, this is ta to oite all and singular the creditors and neat of km of J. D. J .uvs to 119 and appeetrat my office wilhia the time allowed by law, and show cause,if any, they oaa. why permanent a<l* miuisiration should riot kc gi sated to It. U. Hopkins ou J. D. Jones’ estate. WitanaH my hand mm ! official signature this 6th da/ of Auguat, lgou, Horace dart, ordinary. bKKVICK IIY PUBLICATION. rotate of Georgia—County of Glynn. Mrs. JCdiia Wylie J Libel far divorce; in t*e Superior court of Glynu vb. county. May term, 1909, order to perfect aeryloe. Jamea Wylfe. I granted at said term. To the Defendant, Jamea Wylie. You are hereby required, in person or by at torney, to bo and appear at the Decern tot term, 1900, of Glynn Superior court, to be hold an in and for said -onnty, at the c >urt liouv, in Brunswick, Glynn county. Gaorgia. on the Irat Monday in December, 1900. aad yeu will be there by tea (10) o’clock of Lh forenoon of said day, then and there to answer tho com* plaint of the plaintiff, Mrs. Edna Wylie, in the above atated caae, in her libel fer divorce. Witness the Houoiable Joseph W. Rennet, Judge of the .Superior cohrt of Glynn county, this the 14th day of August, 1900. A. O. TOWNSEND Deputy Clerk of the Superior Court. Glyaa County. Georgia. KRNEVf DART. Att ri cy for P.asntiff. 3